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by Dragon
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1751673
Josh has set up the best Christmas party ever but an unwanted guest arrives. My 2nd story.
It is Christmas eve and Josh had everything set. The lights were up and and the tree was set. All that was left was for the guests to arrive. As they entered, one by one, Josh kept a weather eye for Britney. He then spotted her walking in. She saw Josh and found her way to him through the crowed of creatures. She gave him a hello hug and both walked towards the Christmas tree. It has been about 5 months since she learned of Josh's powers and she has grown use to them. Especially since he saved her life. They sat together listening to music when Charilizard came up to them with a Blazichicken by his side. "Yo!! What's up, Josh?" he said with lots of excitement in his voice. "I want you to meet a lovely lady that I met 3 months ago. This is Blazichicken. Blazichicken, meet my soul boy Josh. I am sure you have heard of him. And that is his girlfriend, Britney." "Hey." said Josh. "She's not my girlfriend. We are just really good friends." Blazichicken laughed "Oh, I know. I remember when you saved my village a year ago." "Oh yea." said Josh. "That was one of my first missions. Back when Jack and Lucasio were still around..." They all fell silent at the end of that sentence. Jack was Josh's old master way back when. Jack's soul creature, Lucasio, trained Josh more once Jack was killed by Darkray. Lucasio was also killed by Darkray about 5 months ago. Sleepking, a very lazy creature but powerful and part of the commity, wandered over to the group with a silly grin right on his face. He resembled a huge ape with really fury shoulders and a small crown on his head. "Hey man! This party is awesome!" he said looking around wildly. He saw there faces and looked at them curiously. "Why are you all sad? It's Christmas eve! Hang out with your friends, get some laughs and have some fun!" with that said, Sleepking walked over to a bunch of Vigorsloths, one of his pre-creature forms, and started up a new conversation. "He's right." said Charilizard. "Lets have some fun! Come on, Blazichicken. I will show you how to dance the Charilzard way!" with that said, he whisked her off to the dance floor and they danced like the party won't stop. That ment Josh and Britney were left alone once more that night. "Well now, what do you want to do, Britney? Dance or chat?" Before she could anwser, though, the lights went out and the music stopped. Everyone was stunned and stopped talking. "Now what do we have here?" said a voice so dark that darkness itself seemed like the sun. The lights came back on and there stood the dark figure anyone could reconize. Darkray looked around the room that used to be full of joy and happieness. "Well, don't all of you look happy to see me." he said and laughed his evil laugh. "My, my Josh. This party looks like fun. Too bad I hate fun." he slowly floated towards where Josh and Britney stood. "Long time no see, Josh. And you, Britney. My how beautiful you look." "What do you want Darkray?" said Josh who was on his guard. "Oh, nothing really. Just feel like doing this!" Darkray surrounded himself in a veil of darkness and shot it all around him. Creatures were pushed back against the wall and many got knocked out. Josh recovered quickly and looked around wildly for Darkray. But to his surprise, he was gone. "At least no one got seriously hurt." he said. But as he looked around, he saw what Darkray ment to do. Tables were overturned and the lights were destroyed. The Christmas tree ornaments were broken and the tree itself was on fire. Josh fell on his knees in disbelief. Britney and Charilizard both went up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "It could be worse, Josh." Charilizard said. "Yea. I know." he replied. He got up and walked outside. He used his darkness tracker to see which way Darkray went. Dark things always leave traces. He knew the plan the moment Darkray destroyed everything. He will go to Darkray's base and kill him. This was the final straw. Josh transformed into a Murkycrow, creatures dark as night and are messangers for Darkray, and flew off following the trail of darkness Darkray left behind. But something was following him. Something that wore a crown on it's head.

Darkray's new base seemed better than the others. His bases ussually were Old castels or retired army bases. But this time, it seemed to be some sort of glass dome. Josh ventured into the dome as a Jeweleye, a creature well trusted by Darkray, and was inside in no time. He made his way to the center of the dome and saw Darkray in a room with 2 other people he couldn't make out. He had to get closer. He turned into a Spiderrack, a spider like creature also trusted by Darkray, and climbed to the top of the hall and climbed into a vent that led into the room. When he was above the room, he squezed through the grate and landed on top of a beam right above Darkray's head. He turned back into his regular self and listened into the conversation that was going on at the bottom of the room. "So it's official, then." said a voice Josh knew as Darkray. "We will hunt him down by narrowing down the places he can go. Davy Jones will cover the seas." gesturing to a man who looked human but had a crab claw on his right arm. "and we have Balor in the regular world." he pointed to a man Josh could reconize from before. Balor was a very powerful magician that could even bend time with his bare hands. "Then I, of course, have the creature world where he is most often. Any questions?" Davy Jones had a question of most interest. "And what do we do if we catch this person that you are after?" "Why that is simple." Darkray responded. "Bring him staight to me. Anyone else that you find or get in your way, kill them. Unless it's that Britney girl Josh is in love with. Bring her to me as well. She could be very useful. Especially when she gets her powers back." Everyone seemed to agree to these terms and Davy Jones seemed please with the fact he can kill anyone in his way. Josh couldn't believe what he was hearing. Especially when Darkray mentioned Britney's powers that she doesn't even know she had. "Good. Now that that is settled, this meeting is ajourned." with that, they all got up and started to leave the room. Darkray was the only one left as the other 2 left to do his biding. As he got his papers together and was about to leave, Josh jumped from his perch and landed behind Darkray without barely making a sound. But there was enough sound to be heard by Darkray. He turned around with no shock on his face. "I have been expecting you, Joshua." he said with a pleased-to-see-you face. "If only you were here a couple of seconds ago. Then you could have met my new friend and an old friend of mine." Josh responded with a more confident voice that surprised Darkray. "I know who you have out to hunt me. What's the matter, Darkray? Not good enough to hunt me alone?" Darkray's face twisted into anger when he said that. "There is no where left for you to hide, boy!" Darkray pulled out his Sword of Darkness, ready to duel to the death. "You know why I am here, don't you Darkray?" Josh said as he pulled out his own Sword of Light. "Why yes, I do." he responded. "You wish to take revenge on me from ruining you 'sacred holiday' and you will duel me to the death as before." "You couldn't be any more right." And Josh lunged at Darkray and the battle began. They clashed and slashed at each other in hopes of killing one another. They got in a sword lock and Darkray sneered. "Thats it Joshua. Use your anger to strike down your enemy. Use hate over love. Give in to the side of darkness!" "Not in this lifetime, Darkray!" Josh pushed Darkray away and just slashed away. He kept Slashing until Darkray could no longer hold onto his sword. It flew out of his hands and he was knocked to the ground. He looked up to see the Sword of Light at his neck ready to pierce the dark flesh. Someone lurking in the shadows saw the whole battle commence and was excited to see Darkray about to be killed. Come on Josh, Sleepking thought in his head, Just slit his neck and end this war. Darkray looked up in horror. "What do you plan on doing with me?" he asked in a quivering voice. "Do you plan on killing me?" "No." responded Josh. "I don't plan on killing you." What, thought Sleepking. Why isn't he going to end the war?!? "I am not going to kill you. It is Chritmas eve after all. Get out of here and return to your army. And don't show your face until next year." Darkray, who was utterly surprised at this act of mercy, quickly got up and retrieved his sword. He then dissapeared into darkness, never showing his face again that year. "How could you?!?" stammered a bewildered Sleepking. "You could have ended this war!!! And you just spare him?!?" "It was the right thing to do." said Josh in a calm voice. "No one deserves to die on Christmas eve. Not even him." Sleepking just stared at him. "I am going to have to tell the council about this." he said with a very seriouse tone. "They aren't going to like this one bit I'll have you know. They're going to kick you out of the commity and who knows what else." "I will take responsibility for my actions." said Josh in his same tone. "Besides, that's probably the worst they could do." with that he transformed into a Dragonknite and flew off back to the base carrying Sleepking with him. Little did he know the shocks waiting for him back at the base.
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