Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1751396-Under-The-Big-Tree
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #1751396
The love between two friends
Under The Big Tree

The blue sky looks beautiful. The sun shines just right and its rays is as white as heaven. I waits for my friend under the big fully grow tree. I knows he is coming. He told me a couples of days ago to meet him here.
He is the love of my life. We has been friends since the eight grade. We uses to sit under this tree when it was first just growing. Now I adjust to lying underneath this tree. When we was in last period on Friday he held my hand and told me to meet him here.
He looks worry but since he told me in two days, I didn't think nothing of it. The shadow cover the bottom of the oak tree. I toss the leaves over a patch. I been waiting for an hour.
I sits up and looks around. Maybe he late or maybe he has forgotten. I reach for my bag and pulls out my cellphone. All of a sudden it rings. I said, “Hello.”
“Alice I need you to come home, I has to rush out and you needs to babysit your litter brother.”
“Mom, I'm busy.”
“Alice it's important.”
She hangs up the phone. As I starts to gather my things. Barney comes in view. He was a little far away but I notice his walk. So I lay down and stares at the sky.
The leaves dangles on the branches of the tree. The grass is thick and I digs my fingers in the grass.
“Alice I'm sorry for being late but my mom was on my back and I couldn't gets away quick.”
“Barney my mom just call and told me I have to babysit my little brother. What's we going to do?”
“Go, your mom needs you.”
Alice kisses him on the lips and skips away. She turns and waves to him. He sit under the tree and pulls his knees to his chest. He wants to tells her I'm leaving home. He can't take his mother nagging anymore.
He grabs his cellphone out of his pocket and speed dials Alice number. Once he gets her on the phone, he pulls at the grass and tells her his plans. She tries to convince him not to go but he tells her he's going anyway. She convinces him to stay until tomorrow. She'll met him at the tree and they talks about it.
He gets up and walks slowly home. His mother asks him how is his day. He tells her okay and goes to his room. He throws a pillow up in the air and thinks of all the places he could go to tomorrow. He fells asleep.
The next day he meets Alice at the tree. They kisses and hugs. Then Barney show her two tickets to Vermont and the cash he saves. They goes to the train station and gets on the train and leaves their lives behind,
© Copyright 2011 Tweety Byrd (darnell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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