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The continued attempt at explaining vore and it's appeal. |
Alright, so this is the part you’ve been waiting for, where I explain why the hell people are into all this stuff. To do that, I’m going to share one of my big theories about vore: the two things that say the most about anyone who enjoys this fetish are which mentality they identify with (pred, prey, or observer), and whether they prefer willing or unwilling vore. Since I already elaborated on willing and unwilling a while back, I'm going to start with the pred/prey/observer difference. Preds like to put themselves in the place of the predator, and are attracted to the thought of swallowing or devouring another creature. Preys like to imagine themselves being eaten or devoured. Observers feel no kinship to either pred or prey, and instead are attracted more to watching or reading about the act itself. While it is not uncommon for someone to have shades of other mentalities (especially between pred and prey), for the most part vorarephiles strongly prefer one or the other, and this has to do with the personality required to get the most out of the roll. For prey, the core appeal is a desire to be desired, to feel that they are valuable to someone or something else. This is a human instinct so powerful and so universal that those who don’t possess it are shunned and labeled as sociopaths. (Though I doubt they mind very much.) That is what vore is all about, and why prey types usually prefer vore that is one-on-one rather than being part of a group. The common thread through almost every type of vore is that a predator wants to use someone to satiate their hunger. So they find something and through whatever method they prefer, be it force, seduction, or trickery, get the prey to do what they want. Now take “hunger” to mean sexual lust in that next-to-last sentence and you start to see why there are so many similarities between vore and rape fantasies. Like the quote from Ms. Lo up there states, the pred hunts down the prey and eats them because it’s hungry, and in doing so fulfills the prey’s fantasy because that is what it wants. It finds the prey desirable, and so it takes steps to make sure that prey falls into their clutches. It’s a physical form of seduction, and in both cases, the seducer tries to end up with their target’s body under their control. This is also another reason why so many vorarephiles are male, preferring female predators: men just don't get that feeling very often in real life, since they're always expected to be the seducers, not the seducees. Or let me put this another way. Imagine you were walking through the woods one day when a giant, scary creature pounces out of nowhere, pins you to the ground and…asks you for directions. Skipping past the denial, anger, bargaining, and depression stages you would probably go through in such an impossible situation, let’s move on to the acceptance part where you give the thing directions and it lets you go. It apologizes for being so forceful, but you were the first person it had seen in hours and it didn't want you running away and leaving it stuck there for God knows how long. Understandably shaken, you seek additional confirmation that it is not, in fact, going to messily devour you, which causes it to nearly double over laughing. In between fits of hysterics, it manages to explain to you that humans (or whatever species you are- I hate to assume) taste so horrible it would rather choke down a bag of horse manure. Of course, there would mostly be a sense of relief that you’re safe from consumption, but wouldn’t such a reaction bother you just a little bit? People like to think of themselves as special, as something to be pursued and appreciated. If on any level that perception is thrown off, it becomes incredibly insulting, even when logically someone should be happy to know they taste like crap instead of some delectable treat. Vorarephiles just take it in an opposite direction. Having something hunt them, pursue them, desire them, even if just for food, has an innate appeal to it. And transitioning that appeal into sex isn’t hard when there are so many connections between sensuality and pred/prey relationships. Dark Romance does a very good job of explaining this, so I’ll invite you to read it if you need further clarification on the subject. This is also why a large number of vore works feature sadistic overtones Because by sadistically tormenting its prey, the predator is still indirectly declaring that the prey’s life has value. Would the predator get as much pleasure tormenting a steak? Or something that’s alive, but so unaware it runs almost entirely on instinct, like an insect? Probably a little, but it isn’t nearly the same thing. The more intelligent something is, the more it can think about the future, and the more it can fear death. For a predator that enjoys the power it holds over someone, what kind of pleasure can you get from something that can’t scream, beg, or do anything but try and scurry away? What the predator enjoys is the fact that it can take the prey’s life at any time,and there’s no point in taking something that’s worthless. If nobody recognizes that you have value, then you don’t- it's the old “if a tree falls in a forest does it make a sound” line of reasoning. This is why so many kids will act out for no apparent reason and do things that get them in trouble, because human nature says any attention, even negative or destructive attention, is better than none at all. Vore, like macrophilia and BDSM, is all about power. In each case, one person finds it appealing to imagine giving up control, or having it taken from them, by something else. In BDSM that power is given and displayed via restraints and/or inflicting pain on the sub. Macrophiles have the control taken from them by something far bigger than they are, the giant’s size serving as a physical display of how much control they have over the smaller creature. In vore, a creature shows its power by taking another creature inside of it. The symbolism behind this is fairly easy to see. If you are inside another creature, it controls everything about you. Where it goes, you go. Anything it does, you have to come along for the ride. Oftentimes, the tight confines of the predator make it nearly impossible to move, and when you do, your captor can feel every twitch. You become shielded from the world, no longer seen and no longer able to see it. For as long as you are inside that creature, you no longer have any control over your life. Why do people want this? I think it has a lot to do with the responsibility/power dynamic, which is also explains why people tend to remember childhood so fondly. It was the time when, even though they had almost no power or control over their life, they didn’t have any responsibilities either. Life was simple- as long as your homework and chores were done, you had all day to play. As we get older and more independent, the amount of control we have over our lives increases, but so do the responsibilities. Every teenager dreams of getting their first vehicle and driver's license, but that involves learning how to drive, practicing for hours and hours, taking a test, saving up money for a car, going through the long process of picking one out and signing for it, keeping gas in it, making sure it stays clean, taking it in for repairs…and most people don’t care, because the freedom they get vastly outweighs the responsibilities on their shoulders. Still, there are always stories of the rich and powerful who groan under the burden of their duties, and yearn for a simpler life. In reality, power and control always come with responsibilities attached, and when those responsibilities are ignored, the power is lost. As long as you’re in a dragon’s stomach, are you going to be worrying about your bills back home? Are you going to be thinking about that big project that needs to be done, or the windows that need cleaning, or the lawn that needs mowing? It isn’t hard to see why some like the idea of being under the control of another, because by giving up control you give up responsibility. In the bedroom, that means you don’t have to worry about pleasuring your partner, as it becomes the partner’s responsibility to makes sure both of you are satisfied. Like I said before, being inside another creature means being shielded from the world. It’s basically just you and whatever swallowed you. It is the ultimate surrender of control, and the ultimate forfeit of responsibilities. Think about that feeling of waking up in the morning, looking at the clock, and seeing you don’t have to get up for another hour or two. For just a few blissful moments, you can lie there and go back to sleep, not worrying about facing the days troubles. Vore is similar, but involves being inside something else instead of being in a bed, which some people imagine is even more comfortable. It’s dark, warm, soft, and the sound of your captor’s heartbeat and breathing helps lull you to sleep. Not so hard to see the appeal now, is it? People who prefer to be preds are the opposite. The idea of having that control over another creature becomes appealing, and being able to direct the course of events is worth the responsibility. This is also the mentality of the "prey" in force-feeding scenarios, in addition to the irony inherent in that kind of role-reversal. I know I explained appeal of unwilling and willing a bit before, but I think with preds it becomes even more important, as preds who like willing prey and those who like unwilling have a very different mentality on how they use that control. Preds who hunt down unwilling prey relish the control because it makes them feel powerful. To them, there’s no point in being powerful if others don’t recognize it, and one of the best ways to do that is through killing. The one thing pretty much every society, religion, and well-intentioned person agrees on is that sentient life is a sacred thing not to be thrown away frivolously. Well, when you have a predator that kills people just to satisfy their lust and hunger, it shows that they are powerful to do so and get away with it, as well as being so superior to normal beings that they don’t care about the most sacred thing in any human culture. This is why pred-aligned people are far more likely to enjoy mass-vore scenarios, as they want the things they eat to feel worthless, horrified, and absolutely powerless. What better way to do that then to gather a group of them, and swallow them down one by one? Each person gets to see the fate that awaits them, but can’t escape it. By participating in mass vore, they are indirectly saying their desires outweigh the lives of multiple people, and then force those people to stare right into the face of their powerlessness without blinking. Powerful creatures flaunting their control over others is what drives a lot of unwilling vore, but willing vore is much different. I’m talking about truly, fully-in-control prey offering themselves as a meal, or at least giving into to their desire to be swallowed. I believe sacrifice and mind-control vore fits more into the above categories, even if they are technically "willing." Willing-aligned preds like control and power over other creatures as well, but in the same way most people like having control over a pet. Most people who have one want it to sit, fetch, and beg on command, but they also want it to love them. What point is having a dog that does everything you say but still hates you? (That’s what cats are for, though they’re a little fuzzy on the ‘do everything you say’ part.)The control exerted over prey is benevolent and meant to bring pleasure to both parties, instead of the pred enjoying themselves at the prey’s expense. The relationship may not be one between equals, but it is one of mutual affection and caring. This is the kind of vore most likely to play on endosomatophilia, as it highlights the paternal or maternal caring the pred has for their prey. While inside, the prey is curled up cozily inside of them, safe from the world, and the pred is willing to keep them there for as long as they like. Force-feeding and unaware vore both deserve a special mention, as they're the only types of vore where both the pred and prey can be unwilling. Force-feeding still has the power dynamic, though the observer is the one with all the power instead of the participants. Force-feeding has fairly heavy ties to sadomasochism, most notably the eroticization of guilt and humiliation. Especially in the scenarios where the predator is forced to eat another sentient being, the feeling of shame that comes from one's body killing another creature and not being able to do anything about it can be appealing either from the sadistic side (which enjoys inflicting the humiliation on the pred) or the masochistic side (which finds the complete lack of power appealing). Accidental vore is even more unique in that no party has any control over the situation. Usually limited to macro/micro stories and most likely to be enjoyed by prey or observer types, unaware vore's appeal stems from the previously mentioned appeal of having no control, as well as being so powerless compared to the predator that it can swallow you without even knowing about it. The final vore mentality is observer, and admittedly, I find the mindset harder to understand, so much so that I did not even include it when I first wrote this essay. But after one was kind enough to point out this vitally-important missing piece and explain some things to me, I feel confidant in sharing what I believe is the core appeal behind this mentality. Observers enjoy vore in the same way that most people enjoy horror movies. Watching it is incredibly thrilling, but they see absolutely no appeal in being in the situation on-screen. This is the main reason I didn't think about it about it on the first draft, as I usually find it difficult to get turned on by purely visual stimulation, relying on my imagination to imagine the tactile stimulation instead. If my theory is correct, the majority of observer vorarephiles are attracted to vore because it both scares and fascinates them. Many appear to be terrified of vore early in life, only to become aroused by it once they hit puberty. The sensations of fear and arousal become mixed, which isn't surprising when one considers how similar the physical responses are to both. Anyone who's had a crush probably knows what I'm talking about- when you see that special person, your heart starts pounding, you start getting butterflies in your stomach, it becomes hard to think...all of which are would also be appropriate for someone being confronted with their biggest fear. At some point, those who enjoy vore for this reaction simply had their wires crossed, or their brain dealt with the phobia by turning it around and making them attracted to it. Honestly, I think there are a large amount of non-sexual observer vorarephiles out there who either A) actively enjoy watching something eating something else or B) are morbidly fascinated and can't help but watch. For proof, you need to go no further than YouTube. Every once and awhile I'll hop online and look for videos of real-life vore, like people feeding their pet frogs/snakes/lizards live prey, or that video of a pelican swallowing a live pigeon that seemed to gain some notoriety for awhile. This is my guilty pleasure when it comes to vore, since it's the only thing that has any sort of real-world consequences, but, well, anyone who has ever had a guilty pleasure will tell you feeling guilty about it is part of the reason they find it so pleasurable. Anyways, one thing I couldn't help but notice was just how many of these videos there seems to be. In my time looking for them, I've had to have seen at least a couple dozen, some with views in the hundreds of thousands. Now, I don't know how many of those were unique instead of people watching it over and over again, but what do you think it says that people both put these videos online, and they get quite a bit of attention? It isn't just these videos either, I can remember an elementary science teacher of mine who fed her pet corn snake live mice, and most of the class would jump at the chance to watch. Even "normal" people are fascinated by this sort of thing, either sadistically or because of pure curiosity. Another reason I personally find vore appealing is because the concept of one creature eating another has incredibly powerful symbolic and metaphoric connotations. I said earlier that vore can be viewed as the ultimate form of physical intimacy, intimacy being the sharing of oneself with another person. On the mental/emotional/spiritual level, we do that by communicating our thoughts and experiences. On the physical level, we do it through touch. The parts of ourselves that are the most sensitive are the parts we reserve for the people we are most intimate with. Emotionally, that's the stuff we would be most afraid of receiving scorn for- our deepest fears and wildest fantasies, the things that form the core of who we are. Physically, it's the parts that are literally the most sensitive: the genitals, the anus, the breasts, and the mouth. These are the parts that can feel the most pleasure, but are also the most painful to have injured. (On a side note, I think the reason foot fetishes exist and are so common is because feet fulfill the same criteria, especially for ticklish people.) Romantic love, and I mean the kind most people would describe as "True Love," is the purest form of intimacy, because the partners share everything about themselves, mentally, emotionally, and physically with each other. Two people (or more, for those polyamorous folks out there) share so much of themselves with one another that the other person becomes essential to their identity. The idea is so intuitive that the idea of marriage is all but universal in human cultures around the world- it may take thousands of different forms, but the core concept is the same: two (or more) people become bonded together to form a family. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Rape is such a powerful concept because it is forced intimacy, a twisted mockery of what should be one of the most beautiful things imaginable. It is one being overwhelming another physically, a violation of one's identity so damaging the victims may never recover. To bring this back around before I start to ramble too badly, if sex is considered by most people to be the most intimate kind of physical intimacy, vore takes it a step further, for better (if it's consensual) or worse (if it's a form of rape). If it's consensual, it becomes the complete giving one oneself to another being, a transcendental sharing beyond the bounds of normal human limits. On the other hand, one creature devouring another takes everything horrendous about rape and amplifies it. The predator takes a creature and forces it to become a part of them, robbing them of their physical identity and adding it to their own. Also particularly fascinating is vore's link to what most would call "oral fixation." Obviously, vore doesn't revolve entirely around the mouth, but oral vore is head and shoulders above the rest in terms of popularity. The mouth, even outside of vore, may be the most important physical intimacy tool we have besides the genitals- perhaps even the most important tool period. For those who are screaming "blasphemy!" at their computer screen at such a statement, once again, I don't expect such a radical statement to go unsupported. I know that in the conventional "base" system, one doesn't even round third without the pelvis area being involved in some fashion, and kissing is considered so tame it can be put in G-rated movies without fear. However, there are reasons why kissing, despite having a rather low passion rating, is considered extremely intimate. A kiss is, at least traditionally, the first thing that a romantic couple engages in when they decide to become a couple, because kissing occupies a special place on the passion scale. Pretty much everything else above it is considered perverted or dirty on some level, while the few things below it (hugging, cuddling, holding hands, even kissing on the forehead or cheek) are tame enough that they can be interpreted as entirely platonic. Kissing carries so much weight because a kiss on the lips puts your face directly next to another's, and since the face and mouth are the primary tools of expressing one's thoughts and feelings, it becomes harder to ignore the personality of the person being kissed. I can only speak for myself, but this is why the only personal space I really need is about a two-foot gap between my face and everyone else's faces. Anything closer than that and you'd better be family or a close enough friend where I would feel bad about headbutting you. My second point to support the mouth's importance is its the part of your body that is best at both giving and receiving pleasure. The mouth is simultaneously an orifice which can receive pleasure, and a tool for exploring others and giving pleasure. And either way its used, the lips and tongue are among the most sensitive parts of the entire body. There's a reason newborns end up putting so much stuff in their mouth, after all- its even more sensitive than the fingers when it comes to feeling other objects, which is why holding hands is usually considered intimate, but below kissing on the intimacy scale. The tongue is of particular importance, because its nimble, boneless structure is incredibly versatile when it comes to pleasuring others. After all, the tongue is basically a naturally lubricated tentacle we keep in our mouths. Good luck not thinking about that for the next few hours. With so much going for it, is it really surprising that the majority of vorarephiles place so much importance on it? The reason I think most vore revolves around the mouth is partially because of the above-mentioned reasons, and partly because all the symbolism I mentioned earlier about taking in another being and making them a part of you dovetails best with oral vore. Anyways, besides the more abstract attractions, some are attracted to vore because it’s interesting to imagine the sensations that come from being swallowed. Even non-sexual vorarephiles often think of being eaten as going down a tight, organic slip-and-slide. And as I said time and time again, there are a lot of similarities to vore and sex. So many in fact, that one of the main facets of vore humor is taking expressions like “deep throat” and “I want you inside me” in ways far more literally than usual. I suppose it’s fairly reasonable assumption to think that if having one part of your body in something hot, tight, and slick is going to feel good, having your entire body in it would feel better. Or, alternatively, having an entire body inside you. Hard vore follows the same principles, but the desired sensation is the rush of adrenaline one gets from being in pain, the thrill of the hunt, both of which are incredibly sensual experiences. Not the "sexy" kind of sensuality that we usually associate with the term, but its literal interpretation: stimulating the senses. This is what Dark Romance is all about, so those curious should check it out, if you haven’t already. Cooking scenarios are similar, but focus far more on the impact of the “dish” on the senses rather than the primal, savage joy that comes from running down prey. While hard vore does have strong ties to sadomasochism, many who enjoy it do so purely for the sensual aspects and love of gore. Even if the prey is entirely impervious to pain, the predator can enjoy the visual spectacle of a creature get completely destroyed, or find any number of others sensual aspects alluring: the smell of blood, the sound of cracking bones, or the feel of of tearing flesh, for example. Besides all that, vore is tied to a lot of other fetishes, especially endosomatophilia, macrophilia, anthropomorphilia, (an attraction to anthropomorphic animals), coprophilia (attraction to poo, usually called ‘scat’), maieusophila (attraction to the shape of the pregnant female form), and numerous others. As Mr. Kraken noted in his essay, vore, macrophilia, and anthropomorphilia are strangely tied together in a trifecta of fantastical fetishes, like peanut butter, chocolate, and…something that goes with peanut butter and chocolate. (Reece's cups are my favorite candy, fight me) But you get the point: anyone who possess one is far more likely to posses one of the others. Once again, this is something that is explained very well in Dark Romance, so I won’t elaborate on it too much here. (Seriously. Just read the damn thing already.) I can only give the briefest of explanations behind the appeal of scat and maieusophilia, but I’ll give it my best shot. When scat is featured in vore works, the focus is usually on the digested prey being turned into fecal matter rather than doing anything with said fecal matter. It’s often seen in “full tour” vore stories, where the process of the prey being digested and absorbed is the main focus. The appeal is the sadistic psychological thrill of seeing a living creature broken down into nothing more than poop, and/or is tied to the fact that the anus has one of the highest nerve ending densities on the body and watching it squeeze and push out the remnants of a meal possess an attraction to some. Maiesophilia is a bit easier to explain. Most people are attracted to one of two female “assets,” her breasts or, well, her ass. Both are often referred to as her ‘curves’ because they are round, soft, and fun to touch and squeeze. So if a girl has a round, soft stomach that’s fun to touch and squeeze, it isn’t hard to see why some people would be attracted to it. Now, After reading all that, do you see why I get a tad upset when I see articles painting all vorarephiles as Hannibal Lecter-esque cannibals only interested in the flesh of other people? To summarize: first, most vore fans prefer prey swallowed whole, not sliced up. Second, most vore fans would rather be prey rather than eat something themselves. And finally, a large number don’t even find human-on-human vore appealing. Saying all vorarephiles are into that isn’t just like finding a kind of dog that is average in all the different areas of dog-ness and saying every single dog in the world is like that that one specific breed, it’s like saying every single dog in the world is a chihuahua. Unusual analogies aside, if you must have an unflattering stereotype of vorarephiles, the ones shown in this ![]() I suppose that covers just about everything I wanted to say. The only thing left to add is my own personal experiences with vore, in the hope that it may help other people understand their own attraction. Or, alternatively, give some sciency person some additional information to work with if they decide to research vore on a more formal level. Vore has been a part of my identity since a very early age. My mother has told me on several occasions that I was absolutely obsessed with the Disney films Aladdin and The Lion King as a toddler, which do have a few vaguely vorish situations in them (that temple-mouth thing where the lamp was and the giant snake at the end/ a lot of the scenes involving the hyenas, respectively). I can’t say for sure when I had my first vorish thought, but the first I can accurately place was when I was eight years old. Back then, it was almost purely endosomatophilia, as even when I first started having pseudo-sexual thoughts, vore didn’t come into it for a year or two after I started masturbating. Those early vore fantasies were very different from the ones I have now, even ignoring the non-sexuality of it. I used to be prey near-exclusively, and I can only remember one particular fantasy that involved me holding some other people in my mouth. They were almost all macro/micro involving my shrunken self, usually included accidental vore instead of being actively hunted, and focused on being inside the creature’s body or mouth rather than any loss of control on my part. You’ll forgive me if I don’t go into too much detail about those fantasies, as the best way I could describe them would be “mary-sue self-insertion fanfiction with strong vore overtones.” The few that I wrote down get set aflame whenever I find them due to both embarrassment at the stories themselves, and the fact that reading my nine-year-old self’s writing attempts makes me weep tears of shame. To be honest, even after putting great deal of time and effort into trying to explain why I enjoyed those fantasies, I still feel like I fall short. Every explanation I’ve provided, many of which describe my attraction now, don’t seem to work when it comes to getting inside my eight-year-old self’s head. The only way I can think of is that it just seemed fun to me. I’ve never been agoraphobic, but I do like small, enclosed spaces, and as I kid I seem to remember squeezing into tight spots just to see if I would fit. (Under beds, end-table cabinets, empty dryers, etc.) So the idea of being in another creature was kind of like playing in an organic version of those fast-food playpens with all the tubes and ballpits. Plus I did always like the part of the story where I would crawl out of the creature’s mouth and have would have the classic “how the heck did you get in there?” conversation. That’s how vore stayed until I was around thirteen or fourteen. That was when I first started exploring the joys of self-stimulation, and vore started to evolve. I have a very poor memory for past events, I admit, but sometime after that I started having my first sexual vore fantasies. It wouldn’t show up nearly as often as more traditional fare, but they started to slowly creep in, along with a growing sense of wondering just how strange of a person I really was. It didn’t help that this was the same time I realized I was a furry and started to fantasize about them as well. Anyways, things started to change again during my freshman year of high school. That was the year I was able to get my first laptop, and thus, almost unlimited access to the internet and all it had to offer. This was mostly webcomics, at first. And it was through the wonderful world of webcomics that I learned about the furry fandom, and through the furry fandom, that this strange attraction I had all my life actually had a name. So I started to read stories that included it, find pictures, roleplay with others, and eventually my imagination was so inflamed with the idea that it finally became completely cemented into my sexuality. This is when I started to switch from mostly prey to a switch mentality, as pred fantasies are easier to imagine from a tactile standpoint. A person's has a lot more experience swallowing things than being swallowed, after all. Even though I'm more prey-aligned, I cite this as the reason I’ve had dozens pred dreams over the years and only two prey ones that I can remember. After that, my attraction to vore became more linked to the dom/sub relationships and the sensations swallowing or being swallowed would provide. To this day it is the act of swallowing that turns me on the most, rather than digestion or the prey being curled inside the pred. I believe this has a lot to do with my obsession with touch. I was born without a sense of smell, and because smell is a large player in what most people think is purely taste, my ability to differentiate flavors is very limited. Plug your nose and try and tell which skittle flavor is which and you’ll see what I mean. Also, yes, I'm very much aware of the irony that I'm a vorarephile with a crippled sense of taste. So those two senses are all but non-existent, I'm nearsighted enough where without glasses I need to be a foot from the screen to read this text, and judging from the difficulty I have in knowing one tone from the other, I doubt my hearing is the best either. It is incredibly difficult to know this for sure, but I believe that because of the problems with my other senses my tactile ability has become more acute, and I rely on it more than most people do. I know that a foods texture means as much or more to me than its actual flavor, which is why I absolutely despise raw tomatoes. I also fidget quite a bit, and when I get nervous, frustrated, or upset, I tend to run my fingers through my hair or rub my face or arms in order to soothe myself. Finally, there are certain textures that I can’t get enough of, kind of like most people’s obsession with bubble wrap. When I find something I really like the feel of, I tend to rub it over my face and lips as well as my hands, due to the aforementioned sensitivity of those particular areas. The reason I bring this up is that this means vore is almost entirely tactile to me. My attraction to it lies mainly in the fact that, for someone whose primary sense is touch, what could be more appealing than the plethora of tactile stimulation soft vore has to offer? This probably colors my perception of vore more than I even know, so it may have affected my explanations of its appeal. For example, static vore pictures are harder for me to enjoy than dynamic ones, or a comic showing the progression of events. This part of vore is so important to me that, to be honest, until I decided to write this, even the abstract appeal of vore took a back seat to the perceived sensations. Which leads up to the last, major turning point in my attraction to vore: this essay. One of the reasons I’m glad I worked on this project is that, in the week it took me to finish, I thought about my fetish more than the last couple of years combined. I actually put thought into the symbolic, abstract appeal of it instead of just using it as a hollow attraction that got me off. I guess it is true what they say- the best way to understand something is to explain it. So, there you have it. My best attempt to explain an attraction I’ve had since childhood, that is as much a part of me as my hair color, love of writing , or complete inability to stay still for longer than ten seconds at a time. And if after reading through this whole essay you still think that vorarephilia is a sick, perverted fetish devoid of any meaning whatsoever, and everyone who likes it is a twisted freak, well… Eat me. Those who wish to talk, send me a PM through Eka’s Portal or E-mail me at merskin369@hotmail.com. If you want to read or contribute to the Vorarephilia 101 forum, you can find it here: http://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=26005 I invite everyone who reads this to share it with others, or use it in whatever way serves them best, but please say who wrote it…this took a lot of work for someone who has problems sitting down and focusing for long periods of time. |