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Rated: E · Essay · Community · #1744924
An essay concerning the desensitizing of a Nation's citizens.
In the Sadistic Nation, the people are drawn to a type of dark voyeurism into the

pain and suffering of others. One lurid saga after another people are humiliated for

the twisted amusement of the viewers. Like the Roman Empire its citizens

desensitized by the blood in the sands of their colosseums. An Empire continually

at war desensitizes it's citizen's to justify the mass genocide of it's enemies. It uses

hollow and brutal stagecraft as devices employed to keep it's viewers numb to

violence. Violence, war and death then become accepted forms of entertainment.

We can start with the dark voyeurism of Reality TV. Where millions of viewers

gleefully watch as people are humiliated, embarrassed or mocked. We find a queer

fascination with the suffering of others. It turns away our attention from our own

suffering. It naively puts us in a position of power, to watch the destruction of others.

Those who are booted off of these shows are those who cling to the antiquated

edifices of compassion and humility. While those who mock others and thrive for

personal fame at any cost are cheered on. It is kill or be killed.

Hollywood and it's violent films portray a false image of what violence really is. We

no longer know the difference between illusion and truth. We watch violence in the

theaters and when we see it on our streets, we are unaffected. Compassion and

understanding are foolishly jeered as idealistic or unpatriotic. Our News Networks

like reality TV is filled with the same ploys and stagecraft. It focuses on violence

and death. Leading us to believe that the world is precisely that. When you have

accepted this, then violence becomes an accepted form of action and when all other

alternatives are swept away those who preserve life will have no choice but to

partake in the very act they had vowed to dismiss. A Nation that lives by the sword

will die by the sword.

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