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by Polly
Rated: · Other · Other · #1744660
This poem is about Grandma, and her church sisters.

Every Sunday morning at nine o'clock on the dot
Grandma went to church to praise the Lord
After service she went to the ladies guild
To socialize, and exchange thou
Sister Ida the evangelist would give her a big hug
And then she enquired, "How is the family?"
Grandma would give her the usual answer," So, so!"
Sister Ida would hug Grandma even tighter and that's
The time the probing began. Grandma would feed
Her with the details of her family life as she
Answered question, after question …… non stop!
Sister Ida would only stop when she had her stomach full to
The max and as soon as Grandma turned her back all the
Ladies would be privy to the details of Grandma and her
Every Friday night Grandma would bring a tray of fried
Fish to the social event at the church hall and all the ladies
Would enjoy the dish as they complemented her for the
Superb culinary skill …. that would even make an angel kill!
Grandma was at home early one morning when her husband
Was stricken by a fatal heart attack; she thought that she
Needed emotional support so Sister Ida was summoned to
The house
While she was at Grandma's house, the roaches
Came crawling all over the place on her pocket book and
Even on her face!
The following Sunday, at the ladies guild
The story of the roach infested house was made known to
All the sisters who attended; some of the sisters sweared
That they would never ever partake of Grandma's fried fish
Some marveled that after eating Grandma's fish, how
Is it possible that they did not become sick.
They tore poor Grandma to pieces with their mouths
And to stop the gossip the pastor had to
Shout," You heathens the devil has your tongues!"
( Enimreh)
© Copyright 2011 Polly (polly_b at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1744660-Comic-Story-Poem