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the extravaganza is coming up!
Episode 2- The Lucky Nails

Tomorrow is they day we have all been dreading- the day of the Extravaganza. So grab your top-hat and cane... or your water balloons because we're going to look ridiculous! Well... let me refrase that. They are going to look ridiculous. I am not performing- ha! now that would be a show. And they actually are good. Really good. But what do you think the school is going to see: a bunch of kids with a lot of talent, or a bunch of gay losers singing, dancing and making fools of themselves. But no matter what we're performing satarday at 5:30. Be there or choose not to waste your time.
-This is Farah Robs... signing off.

Act 1- Not your thing. Scene 1- Homeroom.
"Goooooood Morning, Ashbury students! This is your Student Body President, Magnolia Rose Crysanthimum King, with your daily news," Maggies voice blared a little bit too cheerily from the intercom. I sipped my turning-cold starbucks despite the "No eating" rule. Everything seemed exspecialy loud today. Maybe it was the excitement for the upcoming extravaganza; maybe it was my dread for the extravaganza. "Magnolia Crysanthimum Rose?" Ashleigh Singleton, her red-head buried in her arms half-sleeping, mumbled beside me. "And I thought I was the flower child." I snorted. Ashleigh and her twin, Malcolm, were known to be the hippies, the boho kids, the environmentalists. It was even rumored that they lived in the woods and were home-schooled then went to public schools to try and get the students "Involved."
"The boys football team lost against the Lockland Tomahawks but we fought a hard game... go Blue Devil's! The girls volleyball team lost against the Indian Hill Braves but we also fought a hard game... go Blue Devils! The co-ed track team came in last for... all of the events. But honestly... I don't even think they tried," Magnolia continued her announcements. "Don't forget to sign up for clubs: The environmental club, anime club, band, mock trial, ect. And for the last announcement-"
"Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it," I chanted while crossing my fingers. "-Don't forget to attend the Back To School Extravaganza," Maggie said crushing my hopes and leaving me flopped back in my chair. "Pick up your tickets in the office for a dollar or at the show for three. Thats all for today. This is Magnolia with your morning announcements," Magnolia concluded.
I stretched my arms behind the chair and sighed. "Its too early for this," I pitied myself. "I know dude," Ashleigh droned. "You know what they say dude. When you smoke the herb it reveals you to yourself." "I don't see how that applies to this situation," I half-smiled "I don't need revealing to myself." "You'd be surprised, man," Ashleigh said pulling her bright orange hair in front of her face. "Every one needs a little... exploration to themselves." "How long have you been stoning, Singleton?" I asked. She rubbed her dry, cracked hands together. "I wouldn't call it stoning. I would call it... The spiritual burning of the herbal substance," She said staring off into the distance. "So for a while then, eh?" I mumbled.
The bell rang, as Ashleigh caught me at the door. "You know," She said. "We could smoke together sometime." I snorted. "Not my thing," I said, walking out the door. "Not your thing?" She asked, grabbing me by the arm. "Or not her thing," She directed my attention to Jacki across the hall. I turned around to face her. I opened my mouth to say something of protest but nothing came out. I just turned around and walked away.

Act 2- The Magic fake nails. Scene 1- Computer class.
I was doing some last minute wardrobe shopping online instead of making a spread sheet for business class.
"Ooh cute dress," Addison said sliding onto the blue plastic chair next to me and pointing to the red fringe mini-dress on the screen. I gasped as I grabbed her hand. "Cute nails," I said in awe. "Aren't they," Addison said in equal excitement. "Can I tell you a secret," she said suddenly getting serious. "Sure," I said, my eye brows knitting together. "There magical," Addison said breathless. I dropped her hand, disappointed in the "Secretive" news. "Magical," I said skeptically. "Well- lucky. Everything goes great for me when I have these on. I mean the magic lasts for about five days! I got them for the show tomorrow," She explained. "Right," I said.
She pouted and crossed her arms. "What?" I asked, obviously offending her. "You don't believe me," She said, poking a manicured nail to my chest. "No. No, I believe you," I lied. "Shun the non-believer," She chanted. "Oh come on," I said. "I will prove it to you," Addison rose and started to leave. "Addison!" I called after her. "Shun the non-believer!" She shouted from the hallway. I put my forehead in my hand.
"Toughness in the world of magic nails?" a voice asked from behind the computer in front of me. A cute guys face tilted sideways so i can see him. He flipped his strait, shoulder length, highlighted hair and smiled his pearly-white smile. He looked familiar. "More like toughness in the world of the Extravaganza," I sighed. "It's a day away and I still have so much to do." "I could help," He offered. "That would be fantastic," I smiled. "What do you want to do?" "I could help in the-" He whispered "Wardrobe department." I was confused at first until I remembered where I recognized him. His name was Drew Bryant and he was part of the Extravaganza. Though he was only apart of it because I kind of had to desperately black-mail him with one of his secrets: Him being a closet gay. "That would be great," I admitted. "I can give you some information at lunch." "Okay," He said. "Drew. Thank you so much," I said. "Your welcome."

Act 2- The Magic fake nails. Scene 2- The Cafeteria.
I made my way across the linoleum floor to my normal table in the corner. "Farah! Just the person I've been looking for," Jacki greeted. "Hello," I said cautiously, side-glancing at Lynn. She shrugged. "First order of business: Lynn's style guide," Jacki ordered. Lynn nodded and handed me her pre-written slip of paper.

Top: Blue with gold writing RUN DMC T-shirt and gold fly away vest
Bottoms: Denim skirt and black patterned fishnets
Shoes: Black suede hooded peep toe heel
Accessories: beaded black and gold bracelets, long gold necklaces, and black stud earrings
Hair: Big braid in the back. Bangs are side parted
Rating: 8.2

"Eight point two. Nice," I said. "Your welcome. You know I really thought that-" Lynn started but Jacki cut her off: "No time for chit-chat! Second order of business: My extravaganza." "Our extravaganza," Lynn and I said at the same time. "Right whatever. Anyway, I need my own makeup artist and hair stylist," Jacki continued. "We could get Eve Samson to do it. She's taking Cosmetology classes," I offered. "Is Eve professional?" She asked. "No but-" I started. "Then no," Jacki decided. "Also I've thought of wardrobe options." She laid out photographs and magazine cut-outs of BCBG, Coach, Dolce and Gabbana, and Prada. "Wow this is..." I searched for the right word "Expensive," Lynn finished.
"Plus someone else is doing wardrobe," I added. "Who?" Lynn wondered. "Drew Bryant," I said. "Oh... Him," Lynn said judgmentally. "What's wrong with Drew? He's nice," I asked. "Oh... Nothing," Lynn said looking off into the other direction. I squinted at her angrily.
"Oh, calm yourself, Ms. I-hope-Lynn-gets-hit-by-a- Car-ah Robs. Lynn's racism comes from her years living in Hillbilly Hollow," Jacki said flipping her sandy blonde blow-out. "Okay that statement was like three insults in one. First: I'm not a hillbilly-" Lynn started. "-I'm sorry... Redneck, then," Jacki reworded. Lynn sighed and rolled her eyes "Second: I think my self getting hit by a car is pretty drastic-" "Cleaver word play, though," I added. "Third," Lynn continued "I am not a racist." That was where Jacki and I had to object. "Liar!" We both said at once. "Seriously guys, I'm not!" She protested. We just laughed. "Little Lamia, We've known this forever. It's okay... Well no it's not and your a stupid, close-minded bitch but we've grown to... not accept it but... not want to kill you," Jacki said. "Right," I agreed. "How can I prove I'm not a racist?" Lynn asked. Jacki and I shared a glance and, like we were talking telepathically, said at the same time: "Date Finnegan Edds." Lynn just stared at us open mouthed. "Is that a problem White Skin Lynn?" Jacki asked. "N-N-Not at all," Lynn said with great hesitation. "Great so nothing will be wrong with you dating an Asian?" I asked. "No!" Lynn stood and left suddenly, causing her brown curls to bounce. Jacki and I looked at each other and laughed.
"Farah! Jacki!" Addison walked over to our table. "Pre-show mani-pedi?" She smiled sweetly. "We could get fake nails, Farah," She said. "Count me out," I said standing up to throw my tray away "I have to babysit." I shuddered at the thought of my promise to Raleigh. "Gross," Jacki and Addison said at once. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, you can come over if you want. We could practice," I offered. "No thanks. Kids are the devils minions," Jacki refused. "Yeah I think I'm allergic," Addison said, causing blank stares by Jacki and I.
The bell rang. "Well have fun with your fake magic nail shit," I said. "I will prove you wrong, Non-believer!" Addison shouted behind her.

Act 2- Magic fake nails. Scene 3- English class.
"When am I gonna see you perform, Farrah Faucet?" Derek asked me. "As soon as I get an audition for Charlie's angles. Plus it's Far-Ah not Fare-Ah," I replied. "Po-tay-do; Po-tah-do," Derek smiled. "I can't sing to save me life," I said. Derek laughed. "Understandable. I just kind of wanted Star-of-the-show-Jacki to get shone up, you know. Its like she is the Queen of the Drummond Paper Company supplied town and we're all her little... paperclips," He said. "Look at you," I said "Your new and you already have the swing of things." He smiled "I don't think I like the swing of things," He admitted. "Most people don't," I agreed "And that's when they turn to pot and alcohol," I sighed "And get fat."
"What are you doing tonight?" Derek asked. "Babysitting," I groaned. "Tough break," He said. "Why do you ask?" I wonder, flirtatiously twirling a lock of waist-length brunette hair in my fingers. He flushed a pink color and started stuttering. "Uh-uh-um I need... tutoring," He said.
"I am going to take the liberty to pass back your English test," Ms. Marsh said. "Doesn't look like you need tutoring," I said, looking at the big red A on his paper. "What can I say," Derek shrugged "It was an easy test."
"Now this was exspecially hard. A C- was the average," Ms. Marsh said. I grinned. "What can I say. Marsh loves to embarrass me," Derek said turning red. "If you want to ask me out, I'm flattered..."
This next moment I am going to regret deeply.
"But I can't. I have to babysit," I said frowning so deeply it wounldn't surprise me if it was stuck there. "No problem maybe some other time," Derek said. I beamed- it wasn't permanatly stuck. "Sounds great," I said.
© Copyright 2011 Leahcar (rdogg at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1743838-High-Class-Losers-Episode-2