Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1743236-From-the-Suns-Point-of-View
Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #1743236
If the Sun could talk, what would it say of it's solar system and, mainly, us?
Most of my planets aren't that great,
Some big and some small,
But there is one in particular,
That I like most of all.

On the planet they call it "Earth,"
They live on it, you see,
But aside from other forces,
They couldn't live on it without me.

I give it light for them to grow,
For them to see,
My light is so bright, though,
They can't look directly at me.

I've seen them from an early age,
Spreading around their sphere,
And the whole time I was there,
Hanging up here.

I saw them develop civilization,
Fight wars, split the atom,
I was amazed at all this,
It was like reading out of a tome.

They're are like my children,
To have them is a lot of fun,
It's just too bad to them,
I'm only just the Sun.
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