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Rated: E · Other · Inspirational · #1743174
Embrace life-- every aspect of it. Create the life others can only dream for.
While I lie here thinking about all of the people I have met, places I have been, and memories I have made, I can’t help but to wonder where these experiences plan on leading me. Every life has a plan, every plan plays out as a story- a story that is created only by the one living it, whether you take the path laid out for you or the beaten, dirt road instead. You can try and outrun it; you can try to stray ahead, but you will never make it. Your path, whichever you take will always be at least one step in front, waiting for you- waiting for you to get in line to await your big solo flight.

It was this internal thought that made me realize:

         Embrace the unknown. Embrace every cool breeze, rain drop, thunder storm, or lightening strike you are faced with. It is only the beginning of the ultimate journey each person is looking to accomplish in a single lifetime. Dream big. Any dream you construct has every bit of possibility to come alive. Trust in yourself so those dreams become a reality. Clear out all sources of negativity. This would be the “I can’t” and “this is impossible” comments and thoughts. The positive energy you feed yourself will enhance the feeling of accomplishment. Strive to live for more than just to fulfill an expectation or legendary status. Spending your entire life trying to be a “people pleaser” is exhausting and only shaves off valuable living time. It’s OK to be a little selfish when it comes to making your dreams happen. Expose every unique quality you have within you. It may spark someone’s imagination, maybe even your own. Grasp onto each and every opportunity you are given that could result in the satisfactory of crossing the next “to do” off your list. Secure each window you come to throughout this journey, you never know when you will decide to unlatch one to see what perk it may offer you. Confide in your family. Whether it’s the family you were born into, or the people you choose to call family- you’re going to need them. The bond held throughout a single family is stronger than any obstacle that may try and take you down. Dare yourself to do the things you think of doing but say, “never in a million years.” Some people see this as a death wish, others like to use the word “spontaneity.” Test your courage. Stand up for yourself and what you believe in, no matter how many people are against you. Challenge yourself to learn about something unfamiliar to you; cultures or beliefs other than your own. This newly accumulated knowledge may come in handy down the road. Allow yourself to feel every emotion you are supposed to feel- emotional overflow explosions are messy to clean up. Push yourself to go above and beyond your physical and mental capabilities, odds are your limits lie six stories higher. Lose yourself in an open field consumed entirely of nothing. The lack of direction, better yet the overwhelming possibilities of direction will leave you surprisingly refreshed. Make it mean something, anything.

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