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This is a story I am still writing and will add more each time I am on... |
The Impossible Love By: Sadie Green Prologue (Mary is outside of Alec Quinceten’s house she is wounded and has just been beaten almost to death by her husband Andrew Dewinter. Her friend Britnee finds her as she is putting an empty bottle of milk on the front stoop.) “Mary! Oh my god, get her Alec, she’s badly hurt we need to get her inside!” exclaims Britnee as she rushes Alec, Ian runs outside and helps Alec carry her inside and they put her on the table. “Ian, you find the cuts and clean them?” Alec demanded. Ian closely examined Mary’s body, “On her legs, she has a puncture in her stomach, from the looks of the incision, she was stabbed.” As Ian finished his examination, Alec looked on Mary and shook his head. Whispering to him self, “What happened to you?” Ian looked at him with questions but decided not to ask. He found himself looking over her almost as if he was trying to read the situation. Alec instantly noticed his sudden change in mind, “Ok thank you Ian, now while I tend to her wounds I want you to leave I need to work alone. Besides you look a little ill so go find some food Ian.” Alec said as he looked at Mary, he slowly lifted her shirt enough to see the wound. “No, I want to be here if I need to save her.” Ian said as he goes to sit on the chair in the room. Knowing that Mary wouldn’t make it through his arguing Alec became more frustrated. Not only was Ian arguing with him but now he has a life to try and save. Scrunching his face he turned to Ian. “Ian damn it! I told you to go, if it comes to that then I will let you but until I know for sure I want you to leave. Now get out!” Alec yelled. Ian looked down at his feet, “But I want to help.” Alec’s face was turning red from furry, “The only way you can help her is to leave.” Ian sighs, “But I…” Alec cut him off. Lunging at him he grabbed Ian by the shoulder, “Get out now!” he demanded as he forced Ian through the door. He tried to fight Alec back but to no help it was useless. After Alec forcefully escorted Ian out he slammed the door and locked it before going to work. 1 (This is where are story begins the year 2001 in Mary Axelton house with her grandchildren Sadie) “Grandma, how did you meet grandpa?” asked Sadie “ Now that is a story that I would love to tell you, but it is a very long story do you think you can stay up that late?” Mary said with a look that would make you laugh at the punt of an inside joke between Sadie and I she says “I think I will be able to handle it.” “Ok, I want you to understand, these were dark and dangerous times.” Mary said with concern “I understand.” She said “to start the story I will have to start from the very beginning from before I was what I am today.” Mary said looking off into the distance and starts her story. It was the summer of 1804, it also happened to be the last, that I had by myself, that summer I was to marry the worst thing because you really couldn’t call him human. His name was Andrew Dewinter, the richest man in the world, why he lived in the small town of Hemmingway, we may never know. Andrew was the worst thing on the planet with his dark black hair and ice blue eyes, he was a very crude person who only cared about getting an hire to live out his name and I happened to be the perfect girl for the terrible deed to be done, I was seventeen at the time I was a little older than most girls getting married at this time, but at least their husbands were descent, kind, and gentle. Andrew and I were to be married in a couple of days he wanted to be married august thirtieth but my evil so called mother changed his mind and made it sooner so we were getting married before I turned eighteen so the marriage date was March eighteenth, 1804 that was the worst day of my life. People were telling me how lucky I was but I new that I was heading to a bad place. The day of my wedding I was so scared I didn’t want to die or give birth to Andrews’s child I was only seventeen I didn’t deserve to be treated like this. My parents never loved my bother and sister or any children for that matter so as soon as my sister was of age they told her that she would have to choose a husband or they would choose for her, lucky her. She got Clarence, the best brother in law I could possibly have. Nic also chose a great woman, Tina my best friend so it worked out great. Then there was me and I was the unlucky one cause I didn’t get to choose, my mother chose for me and it was the worst choice she made in her life. I fought with her and ran away but where ever I went they found me. So I am stuck with Andrew and I have no choice… The wedding went as planned my brother gave me away even if its unwillingly, as I danced with Andrew, he told me that he couldn’t wait to get me to bed. I couldn’t wait to run, even if it was for only a day I would run. I didn’t know where I would go but I would have to plan it out, I would have to find a way to not go to bed with him. This is something I would think about when I had peace from dancing… The night was finally over and I had a plan I knew who I would go to and what I would do to stay out of bed with him… As we are driving home I start to act sick and say I think it’s from the wine, I head to my bedchamber, a few minutes later the nurse comes in and checks me out she says I have the flue and should stay in bed. Andrew comes in and says “you have two weeks to get better other wise I am going to take you, and you wont like it...” I look at him and say “you know you shouldn’t talk to me like that I need my rest not some reason not to get better sooner…” He gets angry and storms off into his room, I smile and think you won’t get the chance to hurt me, or so I thought. It has been 4 months and the nurse said I was finally better; Andrew gave a grin and told the nurse and all the servants to go home… He comes into my bedchamber and hits me in the head I kick and punch and try to run but he catches me and throws me onto the bed. He ties me to the bed posts and punches me in the head again. It blurs my vision and I almost pass out he tears off my cloths and plunges his manhood into me, I feel the tear and scream. He hits me and tells me to shut up he plunges harder and deeper. I feel torn I cry and he gets up and says “maybe next time you will obey me.” He unties me and goes out of the room. This went on for a whole month; I became immune to the pain. I was waiting for the right moment to run and I knew it was close, or so I thought Andrew had other plans he knew I was getting stronger and so he was making plans of his own. Andrew came into my room like he did every night. He tied me up and this time instead of punching me he grabbed a knife and stabbed my stomach then he punches me in the head then he plunged into me like he did every night, and it hurt even more. After he was done he unties me and says “Now you can’t run”, he walks out of the room and into his chamber. I lie there a few hours, I start to get my strength back and my nurse comes in and says “oh god, Miss Mary I must help you but how?” I look at her and say “get my clothes and help me down stairs.” As she does this I am trying to get dressed. The nurse gets me down stairs and out the door as I run and keep running until I get to Alec house. When I get to the yard of Alec’s house I see Britnee putting the milk bottles out for the milk man to get in the morning, as she put the bottles down she looks up and sees me, I look at her and say help as I fall to the ground and pass out. . “Mary! Oh my god, get her Alec, she’s badly hurt we need to get her inside!” exclaims Britnee as she rushes Alec, Ian runs outside and helps Alec carry her inside and they put her on the table. “Ian, you find the cuts and clean them?” Alec demanded. Ian closely examined Mary’s body, “On her legs, she has a puncture in her stomach, from the looks of the incision, she was stabbed.” As Ian finished his examination, Alec looked on Mary and shook his head. Whispering to him self, “What happened to you?” Ian looked at him with questions but decided not to ask. He found himself looking over her almost as if he was trying to read the situation. Alec instantly noticed his sudden change in mind, “Ok thank you Ian, now while I tend to her wounds I want you to leave I need to work alone. Besides you look a little ill so go find some food Ian.” Alec said as he looked at Mary, he slowly lifted her shirt enough to see the wound. “No, I want to be here if I need to save her.” Ian said as he goes to sit on the chair in the room. Knowing that Mary wouldn’t make it through his arguing Alec became more frustrated. Not only was Ian arguing with him but now he has a life to try and save. Scrunching his face he turned to Ian. “Ian damn it! I told you to go, if it comes to that then I will let you but until I know for sure I want you to leave. Now get out!” Alec yelled. Ian looked down at his feet, “But I want to help.” Alec’s face was turning red from furry, “The only way you can help her is to leave.” Ian sighs, “But I…” Alec cut him off. Lunging at him he grabbed Ian by the shoulder, “Get out now!” he demanded as he forced Ian through the door. He tried to fight Alec back but to no help it was useless. After Alec forcefully escorted Ian out he slammed the door and locked it before going to work. 2 Alec worked for hours on me, when he finally came out of the room he looked at Ian and said “save her she needs you to save her.” Ian walks in and looks at me, I am awake, and look at Ian, “hello Ian, come to say goodbye?” I asked “No, I come to give you life,” he says kindly “I don’t want you to worry Mary the pain will be over soon.” “Ok.” I said ready to face death. He bent down and kisses my neck and says I am so sorry it has come to this, then a very sharp pain on my neck, made me scream, this was worse pain then what Andrew gave me, but the pain was gone and I fell asleep. When I awoke, I looked around the room and I notice that everything seemed clearer to me and I could hear Britnee cooking down stair, she ask Alec to go check to see if I am awake yet. I go to get up and notice that I have no clothes on, I run to the dresser and get a dress, I go to put it on but cant lace it up so I look all big and fat. I get shoes on Alec comes into the room and sees me walking to the vase to clean myself up a bit. “My don’t you look just gorgeous, I see why Ian changed you.” He says “what do you mean change me, I feel the same.” I said with some confusion “sweetie your supposed to feel the same and great, don’t you remember how we found you?” He asked “No, well sort of I remember getting hurt by Andrew and coming here but I don’t remember anything after that.” I said still confused “Well Mary, your husband nearly killed you and lost his chance of having his heir, but we don’t have to worry about Andrew anymore.” He said as he was talking I could smell something really sweet and delicious and could barley concentrate on what Alec was saying. “Mary? Are you ok?” He asked “huh what, oh yeah I am fine just smelling something really good, do you smell that?” I said sniffing the air, “oh Mary now that you are better, you will be feeling different things I don’t know how to explain it to you when Ian gets back I will have him talk to you about the changes you are going to be going through.” Alec said but he looked very uncomfortable, he walked over to me and started to help me lace up my dress, I could still smell the sweet aroma and I found the sourse is was Alec, he smelt like he rolled in sugar. "Alec? You smell amazing what is that delicouse smell?" I asked "Well Mary, that would be probably something that Britnee is making down stairs...I started to walk down stairs when I heard Ian walk into the door and ask if I was awake. "As far as I know Alec is up there talking to her right now." Said Britnee "Has he lost his mind she could hurt him Britnee did you ever think of that?" Ian said but he sounded very angry, I heard him bolt up the stairs and see me looks as me and the look he gave was not friendly "were's Alec?" he said with a glare " he's in the bedroom, and how dare you say I would hurt him Alec saved my life last night I would never hurt him." I said with a bitter taste in my mouth I glare at him and Alec walks out puts his hand on my arm "I am glad to have helped you Mary but it was Ian that saved you not me, I am also glad you won't hurt me."He said with a smile Ian walked past me still looking angry I told Alec I would join him for breakfast in a minute that I needed to talk to Ian and apoligize for snapping at him. |