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Rated: E · In & Out · Contest · #1734589
100 GP awarded for participants !!! Round-4: Black Comedy
Round -4 Open !!!

Many writers and readers are familiar with romances written with a touch of fantasy, futurism, or a paranormal theme. Writing across genres is becoming more and more popular as writers are branching out into new and exciting genres, and mixing it up. Authors are writing multi-genre works in many categories. Jamieson Wolf, for example, mixes thriller paranormal stories with a dash of romance. Karina Fabian shakes up her Christian-theme stories with a combination of fantasy, mystery, and satire.

A cross-genre story has to hit the mark for two genres instead of one.  An SF/romance mix has to present a solid science fiction story, as well as a satisfying romance. That means the author has to work that much harder.

Writer Dianne G. Sagan likens "combining some elements of other genres" in a story to "adding seasoning when you're cooking." Karina Fabian believes "We are becoming increasingly more sophisticated in our thinking process... (this) make(s) us able to handle complex storylines that transcend a single genre."

(quoted from P Ehrenkranz and S Barret)

Round -4

I would define BLACK COMEDY as humour on traditionally serious topics such as death, disease, disability, sex, religion, politics, substance abuse etc. (Note that obscenities come under blue comedy and NOT black). Examples are numerous: Shakespeare's comedies, satirical literature like Waiting for Godot, movies like Death at a Funeral, series like Desperate Housewives, Scrubs, Pushing Daisies, South Park etc. Choose any of the prompts from below. Get creative !!!


1. A suicide attempt fails repeatedly.

2. A disease with hillarious symptoms.

3. A party in a room with a dead body.

         Judging based on plot, not spelling / grammar.

First Prize: 2000 GP + review of 3 other items

Second Prize: 1000 GP + review of 2 other items

Round-4 closes after 5 entries are received.

Every non-winning participant gets 100 GP.

Round-3 Winners:

First Prize:
 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#1742635 by Not Available.
Second Prize:
 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#1742559 by Not Available.
Honorary Mention:
 Mr. Jackson Goes Away Open in new Window. (E)
Cross-Genre Writing Contest entry. Mr Jackson finds out something new about his girlfriend
#1741908 by J. Moscoso Author IconMail Icon
Round-2 Winner:
 Cold Souls (Outline) Open in new Window. (E)
My entry for the Cross-Genre Short Story Contest Round 2.
#1738866 by J. Moscoso Author IconMail Icon
Round-1 Winner:
 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#1731661 by Not Available.

Any questions, mail me or post giving a dummy id. || Comments/Suggestions to improve the contest are welcome || Best of Luck

Author: CaesarRupus.... Author IconMail Icon
Title: This is how it ends  Open in new Window.   (Rated: 18+)
Time posted: 12-22-10 @ 2:20am
Comments: Sample Entry of Mine as an example (NOT AN ACTUAL ENTRY) Genres: Folk + Horror

Author: CaesarRupus.... Author IconMail Icon
Title: Cross-Genre Writing Contest  Open in new Window.   (Rated: E)
Time posted: 12-26-10 @ 9:19am
Comments: [THIS IS NOT AN ENTRY] Sincere thanks to Joy, senior moderator for his generous donation for this contest: 50,000 GPs. These points will be used for the current and future rounds.

Author: J. Moscoso Author IconMail Icon
Title: Cold Souls (Outline)  Open in new Window.   (Rated: E)
Time posted: 01-06-11 @ 3:23am
Comments: My outline for a story dealing with the occult with a dash of soft sci-fi.

Author: The Cobbler Author IconMail Icon
Title: Mechanised Souls I  Open in new Window.   (Rated: 13+)
Time posted: 01-06-11 @ 8:39am
Comments: Slight touch of steampunk in something meant to be a first chapter of a novel, but conveniently ends and can be looked at as a short story.

Author: CaesarRupus.... Author IconMail Icon
Title: Cross-Genre Writing Contest  Open in new Window.   (Rated: E)
Time posted: 01-06-11 @ 11:38pm
Comments: 4 entries received till now for round-2. I would also like to know the general opinion. What genres should be put in the upcoming round-3 ?

Author: CaesarRupus.... Author IconMail Icon
Title: Cross-Genre Writing Contest  Open in new Window.   (Rated: E)
Time posted: 01-06-11 @ 11:41pm
Comments: Also, one more thing in response to an email I received. Each round is independent of previous rounds. Round-1 and round-2 are separate new contests. They are NOT levels of the same contest. Do not hesitate to clarify any more questions.

Author: J. M. Anderson Author IconMail Icon
Title: Between the Lines (Outline)  Open in new Window.   (Rated: 18+)
Time posted: 01-11-11 @ 9:22pm
Comments: A Horror/Psycho Thriller mixed with WWI historical Fiction. Note: I do plan on actually writing this story, but I wanted to put my name in the hat before this round closed.

Author: CaesarRupus.... Author IconMail Icon
Title: Cross-Genre Writing Contest  Open in new Window.   (Rated: E)
Time posted: 01-11-11 @ 10:54pm
Comments: Round -2 closed for judging. Entries are: (1)All for Love (2)Luc (3)Three Tokens (4)Cold Souls (5)Mechanised Souls (6)Vampire Knight and (7)Between the Lines. First Prize: 2000 GP + review of 3 other items Second Prize: 1000 GP +review of 2 other items

Author: CaesarRupus.... Author IconMail Icon
Title: Cross-Genre Writing Contest  Open in new Window.   (Rated: E)
Time posted: 01-11-11 @ 11:25pm
Comments: !!! ROUND 3 OPEN !!!

Author: Brianjh Author IconMail Icon
Title: All Roses have Thorns  Open in new Window.   (Rated: E)
Time posted: 01-12-11 @ 1:07am
Comments: The year is 1455, London England, while the Duke of Lancaster and the Duke of York fight each other in the War of the Roses. Little do they know that at the same time there is a much larger war that is about to happen with much higher stakes?

Author: J. Moscoso Author IconMail Icon
Title: Mr. Jackson Goes Away  Open in new Window.   (Rated: E)
Time posted: 01-14-11 @ 10:31pm
Comments: Mr. Jackson wakes up confused in the hospital and his girlfriend Marie is there to put him at ease

Total Displayed: 11

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