Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1733711-Kuja-Versus-Kefka
by Kuja
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1733711
Kuja (FFIX) and Kefka (FFVI) fight. Who will prevail?
In a small town somewhere in America, snow danced to the ground. It was only eleven-thirty in the morning. People rushed from place to place. Downtown, the sidewalks are full of men and women in coats, mittens, hats and tennis shoes.

Kuja walked around, shivering.

"Th-this is s-so l-lame!" He said between chattering teeth.

His outfit held in no heat, thus causing him to freeze. He usually has on white sleeves, with a violet guard around his shoulders. A white robe he wears on the back of his legs that extends to his ankles. The robe is held up by four straps that act as a codpiece. His pants are a deeper purple than his shoulder-guards and his shoes are black with golden buckles.

"W-why can't I f-fly?" He wondered aloud. "Or at l-least make a f-fire." He envied a the people in coats and warm clothes...all the people who were giving him weird looks. His silver-lavender hair was dotted with little specks of the white snow, as was his arms, legs, and clothes. He looked around desperately for anywhere to warm up in.

Not too far away, someone was prancing around, pulling attention to himself.

Kefka Palazzo, the clown from an unnamed world.

In his usual clownish attire, composed of primarily red and yellow fabrics, a mismatched jumble of stripes and polka-dots. A red and white striped ruffle around his neck and a red cloak with a yellow and red inner-lining, made him stick out more than he should have. It kept him warm though.

He soon spotted a young man that he recognized.

"Kuja?" He cackled. Kuja turned around slowly and sighed.

"K-kefka, just leave m-me alone," He snarled.

"Why? It'd be so much FUN to bug you," Kefka started floating mid-air.

"I am s-serious! I w-will send you flying with U-ultima!" Kuja shouted. A few people had stopped and watched the two. They looked nothing like anyone they had ever seen and the clown was defying gravity!

"Then do it, Kuja. But I don't think it'll be much help. You'll obviously freeze," Kefka cackled again. Kuja lunged at Kefka, who bounced into the air from the spot where he was floating.

"Urgh...why you! YOU PATHETIC CLOWN!" Kuja jumped at Kefka and went to hit him with Fire.

"Why must you always ruin my fun?" Kefka sighed, plummeting to the Earth. Right before he hit the ground, he bounced up and stood on air.

"GET BACK HERE YOU PARASITE!" Kuja screamed, trying to send him flying through the air with another Fire. Kefka grinned and leapt out of the way, right beside Kuja. He knocked Kuja toward the hard asphalt. Kuja tried to stop, but ended up crashing into it, creating a giant crater. He picked himself up slowly, a few bruises and cuts that oozed scarlet blood.

"Gah!" He shouted, falling back into the crater. Kefka descended over him.

"Given up, have we?" He cackled.

"N-never," Kuja shivered again, being covered in snow. He pulled himself out.

"Ooh, this oughta be fun!" Kefka landed.

"Screw this...I'm going back to Gaia!" Kuja said, flying into the air.

"NO YOU'RE NOT!" Kefka growled, grabbing Kuja and pulling him down. A demonic angel with purple skin with a red loincloth replaced Kefka. Kuja snarled and tried to get away. By then, a crowd of bystanders had formed on the other side of the street, just watching the two fight.

"Kefka! Seriously! Let me go!" Kuja shouted. A red light surrounded him and dissipated.

"WHAT IS THIS KUJA?!" Kefka growled.

"MY god-form," Kuja grinned, kicking Kefka away long enough to fly into the air. He started preparing a Ultima.

"No...NOOOOO!" Kefka cried as Kuja finished preparing. A barrage of fuchsia energy orbs rained down toward Kefka, who screamed in agony. The crowd of peope disappeared, fearing for their lives.

When the spell ended, Kefka fell to his knees.

"How...how is this possible?" He asked, fading away.

Kuja started laughing as he descended to the ground.

"Pathetic clown. I am the victor, aren't I?" Kuja asked, knowing the answer.
© Copyright 2010 Kuja (lunetha at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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