Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1733667-Wall-Gnomes
Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #1733667
Got Gnomes? I know I do. (Flash Fiction)
Written for the Daily Flash Fiction Challenge with a word limit of 300.

The prompts: This story must contain the words: Climb, Mystery, and Cheer

Wall Gnomes

Chider the Young stood obediently at the door. He kept his head bowed; eyes fixed on the furry tops of his bare feet. At the sound of the gong, he walked to the center of the room.

The chanting began a moment later. It had a hypnotic cadence and Chider found himself involuntarily swaying to the beat.

Three gavel taps brought an abrupt silence.

“Chider the Young, remove your hood and face those you dare aspire to have as your brethren.”

He took a breath and willed himself to not shake. Slowly, conveying due respect, he brought up both hands and pealed back his hood. He raised his head, facing the council of elders. Tonight, they were not the fathers of his childhood friends. They were not scout leaders or school teachers.

Tonight they were his judges.

“Your progress has been impressive young one. It seems like only yesterday you were learning to tap on walls and leave lights on. As you grew, your accomplishments became more complex. Who knows how you were able to climb up the chimney and close the damper; all noteworthy achievements, but not really anything to cheer about.”

Chider looked from face to face. He knew this was a test. They wanted to see if he’d retreat. Undaunted, he pulled out a large satchel from under his robe.

“I tell you this…my brethren; I’ve been to the basement, the lair of the great cat.”


“Do you mean…?”

Chider opened up the satchel and pulled out a giant patterned cloth object. He tossed it on the floor.

Everyone looked at it in disbelief. Finally, one said, “It’s an argyle!”

The missing sock mystery had not been accomplished since the cat started sleeping on the dryer.The room of open mouths told him he was in.

Word count 300

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