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He's here everybody! Miller's wish. *tee-hee* |
Thanks for all the reviews ^_^ I get so excited when I get feed back! Oh, clear some questions up, the price for the wish I mentioned at the end of the first chapter is yet to be revealed. Yea, it’s a surprise! Well, here’s the second chapter! ~~~ “ Oh my gosh.” His head was pounding furiously. The room slowly swam around in his mind before it came to a solid stand still. It looked as if he had been swallowed by a big ball of pink cotton candy. Everything was the putrid color of a 3 year old girl. Speaking of girl, who was that on the bed? Where was he!? “Ah,” he hissed and as he tried to stand, but ended up falling back again. His head was still killing him. “Crap!” Adit. The name popped into his head as if someone had whispered it in his ear. Adit? His name…that was his name. He rubbed his temples before letting his hand drop to rest on his thighs. Wait, why didn’t he feel and fabric beneath his fingers? When Adit looked down he saw just what he suspected. He was freaking naked! “Really?” Ignoring the raw pain in his head, he stood up shakily, using the wall as a still foundation. He slowly inched his way over to the white and pink dresser beside the bed, careful not to make to much noise. “Hmmm?” The top drawer was filled with frilly undergarments and other random crap girls had to wear; he didn‘t know the name of them all. A plain pair of white undies would do till other arrangements could be made. The bottoms were a bit of a tight fit, but they covered what they needed to cover. “Mmm.” Adit jumped as the girl on the bed mumbled something incoherent and rolled over onto her side. Staring at her intensely, he waited till she was still again before tiptoeing closer for a better look. She wasn’t breathtaking or beautiful. She was smaller than most girls in stature, but not in curves. Her face was shaped like a heart and surrounded by thick curls that cascaded down her back. Her features were a little rough around the edges; her tanned skin tone evened that out, though. All in all she was nothing special. “ Great. I’m in a girl’s room, wearing panties, I don’t know how I got here, and I don’t know where I came from.” The whole concept of his existence was lost to him at the moment, and all the thinking just made his head ache worse. “ This couldn’t get any worse and what I just said can’t get anymore cliché.” “What are you doing in my room?” a high pitched voice sounded shrilly behind him. Crap! Adit slowly turned around to face the girl who was now sitting up in bed with a pillow clutched to her chest. He tried a small smile. Her eyes examined him closely and her face twisted into disgust when she saw he was wearing her panties. “…hi” he mumbled, cheeks bright red. “Shut-up or I’ll scream.” He said nothing more. Slowly crawling off the edge of the bed, she walked over to the door and locked it. “ How did you get in here?” She lived on the third story of the house and the single balcony window was always kept locked. The first story doors were guarded, and there was nothing to use to crawl up or down the walls of the house. She had tried. “I don’t know.” He answered blankly. She stared at him for a while. “Where did you come from?” “I don’t know.” Though it seemed impossible for someone not to know anything about themselves she believed him. “…What’s your name?” “Adit.” Ah-ha! Now they were getting somewhere. “My names Miller. Do you know why you’re here?” Wish. The word fabricated in his mind just like his name had. Wish? What did that mean. “ Wish?” he tried the word on his tongue. Miller froze. It couldn’t be true! “You can’t be real.” She walked up to him cautiously as if he would disappear with any sudden movements. Reaching out with a tentative hand, she touched his thick black hair, than his strong jutted chin, and the whole time his dark green eyes never left her. He was real. Miller gasped and took a step back. There was so much she had to figure out now. What would he wear? Where would he stay? Her parents couldn’t know. If she knew her wish would be granted she would have made it long ago. “This is going to be fun.” she exclaimed, eyes aglow. Adit was still a little worried and lost. “I guess.” |