Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1733556-The-haunted-mansion
by Jesse
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #1733556
A haunted mansion..
Spooky, creepy, frightening are just some words to describe what I saw there, in that unknown town, far away from the principal road I was following to visit some historical places last summer.

I got there by accident, because the car was broken and I needed some pieces from the gas station. But there was no gas station.. Just a lost town with some little houses and a big one that ruled them all..

I searched at every house to see if somebody could help me, but there was no human being.. Finally I reached the big, imposing house, and when I entered the huge garden, I just felt I was a gatecrasher.. Lots of flowers were surrounding me, special species, I have never seen before.. Passing through the flowers, I found myself in front of the door. An inscription on the double door was saying “The last thing you should do before you die is to SMILE!”. This scared me a little bit, but I kept my cold blood and rang on the beetle like bell. A grim sound went through my ears and into my soul like a thunder and I felt like falling down for a moment. Then, peace and quiet.. I tried the door, and it was opened.. The door was creaking loudly, strange..

I entered a huge entrance hall with a strange black like colored walls and old dusty furniture. Really creepy.. “Is somebody home?” I shouted, but no answer. It was a cold silence, guarded by the black walls around me. I went on, entering in one of the rooms on the left of the entrance hall. This room was bloody red, with a big bed and nothing else. This wasn’t right.

I kept going from room to room of the house till I reached the first floor. There it was a single room, as big as the house itself, also with the bloody red walls, and the new thing was that on all the walls were written words, very small, like a story that the room wanted to share with anyone who entered. I went closer to the writings and found out that it was about vampires, and from my studies, I knew that it was the vampire history itself and many vampire legends, coming alive there. And the smell of the walls told me it was written in blood, black blood. This started to scare me for real. Something wasn’t like I expected. It wasn’t just a house, it was like a vampire nest. And something I saw later, while thinking what I should do, was that on the ceiling were nothing else than pictures with different scary creatures of the dark.. I forgot to mention that the room was round, without any corners. Now I started to check out the room entirely. First I looked out the single window that was there, and I say that it was guarded by 2 really big gargoyles that were spitting stone fire and preparing to attack. Now I realized that this was a gothic house from around the 1860s, very old and very rare.

In one part of the room, in the floor there was an opening covered with glass, and inside were lots of trophies with human heads, women heads, and under each one was written their names, ages, towns and the kind of witchcraft they were doing when they were caught. This was hideous! The one that stood there or just owned the house was insane I thought! I was sure now that this was a dark magic place and that I’ve entered in this world without knowing how wrong I was in doing this.

I went downstairs in a hurry, but something lured me back in the entrance hall and in a place of the house I wasn’t before, the kitchen.. There I was amazed of the beauty and the way all the things were arranged. This room was full of weapons, from the oldest <<the rock>> to the newest generation <<the automatic ones>>, adornment for the holes in the walls. So it was someone or something who or what was staying here now judging by the new weapons.. But where was that person or that.. thing? I started to look at the weapons. There were also strange weapons I haven’t seen before, and also old and new sorcery books and alchemy handbooks chosen to be weapons. I also saw crossbows, simple bows, very old torches with knives set into a trap, to get out from the torch when it was touched, and many other things like these. Also HK MP5s, shotguns, simple pistols, rare pieces of collection, also a sling. It was an amazing collection.. And it was.. complete!

I saw, while looking at a rare pistol, an entrance in the wall that was going somewhere deep under the house, and at the entrance, a torch, lightened.. I was a little amused now. I left the pistol in its place and tried the torch to see if it was like the one I saw in the collection, but it was a normal one. I took it, entered in the opening and started to go down the stairs. I can’t remember how long it took me to reach the basement and see the huge room that was in front of me. It was a wine cellar! Like in the kitchen, the wines were positioned in small holes in the walls, one for each bottle, thousands of bottles, and in the middle of the room there reigned like 5 coffins, 4 closed, one opened.

In that moment I ran out of breath and remained speechless. This was what the house was hiding.. It was like a crypt.. But right in the moment I was thinking of that, I heard a noise up the stairs and a wind came in the basement. My torch was about to put out when another light appeared.. But what was carrying it was not to see.. I felt again that breeze and my torch was put out. Now I could see something like a black shadow approaching me and giving me the new torch.. Now I was really scared. What was that? And why was it so friendly?? This wasn’t good. I tried to see behind that black cloud, but it was nothing to see more. And then it spoke. I heard him <<cause it was a mans voice>> inside my head, like a thought. He was telling me that he was the owner of the house and the coffins were from his sons that were vampires. I couldn’t believe such a thing! It was impossible! Vampires alive?! A shadow, father of 5 vampires?! But he started to answer at my questions, like he could hear my thoughts. His breed, Ventrue, was very old, from the year 600 and he died in 1860, after he bought the house <<it was older than I thought>>, by one of his sons, and here he pointed at the opened coffin that was empty. Then, Emrot was killed by his brothers to revenge their father, and so their souls went in one. This phenomenon had some bad and good effects. The fathers soul could not go away from his body till the soul of the son reached it, and this was painful, even for a soul. And the good part was that, after the unification, the result was a shadow that could remain near the dear ones. His name was Craft. The first vampire of his breed. Now they were living there cause they wanted to be away from the other vampires for a while. I was like “WOOOOW! I’m talking to a real vampire! Cool!”. Yet it was cooler than I was thinking..

                                       To be continued..

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