Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1731736-Horror-novel-Title-in-production
by mikeyc
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #1731736
A horror story told by different people and points of view as each new chapter begins
A MikeyCaps production

                                        (title in production)

Prologue: The smell was thick and choking, waking me up from a silent sleep. I leaned up to take off my heavy blanket sheltering me from yet another cold winter night. Two steps, and with each one my slumbering blood flowed through my peaceful body. My breaths inhaled and exhaled almost as slow as my approach toward my second story window. My eyes blurry, looked through it, pulled by the strings of dangerous curiosity. Within their view lied a shadowy figure, large and lifeless in the middle of the road. I studied its abnormal stance, all the way from the bottom to the very emotionless top. A midnight awakening in more than one way. I decided to take a peak at the eccentric figure, grabbing my flashlight and a long red scarf, and stumbling down my narrow creaky stairs. With each one I grew slightly more awake, and slightly more energized for my chance of discovery. The air was dense, and the smell of rotting meat seeped through the cracks at my door. I withheld the reflex to gag, but it was as though I could taste its bloody tinge. I opened the door quietly as to not disturb the neighbors and made my way towards my porch gate to the figure I had seen before. Each step crept silence, until I accidentally stepped on the chew toy of my dog. He barked abruptly but I hushed him down as so he could run back into the home, and I could continue my journey to the gate. As I came closer to the entrance of my porch the Earth shook below me. Rhythmic, ominous, foreboding footsteps. And through the gate lied the figure. Five times above my stature the dripping red covered my face. The exhalations through my blind eyes blew my hair back with each awful breath. Rubbing my eyes with my red scarf, I looked up to approaching teeth and thus silence came upon me as fast as it had welcomed my awakening.

Ch1 I grabbed my brothers hand as we rushed down the street. Our bare feet felt the cold rain that covered us from head to toe. We had decided to sleep over a friend's house for the night, but alas my younger brother had forgotten his blanket. As an older brother I felt obliged to drag him out with me on a midnight journey across the lane to the house, a cold punishing troop for forcing me to bring him back to the bedroom to find his comforting cloth. With each step and each drip of rain, adrenaline had brought us out of a supposed slumber and into a wild dash through the moonlit street. As we sprinted towards our familiar home the rain slowly lessened, accompanied by the faint sounds of distant cars and sleepless pets, dogs barking at the wintry wind. Large puddles remained on the sides of the sidewalk and streams of overflow came from the hill next to us. I knew my brother wanted to jump into them, but creating another mess on top of our soaked jeans and wet hair would not benefit the joy of our host. Finally approaching the door I asked my brother to stay put, wait outside as I raided his room for his childish covering. I threw each sheet off his bed and yet could not find the small blanket, only to find its presence at the foot of his bed. Someone had dropped it while packing for the night, and that foolish someone was probably shivering outside the wintry weather. I ran back downstairs avoiding the steps that produced the creaking sounds and back through the front door to the street. Tommy I yelled, and alas my brother was not responding. Tommy! Tommy! Where are you! Nothing. I threw the blanket over my shoulder and continued the search through the dark winter fright.

Ch2 Its cold red claws amongst my thin waist cut slowly into my thick coat. Their sharp existence slicing through each layer I had worn to shelter me from the chilling breeze. It carried me down the street, my body limp from the hard entanglement felt along my ribcage. With each breathe, pain, and with each blink my life seeped away from me. My ability to scream was smothered by the choking grip of sudden shock. Emotionless and caged, the only thing that could wander was my sight, and the barely feasible screams of my name. My name... I had never wanted it. Growing up it was not my favorite and looking upon the reflection of an all so familiar face I had gotten used to so much, it never matched. My eyes wandered up to the face of the sneering creature. In between its crimson teeth lay a beautiful red scarf. A remnant of a previous appetizer perhaps? My eyes then looked at the blood drench streams behind me. I missed the warmth of my bed and my blanket. Oh, my thick blanket where art though now? As the crushing fist of the monster slowly broke each bone in my ribs I welcomed my death. With my last breathe I said my name, the only thing on me I could hold dear, the thing I hated but reminded me of my family, their foolish choice but loving ways. Gerald...

Ch3 Brother! I'm right here silly where have you been? What do you mean you've been looking for me? You silly fart I was sitting down the street on the side walk. Do you have my blanket? I can't believe you made me come back with you, I'm shivering up a storm. Yeah your right it is a cold night tonight. Yeah, yeah I know, I'm sorry I made you come get it now, lets get a move on we won't want to keep Gerald waiting. You know how he gets when he has to wait for things, and by now I'm sure hes gotten back in the house, he came out with us but he was only stopping by his neighbors because he heard his dog barking crazily, can we please get a move on. Hold my hand I'm cold. Could you stop running I'm out of breathe from running over here. Come on Billy seriously I'm tired. Wait, did you hear that. Lets check it out, it came from the direction of Gerald's. Yeah I'm O.K. to run now Billy lets go. It sounds like barking you want to take a peak, Gerald's house is only right next door.

Ch4 My throat is so sore. My body is so cold. I am so alone. What is that footsteps? Has he returned? No, too many. Foot trails and a familiar scent. The smell of friends, the smell of the neighborhood. The door is open come on in. They won't open the door, but I need to go to them, I need to warn them. I'll run up stairs, I'll jump out the window. Up the familiar creaky steps, into my room of late memories. They will never be created anew. A leap onto a warm blanket, and a jump out of an open ledge. Catch me young one, catch me.

Ch5 What do we have here deputy? I don't know sheriff its a tricky case. Well tell me then whats the story deputy? We have two children here and a dog, its old Brian's dog. They tell me there is drained blood leading from Brian's house towards the front of their friend Gerald's home. The Lewinsky's house deputy? They have a child named Gerald deputy, good kid. Yeah sheriff, apparently Gerald is missing along with Brian, as what the children are saying Sheriff. Well what of Gerald's parents? Missing as well sheriff. What of these kid's parents deputy? Off on vacation, thus why they were at Gerald's anyway, as what the children are saying. Alright send a squad car there deputy, as for the kids, call their parents, put them in the cell, give em a few cots and some hot cocoa, they've had a long night..... deputy.

Ch6 The two parents searched aimlessly for their son. Running, panting, hopeless. They followed the dripped blood stains on the ground, seeping into the cracks of an already damp concrete surface. They tripped at the same times, they truly were the same being, the same love, and the same beating rhythm of a pair of loving hearts searching frantically for their Gerald. Their one and only. Following the blood, it thickened into streams,  so did the smell of death. They followed destruction and were ready to fight anything they came across, even their thoughts of gruesome gore reflected in one another-s minds. The dark moonlit sky gave little sight, sparkling off the drops off crimson red. They had seen their son taken up outside of their window. A sudden moment of intense fright, a sudden moment of rage. As they came upon the monstrosity, with screams of terror and blind running force, they tried to attack the beast. With one fell swoop their lives ended as fast as their bones were digested.

Ch7 A tale about a man without a home

he sat at the edge of the street

he got up at midnight to roam

to find food, water, and meat

the man a homeless soul

explored the city and stole

but stole out of the trash

cans of heavenly stash

one day he came upon an awful sound

welcomed with it the vibrating pound

and with coming closer to the noise

he balanced his tip toes with up most poise

his stench masked out the blood

dripping with each thud

and as each animal and each creation

came upon closer

they met eyes at the same station

one dirty one grosser

both upon them a fixated curse

destined to kill destined for worse

Ch8 My eyes met with that of the beast its smell I was familiar  with, as though it was a cologne I myself wore each day. I did not know my midnight trek would bring me to this monstrosity. Both of us without a home, both of us hungry in our midnight hunts. It looked at me with strange familiarity. My spine, bones, reflexes, paralyzed. The only thing I could do was be taken in, lured by the creature's sight. It came closer, its breath moistened the air into a damp rotting stench. My eyes filled with fear were about a foot from the bloody teeth, and looking inside it seemed as though the darkness would never end. It sniffed me, and then a long five foot tongue stretched out to taste my face. The saliva burned slightly as it dripped over my skin and unwashed exterior. The monster grunted and withdrew. I sat motionless on the ground as I watched it walk away with silent fierce Earth moving footsteps. As our gazes were differed and our eyes stop meeting I examined its odd shape. Its stomach was thin, and the insides poked and stretched against it. I could see faces, skulls being pushed against the thin stomach lining, stuck in the same expression of horror as they had when they were chomped up and swallowed. The monster stood on two legs, each limb accompanied by sharp cannibalistic claws. Unworthy of a home it must have been dragging on for miles, its bloody trail steamed as the acid and saliva mixed with the feast it had, had. Its mouth continued to drool no matter where it went, purple greenish goop. It was covered with mold, white growing puss, and massive in size. As though it was a tiny moving home, a house that conveyed the grim reaper's gate. We had one thing in common though, both of us living on the street. I felt bad for it for just a second, it must have felt the same loneliness I did scouring the dark streets, rummaging through trashcans. As I got up slowly I brushed off my face with my forearm and as I wiped off the drool the stinging sensation ceased. Reopening my eyes I saw the ivory backsides of the beast's scabby teeth. It must have licked the the inside of his mouth over and over but not the outside of his teeth, it loved the taste of blood, and without any chance of escape I was eaten within two seconds of thought. The end of my life, a trash picker, a homeless man, a man without love, a man without family, a lonesome soul, a rat's story.

Ch9 Her skin shivered with each drop of the broken tub on the floor above her. She was in blank thought, awaking to a long out stretched arm demolishing half of her apartment building. She fell through four floors and knocked unconscious. Waking up and regaining her senses she sat shocked and in tremendous pain in the corner of the rubble. Four floors of wreck and ruin lay above her, as broken pipes and plumbing leaked filth and water down each floor, covering the ground with a thick soup of purified liquid and tainted fecal flushing. She convulsed against the wall behind her, holding her diary, the last thing she had in her hand before she fell asleep, she slowly climbed atop of the rubble to try to get out of the mess. Try to make sense of what had happened only moments before. As she tripped over random walls and broken furniture she fell into a puddle of liquid. She screamed reaching out for a ledge, and finally grabbing onto a flimsy object. She pulled herself up and turned around. Blood, crushed neighbors, and below her the crushed arm of an unfamiliar carcass. She ran away leaving her diary on the ground, red and abandoned. All she could do was run, run as far and as fast as she could, as chaotic as her night was, she found peace with her sprinting.

Ch9 This is squad car nine reporting to nine one one call from apartment building three on east street. Yes I'm calling in, requesting back up this is a mess, seems as if a bomb went off. Send medical help, immediately. I'm waling towards the building, yes sheriff I'll remain in radio contact until instructed not to. Hold on I see a girl running down the street, I'll check in again soon sheriff.

Ch10 As the police officer chased after the running girl he heard large ear shatter footsteps. Turning behind him an immense monstrosity ran next to him. It's red blood thirsty eyes directed at the little girl. The police officer screamed, trying to catch up and save her. He withdrew his gun and shot at the monster. Each shot rebounded of its hard shell like exterior, its odd turquoise scales covered with moldy white. Nothing was working and the girl was about to be swooped. With one last bullet he shot the monster's head, one well aimed shot filled with the hope of man. It pierced the monster's skull, and a large bellowing sound emanated from his bloody soaked throat. The beast collapsed onto its side as the police man ran past it to catch the little girl, who instinctively stopped running as the beast fell. He grabbed her and hugged her shivering frail body. They sat in awe at the creature and he started to walk her back. He saw her look at the beast, its lifeless body as he led her back to his car. He opened the passenger seat for her and lead her inside and shut the door. He grabbed his door handle and pulled with ease. He slowly sat into the seat, but his left foot was not moving. He tugged but something was pulling him, and the pain instantly broke the bones in his ankle. Within a few seconds the tongue of the beast had constricted his leg and swung him in the air. He flew for a few seconds before being swallowed up and as the teeth of the monster crushed his head his thoughts flashed past his eyes as his brain matter met with the beast's tongue.

Ch11 Six lives in six minutes. The diary sat alone and wet. Its pages cold and seeking the warmth of its owner. It sat next to a pool of victim fulled blood. It heard shallow footsteps. Taken up by its owner again the diary was swiftly carried the opposite direction in which the girl had abandoned it, when it watched her sprint away before. Together, a pair, they ran towards the hospital lights, the big city, and the police station. As he was carried he witnessed the police sirens wiz by. He had finally reached a large building, and was secured in her grasp once again. The diary shut its cover and fell asleep until once more it would be opened up and written.

Ch12  Hurry call all available doctors we have a girl in critical condition. I'll call the authorities immediately. Hello? A young girl has just come through the door covered in blood. She tells of a monster who has eaten one of your police officers. You've sent squad cars to check the site? Yes we'll be on standby with any more information. Thank you.

Ch13 The night ended and the monster was not found. Search parties were called out to scourge the area for any evidence. The sirens of ambulances and police cars filled the air with a sense of supreme danger. The town and the surrounding suburbs were put into a lock down, All were to report to the large

dome a few city's east of their position. All were to leave as the military would be brought in. Without many witnesses except one little girl, and a suburb and partial city block desecrated with bloody trails and broken building, the military did not know what they were to come up against. As the lives of six ended a new book begins.
© Copyright 2010 mikeyc (mikecaps at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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