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Just my stab at an editorial piece, it has alot of emotion, but the message is there. |
The thing with America is progress is a slow process. We are the youngest nation. Period. The goverment has allowed itself to completely self destruct with corrupt politicians, and scandals since the beginning of time. Man cannot watch over other men. Aside from that there has, and will never been a seperation of church and state. Period. Like others have stated though, this bill not being passed is fucking with a good chunk of the military's assets. Flatout. Everyone knows at least one gay in the service. I am in the service, and I think this entire debaucle is melarky. They have to deal with taxes, and the economy. Although, them not passing this law is not only hurting gays... It's hurting the military in general. Military personnel are getting wage cuts, and retirement cuts out of the wazoo based upon this bill, and other things. America is about to crap out. Soon enough, some country will blow us off the map. I'm not saying that out of hostility... I'm saying that because I see us claiming to be aiding these other countries, when our own territory is in turmoil. We don't have the funds to keep ssending troops over, and soon enough... there won't be anymore to send out. Especially since the bill isn't being passed. I believe that anyone who is gay, and in the military should finish their tours, and service, and move the hell out of this sad country. Has it ever stood for freedom and equality?? To an extent. There is a certain criteria you have to fall under in order to qualify for freedom?? What! An ancient eastern proverb states that each and every being is born free, and is not to be a slave to any man, or thing. Only to carry out the duties of his will. The land of the free, has become a desolate prison. In ways that we are captive to the media. It can be mended to say what they want us to hear. That's my opinion. How can I love, and honor a country that promises said freedoms, and equality... Yet, I have to live a lie. When you stand, and take your oath into the military even there is no seperation of church and state, when you say the pledge...Again it is breached. Some people say it's allowed based on the first ammendment. Logically that would be acceptable, if our 'fore-fathers' hadn't written an ammendment with the separation mentioned. It's just sickening. That's why all other countries around us think we are all simple minded, and ignorant. I cannot blame them for said thoughts. I joined to fight for my freedom, and others freedoms as well... Although, it seems null in void if I myself am not free. The noble cause would be to suck it up, and keep moving soldier. But, when my career, my life, and livelyhoods are being fucked with. There is a line crossed. We are fighting for others freedoms, but receiving nothing except congressional medals, and PTSD. Just saying... I was never raised to think that politics, or politicians could correct things. Men have been misleading each other since B.C. era. Why on earth do we think these elected officials can see true desperation? They are just watch dogs, lapping up power, and excreting propaganda that the ignorant masses agree with. I cannot even say what my political views are. I'm not a liberal. We need balance. I'm not a democrat. Some of them have been too passive. Definately, not a republican, nor in the tea party either. I came from a middle class working family. Some of which were service members to this country. We all know republicans are a little too un-educated, and too wealthy for their own good. If anything, I merely observe the decline of this 'great' nation. As, I age... I realize that, if I'm to spawn my own children... I don't want the fruit of my loins to have to realize that they live in a country with limited freedoms. That's something that no matter what your orientation is, has effect. Whose to say you won't bear a gay?? That since that child sees mom, or dad is in the service, they strive for that. Partially why I joined, you know?? I'm baffled by it. We are supposed to be living in the future. I'm sure our 'fore-fathers' that wrote the declaration, and the bill... Didn't have any reason to segregate gays from serving their country. If you are a part of this United States government... What does your sexual preference have to do with you getting the job done? That's my main question. I get that some people, and some branches stand for 'bravado' and stand for 'upholding the christian values of family.' Jargon... If you joined, you joined to better yourself as an individual. Why would it matter what you prefer, or how you live your life outside of your job? The point is we just don't have any one defending us in the trenches. The real freedom fighters, who know the truth. That sees this exploitatious country for all of it's ugly standards that teeter on intolerable. Also, I would like to shamelessly plug the movie Milk. I feel exactly how he did. Being gay, and having that stand against you. Having to get other people, whose freedoms were not in tact to get the votes, to pass the levy. That movie will truly open your eyes to how narrow minded we Americans truly are, and have been. |