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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1729819
This is the prologue to my first book Into The Darkness.
  He had no idea what had caused him to wake from such a deep sleep. Some sound in the pitch darkness or maybe it was the absence of Olivia from his arms. He rolled over onto his back, listening. He had come to see his fiancĂ© this evening. He had crept into the house under the cover of darkness to steal a few precious moments while her father slept one floor above them. They had drunk the wine he had brought and made love and they both had fallen asleep tangled in each other's arms. He sat up listening. Commotion in the hall made him jump out of bed. Maybe Olivia had gotten sick and needed him. He crept into the hall but didn't see anyone. He headed down the stairs. By the murky light of almost dawn coming through the windows he saw someone lying at the foot of the stairs. He ran down kneeling beside them. He gasped jumping back, slamming into the wall. It was Olivia's father and he was dead, his throat savagely ripped open. Adrenaline poured through his body, he had to find Olivia. He prayed she was alive.
He heard a shuffle coming from the study and he went to the door, throwing it open. All the lights were burning for his benefit, he realized, so he wouldn't miss a thing. Two malevolent looking men were waiting for him with smirks on their faces. They weren't at all surprised to see him come rushing into the room. It was almost as if they knew he was coming. They were dressed in dark suits, one was dark haired the other blonde.
Olivia was sitting between them her eyes wide with terror.
“Oh, no, Michael.” She wailed.
The door slammed shut behind him and the two men stepped in front of her blocking her from him.
“What do you want? Who are you?” Michael demanded. He charged at the men when suddenly he felt strong hands holding him back. Two more men had come out of the shadows and were keeping him from reaching Olivia. The dark haired man by her side touched her face lovingly. Michael strained against his captor's hands.
“Don't touch her.” He shouted still trying to break free.
“Michael it is useless to struggle.” He said still looking at Olivia. He held his hand out to her, and she took it allowing him to help her to her feet. Michael watched in horror as the dark man touched her face again and leaned toward her gently kissing her lips.
“Don't touch her.” He yelled again.
“Michael, she belongs to me. Isn't that right, Olivia?” He looked into her eyes. “At least she did before you came along.” He gripped a handful of her long, dark hair and yanked forcefully, pulling her head back, exposing her throat and neck. He heard her whimper.
“Oh, he doesn't know?” He asked laughing. “Well, what kind of marriage would that be if you keep secrets from each other?” He shook his head. “She doesn’t want what I have to offer.” He ran his fingertip over her cheek and neck stopping between her breasts.
“She wants you.” He sneered. “I offer her eternal life, eternal youth, endless pleasure and still she wants you.” He shook his head.
“What do you want from us? Just let her go.”
He looked at Michael, stared deep into his eyes as he pulled Olivia closer to him. Her body pressed tight against his, his lips just touching her neck. His gaze never left Michael, his fierce eyes glowing.
“This is what I want.” He said. As Michael watched, they rose up off the floor. He held the small of her back with one hand, the other still wrapped in her hair. Her body was slack in his arms. Michael watched, paralyzed. Could this be a dream? A nightmare caused by too much wine? The dark man opened his mouth revealing long white fangs and never taking his eyes from Michael he sank them into Olivia's neck. She cried out, her body convulsing. Michael roared and tried to break free again but couldn't. The two men held him, immune to his struggles.
He released his hold on her neck and her head rolled limply onto her shoulder. They began lowering to the floor and when their feet touched, he released his hold on her. She collapsed in a heap. Michael cried out, his legs buckling beneath him. The two men released his arms from their grip, and he too collapsed to the floor. He crawled over to her turning her body to see her face.
“No, no, no.” He cried over and over. He shook her gently willing her to open her eyes, wake up. He caressed her face, pushed her hair back. Her face was peaceful as if she was sleeping. Her skin was snow white and cold to the touch. He turned her head to the side and looked at the two angry puncture marks that marred her perfect skin, a thin line of blood trailed down her neck. His tears fell onto her face and with an anguished cry he dropped his head to her breast.
Michael didn’t know how much time had passed since he lay down with Olivia. He slowly stood his body stiff. He walked to the window and looked outside. He vaguely remembered it had been near dawn when this nightmare had begun, and now it seemed to be night again. The full moon cast an eerie glow over the yard. He left the house walking into the night, no destination in mind. It didn't matter anymore. His life had ended when Olivia's did. He had nothing, no one.
He wandered aimlessly into the city passing homeless people and prostitutes, alleyways reeking of garbage. He turned suddenly aware of someone behind him. He stood still waiting, listening, his breath fogging around him in the cold night air.
“Who's there?” He called.
A man stepped from the shadows and into the light of the moon. His features became clear and with a roar Michael lunged at him, outstretched hands seeking his throat. In a blur of movement, he was turned around, arms like vise grips squeezing his chest. He felt icy breath at his ear and heard the voice of his nightmare, “Michael, stop struggling.”
“Who are you?” He asked.
“My name is Talan Degallo but you can think of me as your savior, your guardian angel.”
“What are you talking about? I think of you as a monster. Why did you do it?”
Talan sighed and gripped Michael tighter. “She was a whore, Michael. I have been watching you for a long time and you deserve better, you belong with us. I can make this up to you.”
Michael spat out a harsh laugh. “How could you possibly?”
Talan turned Michael to face him letting him out of his intense grip.
“Look into my eyes, Michael.”
Michael turned his face away and Talan grabbed his chin in a bruising hold, forcing him to look into his dark glittering eyes.
“I am giving you an opportunity. A once in a lifetime chance.”
“I want nothing you have to offer.” Michael said. “I would rather die.”
Talan raised his hands, surrendering. “Fine, go.”
Michael stood still staring at him. In a harsh voice Talan said again, “Go Michael! Go live your miserable, lonely life. You have nothing, you are nothing. If I did kill you right now it would only be a relief for you, you wretched bastard. Get out of my sight. ”
Michael turned away walking slowly into the alley. He stopped to look back and the street where they had been standing was empty, Talan had disappeared. He turned back around and out of nowhere something crashed into him pinning him to the ground and knocking the breath out of his lungs. He was pinned under Talan. His glowing eyes burned into his.
Talan opened his mouth revealing his fangs and Michael squeezed his eyes shut. He knew he couldn't fight. His strength was no match against the strength of this vampire. It seemed the fate that had been Olivia's was now his as well.
Searing pain was coursing its way through his body. He rolled onto his side moaning in utter agony. He looked around him trying to remember where he was, what had happened but his vision was blurry, his head was pounding and he couldn't get his bearings. He struggled to get his feet underneath him, and he collapsed back down to the concrete. Everywhere he could hear a sinister laugh, Talan's laugh, and he realized it was in his head. He covered his ears as he rocked back and forth, his head felt like it was splitting in two.
With another groan he got to his feet and ran blindly out of the alley. It was night again. 
© Copyright 2010 Jynell K Hull (jynellkhull at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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