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Rated: · Novel · Fanfiction · #1724504
this is my continue on Stephanie Meyers twilight series.

Part 1.


Prologue .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13

Deja vue .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...14

the beginning ..... ... ... ... ... .. 16

musings……... ... ... ... ... ... ... 17

You can escape
from what you know
But you can not escape from



A sudden movement caught my attention. I knew they would come at a time, but why now? I knew that there wasn’t something to do. My shield could not protect us physically. We did it to protect the people we loved, it was the only thought which led me to remain standing. I could feel Edward on my one side. I looked him deeply in his eyes and squeezed his hand. Alice gasped for breath as if she needed oxygen. We were as ready as we could be. And then they came out of the shadows. Exactly like in a dream I had once.

1. Deja vue

Calm down, I said to my self. No one is looking, no one is looking !
But I could not quite convince myself, so I had to check.
Mike and Jessica smiled to me from the other side of the street and Angela beckoned.
Inside the bank beside me stood Mrs. Stanley and all customers and stared.
I thought that it looked like though their eyes were about to roll out of their heads.
I had it the same way for seven years ago when Edward and I had just become engaged. A lot had changed since and this time it was not me who was getting married. It was my lovely daughter Renesmee. She and Jacob had just announced their engagement. Ever since I’ve felt that people had whispered in the corners. "Now Bella's daughter is going to marry her best friend" and "have you heard it, Bella is going to be mother in law of Jacob Black." they of course not thought that I could hear them but they also don’t knew that I was a vampire. I remembered back to that night they had told it.


It was an early spring and symbolic enough sunshine. Me and Edward sat engrossed in a conversation about Tanya's new friend Fred as Renesmee and Jacob had entered. Renesmee walked slightly behind Jacob with a nervous smile on her lips. They sat down on the white couch and I was looking for any noticeable change. Jacob nudged slightly to her and she blushed. Suddenly, I knew what they had to tell us. I nearly couldn’t shut my mouth but I would give them a chance even to say it. I glanced casually at Edward and I also believed that he could recognize the scenario. Jacob cleared his throat and said: ”Bella, Edward - me and Renesmee have something we want to tell you. " I thought it was a strange idea that it could have been me and Jacob if everything had been different but I had lucky enough not that feelings for Jake now. He was what he should be - my best friend and soon my son-in-law. "So I know that I probably should have done it in the traditional way but I've already asked her and she said yes to marrying me," said Jacob and kissed Renesmee on the cheek. I gave them both a big smile and said, "I thought it was like yesterday that me and Edward sat in exactly the same way and Edward said almost the same, but then we got a slightly different reaction from Charlie than you guys will get from us, isn’t that right Edward. " I smiled big for him. "Intended" he said and smiled my favorite crooked smile. I rushed over and gave them both a big hug. Then Edward came above and followed my example. "We are so excited on your behalf" I said. "Just wait for you tell Alice she goes completely berserk" I said and grinned big. Edward embraced me and said, "the day we remember all". Jacob smiled big. "Yes I can not wait to see her expression." he said and looked Renesmee deep in her eyes.
And it went just as we predicted Alice danced for joy and immediately begged to help arrange the wedding. They both agreed excited to welcome her.


I wake up from my daydreams when I reached my destination - Charlie’s house. Now there was just over a month to the big day. And everything was being organized. Me and Alice would just have done the guest list the next day and it was Charlie’s turn to try his tuxedo. The whole thing was a strange Deja vue. When I rang, it was Sue who opened, they had been together for almost seven years and got married last summer. They were very happy together. After the fitting I ran home, everything was quiet but as soon as I opened the door Edward started to play my lullaby on the piano we just got in you’re house. I went over to the piano and gave him a big hug. ”hello honey, welcome home” he said with his lovely voice. ”hello” I said in a soft tone and kissed him. He kissed me back and said in a reproachful tone: ”you are destroying my concentration honey”. I snorted and whispered : ”where are all the others?”. he kissed me for some second’s and whispered back: ”Alice, Rosalie and Esme is doing some weeding plans but will wait for the guest list for tomorrow. Carlisle, Emmet and Jasper is out for hunting and Renesmee and Jacob is in La Push so we are all alone”. ”good” I said and he finally understood my mood. And so it was just him and me all night.

2. The beginning

"Alice, are you confident that we should invite Nahuel" I asked anxiously. "Of course, if it were not for him we had certainly not been here today," Alice replied seriously. "That is right but I think that there is something strange about him, he looks so strange." Alice sighed resignedly. "Bella, he is just fascinated by you, Edward and Nessie. "If you say it Alice." It was morning and Alice felt that it was time to get the guest list in place of Jake and renesmees wedding, but it was not all the guests we had agreed. "What about Zafrina and her sisters they have to be invited or else Renesmee or Zafrina will kill us, Alice, Alice, are you hearing what I’m saying" I asked irritated. Then I noticed the expressionless look in her eyes as I knew too well. "What do you see?" I asked and walked right up to her. "Oh no Zafrina" she said with horror painted in her beautiful angelic face. Before I could ask what was wrong with you’re dear friend, the flow of words continued. "the Vulturies, ambush, Felix, Jane”. Then her eyes cleared again. "the Vulturies took Zafrina, it is too late to warn her. What Edward saw in Aro's thoughts about taking us one after one has begun. He wants the last jewels in his collection. We'll have to call the others "Alice said excitedly. It all dizzied for me, I had otherwise tried to forget the Vulturies, but now it all fell to the floor. And this the time we probably couldn’t get a peacefully solution . I shuddered whom would we lose? Wolves or vampires?. Alice was already starting to call Carlisle, Esme, Rose, Edward, Emmett and Jasper. They were all taken out hunting this morning I went slowly over to my mobile. (well slow for a vampire) And tasted Renesmees number she was with Jacob. She took the phone after the first ring. "Eh so mom" said she easily distracted. "Renesmee you'll have to come home now, take Jacob and coupled with you" I said so quickly that the human ear could not keep up. "Okay mom we come now what is wrong? She asked anxiously. "I've don’t have time to explain it now honey, you find out when we all are together." "Okay mom." I could hear the wind rushing into the phone. Five minutes after we were all together. I looked at my family, vampires and wolves. Wondering if one of them was the next victim. No, I would not allow. Renesmee so beautiful, she was fully grown now. A young woman, half vampire half human. "you are properly all wondering why you are all called home," Alice said. "A few minutes ago I had a vision which confirmed what Edward saw in Aro's thoughts for almost seven years ago. The Vulturies took Zafrina but it is surely only the beginning. " Alice said with pain in hear voice. There could be heard gasping and wheezing. A tear rolled down of Renesmee check and Jacob wrinkled his forehead. Carlisle was about to say something but then Alice's look became completely expressionless again. Who had now been taken?. "Alice". this time it was Jasper who spoke to her. "Alice what you see?". "A forest, Jane, Kate." then her face was twisted in pain. In less than a second Alice was herself and was about to call the Denali clan up. "Hi Tanya where is Kate?" She asked quickly. We could all hear what Tanya said, Kate was out hunting. Alice began desperately to explain what she had seen in her sight while Tanya run into the forest. We all waited hoping that Tanya would find Kate. Edward came over and put his arm around the waist on me. We all looked terrified on the phone in Alice's hand. Emmett growled and Rosalie tripped with her foot. Then Tanya’s voice broke the silence. "The Vulturies took Kate, their scent is everywhere mixed with hers ". We all froze because we knew that this was only the beginning.

3. Musings

Next day there was a heavy atmosphere on the house. Emmett there always was happy seemed depressed looking. Me and Edward had hardly said a word the whole night and just enjoyed being together but we could see the fear in each others eyes, it was not fear of our own lives but on the others life but most important of all our daughters life. Our lives were so closely linked that if one died would the other also. It was as if we all waited for the next of Alice's visions, the next call. Alice went and ordered the already tidy house. The whole thing was a giant Déjà vu, it reminded so much of the time when Alice and Jasper disappeared to find out Renesmees future. We were all together in the white house when Renesmee who sat on the lap of Jacob cleared her throat and said: "I don’t know about you guys but I thought about it last night and I think that we should cancel the wedding”. Alice was the first who responded, she got the most aggrieved expression and said: "it seems to me that this is what they want, they want us to cancel everything and just wait for them to come and take us." 'I agree with Alice, we must hold the wedding and afterwards, we must do something before anyone else get caught by the Vulturies", Emmet said. After that word Alice got a heart-ripping expression in her eyes, her face contorted in pain as did Edward’s when he saw what she saw. "Oh no, Benjamin, Eleazar" she said with a voice that came from a tomb. Then she collapsed on the floor. I rushed over to her and then she opened her eyes and said: "It was terrible, they were both cached, there is nothing we can do it is too late”. "We must do something" I said. "Yes but only after Jacob and Renesmees wedding on August 13th ", Alice said with deep seriousness in her voice. Those words triggered the next vision, Alice screamed loudly, "they come after us, they will make us one of them." "Who will they do to one of them, when?" Esme asked despairingly. Alice came back and said: ”me, Edward and Bella on August 13th”. Renesmee sighed and said: ”so we need to move the wedding, we must fight against". "Yes it's the right thing to do" said Emmet concurrence. The others nodded, but the visions were not finished yet. This time Alice rocked back and forth and screamed heartbreaking. Then she fell together, "Alice" I was immediately at her "what happens?". She looked briefly at Edward who nodded briefly, a nod no one should have noticed. "ehm really nothing, they have found out that we know it, so they want to plan it a little more," she answered seriously and looked very confident, but I saw her eyes wander as the others breathed a sigh of relief I looked suspiciously at her and Edward. There was something in ferment. "That they will not attack I suppose means that we can hold the wedding anyway," Renesmee said joyous and pressed herself to Jacob. "Yes but that does not mean that we should forget that we still have to save our other friends and they come back here one day," Carlisle said seriously. "Yes of course, but now we can keep the wedding," said Alice and turned toward me and made eye towards the door. I thought quickly and said: "Alice can you go with me over to the house, you should see a dress I just bought, I thought that I could wear it to the wedding, but I will hear your opinion first" I asked her with a particular expression in my eyes. Alice knew perfectly well that I had not bought a dress but understood my allusion. "Of course, Bella, Edward, would you go with us I will talk to you about a tuxedo?" She asked. Edward nodded and stood beside us in a second. He took me by the hand and I got a fleeting glimpse of pain in his face just like when Alice's eyes got empty again, this time there were not others who noticed it. We ran over to the house very quick. Climbing roses were in full bloom but I could not take me time to stand and enjoy the beauty. As soon as we had went through the door I turned around and gave them a reproachful glance and said: "what is it that you two haven’t told me?". deep inside I knew it, but I would hear it before I started to panic. but my mind was already a chaos of thoughts and feelings. Alice's face contorted in pain and then she said: "We will die if we are fighting against, so we'll have to go to the Vulturies before they can hurt our family and friends." I could feel that my face contorted in the same grimace as Alice's. "Is there really no way out?" I asked, but knew that it was too late. "No, if we fight we all die together, the lack of vampires becomes our death," she said with a voice that came from a tomb. Everything in me screamed, I felt as if I was ripped from the inside. When I looked at Edward I saw the facial expression he had when he thought I would die when I was waiting for Renesmee - he was the burning man. "Then we surrender ourselves, quietly away from the party, without creating too much fuss" I said with a voice there could collapse every moment and clung me to Edward. They both nodded and we all saw each other in the eyes and acknowledged that this might be our fate - with the Vulturies. We had less than a month back, we agreed to keep quiet about it and continue as if nothing had happened. It would be difficult but we owed it to them. I would leave them a letter to all of them filled with love, the only thing I could give them. I felt a huge Deja vue from the time of seven years ago where I almost stood in the same situation but this time the difference was that I had Alice and Edward and that we were the only ones who should suffer. Me and Edward clung to each other all night, just enjoyed each others presence. We knew that we at least should be together until the end. And I think that that was the only thought that I hold in mind all night I couldn’t bear to think about never seeing my family again - specially Renesmee.

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