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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1724355
Awesome story! about romance, time traveling, life after death, being possessed, etc.
I’m lying on my bed and unable to fall asleep and I commence into a state of very deep thoughts about the aspirations and purposes of my life. I’m thinking very deeply why I was bought life, existence to this universe, and bought on the face of this planet and what my ultimate goal in my life is, some people work their entire life striving to become very wealthy or/and gain Incredible amounts of political power. Some wants to find the perfect loved one and achieve the most incredible level of love that words can’t even describe; some wants to find a place of eternal happiness after death, living in the world of after death, some just live day by day without any ambitious goals just doing what they have to do every day, living like a robot without a genuine mind, controlled and acting upon weakened emotions and not utilizing the very powerful parts of the humans minds and taking full control of their lives and achieving the lives they dreamed of. I wondered, what category would I be classified as? Whatever the classification may be, I definitely feel emptiness in the tree of my life, I feel like a tree without roots, life without important meaningful substances.

Without warning, I felt asleep during my deep thoughts and had a very unusual dream, but I’m not able to remember what happened, not even light memories. But somehow I remember that it was a very phenomenal dream, It’s a dream that feels so powerful that it may have the ability to see the past and the future, Maybe a type of dream, magical fortune tellers are able to see and analyze.

Maybe it’s time to stop day dreaming and be ready to focus on school work, I just moved to a new city and I’m going to a new school for my first day, feeling quite nervous and hoping there will be beautiful girls in the class I can flirt with!!! I’m currently located on a planet called Xydor in the year 3176, as we humans has moved away from the home planet Earth a long time ago as this planet has resources, materials and elements much more advance than Earth, helps accelerate human evolution and technology as scientists says.

I’m very impressed and almost dropped my jaws by the magnificent scenery and the building’s fine arts architect of this school, the enormous 1000+ story high central building made of Alimond (an improved version of diamond found on earth with greater shine and hardness, can easily be mass produced on the planet Xydor, Used on expensive furnitures and housing). Spending a long time walking around the school just sight-seeing and can’t stop feeling so astounded.

I walked into the ultra-luxurious class room, and don’t see any beautiful girls and begin to feel disappointed, the teacher started to call out names to check attendance then begin lectures to the whole class, then all of sudden I heard a very beautiful female voice from the back of room saying “I’m very sorry for being late to class!”, I turned my head and looked at her and was very excited that the last person that enters the class happen to be a beautiful girl, not only beautiful but actually “extremely cute, pretty, beautiful, attractive, sexy, gorgeous, lovely” every word you can find in the dictionary. She has an absolute amazing look that has the quality and mixture of all the words from the dictionary, and a very sexually attractive body too. Simply amazing! Very rarely do I ever see anything this beautiful, probably never. not even pictures or videos of anything. Im not able to even imagine such beauty trying to draw the images with my mind. As the teacher continues speaking I can’t even pay attention as my mind is too focused on the girl’s beauty and I just can’t get my eyes and mind off of her! I guess I just can’t stop day dreaming! This is like love at first sight at its best!

The next day when I came back to class I made the effort to secure a seat next to her by coming to class very early and I was successful. I’m usually not this shy but seeing a girl this drop dead beautiful I can’t help it but to become very unmanageably shy again, and I don’t want to get caught staring at her by her so I kind of just take sneak peeks at her when she isn’t looking my way, then I finally got caught on accident and we were looking at each other’s eyes face to face, for the first time getting to take a very good look at her up close, I begin to see even finer details of her beauty, non-like most other girls, where they kind of give you an illusion that they look beautiful from a distance, but when you get up close, you start to see flaws you can’t see from a distance away, But with this girl it is the complete opposite, she look even more amazing up close, I REALLY just want to kiss her right now! The sense of urgency is overwhelming. Her beauty make me feels like my mind is out of control. Then she smiled at me and said “Hi, Kyle!”. I wasn’t ready to reply and was just too emotionally caught up and I hesitated and feel speechless for a while before I replied “Oh hi, Alice”

Alice says “It’s a new semester and I have a lot of new classes and I think this is a great chance for me to meet some new people, Nice to meet you Kyle!”

I begin to feel butterflies inside my body and I replied “Oh really, so what???”

She started to look a bit puzzled and uncomfortable, and I’m thinking in my head “oh my god, why did I said that!”

Then I said “oh no no no, I mean nice to meet you too Alice!” The amount of butterflies continues to grow!

Alice looks disappointed and says “you say nice to meet me, but your body language and tone of voice don’t seem to mean that way, it’s ok I will just leave you alone if you like and I will go find someone else to talk to”. The school bell rang and Alice quickly walked away.

My butterflies suddenly disappeared and now I feel confused and mind-frozen and don’t know how to reply and handle this situation. The next day I came to class I realized Alice did not came to class today nor the day after that and I begin to feel very worried and very upset that I never got a chance to fix the 1st bad impression with Alice. To get my mind off frustration and Alice, I actually begin to listen to the teacher’s lectures.

Teacher says “One of our greatest antagonist of our generation was emperor Darius, he attempted to utilize illegal research of nanotechnology to manipulate living organisms, countless of innocent lives across the universe was lost due to the discovery of this illegal technology, all this was his doing to fulfill his evil lust of dominion, he knew with this evil technology he has the ability to control the course of history, writing the history books his way with his philosophies, an iniquity that bring havoc and to the universe, generating quafusic distortion to the universe”

Teacher continues “Mysteriously, after many centuries of his evil acts, he suddenly vanished; his disappearance remains an enigma, with the best top secret research team searching across multiple dimensions and galaxies, after many years of investigation, they were unable to locate any traces of emperor Darius and unable to find his body nor any traces of any Darius’s atoms and molecules of his body parts”

After a few more days of class, all of sudden one day, I saw Alice walking around the school hallways when I was on my way to class, I was surprised to see her as I thought she disappeared, She saw me walking around and gived me an unpleasant look, I just turned my head away, Im too shy to go up to her to apologize, and I just feel very uncomfortable around her right now.

When I came into the class, I realized that Alice was in the class also today after several days of absence, she was sitting all the way across the entire room, completely away and very far away from me. I have a feeling she is trying to avoid me on purpose, I’m looking at her and is still very mesmerized by her amazing beauty. I still feel very disappointed about what happen with Alice that other day. A “definite error of companionship commerce” I should say, and not able to make an amicable restoration to our relationship and failed to accomplish liaison of my first misimpressions of my expressions to her.

The next day when I came to class I tried to sit next to her, once again she looks at me with an unpleasant look,

I asked Alice “oh hello Alice, where have you been earlier this week???”

Alice took a very long pause before she started to speak “Why would you care? I thought you hate me.”

I replied with a strong tone “NO NO NO! It’s a big misunderstanding! Please give me a chance to clear up this misunderstanding.”

Alice says “misunderstanding??? Please explain.”

I said “I was just hummmm… (long pause), just feeling very nervous at that moment and wasn’t acting with my brain but with my emotions, I’m very sorry if I made you feel bad in anyway.”

Alice says “Nervous??? Why feel nervous, I won’t bite you, you know” she begins to giggle softly

I watched her giggle and I’m beginning to fall deeper emotionally for Alice, oh god that irresistible adorableness, butterflies begin to come back. The biggest crush of my life!

I had to take a deep breath and force myself to pass my shyness and ask this question, the more beautiful the girl the shyer I become for some reason, “Oh hey Alice, hummm…. (long pause), I remember you told me you like meeting new people, (long pause again)” I had to push myself really hard again “I would really love to get to know you better also, want to go out and do something together after school?”

Alice says with a smile “oh ya sure, would love to!”

Later on tonight we went out together and finally have a chance to chat to each other a lot more, and I sense we are beginning to feel more opened and don’t feel as shy anymore, we talked about what we do, and what we like to do for hobbies and etc etc etc, we just went on and on and on, and after that we went to her house, and wow what a luxurious house of hers!

Alice smiles and asked “So you never told me why you feel so nervous when we meet the first time?”

I said “It’s because when I first saw you I was extremely amazed, literately blew my mind away, I never knew there was anything of such extraordinary beauty that exist in the entire universe, until I lay my eyes on you, I felt the level of “love at first sight” that I have never felt before in my entire life, Your beauty touched my heart like never before, I was simply too overwhelmed emotionally so I can’t help it but to feel very nervous as well, I even had a hard time just breathing, my heart was pumping out of control, When you tried to talk to me for the first time, the whole hour before that I was feeling shy and I was trying to take sneak peeks at your beautiful eyes while pretending Im not looking, but I think you caught me staring at you several times anyways, during that time I was trying to come up with the words to say to you, and then all of sudden without a warning you finally tried to start a chat with me, I got totally paralyzed, I feel like I just missed so many heart beats!!! That was the reason why I was acting so irrationally!”

Alice replys “WOW!!! Do you really mean what you just said??”

Kyle answers “Words are straight from my heart, 100% sincerely”

Alice smiles “You say this to every single girl you have met don’t you??”

Kyle reply “I’m truly being 100% sincere, I have met a lot of other beautiful girls in my past, none of them comes close to you, they are light years away.”

Alice smiles even bigger “HAHA, I will just let myself believe you without wondering too much about it, because it makes me feel SOOOOOO happy! This is the best compliment I ever received about how I look EVER. WOW!!”

Alice begins to smile really big “You know, I haven’t told you this yet but I find you really handsome also, that is the reason, I made the first move to talk to you, you know.”

I can feel my heart beating faster “I’m really happy and excited to know that we have a mutual feeling.”

Alice says “HAHA, I did notice you spent most of the time staring at me since the 1st day of class, I’m happy to know what the reason was now”

Alice changed to a really sexy seductive voice “So Kyle, tell me, what does a guy and a girl that is sexually attracted to each other do???”

My heart begins to beat even faster while missing some of the beats, OH MY GOD!!!! is she asking for sex??? I said “Hummmm……...., Im not quite sure Alice.”

Alice begins to approach me and hold my hand and pulled me to her bed, she pushed me on to the bed, and lay on top of me and begin reading a poem to me,

“When a ravishing couple looks at each other in the eyes and they can feel a very special magic in their hearts, this would be love at first sight. Nothing in this world can stop the most powerful human emotion known as love. This inconceivable feeling absolutely melts your whole body like ice melted by the warmth of your heart, it makes you lose control, emotions will overtake your conscious mind, and once you are drowned in love, that person will become the most beautiful thing in the world, the most beautiful face and the most delicious body makes me just want to rip off your clothes, this love means everything from beginning to end to you, this love is the most precious thing in this world, our two hearts will become one, nothing in this world can split our hearts into two again, we will love each other forever from past, present, future, and even life after death”

She begin to kiss me aggressively, I feel like my heart can explode at any given second, I can also feel the intense pumping in her heart as well.

After we kissed for a long while she took a short break to talk “I haven’t kissed nor had sex with someone for very long time and I’m craving it to an irresistible level.”

I said “I crave it even more than you do, Alice”

We had the most mind-blowing sex! it’s hard to even imagine how it feels! The physical simulation, the passion, the love and romance, the emotional chemistry, the psychological feeling, the powerful lust, everything was over the top overwhelming! There was so much joy and happiness from this experience that I can’t even emotionally absorb all the joy and happiness from it!

I am very surprised at how fast me and Alice progressed in our relationship and had sex on our 1st date, there really was some type of “magic love bomb” that just exploded monumentally very early as we just got to know with each other, it was an fantastic feeling of delectation, and as days go by we had amazing sex every day, our relationship is like perfect, we show each other love and passion every day, we even become soul mates, It is like the PERFECT women of my dreams. I believe the way we feel for each other has surpassed the English word of “LOVE” I’m not able to even find the word in the dictionary, then we decided to have a child and she became pregnant, Everything feels like a dream, an impossible miracle, almost too good to be true, and yes indeed it was too good to true.

Until One day, I saw on the TV Breaking news that a fleet of military spaceships from another planet has attacked our planet, the magnitude of the destruction they have caused absolutely shocked the world, All the governments and presidents in every country in the world have joined forces to combat this “UNKNOWN ORIGIN” outer space invaders, they form this organization called “MORTIS” The world including me and Alice are very worried about this crisis of hell of the world.

Then one day without any warning at all, a large team of soldiers from the mortis organization has came to our class rooms with armed rifles and guns forcing me to follow them along without any notice, everyone in the school was shocked, scared, and panicked. Everyone in the class was screaming


Mortis troops says “No time to explain, you must come with us immediately!”


The troops tackled me to the floor and they hand cuff my arms and legs and I had no choice as to follow their orders or not, as I was pretty much kidnapped and taken away by force.


The local police did not do anything about this situation as mortis has authority over the local police. After I was handcuffed I was immediately injected with fainting injection. By the time I woke up I realized I was inside of a science laboratory, I looked around and realized it’s an ultra-advanced laboratory, I’m very worried if Alice is still safe or not, but I have no phone nor any other way to contact her to see if everything is ok.

I also realized that my hands and fingers appear to be slightly transparent, I’m very shocked and wondered what in the world is going on. I observed more and realized my entire body appears to be slightly transparent also; I’m very worried and have no clue what’s going on.

I walked around the laboratory and entered another room and saw something unbelievably unusual, I was totally stunned mentally, and was in a state of perplexity, I saw my body trapped inside of a capsule from a distance away, and no I wasn’t looking at a mirror either. I begun to remember what my science professor was talking about, it’s called an out-of-body experience (OBE), giving you the ability to perceive one's physical body from a place outside one's body (autoscopy). OBEs are often part of the what they called (near-death experience), it happens very commonly when neurologists operate brain-surgeries on patients, once the patient’s brain temporary lose an excess amounts of blood, which will put them into a (near-death experience), and the gateway to OBE will open up. Scientists still know little about this phenomenon even after countless of years of research, spiritual studies are not scientific, and scientists are experts in science and they don’t believe in spiritual studies till it’s scientifically proven.

Psychologically unable to accept this subsistence and still can’t believe what is happening and wondered If I’m really actually DEAD, will this be temporary or permanent?? What shocks me even more is as I enter this “Spiritual Dimension”, I begin to start seeing unusual rays of lucent light that I never seen before when was in the “Living Dimension”, and I feel the state of aghast because once in a while I see other ghosts walking around. They seem like they have came back to the laboratory trying to resolve some unfinished business.

It’s very difficult for me to emotionally calm myself down to think with a clear mind during this phase of oppress, I’m not sure what I should do next. I can see my body in that other room but I’m unable to repossess it back to my control. After a very long time has passed by, something else peculiar happens, a blinding luminous light approaches me, it took me a while to realize this but this light is actually an animated being.

The light begin to speak “blissful greetings the genteel one, the age

has arrived for you and Im here to escort you to the “spiritual dimension”

I said “No sorry, I can’t go, I have much unsolved issues and my loved ones here”

Light says “I’m sorry to tell you this but, your destiny is predetermined, and you don’t have a choice but to be removed from this living world”

I said “Once again, I’m sorry, I have someone I truly love here and I don’t want to leave the living world”

All of sudden the light exploded and I feel like I’m floating like a cloud, I cant see anything but pure white light, it feels like I been warp to a zone or dimension of pure light. Inside this “pure light dimension” zone without a clock to keep track time and without a map to know which direction to fly to, no matter how long I fly towards one direction, I see nothing but eternal pure white light, I was unable to found a way out of this zone, but along the way I did meet some decreased friends and relatives and we were happy to see each other again, they told me after they passed away in the living world they were escorted by a talking light, sounds very similar to what happened to me, and they became trapped inside of this “pure light dimension and don’t really know what to do, we usually only have a little amount time to talk before all of sudden they will just disappear in thin air, the conundrum of the ghosts vanishing puzzles my mind, after that I never get a chance to see them again.

After maybe about 2 months I still have no luck in finding an exit to this place, but something all of sudden changed, pure white all of sudden changed to pure black, I got extremely worried.

Some terrifying demons came up to me and said “You have committed many sins during years in the living world; we will need to place you into the dimension of hell”

I said “SINS?! I never committed any sins at all!!!! What sins are you talking about!!!!”

Without answering my question, the demon warped me to the “dimensions of hell”, Life in this place is terrible, I have to always hide and run away from the monsters and demons, I will get badly punished and tortured if I get caught by them, I have been caught several times and the torture is worst then anything that is possible in the living world. I’m still furiously angry at what mortis has done to me, if it wasn’t for their cause and effect actions; I still would be living happily with Alice, instead of going though this hell. More months has passed by and I failed to find any way to get back to the living world. Instead I just have no choice but to cry and shred tears of agony every single day, and just hash my own emotions and I thought about “why does all this have to happen”. And I’m wondering and worrying about list of things, 1.Am I going to be trapped in hell for eternally? 2. How is Alice doing? 3.How is the world doing now and whats going on with the whole space war going on? 4. What happened to my body?

Then all of sudden one day when I woke up, I find myself lying on a bed of green grass, I was thinking there is no green grass in hell, I turned my head up and I see my house, and big surge of emotion rushed to my head and I was like “OH MY GOD!!!! Am I back to the living world???!!!!!”, I have no idea how I successfully came back to the Living world, but I was very happy and excited, The 1st thing I did was I drove to Alice’s house, and I realized the date on clock of my car shows that 2 years has gone by I was like wow, I been gone for only about 4 months, how come 2 years has gone by??? I was really surprised and I was thinking that maybe time goes by much faster in the spiritual world.

When I got to Alice’s house and discovered that her house was totally demolished, I became very worried; it looks like it was destroyed by a combination of fire and explosives, I observed around the place and was not able to locate any dead bodies. Over the next entire week, I tried to call her, searched around school and called up some of her friends and did everything I can, failed to locate her. I also discovered that after 2 years of time the “unknown origin” army has killed almost 90% of the human population and the human race is at a high risk to becoming extinct and this planet has almost became a wasteland, I was shocked. On the 2nd week, I begun to use online people search service and called the police and even contacted a private investigate then discovered that Alice was classified by the police as “MISSING PERSON” but never found dead before. I’m worried out of my brains right now, and not sure what to do.

All of sudden one day a gang of mutants, we called them “Nuxes”, came to my house and exploded my front door with a explosive anti-matter rifle, basicly a “break and entry” without any warning, I reach my gun safe for my gun and begun a gun fight with them.

I SCREAMED “Who the hell are you nuxes!!!! Why are you guys breaking into my house!!!!”

I was out numbered badly and lost the gun war and was hit by a stunning shot, I fell hopelessly on the floor and one of the nuxes came up to me.

Nuxes start to speak with a nasty voice “Where have you been the last 2 years, I been looking for you, you are going to pay for what you done to me!!!!”

I said “Done to you???? I don’t even know who the hell you are!!!”

I was physically beaten so badly that I feel like I lost so much blood that I may be dying. After that I was taken to a ceil and locked up, I have no idea what they plan to do with me, 1st the mortis troops, now the nuxes, How bad of a luck could I possibly have??? One thing they don’t know about me, I have implanted advanced bio-weapon cells inside of me and I’m able to heal up quickly and have mega-strength to break out of the ceil, I was able to sneak out successfully but I have done a lot of vandalism damage to the ceil facility, Im sure it wont take long to realized that I have ran away.

I immediately rush to the place where nuxes research scientist were and had a meeting with them; they installed a photo-graphic memory scanner on to my brain, and by using that data they were able to track down the specific nuxes that was talking to me, after some research they realized that the nuxes that was talking to me, wasn’t a naturally born nuxes, but it was some human bring that actually mutated from a human into a nuxes. I carefully examine the photos they pull up from the data, and realized something that absolutely shocked me to death, Oh my god, Im going to become insane!!!!!! This cant not be!!!! I wished I would of just stayed in hell instead, this is worst then hell!!!! I’m going though the emotional agony like I have never experienced in my entire life!!! I fell hopeless to the floor and cried like I have never cried before!!!! GUESS WHAT I HAVE DISCOVERED!!!!!!

I saw Alice’s tattoos on that nuxes body, ALICE HAS BEEN MUTATED!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!! I couldn’t even tell that it was her, she has been mutated so badly that she turned from a gorgeous girl into a nasty and disgusting monster, even her voice totally changed so I didn’t knew it was her, the professor told me that its very possible that Alice don’t remembered the happy times we had but only the bad and sad times, it’s the way nuxes brains are programmed, so it’s very possible that she doesn’t even remember that I was her loved boyfriend. I’m also wondering why did she said I did something wrong to her??? Our relationship was perfect, I have never did anything wrong to her, NEVER! The professor also told me that it was impossible to bring Alice back to her original self, and don’t even bother trying to talk to her, she has been completely mutated and she is no longer Alice anymore just a mindless monster.

I cried and cried and cried, and I just can’t stop crying, crying has became like breathing oxygen to me, Im just unable to stop, What wonders me is what ever happened to my son while she was pregnant. Im unable to bear the emotions, There is no point of living without Alice, and I never understood what I did wrong to her, have ended up committing suicide because I simply can’t bear the emotional pain and hoping I will be able to see Alice again in the “spiritual world”, like I saw my deceased relatives. But I was back in hell getting tortured by demons, still crying over Alice, and never got a chance to see her old self, this is the worst time of my life and the worst suffering I can possibly go though.

After about 6 months of hell again, I was bought back to life again due to some unknown reason, this time it appears that my body was recovered by a team of scientist and have no reason why they cared to even save me??? After I was bought back to life, I was bought to talk with this very important someone. I was very surprised, It was the person my teacher was talking about “Emperor Darius”

Darius says “Welcome to my magnificent palace, the very special exquisite one.”

I said “I’m very surprised to see you, are you the one that bought life back to me??”

Darius says “Yes, my special team of scientists was able to bring you back to life by my request”

I said “Why am I a special one, why did you bought life back to me”

Darius says “It will take a long time to explain everything”

I said “Aren’t you the one that had committed many sins”

Darius says “Sins?? Many people believe what I did was considered sins, I believe it’s a stimulation to the Quafusic Evolution”

I said “What does Quafusic mean???”

Darius said “Quafusic Evolution means, I will try to explain it so it’s easier for you to understand, humans have gone through countless of centuries, ages, and eras trying to revolutionize and evolute science, technology, and the economy of the world, the more military wars was declared and fought and as the more precious human lives were lost and the more man slaughter, bloodshed, and massacre means more and more and more stimulation to speed up human evolution and the faster the evolution of the human race was accelerated, as many new cutting-edge technology was invented during times of war. This war-driven global society also served as a catalyst to trigger the emotional sense of “strive to become bigger and more powerful” to the small numbers of the greedy old fools of kings and emperors that lust for power that also have full authority to force stimulation to the civilization to work harder and faster which brings a more rapid-growth to human evolution and also more tax funding to feed the evolution, ridiculous amounts of money, resources, human’s time was spent on war, weapons of mass destruction, and brave soldiers. it’s like a chain and effect of the “upward spiral effect”, the core of all this was caused by war and avarice.”

Darius continues “human’s committed many violations of sins, religion, morals, political laws, loyalty and even to the Quafusic philosophy, I will explain what quafusic means in a bit. Humans acted upon their instincts and show signs of negative behaviors such as egocentric, treachery, violence, infidelity, etc. that also damage the Quafusic Evolution process.”

“Countless of stories in history where many war was fought, millions of lives was painfully lost, and it was only to fulfill one single selfish individual’s ego or maybe his lust for this one single woman. One single individual has control over millions of people that were not treated like human with brains, emotions and feelings, they were treated like slaves and tools, the kings feel zero pity and sympathy for the slaves, and were instantly killed if they tried to oppose, the colossal legion of the thralls became prisoners of uncontrollable fate, a choice less destiny”

“They never realized what they have done was a massive error of judgment, they have committed solemn sins that will send them to hell for eternality, they may have enjoyed maybe 60-80 years of supreme prosperity, but the price to pay was “hell for eternality” after they pass away”

“The Quafusic power is a unknown existence in the universe that controls natural evolution to everything in this universe, for example pre-historic fishes only had fins and can only swim at first but over countless of years the power of the Quafusic evolution, give them legs so they begun to walk on land then given them wings to fly into the air. Quafusic power, not only controls animal body growth evolution, but also technology, science, civilization, animal and human instincts, warfare, time, dimensions, spiritual world and life after death, religion, philosophies, laws, politics, governments, magic and mana, emotions, genetics, cloning and reproduction, data, food, business and economics, and many many other things, everything is being monitored by the Quafusic power. You will be very surprised if I tell you this but the so called “Unknown origin space fleet” as what the people on your home planet calls it that destroyed your home planet, their soldiers, weapons, and spaceships, are not made of atoms, molecules, living organisms, flesh and tissues, blood, elements, nor metals. They are made out of some type of unknown materials of natural force created by the Quafusic power. that is why their soldiers, weapons, and their ships, they appear to look like some type of very strange looking transparent liquidly air metal objects, it’s very hard to even describe it, some of the world famous philosophers, scientists, and religionist believe that was caused by the Quafusic power trying to annihilate the human race because they might be causing some type of big problem to the entire Quafusic evolution process.”

“Ok, now it’s the time for me to reveal some unsolved mystery for you, hahaha, this will be very entertaining, the fruit of the unrevealed mystery information is about to be revealed to you, please listen carefully. A long while back, the group of mortis troops that kidnapped you was a setup from a group of spies I have sent to the Mortis organization”


Darius continues “Your body was delivered to a mind-possession science laboratory, you were put to death to unlock the gateway to make possessing your flesh and mind possible, therefore giving us control of your body, now we can have control to make you act and do whatever as we wish, we have implanted a nuxes personality into your brain, which will give you very violent behavior and also a nano-scopic camcorder that allows 3rd person viewing angle into your body, here is the footage we caught, I will play the video, hahaha, watch it carefully this is the fun part.”

The video showed footage of ME physically abusing ALICE to death, it shows bloodbath on the floor, her face was beaten so badly that I can’t even tell its Alice but I can see her tattoos, her both eyes was been extracted out of her face blood dripping out of the opening of her eyes, a knife has been stubbed into her neck with the blade going into the neck from one end and coming out the other, one of her arm and legs has been chopped off her body, her body was cut open and had her internal organs, intestines, kidney, liver, etc, hang out of her body with many many knives stabbed though, I cant believe she is still alive at the moment, the sound of her screaming is totally unbearable to listen to, the image is worst then the worst horror movie I have watched, after that I have taken her to the hatchery of the nuxes its like the living hive for nuxes, she was sexually raped by a group of nuxes, then put into the nuxes metamorphosis processing egg.

This was absolutely shocking to me, this answers some unsolved mysteries, now I understand what I did morally wrong to her and why she hates me so much.

I furiously screamed at Darius “You fucking evil bastard!!!!! Why the fuck did you do this to me and Alice!!!!! I’m going to fucking kill you and fucking send you to fucking hell for this!!!!!!”

I ran up to Darius, on the way there I was tackled to the floor by a group of guards and got stunned.

Darius laughed “HAHAHA, Because putting people though misery is my favorite hobby, HAHAHA!!!”

“Will, that is one small reason, but the biggest reason, because I need your help, The reason why I call you the “the very special exquisite one” is because you have the special potential to learn how to cast magic spells by using inner mana, there is only a very very very small percentage of people that has the potential to cast magic spells, it requires a extremely rare DNA pattern of your genes. But yours is even more special and more rare, and you have the potential to cast even more powerful spells that spell casters cant not cast. Even the very few selected individual that possess this rare potential, they may not even realized it because the power isn’t revealed until it been trained, it isn’t something you are naturally born and be able to do.”

The reason you are even more special is because you have been though a special stage in life and have experienced Yarinisty, Yarinisty means “The ultimate level of love combined with magic capable DNA”, that is why you’re the super special one, and the reason why I got you to abuse Alice, it’s because that will even strengthen your magics even more, by going though the extreme stage of love to extreme stage of hate”

“My ultimate goal is to gain 100% Unrestricted control to the Quafusic power, If I can successfully do that, I can gain unlimited wealth, unlimited power, unlimited resources, unlimited human mind control, ability to control time and have pure power and control in any time zones I wish, the 28th century, 29th century, 30th century, even present time and future time, all of it!!!! Ability to control history, Ability to control unlimited amounts of animals minds including humans as stated earlier and everything, ability to bring any one back to live, Ability to control the spiritual world, the dimension you are in while you are dreaming, and any other dimensions as I wish, Ability to live for eternally with the most ultimate power no human being in the history of universe has ever gained, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

“It will also, allow me to control the speed of Quafusic evolution for the entire universe, no one in the history of the universe has ever gain that ability, I will become the 1st one and the only one, I can change the speed of Quafusic evolution to become faster than the speed of light, building the ultimate perfect universe, the universe with the perfect harmony, and I’m even going to build new dimensional universes, creating a universe in the newly created dimensions that would be impossible on less I gain 100% control to the Quafusic power”

“There will be no such thing as sadness, fear, death, guilt, boredom, stress, etc. in the universe, There will only be joy, happiness, prosperity, love, etc., technology, science, civilization, animal and human instincts, warfare, time, dimensions, spiritual world and life after death, religion, philosophies, laws, politics, governments, magic and mana, emotions, reproduction, data, food, business and economics, and many many other things as stated earlier, everything will become at the most ultimate supreme high level, an ultimate dream to become a reality, and with your incredible magic and my help this will be possible.”

“As discussed about earlier, the Quafusic power is acting on its instinctive behavior and attempting to erase the human race away to extinction, the human race has too much flaws and is causing a serious problem to the Quafusic evolution, but they may keep only less than 0.00000001% of the population for the very rare special individuals like me and you and the very selected few others, Quafusic also absorbs all the data from around the universe, and it probably sense that humans are producing too much polluted junk data”

“When computers were 1st invented around the 20th century, data was invented in the process, a series of IOIOIOIOIOIO, a language computers can understand, in the early stages on data evolution, it was only used by large commercial enterprises and research institutions, as years go by it moved to the consumer’s end users and next thing you realize data is everywhere,

“as more years go by and in the 21th century, data has begun to enter the human body and brains, smart robots, and used bio-integrated data into the war battlefield, everything was monitored and controlled by data, pain-control, emotions, weapon accuracy, war information, and everything. It controls everything from nano to micro to marco levels of the Warfield, The entire world’s society has begun to transform into a data-driven global society, the country with the more powerful data will become the dominator of the world, improved smart robots that serves in war, industrial mass production of food with data injected into plants to control and accelerate growth, electronics, weapons of war, etc.”

“In the 22th century, data robots has became so powerful that it has the ability to begin thinking like a brain, ability to learn, think and acted on its own free will, they are used to build businesses, corporations, researching new technology, even becoming governments and presidents in some countries. Data presidents make 1st priority to force heavy tax funding into researching what they called “Gortualogy” which is the study of making data to think like a brain, and also begun to write laws to benefit the overall data well-being. Data has slowly begun to over taken the world once controlled by humans, now being controlled by data, humans still haven’t realized they are planting a seed and growing the biggest mistake in mankind history.”

“In the 23th century, data robots has begun to form their own states, nations, countries, community, population, global society, and the legions of data nations has formed a top secret pact to help each other to completely over rule the human race, attempting to make humans the inferior race of the world and become slaves to the “data world society”, they have built gigantic satellites in space near Earth with millions of super computers installed that has the ability to hack the human population’s “neurodata” the data that controls the human brain, humans has gotten so used to the “neurodata” in their brains, its was the greatest technology and world changing revolution of the time age, they call it the “neurodata age”, it changed the world much more than the invention of automobiles, telephones, airplanes, television, internet, computers, and even nanotechnology. It allows your brain’s thoughts to be converted to data and data to be converted to brain memory, you can finish reading data book in less than a split second. It was the paramount revolutionary invention technology of the 22th century”

“With the satellites the “data global society” was able to manipulate the human race by rewriting their brains with junk, virus, and polluted data. The human race and the “data global society” fought countless of bitter and cruel wars over the many decades, and sadly the humans lost the long war and were forced to escape their home planet Earth and find a new home in outer space, very small percentage of humans escaped successfully and the rest of the human race was enslaved by the “data global society” and remains on Earth, the humans are being treated like the way humans treat chickens, dogs, cats, cows, pigs, and other animals, the videos were very sad to watch, like chickens, they are being mass growned in data controlled farms and the human body look totally deformed with ridiculously enlarged breast for more breast meat then sent to slaughter houses and processed into food, some are trapped in science laboratories being researched like animals, some are in homes being used as slaves, some are just being used like cats and dogs as pets, some just get killed if they found that they have faults within their “neurodata”. The aftermath was very sad, humans being reduced to the inferior animal. They don’t have the ability to fight back, they were being totally controlled by the satellite’s supercomputer’s unstoppable system. It was the era and age where data become the superior being over humans. The very small percentage of humans that escaped and find a new home planet found new liberty and had to rebuild their civilization anew. But unfortunately, the people that came to the new planet still had the nasty polluted data in another brains, even after generations of reproduction, the nasty data was still passed over though genetics and it was like a incurable epidemic, rewriting the evolution of human growth, its was like removing the wings from every single bird that was born, human evolution being rewinded and reversed.”

“Going back to what I was talking about earlier, the human race has too much polluted data and after many centuries have passed the Quafusic finally hit an overwhelming alert level to a boiling point and have decided to erase the human race into extinction except for the very few selected superior humans and individuals. Anyways, enough history lessons for the main time, I have a very special someone, I would like you to meet, You will be very surprised, He is very excited to meet you also!”

Darius asked the guards to escort someone out to meet us, it was a young male person. I realized that he kind of look like Alice and myself but a younger version, who could this person be?

Darius says “you still don’t know who this special person is?”

I can feel a special sense of warmth from this young boy, he smiled and says, “it’s been a very long time, and we finally meet for the first time, and Im very excited and happy to see you!”

I said “Nice to meet you too! Who are you?”

Young boy says “I’m your and Alice’s SON!”

A surge of surprise rushed into my mind, I said “Oh wow!!! Is that really you!!! I been wondering what happened to you all those years!!!! I have been extremely worried!!!!”

Darius says “I adopted your son, during the time when you and Alice was unable to raise this child, I adopt this child because since he has your genetics and he also as very special magical powers, we have already trained him for many years, since he is your son, he is the best magic power teacher for you.”

I said “How did he grow so old and big in such little amount of years?”

Darius says “He was injected with the “accelerated growth and aging” drug, so we can begin magic training on him early.”

Me and my son spend a lot of quality time together, getting to really know each other for the 1st time, I named him “Ken”, He really gives out a lot of sense of warmth, and I will always love him as a son, he also shows how much he loves me as a father, I’m very sad Alice isn’t here with us to share this family love, for some reason Ken seems to get along with darius very well, he does not seem to know the evil actions that Darius has done.

The next day, me and Darius was inside a private room without Ken around listening to us,

I said “After all this misery you put me though, and you want to train me for your benefit and to gain power, who do you think I’m, a slave that just follow your orders? You think I will just trust you like this?”

Darius says “I may have put you though misery but at the end if you follow my orders and help me, I will PROMISE to help bring back and recourse back to your old happy self and once again live a happy life with your dear loved one Alice and your son.”

I said “She has been mutated, bring her back is impossible!”

Darius says “If we mutually combine the power of your magic and the powers of my great team of elite scientists, there may be a possible way to bring everything back again, please have trust in me Kyle.”

I said “Unfortunely, I DO NOT TRUST YOU! After all this hell you have done to me you expect me to trust you?”
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