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Chapters 1-3, beginning of 4, but with some added to the middle. |
Hi, and thanks for choosing to read this, but I just need to say that if this is the first time, or second or third time or whatever reading this, please read it from the first sentence to the last, and not from where you were up to, as you may miss some of the vital information that'lll make sense in the later of the story, or not. But, there is added details everywhere, so if you could, I'd appreciate it. Thanks again, Jaz. Falling Angel 001 The moans and screams drifted to my ears from the torture chamber. The fire pit next to me was letting off a heatwave of intense heat, and the tongues of the fire licked the sides of the pit, centimetres below my feet. The smell of burning flesh, sulphur and burning… other stuff was overwhelming me, causing me to fall back, dizzy. I stood up, and I picked up yet another body from the massive pile, and threw it into the fire pit. Dad came to my side, and commented on how he was sending me to the surface for a mission. I looked at him. “You’re serious?” “Yes, I need a young boy like you to lure the objective in,” an evil grin came to his face. I knew that look. “Who’s the objective?” I queried, wiping sweat droplets off my face, but making no effect, and the droplets continued to streak my hot and dirty face. He showed me a picture. I stared. “She’s an angel…” I sighed, forgetting about the heat and the load of bodies that I still needed to throw into the incinerator. “Yes, she’s… HIS niece” Dad said, boomed, with his voice bouncing off the liquid magma walls, as he said ‘HIS’ pointing upwards, before poking his tongue out, crossing his eyes. “Dad, please tell me you aren’t sending me up like this?” I said, pointing out my horns and my red bat wings sprouting from my back. “No! Of course not son! I’ll send you up looking human, but still dark and mysterious.” He thundered, laughing hysterically. “Yeah. Right.” I threw some more bodies down into the fire pit. “You leave straight away!” he announced, and I was surrounded in a dark, thick, black, whirling tornado of disgusting smelling smoke and the smell of the fire pit. And then, all was quiet. I must be on the surface. I gulped the clean air, feeling it cleaning out my lungs from all the crap I’d breathed in since Dad assigned me the duty of throwing soulless bags of human flesh into the incinerator. I had landed on thick green... What was this? After a few seconds, Dad had sent me knowledge of things on the surface, and I could feel my brain filling with useless crap. The sound of crickets arose from the grass, music to my ears, compared to the moans and screams of people being tortured by Dad, who then, after torturing, I threw them into the pit. Okay, I was sitting on grass. I looked up, and saw a lake. I walked over to it, and saw my reflection. I jumped back in surprise. I looked so different. My horns were gone, and my face wasn’t so hard looking, or red, and after quickly checking my hands, feet and back, they looked like the other peoples that I’d seen whilst throwing their soulless bodies into the fire pit. I contemplated my surroundings. This was a lot different from what I was used to. A lot different. And it was a lot cooler, with clean air. I was in a park, and surrounding the park were high-rise buildings. What country was I in? I saw… trees, that seemed to reach up to the sky, and others, which my brain told me, were shrubs, barely growing past my knee. I walked around the strange place, which was empty, apart from me and a few crickets. The shadows casting strange formations on the grass as the sun disappeared under the horizon. Where was I going to stay the nights? Reading my thoughts, or so it seemed, my dad appeared, and thunderstorms began quickly to form above us. “Oh no, He’s noticed my presence! Here, I reserved you a place in a hotel not far from your school. Remember not to use your powers here, or people will notice you. In sport, try and not run to your full potential. Please, do what I’ve told you to do.” He said, handing me a few photos and four sheets of paper. I ruffled through them, one was for the hotel, one an information sheet on the girl, and the other two were for school. “I HAVE powers?” “Yes, I’ll tell you later once you’re old enough to perform them without endangering your life.” I have powers, awesome! The photos were of the school, the girl and the hotel. I studied them for a while, and set out on my journey. “Hello, sir, how can I help you?” asked the doorman. “Uhm” What do I say? “I have a reservation here” I handed him the sheet of paper dad had given me with the information on the reservation. “Oh yes, we’ve been expecting you” he opened the door, and showed me in. In the lobby, there was a few people sitting around, looking bored. When they saw me, they jumped up, and came to greet me. “Max! Thank goodness you made it here safe!” a middle-aged man said. He had black hair, tanned skin and wore a business suit. He looked very smart. “Uhm…” I said. I had no idea who he was. “I’ve been sent by your father, pretend you know who I am, and I’m John” he whispered into my ear, as he man-hugged me. “Hey John, it feels good to be here” I said, following his instructions. “Let’s get you signed in, and I’ll show you to your room.” John said, leading the way. I slid the passkey into the swipe thing. I heard the lock un-lock, and the door swung open. I walked in, and banged my head on the door frame. “Oww…” I moaned, rubbing my forehead. To my right was the bathroom, my left the wardrobe, and straight ahead was the main room. There was a double bed, with a few suitcases sitting on it, a chair and desk, and a TV. “Here’s some money,” John began, handing me a wad of $100 notes “Spend it wisely, and this is what you are using to pay for your food, water and clothes, and other things. Okay?” I nodded, I understood perfectly. Dad had sent me into a world I’d never been in before, with $500. “What happens if I run out of money?” I questioned. “I will drop by every two or three weeks to top up the balance, but it should be every two weeks, unless something unexpected comes up.” John said, parting the curtains and looking out of the window. “Nice view” he added. “Okay, now this is a mobile phone,” John said, handing me a metallic rectangular object, “you use this to call and send short messages called texts to other people. Here, let me show you how to use it. He pulled a similar object out of his back pocket. He punched some numbers into it, and my phone started playing a tune and flashing. Out of shock, I threw it onto the ground. “Here, I’ll put it on vibrate,” he said, putting my phone on vibrate. Now, when it starts vibrating, press the green button, okay?” I nodded slowly, and took it from him. This time, I carefully pressed the green button. I brought it up to my ear, and John walked into the bathroom, and I could hear his voice come through the phone. “Wow, that’s pretty cool,” I replied. “Yes, so this what humans call calling, but teenagers like you use text messages. So, lemme guess, I’m going to need to teach you about that. Tommorrow I’ll be back to teach you about computers ad internet.” “Okay.” “So, a text message is when you want to send a quick message to somebody…” he began to explain. When he left, I recited in my head and aloud what John had just told me. I pulled my phone out, and played around with it. Then I got bored. I looked around the room. I saw the suitcases, and undid the latches. In the brown one was all my school stuff. There was a note saying: ‘Max, you must wear the shirts and pants, but you can choose what shoes you wear’ Fair enough. The shirt was just a plain blue, and the pants were shorts. I dug through the suitcase, until I found some shoes, and I pulled them out. There were three pairs of black converse with different coloured laces, a pair of trainers, and some flip-flops. I hung all the clothes up in the wardrobe, and went back to tackle the second suitcase. This one was larger, and had some food, more casual clothes, a wash bag, and some books in it. There was another note in the bottom, which read in dad’s demonic writing: ‘Son, I don’t want you to arouse suspicion. Your body will remain as it is for the remainder of your time on the surface. You are in most of the objectives classes, and she is in your year. Be nice to her, we want her as an alliance.’ Then it hit me. What did Dad want her for? Was it to lure her down to the Underworld, and not give her up until God had given dad what he wanted? What did Dad want? To be able to live in Heaven again, where mum lived? The thought of my mum pricked my eyes. I had never met my mum, but Dad said she was a beautiful angel, and she had chosen Dad. I wonder if she remembered Dad, and me, or if she had forgotten about the love she had for him, 16 years ago. I had grown up without affection and love; and so know I don’t know how to love. How am I supposed to make that beautiful girl fall for me? I looked at the paper with information on her. Her name was Trinity, she had wavy blonde hair that reached her hips, and she wore flowers in her hair, and had bells on her anklets. She had soft brown eyes. She was beautiful. It was a Sunday night, so I decided I’d better go to sleep, it was past 10pm by now. I put the suitcase on the floor, and got out my pyjamas. As I took my shirt off, it felt weird not having wings there, and there was no sign of the scars they leave. My back was smooth, well, you know what I mean. I walked into the bathroom. I stood there for a few minutes, just looking at my new body. I looked down, stretching my pants out of the way. Huh, no change there. I changed my pants, and put a clean shirt on, before collapsing onto the bed. I turned the lights off. It was my first night in a whole new world. 002 It was light in my room when my eyes opened up, dragging me away from my dream, and back to reality. It took me a few minutes just to realise where I was. I looked at the alarm clock that stood on the bedside table. 7:00 am Right, school begins at 8:30. I filled the kettle up, switched it on, and dug through the food dad had packed for me to find something edible. I found a packet of biscuits. I made myself a cup of tea. I got the packet of biscuits, and sat on the middle of the bed. I turned the TV on, ABC 3 came up. It was a cartoon. Good enough. I’d finished half the packet, half an hour later. I turned the TV volume down, and got ready for my first day of school. EVER. I combed my hair, it was just past my jaw, and was a dead-straight, and it was brown. I stared at myself in the mirror. My reflection stared back, looking at me with the same black eyes. I bent down, and ran my fingers through my hair, messing it up. I looked at my reflection. Much better. I shook my head, and walked out of the bathroom. On the bed, I pulled my socks and shoes onto my massive feet. I stood up, and glanced around the room for my school bag. I chucked my pencil case in it, and a few notebooks. I’d buy my lunch on the way to school. I walked out the room, banging my head once again on the frame. I pulled the door shut behind me, and made sure it was locked. It was. I walked down the corridor, and turned left, going to where the elevators where, then rubbed my head. Hopefully it wouldn’t bruise or go red. I pressed the down button, and a girl appeared at my side. I looked at her in surprise. It was her... Trinity. The doors pinged open, and I offered her to go in before me. She smiled, and walked into the elevators, and I followed her. “So, what school do you go to?” she asked, focusing her attention on me. I looked at the badge on my shirt, trying to figure out what it said. “Uhm. What my shirt says,” I said. “Perth High” “How did you know?” I joked, “How about you?” “Same as you.” She said, looking at me suspiciously “What year are you in?” “Eleven.” I said, remembering what John had said to me last night. “Wow, that’s weird, so am I” Trinity said. “I’m Trinity” She said, holding her hand out. I took it “Max.” I’d touched an angel. It felt pretty average. I smiled at her, and the doors pinged open. “Do you know where the school is?” she asked me. “Nope,” I replied, shaking my head, and following her out of the elevator. “Excuse me, but where can I find a map?” I thought she was asking me, but it turns out she was asking a hotel staff member. “Follow me, miss.” Trinity beckoned me to follow her. So, I did. We had finally managed to find our way around the school, and make it to our first class, English. “Okay class, for those who don’t know me, I’m Mr Logan,” said fair skinned man. He wore his short brown hair straight and had stubble around his mouth. “Well, he looks friendly enough,” Trinity whispered into my ear. I nodded in agreement. “Over this year, we are going to be studying different Shakespearean texts. This will include Macbeth, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet” “Oh, I love Shakespeare!” Trinity beamed. “So, has everybody got this book?” Mr Logan asked, holding up a book with the words ‘The Tales of Shakespeare’ written in fancy handwriting. The class nodded, I nodded as well, whilst trying to remember if that book was in my suitcase. “Okay, well, we won’t be using it this lesson, but you’ll need to bring to every English class we have all year. So today, we are going to be talking about ourselves, introducing ourselves to each other, as there are some unfamiliar faces here. So, sit in a circle. Well, as best as you can manage,” said Mr Logan, beckoning us into a circle. “Okay we’ll start with you,” he pointed to me, and nodded. “Okay… Well, I’m Max, before coming here I was home-schooled by my mum, and I love the sound of crickets.” “Does your mum work?” “No, but Dad does, he works… underground, like mining,” I lied. Well, at least it was partially true. Mr Logan nodded, “Point to someone else.” I pointed to Trinity, and she pondered for a few minutes on what to say. “Well, my name’s Trinity, I’m a Gemini, I play the harp, and I’m an orphan.” Well, if angels are allowed to lie, then so am I. “Who do you live with Trinity?” Mr Logan queried. “I’m living in the Holiday Inn down the road, my relatives are paying the fees, but they wanted me to go to this school.” I wonder why she was coming to this school. Did He send her down for a mission too? Was it to get me, as I am getting her? And was it to get through to dad, like what dads doing to Trinity? I shook the thought out of my head. “Well, if there’s anything I can do for you,” Mr Logan said, and Trinity gave him a weak smile. She pointed to a brown-haired girl, who so far had only giggled. “Uhhm,” she giggled “My names Courtney and I’m in your English class!” She exclaimed. The bell signalled for lunch. Crap, I didn’t buy it on the way to school. “Max? Do you have to buy your lunch?” Trinity asked. I nodded. “Alright, come on then” she ordered, pulling my arm, and charging through the crowd, with me being dragged behind. We stood in the line, and she looked up at me. “Do I know you from somewhere?” “What makes you say that?” I asked, looking down at her. She was pretty short. “I recognise you from somewhere…” She pondered, tapping her fingers on her lips. “Nope, you’re mistaking me for somebody else,” I said, shuffling forward in the line. When we finally walked into the air-conditioned canteen, I walked over to the cold food counter. I selected a yum-looking set of sushi, and an iced chocolate from the fridge. Outside, I leant against the door waiting for her. “Okay... Where do you want to sit?” Trinity asked me, looking around. I searched the grounds until I found a sunny spot. “There, in the sun,” I pointed to the spot, and Trinity glided over there. As she sat down, her golden hair reflected the sun rays, a sea of sparkles. I sat down opposite her “What’d you get?” She looked down at her lunch. She had an apple, and a toasted cheese sandwich. “That.” “Yum.” She looked at my lunch, “I’ll give you a bite of my sandwich for a piece of sushi,” she asked hopefully. “Agreed,” I confirmed, reaching over and taking her sandwich. I took a bite, feeling the melted cheese oozing out of the bread, and into my mouth. I pulled it away, and small strings of cheese hung from the remainder of the sandwich. I wiped my mouth, and handed it back to her. She took a piece of my sushi, dipped it into the wasabi, and bit it in half. “Yum!” she exclaimed, “I’m getting this tomorrow!” “And I’ll get a toasted sandwich!” I smiled, and she smiled back. She finished the piece of sushi, and stretched her arms out, yawning. I picked up a piece of sushi, and popped it whole in my mouth. “Aren’t you going to put wasabi on it?” Trinity questioned, pointing her index finger to the wasabi. I grimaced. “Eww.” She laughed, and then let out a sigh, and fell back onto the grass, stroking it with her fingers. I leant over, and poked her stomach. She lurched up, before falling back laughing. Her rich laugh filled my ears, made of pure joy. She sat up, and poked her tongue out at me. I poked my tongue out in reply, and finished off my sushi. Trinity just sat there giggling as she took bites from her sandwich. I took a slurp from my iced chocolate, before Trinity held her hand out, wanting some. I reluctantly handed it over. The bell announced we only had five minutes of lunch left, and Trinity and I stood up and got ready for our last class for the day- Maths. This was one of the subjects where we weren’t in the same class, and so I had no idea who I was going to sit next to. I got my textbooks out of my locker, and tried to find the maths room. After about five minutes, just in time, I had found the maths room. “Okay class, I’m Mrs Hawthorn, and I’ll be your teacher for this year, unless your maths skills improve, or if you struggle, you will be moved into the specialist. So, good afternoon class!” “Afternoon Mrs Hawthorn,” we mumbled back. I had successfully been avoided by the rest of the class, until a girl burst through the room. It was Courtney, and when she saw me, rushed over and dumped her books on the table next to me. They landed with a bang. “Hey Max,” Courtney whispered to me, out of breath. “Hey Courtney, couldn’t find the room?” I asked, looking at her. She shook her head. “Get your textbooks out class!” Mrs Hawthorn ordered, taking a whiteboard marker out and writing what we were going to be learning. When Courtney had shaken her head, an aroma of strawberries had reached my nose. It smelt good. “Your hair smells nice,” I commented, whilst writing down what Mrs Hawthorn was writing on the board. She looked at me, and let out a stifled giggle, before reaching out and trying to smell her hair. “Ooh, it does!” she exclaimed, smiling. 003 I dumped my bag on the bed, fell onto the bed, and turned the TV on. I kicked my shoes off, and almost hit the TV with them. Whoops. I sat up, and rummaged through my bag, and pulled out the maths homework. I sighed, and rolled onto my stomach. My phone buzzed, and reached into my bag to find it. ‘Hey! Wat room no. r u? Don’t ask how i got your no.! Trinity.’ It took me a moment for it to sink in. Oh! ‘138’ I replied, and soon there was a ‘ding dong’ from the front door. I stood up, and opened the door. Trinity was standing there, with her school bag on her back, a pack of chocolate biscuits in her hand, wearing casual clothes. “Go and get changed, then let me in,” she ordered, and I did as I was told. I re-opened the door, and Trinity glided in, and jumped onto the bed, before settling down and opening the biscuits. “You can help me with my homework, mister!” she announced, shoving a biscuit into my mouth, and giggling. I took the half-eaten biscuit out of my mouth and attempted to shove it in hers. She fell back, laughing. “Seriously? Eww! I don’t want your guy germs” she giggled. I smiled “What homework you need help with then?” I asked. She rummaged through her bag, and pulled out her books. “Maths” I nodded, and finished off another biscuit. “I’m asking... How did you get my number?” I queried, stroking my chin and raised an eyebrow. She blushed, and shook her head. She placed her teeth onto another biscuit, and smiled widely. “Not telling!” she gave me a shove, before looking down at her homework, cocking her head to the side. She let out a ‘hmm’, and I crawled over to sit next to her and see what she was looking at so deeply. “So, how do I figure this out?” she asked, looking at me, her hair falling to the side. I breathed in, and tried to explain to the best of my ability. “Nup. Still don’t get it,” Trinity sighed. I’d spent half-an-hour trying to get her to understand. “Alright,” I began, emptying my lungs “just ask the teacher tomorrow, I give up with you” I joked, and she replied all huffed and puffed ‘I’m offended!’ before falling into a yet another fit of giggles. Girls. Why do they giggle at everyth…? Who’s been giving them laughing gas? 004 “Thank you Max! Although my homework still isn’t done... I’ll see you tomorrow, out the front?” “Of school or this hotel?” “Uhm, hotel. Say, 7:50? That gives time for breakfast and getting ready...” “Yeah, alright. See yah tomorrow Trinity,” I said, closing the door behind her. I emptied my lungs once again, and looked around the room. I cleaned up my bed, and stepped into the bathroom, turning the shower on. I dried myself off, and chucked on my pyjamas. I dug through my clothes pile for anything that smelled. My socks did, and so I chucked them in the laundry bag. Inside the laundry bag was a cardboard sheet thing. I read it aloud ‘Two pieces of washing done free every day.’ Hmm… One shirt, one pair of socks. Sorted. I collapsed on my bed, and turned the lights off. “Your tie.” Was what Trinity greeted me with the next morning I looked down. “Oh, right. Thanks. I’ll go get it…” Trinity smiled, “Silly Billy!” I poked my tongue out at her. I swiped my card. It didn’t work, surprise surprise. “Oh COME ON!” I said angrily, and kicked the door. It opened. Huh. I ducked underneath the doorframe. “Ha ha! You can’t get me door!” I said, catching my toe on the door and face-planting the floor. I let out an aggravated moan, and slowly got up, rubbing my face. “This room hates me too,” said one of the staff members said. I looked down at my toe. It was red and throbbing, but it wasn’t bleeding. I wonder if dad changed my blood colour when I came up here… I made a mental note to try it tonight. “Yeah, I keep hitting my head on the doorframe…” “Max?” Mr Logan asked. “Here.” “And Trinity?” “Here sir.” “Okay, did everybody remember their novels?” I reached down into my backpack, and searched around for it. Oh, crap. I forgot it. Next to me, Trinity slid me the book. “But that’s yours.” “No, it’s yours. I knew you’d forget it.” I sat back on my chair, and gave Trinity a shove. “Oh, okay. I won’t do YOU any more favours then!” she huffed, crossing her arms. “Okay, okay. Thankyou Trinity, you physic bastard.” |