Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1723394-No-hero--chapter-1--A-hero-is-born
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1723394
a superheros comic misadventures any feedback is most welcome.
No hero
Chapter 1
A new hero is born

My name is Sam Wilson and I am a superhero, my story begins with my life, my mum is a workaholic my dad is also a workaholic and has a drink problem, my sister is training to be junior hooker because she dresses like one and has more boyfriends than I have had hot dinners. She is always out comes home late stinking of booze, pot and aftershave, oh and she knows more swearwords than I do and she’s only sixteen. So in an insane house it’s no wonder I work in an all-night supermarket, mainly because unlike the rest of the scumbags who live round here are happy stealing or selling drugs or both depending on your habit. The all night store called O’Riley’s supermarket, original name isn’t it! Well Mr O’Riley is large blokes yes his fat very fat with a really bad personal hygiene problem. He is no David Beckham that’s for sure after spending 7 hours of watching pick his nose and scratch his arse crack is distressing to say the least. The worse one was when he put his hands down the back of his trouser looking for Klingons and I am not talking ugly with bumpy foreheads,bad teeth and worse manners. That was the worst thing i had ever seen staring at granny porn would have kinder on the eyes it was enough to put me off breakfast. To make matters worse his clothes usually shirts and jumpers that were to small and his huge belly stuck out like a pregnant woman. They were also old and had last night’s dinner or this morning’s breakfast down the front, usually very dried on the worse thing about his clothes were the brown sweat stains on them, well that’s not true the smell was worse like old cheese mixed with tobacco and stale whisky, most people had learned to stay downwind of him those that didn’t regretted it. They are in tatters and very holey so bad in fact that we could sell as religious relics. I once saw him eat he made a pig look good with table etiquette and all, and after that I never looked at a bacon sandwich in the same way again, ever. Mr O’Riley isn’t stupid though he is in fact a shrewd and tight-fisted he pays minimum wages even the night staff by giving us cash in hand something that is illegal, but it’s better for us we don’t pay taxes so he doesn’t pay as much and he works us all the hours gods send and fiddles it’s on the books. So what about me? I am nineteen skinny with brown hair glasses and acne my dream is to get out of here and study engineering. To get my master’s degree and get out there and build something that people will remember me for. I don’t want to end up on the streets selling crack or robbing old ladies for their pensions. So for the past three years I have saved every penny I have earned and worked more hours than is actually legal to start a fund to get to university there is one problem, his name is Professor Eugene Cockcroft. The guy didn’t like me from day one ok I was late for his class because I overslept I had been at work and didn’t finish till six AM thanks to Mr O’Riley who would not let me go. So I walked into his lecture only 10 minutes late and he proceeded to berate me in front of classmates. He then kicked me out as the door slammed behind me I could hear my classmates laughing at me from that moment I hated him. Some people say that the fate has way of playing tricks on you and everything happens for a reason, I never believed it till one day eighteen months later. It was a Friday November ninth in the year 2029. It was a typical Friday night full of drunks and potheads I arrived at work 10 O’clock in the evening. O’Riley called me up and asked if I could do a couple of extra hours, to be honest I was knackered I had done extra shifts all week covering for Dave or other night worker who was sick with the flu. I walked in at five to ten the bell rang as I opened the door. Shaun the new guy was sat watching TV behind the counter which was stacked with boxes of sweets cheap pen, pencils and novelty erasures I smiled and said “hey” he didn’t look up just carried on watching whatever it was that was more interesting “don’t let O’Riley see you sat watching TV or he will have you scrubbing the dried mouldy milk out of the broken milk fridge again”, “Yeh, yeh” was Shaun’s response. Just then a voice behind me said “your late Sam”, old man O’Riley was dressed in a blue shirt red suspender and blue jeans his belly seemed to have grown since yesterday so I guess he must have eaten and it must have been a small horse by the size of it. O’Riley parked himself in front of the counter it that time again it was time for his late night speech. “The floats setup for tonight, don’t forget to take the big notes out of the till and put them in the money bag and into the safe, the weirdoes might come out to play later on so if there’s any trouble the bats under the counter don’t ring the police they have better things to do than listen to you lot moaning”. “Try to flog that milk its only 2 days out of date I changed the date life on it so get rid before the bloke from environmental health comes back, and no helping yourselves to the sweets I counted them last Friday and 5 packs of peanut M&M’s were missing ok I’m off see you at 6 in the morning” and with that he was gone. Shaun is nice guy the only thing is he doesn’t say much.
© Copyright 2010 Stephen Laing (lastsamurai at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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