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Adam & Tommy were in love 'til someone interfers. Will they get through this trouble??? |
Prologue It was the day he's been waiting for. Tommy was ready to marry the love of his life. Adam Lambert. They already had a beautiful baby girl, Leo. She was as cute as Adam and Tommy combined. Ever since the day Leo was born, which was July 7, 2010, they have been inseparable. Adam was diagnosed with short-term memory. But, he eventually was cured from a disease. But about 2 months after Leo's birth, when Adam went for a check-up (it was like a rehabilitation place), his doctor, Monte, had asked him that if he remembers anything from last week. "Yeah, I do. I remember going to the grocery store with Tommy and Leo, and also I drove the right way home, too!" Monte was actually impressed with his memory. Finally, in less than a week, Adam was able to memorize so many more things, especially Tommy and him making love last night. Then one day, while Tommy was lying on the couch, Adam came up to him with a little black box in his hand. "What's that, Baby?" Tommy asked curiously. Instead of answering, Adam opened the box, and said in the sweetest way possible, "Will you marry me?" Tommy was almost unable to breathe when he heard those words come out of his cute, delicious lips. He jumped for joy, screaming, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" He fell into his lover's arms and kisses him all over. They both decided to have a big dinner and invite their families to tell them the big news. On that night, their families were extremely happy they were going to finally tie the knot. So, they began trying to work more often and earn more money, too. Adam and Tommy even sold some stuff they didn't want anymore and gave the rest to Plato's Closet. Soon the two lovers gathered up enough money to go on with the wedding plans. Chapter 1 This is the best thing to ever happen to me, I thought as I gazed at myself in the mirror with my light blue tux on. Someone knocked on the door and came walking in. (Mind you I never even said that this person could come in, but they fucking did anyways. God, people have no manners.) "Tommy, are you ready to walk down the aisle?" I turned around to see my mom standing there. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed. "I thought you didn't care about me anymore, especially after finding out that I was in a relationship with Adam." "Well, I didn't want to miss your wedding, which is the most amazing thing to happen in my son's life. I'm really sorry that I kicked you out of the house. I guess you being gay, pregnant, and in a relationship with Adam made me overwhelmed. I overreacted to your situation and I should have let you stay home." "It's alright, mom. I should've told you what's been going on, but I just didn't think you would accept me for who i really am. Especially, if I was actually pregnant. I love you, mom." "I love you, too, sweetie." The door opened again and one of the groom's men came in. "You have two minutes left before the wedding starts," he said with a sweet smile. "OK," I replied and he silently closes the door. "Well, Mr. Handsome," says my mom, "we should get going and not be late." My mom turned to face me with a confusing expression on her face. "How did you deliver that baby anyways?" "I had a C-section." I attached my pink flower to the left side of my tux, checked my shiny jet black shoes, and my mom and I walk out of the massive, elegant room. In the hallway, it was silent except for the faint noise coming from a room two doors toward the elevator. "Now I feel completely nervous," I said quite fast. My heart was thumping so loud I thought my mom could hear it. "Honey, it's going to be alright," she replied while rubbing my arm. "I felt the same way when I married your father. But, trust me, when you say yes, you will feel that sigh of relief and that you two are truly going to be together. The hardest part is probably staring at them and smiling." We approached the elevators and pressed the button on the wall. A few seconds later, one of the gold-plated doors slid open and my mom and I walked in. I then pushed the button for the 1st floor and the elevator began to move. "So, are you walking down the aisle with me?" My mom glanced at me. I waited for her response. Finally, she said, "No, someone else is." I asked her who it is, but she refused to tell me. "Please, mom! I wanna know who is walking down the aisle with me. Tell me, please!" I begged and begged, but she didn't even give me a hint. "It's someone you've never met and I've told you about her." With that, I shut my mouth and waited for the elevator to stop. We arrived at the entrance to the wedding room and I saw someone there. She had a red and white dress on that went down to her knees. Her hair was light brown and beautiful smooth skin. When she turned around she looked stunning and sexy. Her lips were plump with light red lipstick, a shiny diamond necklace and matching earrings, and a black studded design on the top rim of her dress. "Tommy, meet Jessica. She is your sister." I immediately gasped and hugged her tightly. A beautiful wide smile appeared on her flawless face as I rocked her back and forth. "OMG! I have a sister! This is so amazing!" I let go of her and we just smiled at each other. But, then I turned around to face my mom. "Why didn't tell me?" "There's no time to explain. They're lining up now. Go stand behind the last couple, honey." Jessica and I walked arm in arm over to the end of the line as the wedding song began to play on the piano inside. The groom's men and maids were perfectly in a light blue color with silver shoes (Adam had picked those, not me.) My heart beneath my ribs was feeling like it was about to break through. The line began moving and we gazed ahead at the amount of people that attended my special day. There were even some people that went to my school there. I was surprised too. "We're almost there, Tommy. You excited?" I nodded my head so hard I felt like I was rocking my brain inside. Finally, it was our time to walk the aisle. I looked down at the ground for a few seconds as everyone looked at me and Jessica. Soon, halfway down I glanced around at the people who were smiling and some holding video cameras. Then, in the fourth row away from the alter, I saw Brian. He was the boy that was Adam's friend and who I had sex with one night after leaving the hospital. I'm telling you that was the best fucking sex I've ever had, especially in a threesome. And it was quite rough, too. Loved it!!! Jessica and I reached the end of the alter, where the groom's men were standing on one side and the women on the other. And the pastor and Adam were standing under the arc with red and white flowers. Adam, my sweet (sometimes difficult) sexy husband-to-be gazed at me with a bright, beautiful smile that could blind me if he was in the Sun. He held out his left hand and I placed mine inside it lightly. All of a sudden, his grip becomes tight and he pulls me into his chest. We stare at each other and smile passionately. The guests look on, happy that we are in love with each other. I take one step back blushing a bit. Then, the guests sat down in their comfortable seats and the pastor began the ceremony. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage and join this man, Adam Mitchell Lambert, and this man, Tommy Joe Ratliff, in holy matrimony." (I'm not going have you know what the pastor says because it will take like forever! So I'm just going to fast forward my wedding ceremony to that death do us part thing.) "Do you, Adam Lambert, take Tommy Ratliff to be your lovely wedded husband?" "Yes, I do." "Do you, Tommy Ratliff, take Adam Lambert to be your lovely wedded husband?" "I certainly do." The little girl gives me and Adam a shiny gold 15-carat ring for the next part of the ceremony. The pastor instructs me to take Adam's right hand and say, "I, Tommy Joe Ratliff, take thee, Adam Lambert, to be my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." As I place the ring on his finger, again I repeat what the pastor says: "And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness. With this ring, I thee wed." Adam does the same thing to me as he stares deeply into my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore and looked away to the pastor. Gosh, he looks at me too much, but I love his expressions. Oh, can we get on with the wedding? This is taking forever! "Shut up!" I quietly whispered thinking that no one would hear me. But, Adam heard it, and so did the pastor. I blushed a little and said, "Sorry." "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss that groom." I was so freaking excited I jumped towards Adam and gave him the most wonderful, sexiest, amazing kiss ever. He even sneaked in a tongue kiss with that. Adam wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed me tightly. Together we walked away from the alter and a girl gave me her fake flowers to throw outside. When we were about to get in the limo, I threw it up in the air to the crowd of people. You wouldn't believe who fucking caught it. It was Brian. I was shocked and yet quite happy for him, too. Adam smiled at Brian and giggled a little. I love the way he laughs. It's so damn cute. We a few photos outside then got in the limo, which was airbrushed with "Just Married" in pink on both sides. Chapter 2 Adam and I continuously kissed and drank some champagne while rising to the reception. It was a 30 minute drive, but I didn't give a shit. At least I was able to spend time with my lover alone. He looked so damn sexy and fine. I'm totally happy that I married the right man. "Tommy, I love you with all my heart," Adam sweetly says as they kiss passionately. "Whatever happened between us in the past is gone. We're starting a new life with our little girl, Leo. I don’t' want anything to tear us apart because I'm glad that you and Leo are in my life, and we are inseparable. You want us to stay together, right?" "Yes, I do, Glam baby. I glanced outside the window and saw a sign saying: "God LOVES Gays. We were created equal." Adam stared at me as I continued to look. There was no expression on his face. "Why are you looking at that?" I shrugged my shoulders, not wanting to respond to his question. He grabbed my arm, forcing me to answer. "Adam? We're and we just got married. You should know why I'm looking at it. You and I are a part of this even though you don't know that. That's why I'm looking." I took one more glance at the signs before turning my attention to Adam again. Sometimes I feel he may hurt me if I yell at him or don't respond to his question. The building we rented for our reception came into view and I could see everyone standing around and inside the entrance. Once we (including the guests) got inside and into our seats, my mom called each of the couples. They all look so stunning and beautiful. Soon, we began having dinner, bad having short speeches from our parents. As we ate, someone that looked middle-aged appeared from the steps. I looked ahead, trying to figure out who this was. He had a black suit on with a blue-striped shirt underneath. Pausing at the top of the steps, he glanced around at the people. Then, he laid his eyes on me. I was scared out of my damn life. What if this dude had a gun in his pocket and was going to kill me and almost everyone else? My mom went up to the intruder and led him over to our table. I was ready to say something rude to get his ass out of here. They both reached the table and his face became familiar to me. Was he my dad? "Adam, I'd like you to meet, Paul, Tommy's dad," she said innocently. Adam shook his hand with a grinning smile. "Tommy, I know you haven't seen him since you were about 4 years old, but you can see the resemblance." At first, I stared at my mom with that I-Can't-Believe-You-Did-That look. Surprisingly, it didn't affect her in anyway. Then, instead being rude myself, I acted innocent myself. "Hey, dad. How's it going?" I knew he could tell that I really didn't want him being here. I made the friendliest smile that will pass me for being happy that he's here. "What's up, kiddo?" he said to me with a heavy pat on the shoulder. "I'm really sorry that I missed the wedding. I was traveling from Chicago since I work there. You guys have a video from the wedding or something?" I told him that he could ask my uncle or aunt. They actually went away after I said that. That's amazing!!!! They probably don't believe me though. Suddenly, Adam starts rubbing my thigh, causing a chill to go up my spine. "I guess you're not in close relation with your father?" He looked at me with this weird-looking expression that made me lose my train of thought. "Can you do me a favor, my love?" "Sure." (Even though I didn't want to.) Adam stared deeply into my eyes, saying, "I want to make love to you when we get home and there's no excuse." "Ummm...okay. Why are you saying this now? And I sure as hell don't give you any excuses." "Ugh...yes, you do. Last time you said you had to do something like a paper, and when I came downstairs, I see you sitting in front of the TV, watching "Scary Movie 2." "That's such a lie. I just finished early and thought you were asleep. I didn't feel like having sex anyways." In a deep and low voice, he says, "You're a fucking asshole, you know that?" I just ignored him since he was being a bitch. The rest of the night went by quickly. We got our presents, ate cake and food, and danced around a little. But overall, we had the greatest time together and I will never forget it. The limo driver gave us our final ride home with Leo. She was soundly asleep and peaceful. Once we got inside our beautiful, big house, I brought Leo to her room while Adam got undressed and put the gifts up somewhere. Eventually, Leo woke up and she had the cutest smile on her face. If we ever lost our little girl, I would feel like I've lost a part of myself. I wouldn't be able to continue on with life. She is our little star. I changed her diaper and clothes and laid her in the crib. Leo drifted back to sleep as I tiptoed out of the room. I took off my suit jacket as I walked to my bedroom. When I looked up I saw Adam laying in the bed naked with only half of his body covered. I immediately paused in my tracks. He said, "Why are you standing there like that? Come here, I'll help you take your clothes off." Slowly, I went to the bed as I continued to unbutton my shirt and take off my tie. Once I reached the bed, he grabbed me by the shirt and threw me onto the cozy bed. At first I was startled because he did it so suddenly. But, then my breathing slowed and I relaxed. Adam lightly kissed me on the neck and down my chest. Damn, he's so good at making me feel hot. I quickly unbuckled my pants as he gripped my soft hair. After throwing my pants on the floor, we wrestled a little bit, lightly biting my ear and anywhere else that would turn me on. This rough sex was probably going to last forever!! Finally, I landed on top of him as we tongued kissed. I reached down and took hold of his dick and stroked it fast and hard. Adam began moaning and groaning the pleasure. Then I slid it into my mouth and he yelped. He actually fucking yelped and I couldn't believe it. That must tell me that I'm really making him happy now! Chapter 3 The next morning, I felt completely happy. Today, I was planning on going to the beach together and it was a surprise for Adam. Last night was just spectacular and amazing. Every part of it was great. I feel like I'm still in orgasm right now. I onto my other side to see Adam with his eyes wide open. "Baby, stop looking at me like that," I sweetly said. I nudged him a little,but he never moved and his eyes remained open. I was freaking scared at that moment. Please don't tell me that my baby is dead. Please! I shook him and screamed his name for like ten seconds before he woke up. "Baby, are you alright? I thought you were dead." Adam blinked his eyes then looked at me. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked. "You look all scared and shit." Anger raged in me, but I wasn't going to get mad over something like this. "Your eyes were open and at first I thought you were just playing until you didn't move. And I thought something happened to you." Adam curled his arms around me and laid beside me. Suddenly, my cell phone had to ruin the peaceful moment. I looked at the caller ID and it read 'Mom'. Why is she going to call me this early in the morning. So, I answered it, put the speaker on, and regreted ever doing it. "Why didn't you try to talk to your father more often? You haven't seen him for a long, long time. You know you really need to start taking opportunities into your own hands. How about this? Me and Paul come over at around 6 o'clock and have fun for a little while?" "Umm...Well, we're gonna be going somewhere at around 10 in the morning, so I guess we could do that." (Even though i didn't freaking want to.I hated my father, but I could never find the reason why, though.) "Great, just call me when you get home or are on your way back. Bye, sweetie pea." "Mom, I told you to stop calling me that." "Sorry, I have a habit of doing that." "Well, bye. See you later on." "OK, bye." I hung up the phone and saw Adam's confused look on his face. "And where are we going at 10 a.m?" I made a smirk on my face and sat up in the bed. He knew I wasn't going to tell him anything. I told him to go make breakfast and I'll deal with the packing. He begged me to tell him but I wasn't going to say a word. So, he put on some underwear and trotted downstairs. Within 10 minutes I finished packing and went down to the kitchen to eat with Adam and Leo. "Finally!" he exclaimed. "I thought you were going to be up there forever. Come eat with your wonderful newly husband and little girl." Him saying those sweet words made me laugh. I heated up the food a little bit and started gobbling like a turkey once it was out. I love sausage, cheesy eggs, and bacon all together. It makes me feel all good and melty inside. We went out the door after I finished my food and had Adam put on a blindfold until we reach our destination. I made sure that he wasn't peaking or anything,but within fifteen minutes, we arrived at Miami beach. Surprisingly, there wasn't a lot of people there. This is great! How is that great? What, you want to kill Adam here at the beach when no one's looking? "Shut up," I say to my brain, which actually speaks in my head. |