Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1719724-Five-Years-Later
by DMB
Rated: · Other · Death · #1719724
An unexpected reunion of two friends occurs five years after college graduation
Meg picks up Angie to travel a long way to get there.

Angie: Thanks for picking me up, Meg!

Meg: No problem---how are you?

Angie: Good, you?

Meg: Well---you know how it is …I could go for a latte right now….

Angie: So…who did you hear it from?

Meg: I think it was Mandy.

Angie: Oh, Mandy. Figures.

Meg: Yeah, she was my freshman roommate. She was always a little off.

Angie: Mandy was certainly... unique. I can’t believe that it’s been five years since we’ve graduated already.

Meg: I know time flies! So much has happened since then. Hey I think we’re going to need some coffee before we get going- lesson plans were killing me last night. First Starbucks we see, we’ll stop.

Angie: You would say that. Well there’s a Starbucks about a mile down the road, so we can stop there. Did I tell you that I drink coffee now?

Meg: Wow stop the presses, Angie! Hey I think I see it up on the left.

Angie: Yep, that’s it. Let’s get some caffeine!

Meg: You don’t have ask me twice!


Meg and Angie: One vanilla latte. Just a coffee for me, cream and sugar.

**Move chairs**

Angie: …why do people always steal chairs at these places? God! It’s just like the dining hall---those things always ticked me off.

Meg: [taking off coats, revealing dark clothing] I know – me too! So had you heard from Jamie lately?

Angie: Well, she sent me an email a while back and she was talking about some issues with her husband.

Meg: Oh really? What kind of issues?

Angie: You know the usual newly wed stuff- kids or no kids, jobs, that kind of thing.

Meg: At least she didn’t have any kids…that would be awful. Its bad enough as it is. Poor David.
[awkward silence] How’s that human resources position going for Marion Publishing?

Angie: Actually…I quit that six months ago. I hated my boss…and her boss…all they did was talk behind people’s backs and I was NOT compensated well for the work I had to do.

Meg: So…are you working right now?

Angie: Yeah. I got a position at State Farm. It’s alright.

Meg: Maybe you can become an agent! I hear they make pretty good money.

Angie: Eh…you really have to be driven to do that kind of thing.

Meg: I guess I really lucked out with teaching…I love it. Hey what was it that Jamie used to do again?

Angie: Well, her career was about to really pick up. She was on her way from her house in Delaware to New York City for an interview for a CEO position when it happened.

Meg: Wow I didn’t even realize that she had made it that far. In college she always seemed like such a slacker.

Angie: I guess sometimes those slackers are the smart ones. They save their energy for after they graduate. Why didn’t we take that route?

Meg: Yeah maybe we should have. Jamie never really seemed too involved with school stuff…I never really got that.

Angie: Well…Jamie and I used to be kind of close, you know. Not like best friends or anything, but it is just so weird to think about her…being dead…not to sound morbid or anything.

Meg: When Mandy told me, I literally was speechless for about 10 seconds. I wonder…who is going to show up to this…since it has been five years since we have all seen each other.

Angie: I thought about that a little bit before I fell asleep last night. Well…we all know someone who will be there, ready to talk our heads off for…hours, if she is able…

Meg: Oh Mandy!

Angie: I guess it has been a few years since my last funeral. Time just seems to run together, these days…

Meg: My god! I haven’t even been to a funeral in my life. How crazy is that?

Angie: Wow…I’ve been to about ten or more…I guess my family lacks longevity.

Meg: I guess my family doesn’t have that issue seeing how I’ve never been to a funeral. What do you think this one will be like?

Angie: This one will probably be a little different because she was so young and we haven’t even been out of college that long. I bet there will be a good turnout.

Meg: Turn out?! What is this a Phillies game?

Angie: Not the Phillies if it’s gonna be a good turnout…let’s face it they are not doing too well.

Meg: Don’t have to tell me twice- go Yankees!!

Angie: Oh man the rivalry continues. But yeah there will probably be lots people.

Meg: If Mandy has anything to do with it, there will definitely be lots of people.

Angie: You know what’s ironic?

Meg: The fact that Jamie hated Mandy? Yeah that is ironic.

Angie: Yeah Mandy was always just oblivious to that…

Meg: And everything else…

Angie: We’re bad…this is a funeral and we’re talking about baseball and college drama.

Meg: You’re right. Truth be told, Jamie would probably be laughing right along.

Angie: She really did have a great sense of humor. I miss that her for that.

Meg: Wow…it’s be a while since I’ve reminisced like this.

Angie: They always say that college is supposed to be the best four years of your life. Don’t you sometimes wish we were back there…as weird as that sounds?

Meg: Sometimes I do…but most of the time, I really enjoy my life now…not so much drama.

Angie: Yeah, I feel same way. Most of the time…

Meg: Hey do you think we should get going?

Angie: Yeah, we don’t want to be late!

Meg: Hey do you remember that time when Jamie and you got barricaded into the girl’s bathroom?

Angie [laughs]: Yeah good times with Jamie!

[end scene]
© Copyright 2010 DMB (kbaxter423 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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