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Rated: ASR · Campfire Creative · Draft · Drama · #1719626
horror i wrote but i had to shorten it for class.
Ever wonder what was under all the lies? What the truth really is? Well I did, and I found out. No one can take what I found. Not even the most depressed, dark, sinister, person in the world. Hitler would run away from this, he would even say that the Jews don’t disserve it. Under every thing that I thought was real, the things I saw will follow me for the rest of my life. Nothing prepares you for what I saw. I can only hope that I’m safe now. There are things in this world that you don’t need to know. I just wish I knew that before. But I must say this is fun in its own way also.
I found so many clues and all of them led to the same thing. The twin towers falling were more than just a random act of terrorist vengeance. What our government is hiding at ground zero is a threat to the whole world. And I won’t stop till I have warned the world. The world deserves to know what I know even if they don’t like what they hear, or they all think that this is just a prank.
About a few months ago, I accidentally hacked into a terrorist’s database and discovered that our government was hiding something under ground zero and that is why the twin towers were attacked. Just don’t ask how I did it either. At first I didn’t want to believe it, but my want to learn more overpowered me and I soon found myself digging for more information on the matter. All these clues hidden around New York City, Statue of Liberty, and the Empire State Building, they are all clues to what our founding fathers hid in New York soil all those years ago. When I found this out I wanted to find whatever it was, so I decided to visit ground zero for myself. That may have been the worst thing for the world once I think about it. Too late to change that now I’m at the point of no return.
It all started with a simple project, write a story. Any kind my heart desired, so I decided to investigate the falling of the Twin Towers which turned out to be the worst idea too. Too bad I didn’t know that at the time. Finding the clues was actually easy, mainly because of my boyfriend in the state building, he was more than happy to help me and accompany me as well to the site. I only found the secret tunnel because of my clumsiness and ability to trip over an imaginary rock. Once I fell I landed in side a tunnel that magically opened before me. I thought it would be easy to push my way through the tunnel’s door but that would be proven false, it only opened about halfway and it was extremely tiny. In fact I got suck because of my hips so I tried to feel around for a hold and when I was randomly feeling the wall I hit a spike and it went right through my hand. But I opened the tunnel completely and my boyfriend and I were able to get through
There were a lot of rats, so nothing new for the city, it’s just that normally the rats would crawl all over our feet and bite us. These rats stayed away from us. Like we were the rats and they were the humans. I thought nothing of it at the time. We walked till we came to a room. It was just like my grandmothers house. My grandmother was at the top of the food chain. She spent her whole life doing two things, making babies and making money. But that room was just like her house. The whole room looked like it was made for royalty. The whole place looked like just standing in it, it would cost you money so, not a truly ecstatic place for me.
The middle of the room there was a little girl. She was in a ball gown, and she had this face, which said “please just hold me for a while”. She had long curly brown hair that fell down her body like waves of chocolate and deep brow eyes. They gave you a feel of home and panic at the same time. I didn’t know what to do. Something about her just was too much for me. I wanted to hold her, yet I felt like a mad dog would be a better option. My boyfriend ran right up to her and held her. Spinning her around and acting like she was his own kid, normally that would make me smile, just this time I wanted to scream for him to let her go. The whole time he was talking to her, she kept her eyes on me, those deep dark eyes that were hypnotic. For some reason I couldn’t go near her. Something about that little girl scared me, that and I felt like I knew her. Still I refused to go to her. The only words she would even say were my name, and every time she did I felt my heart reach out, wanting me to hold her. My mind was working in overtime. How did she know my name? That and I wanted her in my arms. Still I would not move near her. Then her eyes turned red as the flames of hell when Lucifer’s heart is ripped out of his body.
My boyfriend fell to the floor with a sick thud. I screamed and ran to his limp cold body. There was blood all over him, but there was no wound for any blood to come out of. I kept calling his name, choking though the tears that refused to stop. Still nothing happened, and that little girl still would only say my name, calling to me, her eyes that horrible red. All of this time going by and he was still bleeding. Nothing would stop it; his face still had that grin of his, the one that will make anyone in the world smile. It was frozen on his dead body that still bled. I soon stop holding his sodden, dead body, and turn to the girl. I shake her and demand her to stop what ever she was doing to him. She smiled and said “hold me Zoei, and he will be fine.”
Willing to do anything I obey to what she says. The second I have her off the ground, I don’t want to let her go ever. She starts to giggle. And I smile, forgetting my boyfriend is half dead on the floor. Just holding that little girl in my arms felt like the most amazing thing in the world. No one could hurt me ever, not when she was in my arms. Then something occurred to me. Well more like I realized that the pain in my hand was gone. I look at the girl and place her gently on the floor. She gives me a sad face that would pull on anything that has a heart. But dose not say a word. I look at my hand and scream again. My hand was all healed like nothing had ever happened to it. How that was even possible I’ll never know.
“Are you glad Zoei? I fixed your hand, and I fixed your friend here.” She smiled at me and reached out for my hand.
“Who and what are you?” I backed away and ran into a wall. She came closer then gave me a hug.
“I am you silly; don’t you know where you are? You came home. Now you can stay with me and play.”
“What are you talking about? How can I be you?”
She smiled and her eyes turned back to brown. She grabbed my hand and walked me to a room of mirrors… and tons of them. That’s all the room was. And inside I saw myself and the little girl who clamed to be me.
“Come out and play, or spend the day. I want a game for two”
Those words were familiar like an old dream… from when I was a girl, the same age as the one I was with, who had the same color eyes and hair. Then my world went black. I crashed to the floor, leavening what was human about me still standing.
Once I wake up she was there again. This time I knew what she was and I knew why I knew her. She is the goddess of suffering. Death, pain, fear, and greed, she is them all. That’s why America is a superpower. Everyone knows that she is here, and only one person can let her live. That person is me.
My name is Zoei, and I am the host for the goddess of suffering, she is one with my body and soul. I will never have children, or get married. Anyone who is with me will die. I am a weapon, nothing more. When people die, or cause others pain, I become stronger. Now that I am whole once more it is time to have some fun. Starting with the men who locked me up, and kept me here all those long years ago. So I must warn everyone that still has a pure heart. Stay safe and never let the clouds of doubt cover you. Because once you let that happen you belong to me. This is the warning to everyone in the world. I’ve been hiding, but now your world is corrupt once again. There is no god to save you… not this time. I’m so sorry but neither heaven nor hell can save you now. Welcome to my kingdom, or should I say welcome to the one place that makes hell look like a vacation site. No where to run or hide, this is the new world, nothing can save you now.

Note: This is the shortened version; the original plan would just take too long to write. Sorry maybe we will finish it fully one day. *Smile*

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1719626-Under-the-surface