Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1719556-The-old-tire-swing
Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #1719556
A woman remembers her heart.
I sit here watching the water ripple across the lake. My hands are as wrinkled as the waters I watch before me..

This old porch swing has been my best friend for more years than I can count. The still smooth notches, that my husband sanded but hand out of maple and oak , still feels new beneth my hands. My Scott, My love , my life, my exsistance. He's gone now. Taken, not befor his time, but before i wished him to be.

And then there's the swing.......

To any passer by it's nothing more than just an old swing, A abandoned peice of rubber.

And yet....

I look out at it and I see love.

My soul.

My heart.

I still remember that night,

My hair, a once auburn , blew in the wind as free as my spirit.

tickling my nose soflty with the breeze.

He loved that about me. My will, my sense of adventure.

He stood behind me watching the crystal pond as I watch it now.

Slowly gliding me,

Swaying me to the rythm of the wind.

"Marry Me Erin"

It wasent a question but a request he knew needed no answer.

My eyes overflowed with tears.

We kissed under that tree with that old swing . Married under it, and thats where he now rest's.

I take a look at my hands. Wrinkely and old. Losing feeling in my hands and knowing it wont be long now. I take a deep breath looking over the horizon. The purples and oranges inviting me with open arms as if to say "Welcome home".

I will miss our children. I will miss liviing and I will miss my mundane , run of the mill Life. And even with all this I understand only one thing in this last instance. I will soon be reconnected with the one thing im missing on this earth.

My heart and soul....My Scott.
© Copyright 2010 Poeticsoul1983 (poeticsoul1983 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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