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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1718211
My story is about the effects of underage drinking on high school kids.

Matt Pavlick
Block 1 Red

“It’s going to be ok, it’s going to be ok,” I heard a nurse say. I was being rushed to the emergency room. I was dazed and confused. I noticed flashing lights from the ceiling and doctors and nurses running around frantically. I could feel myself breathing heavy, wheezing actually. Then I don’t remember anything, and everything slowly went black.
Woodrow Senior High School isn’t a large school but it’s big enough for everyone not to know each other. I don’t like the learning part of school. I was mostly there for the social parts.
School had only started about 2 months ago and it was early November. In Richmond, Virginia it’s chilly at this time of year. The first snow had fallen about a week ago. I don’t like snow very much. My Father was killed because of icy conditions. Though, it was also his fault for driving drunk. He died 2 years ago in January. I never liked him very much though. He would come home late at night drunk and tired and would go right to bed. In the morning he would wake up and go to work without a word. My mother and I barely got to talk to him or see him awake. I swore to myself I would never be like him. The only thing we have in common is out name. He is Thomas Walker Sr. and I’m Thomas Walker Jr.
A few days ago this girl in my grade Mara Horn gave out invitations for her birthday party. She was a gorgeous girl, so naturally everyone wanted to go. Well she only invited the people she wanted. I figured I’d get invited and I did. A few of my good friends Jerome White, Michael Finley, and Craig Francis got invited too. But what I was most thankful about was that Carly Murphy was going. She was the most beautiful girl in our school throughout each grade. Carly was in perfect shape, had these amazing blue eyes, and had gorgeous blond hair. She was a girl that made people go crazy with one glance at her. She was amazing looking. I wanted her bad, real bad.
“Thomas Walker Jr.,” I heard Craig say as I took my Geometry book out of my locker. “You ready for tonight?”
“Yeah Tommy, are you pumped?” added Jerome.
I glanced behind me and saw Craig and Jerome standing there. “Of course guys, it’s gonna be great.” I responded.
“Only a few more hours and its party time, I got something big planned” Craig said.
I chuckled; “Yeah, I can’t wait. I have to go to geometry; I’ll see you guys tonight.”
“Alright man, see ya” Jerome said.
“Talk to you later.” Craig replied.
The party started at 6 that night and went on till 12. I figured on leaving around 10:30-11 because I was worn out from the week and needed some sleep. My goal for the night was to hang out with Carly and get her to like me. That was going to be a lot harder than it sounded because she was single and every guy in school wanted her. But me, I wanted her more. I had to get her, I had to. It felt as if my life depended on it.
I got home from school that day around 3:45. I stopped at Burger King and grabbed a bite to eat before though. I get really hungry after school, and I usually stop somewhere and get something to eat. It’s a lot easier now because I have my own car. The only good thing my Dad ever did was win the lottery. A few months before he died he played the lottery one night. The crazy thing was he was sober when he played it. Bizarre enough he hit the grand prize for six-hundred thousand dollars. My family was set for life. We had the money so I got to pick any car I wanted. I chose a 2010 Dodge Charger. I loved this car like a child. It was silver with a beautiful white racing stripe down the sides. It was the nicest and most expensive thing I ever owned.
When I got settled in at home my Mom came downstairs to greet me.
“Hello sweetie, how was school?”
“Fine, boring as usual” I replied “Can I go to a party to night?”
“Where at” She asked
“My friend’s house, Jerome, Craig, and, Mike are going. I’ll be fine”
“Alright but please be careful.”
“I know Mom, I know.”
It was 5:00. I had two hours before the party started. I had a schedule planned out to get ready. (I make plans in my head a lot) First I was going to get a shower so I could smell clean for Carly. Then I would pick out what I want to wear. I had to pick different clothes than what I went to school in because that would be unbecoming. I had to brush my teeth after that because who wants bad breath talking to your dream girl. Then I would arrive at the party at 7:01, so I would be fashionably late.
At 6:45 I left my house. It was only a 15 min drive to Mara’s house but I drove slowly so I could prepare myself for the night ahead. I had another plan drawn out in my head. I was hoping to arrive and I was going to find my friends and Carly. I was planning on spending the majority of the party with her. I figured I would end up driving her home too because I know her friend drove her and I was hoping she would ask me for a ride. It was a good feeling. I was in control, but that all changes in a few hours.
I arrived at the party around 7:10. (There was surprisingly a lot of traffic on the back roads)They was a huge swimming pool with people from school in it. There was a DJ, a dance floor, tons of food, and a lot of people already. After about five minutes I spotted Jerome and Mike but not Craig.
“Hey guys” I said as I approached them.
“What’s up man” Mike said.
“Hey bro” Jerome added.
“Did I miss anything?” I asked.
“Not really man” Mike chuckled.
“Yeah nothing has really happened yet, but have you seen Craig?” Jerome asked.
“No I haven’t” I said confused “He’s not here yet?”
“He’s probably just late like always” Mike said sipping his Mountain Dew.
“Yeah I guess” I said. I had a bad feeling though. This definitely wasn’t part of my plan.
Around 7:30 Carly and her group of girlfriends had arrived. I figured they were late because they were doing there make-up or something, but I wasn’t too concerned. I made my way through the massive crowd and found Carly. Normally I’m never nervous around girls. I talk to Carly in school all the time because we have four classes together. However, at this particular moment I my legs felt like spaghetti and I got butterflies in my stomach. For a couple seconds I didn’t know what to say or do. In my state of confusion I managed to squeeze out a “Hey Carly.”
“Hey Tommy” she replied.
My nerves were starting to calm.
“Cool party huh” I said. (I’m a terrible ice breaker)
“Yeah it’s ok so far but I really wanna dance” she said. She looked at me and smiled.
“Uh, do you want to dance with me?” I stammered.
“Of course” She said. (Step one complete)
We danced for about an hour. We talked about school, relationships, and sports. I was really feeling good, and then something peculiar happened. Now every high school kid wants to feel like an adult. There aren’t that many ways to do that though. However, there is one way in particular that I really didn’t want to happen. Somehow in the back of my mind I knew someone would bring alcohol. I just wished I would have realized that sooner. Of course everyone rushed over and grabbed some but I stayed put. Then Carly grabbed me and said “C’mon those seniors brought beer.” Completely against my better judgment I obliged. I also realized something else at this point Craig, of all people, was with the seniors who brought the alcohol. I was confused and a little disappointed in him.
I realized I was a light-weight. This really means I can drink about one or two beers and I’m drunk. Three hours went by that I really don’t remember that well. I know I did do what I wanted to do and that was spend time with Carly. I also remember Mike and Craig doing shots and getting out of control. Jerome wasn’t drinking at all though he was over talking to Mara.( she was also sober) It was around 11:30 when I regrouped with Carly, Mike, Craig, and Jerome.
“I’m ready to leave” Carly said.
“Yeah I second that, I’m beat” Mike added.
“Alright well how are we getting home” Craig said.
Everyone looked at me.
“No way, no I’m not driving all you guys home”
“C’mon man you’re the only one with enough room” Craig said.
Carly looked up at me with those big hope-filled blue eyes.
“Fine get in my car”
I couldn’t believe what I had just done.
Jerome didn’t move toward my car. He just stood there staring at me in disbelief. I approached him.
“What’s wrong man” I asked.
“Do you realize what you’re doing, you’re putting your life in jeopardy and all of theirs. You drunk Tommy, your completely drunk, how are you even gonna be able to think straight while you’re driving.”
“Well there counting on me” I said.
“You don’t get it do you, you could kill them Tommy, why can’t you understand that?! Just come home in my car.” Jerome was practically yelling at this point.
In my drunken state, I just yelled, “Screw you man! If you don’t trust me then get outta my face. ” I just made the worst decision of my life.
I got in the car and started heading down the driveway. I noticed Jerome in the rearview mirror staring in disbelief.
“Hey Tommy take Craig and me home first we live closer.” Mike said.
“Yeah dude I’ll just sleep over Mike’s for the night.” Craig said.
“Alright that’s cool guys” I responded.
Once we got to Mike’s house I noticed I was feeling really light headed. I felt as though I was still in control. I said bye to Mike and Craig. I was still wondering why Craig was with those older kids. That was for another time though, now it was just me and Carly. This was what I had hoped for at the beginning of the night. I wanted to talk to her but I didn’t have anything to talk about. I was getting that nervous feeling again. My hands were sweaty on the steering wheel. Thankfully she broke the ice.
“It was really cool of you to drive me home Tommy, thanks.”
“Hey it’s no problem.” I said smiling and trying to look calm.
“I was really glad we got to spend time together tonight. I don’t know if you know this but I do like you.” Carly said.
At this moment I was actually caught off guard. I wasn’t really expecting her to say that. I felt invincible at that time, even though I was starting to see things.
“You know I’ve always really liked you too we should do this again sometime” I stammered to get out. I also realized at this time is had been slurring my words. We had just gotten to Carly’s house; I was disappointed to see her go.
“Thanks again for taking me home I had a really good time.” Then she leaned over and kissed me and got out of the car without another word. (Stage three complete)
I was walking on sunshine on my way home. I had the music blasting and my car going at least 70 in a 25 zone. I had no idea what was going on. I was so excited that Carly liked me and that I got all my friends home safely. I felt good, I felt real good.
The first snow had fallen about a week ago and it had really cooled off tonight. I was so out of it I could barely see the road now. Another I wasn’t counting on was the ice. I came shooting around this sharp turn. I don’t’ even remember how fast I was going but I know I had no time to stop. I hit the patch of ice and slid. I went right into the guard rail passenger side first. I rolled right over the guard rail. My car went down the hill and into a large oak tree. I hit the tree with my roof because I was barrel rolling down the hill. It was the most horrifying thing I’ve ever gone through. I saw my blood rolling down my arms and legs, which I couldn’t move by the way. Everything went quiet and dark and I passed out.
Everything came back to me when I woke up that next afternoon. I was lying in a hospital bed. My Mom, Carly, Mike, and Craig were all sitting and standing in my hospital room watching me.
“Thomas!” My mom came over and kissed me. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah I think so.” I saw that I had stitches in my right arm and in my left shoulder. M y head was throbbing in pain and I had a lot of other cuts and bruises. I couldn’t believe nothing on me was broken.
“Hey man, how you feeling?” Mike said.
“I’ve been better.” I said with what smile I could manage. “How did I get here?”
“Jerome found you.” My mom said. I couldn’t believe it. “He followed you from the party. When he saw the crash scene he called 911 and attended to you.” I noticed Jerome out of the corner of my eye sitting in a chair in the back part of the room looking straight at me.
“Dude, I’m sorry man, I’m so sorry. Can you….” I got cut off by Jerome
“Stop it’s ok man I get it.”
“No Jerome, you saved my life. You’re the best friend a person could ask for. Even after I said all that crap to you. Thanks.” I said almost tearing up.
“You’re welcome” Jerome said.
I turned to my Mom, “How much trouble am I in?”
“It doesn’t matter, I’m just so happy you’re not hurt worse or dead.” You do remember that your father died that way don’t you? You really need to think more.” My mom responded.
“Yeah I know.”
At that point in time I realized that I was exactly like my Father and nothing was going to change that. I also knew I made some really bad decisions and could have ruined a lot of lives. I’m truly lucky to be alive.

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