Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1718151-help-is-out-there
Rated: · Other · Gothic · #1718151
this is for you who are having trouble with life. I will do the best I can to help.
For those going though trouble You are not alone:

Happy people live better lives.
Everyone deserves a second chance.
Love to the fullest you can.
Place your trust wisely,

Wisdom is power,
It will lead you far.
Let it guide you.
Lead the life you want to live.

Can you not see the bright side?
Open your eyes.
May your world be filled with love,
Even when people are filled with hate.

And remember:

You are beautiful, no matter what people say.
You are you, no one else.
People can't change you, you change yourself for people.
Not one thing about you should you hate, If you hate it change it.
No one can make you do anything, You always have a choice.
Crazy is just how life is, you learn to live with it

If anyone has something going on, or simply want to talk, I am here. If you need help, I am here. and anyone that want's to chat pm me and I will send you a link to a chat site I find it better than just pming back and forth.
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