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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Other · #1717887
A man abou to retire will learn that Karma eventually catches up to him.
It was his final job, his retirement, his farewell to all the pretending and acting. Today he would go back to being nothing more than Jorge Paredes no more Jake , no more regrets, no more endless nights. Veronica looked at him as she handed him his last file.

<Veronica> So this is it huh?

<Jake> Yeah V and its about damn time. I made a promise that if I ever got engaged I would quit. I don’t need this anymore V.

<Veronica> Your going to make a lot of people unhappy. I will miss you. Here its not one of your usual. Its an anonymous call no name no info.

<Jake> That’s great V make my last run a hard one. So I have to figure this one out nothing to go by. Where do I pick her up I don’t see an address?

<Veronica> You have to pick her up at the Belo Club

<Jake> In the Gas lamp district? Wow! a girl after my own heart. What does she look like? How will I find her?

<Veronica> All I know is that she’s blonde haired blue eyed. She wants you to carry a white rose. She will find you.

<Jake> V. Your killing me, really I haven’t done this shit like this since ever. You kill me you know that! If I didn’t love you so much and if I didn’t owe you so much I would say fuck it. And just walk out. I will take it but this is it V this is my last one.

<Veronica> I love you to Jake, and I really hope that for the sake of all of us.. That this is not your last one.

Jake gets in his car he rode a black Mercedes Benz C63 AMG. Out of all the Dirty Stylezz Crew he was the only one that had this car it was different just like him, it was the oldest of the cars but the best looking. He gets use to the idea of never ridding it again. He is getting use to the idea of having a wedding band around his finger. He reaches in his coat pocket pulls out the picture of the girl that made him start this life in the first place. He begins talking to himself.

<Jake> (looking at the picture) This is it Jen! The day I never thought would come. I am done with this life. I haven’t forgotten you, but my fiancĂ© makes me happy not as happy as you and me but after you they are all have been silver medals.

Jake sticks the picture back in his coat pocket he pulls out a small black box and opens it. As he stares at the ring inside a single tear falls . He closes the box and puts it in his pocket.

<Jake> Silver medals. They are all silver medals but there comes a time in a man’s life where he either accepts defeat or overcomes it. This is yours Jake. Enjoy this night Jake because it is your last.

Jake reaches the club around 830 he liked the Belo club and he knew it very well the bartender there was a friend. He fixes the white rose on his coat and heads to the bar to wait.

<Joey The bartender> Hey Hey Hey Jake! What’s going on my brother? The Usual?

<Jake> Yeah Joey the usual, anything new happening around here anyone new?

<Joey The bartender> Here you go Jake . Jack and Coke Tall, Nothing new, and no one new. Except her check it out .

<Jake> Thanks Joey! You know what I think that’s my date.

Veronica was right she was blonde haired blue eyed, the woman was gorgeous , she wore a black miniskirt with a blouse with an open back like Sharon Stone in Basic instinct. Her hair was down and straight It covered half her face the half you could see was amazing her Blue eyes were hypnotizing, her lips were bright red, luscious soft, her figure was to die for. God most have broken the mold when he made her. When she walked she seemed like she was walking in air, Jake felt his heart skip a beat and for a brief moment he was speechless.

<Jake> See you around Joey!

< Joey The bartender > Do your thing Jake do your thing you lucky bastard.
Jake approaches the nameless woman before he says a word she speaks.

<Woman> So you are Jake? I expected someone different maybe someone with blonde hair blue eyes about 6 foot tall. I have heard a lot about you I heard that you have the ability to make any of your jobs feel special I might need that tonight.

<Jake> Well good thing I don’t hurt easily, sorry to disappoint your fantasy so early into the date. Trust me no woman has ever left my arms disappointed. Look you seem to know a lot about me, but I don’t know anything about you. How about a name for starters.

<Woman> Hmm quoting Don Juan de Marco so what I hear is true then you are a little charmer. The file being empty well that’s the point Jake . It’s easy to please a woman when you know everything about them. It’s easy to mold and con your way into their hearts when you have a cheat sheet. I want to see if you can do it without one. I want to see if you are as good as they say. Crystal by the way, my name is Crystal.

<Jake> Fair enough Crystal , beautiful name can I buy you a drink.

<Crystal> Technically I am paying you . So how about I buy myself a drink.

<Jake> Alright ! I guess this is going to be a long night?

<Crystal> Let’s hope so.

They spent hours talking about likes, wants, the usual first date bullshit, favorite colors nothing really important nothing with substance both of them had one drink and one drink only. Jake had met his match the woman was witty, charming, charismatic, a smart ass. Jake loved every minute of it. They decided the club was getting to crowded and loud she wanted him to take her out and just drive. Jake knew San Diego pretty well, hell its his stomping ground so he decides to take her where he goes when he needs to think.

<Crystal> Nice Car, A C63 AMG . Good taste my husband drives one of these.

<Jake> Your married?

<Crystal> Yes Jake Surprised? See the club was the bullshit now wherever you take me that’s where our date will begin.

Jake drove her to the peak overlooking downtown, it was his thinking sanctuary his reflection spot. They got out of the car and sat on the hood they sat in silence for ten minutes. She takes out a cigarette and Jake gives her a light. Jake is in awe by her, he cannot figure her out at all, and he likes that.

< Jake> So! tell me about your husband.

<Crystal> He is an asshole that believes that just because he has money and my parents love him that he can just do whatever he likes .
A black tear runs down her cheek her mascara begins to run. Jake puts her hair aside and wipes the tears off her eyes.

<Jake> No man is worth a woman’s tears, one shouldn’t let their hearts be broken by a man we need you more than you need us. What else did he do. Your obviously here with me for a reason I am a fixer I fill a void what do you need from me?

<Crystal> He traded me in for a simpler looking woman, nothing special about her she’s just simple I caught him one night he kept pictures, videos and messages on his phone.

<Jake> Im sorry to hear that. Same thing happen to me once, I got left at the altar by a woman who was already married to my best friend pretty fucked up huh.

<Crystal> (she laughs) Jake let’s get out of here, take me home please.

<Jake> Sure. Look I hope I didn’t say anything wrong.

They drive for about 20 minutes to a large house on the hill. She asks him inside. They share one more drink together and she hugs him and kisses him. His hands move down her bare back caressing every curve in her body she takes his coat off and undoes his pants moving her hand up and down his shaft. He takes of her blouse and skirt and feels her up, she’s already extremely wet , they lay in the carpet and he leaves no stone unturned, he kissed every part of her.
“What a way to retire” he thinks to himself. He lay with her on the floor after their sexcapade just talking.

<Crystal> Thank you Jake. They were right! You can make a woman feel special.

<Jake> Your welcome, and you are special you just needed someone to remind you.

<Crystal> Come with me I want him to see that I am not alone and I can do it to.

She puts on Jeans and a T-shirt and puts her hair in a pony tail. The woman was beautiful all dolled up and all dress down. She had the whole innocent role down to the T she was the girl next door. Funny because that’s Jakes favorite look on a woman, Jake looses the Jacket the tie and just keeps his white button up shirt. They get in the car and head to a small bar downtown. As they walk in she heads to the bar with Jake by her side she taps a man who looks like he was swallowing a woman whole.

<Crystal> Hello Jeff.

<Jeff> Crystal! what are you doing here and whose this.

<Crystal> I could ask you the same thing, but seems like I don’t have to. Ohh how rude of me I almost forgot this is Jake my lover.

<Jeff> You fucking slut! You have been sleeping with this guy the whole time we have been married?

<Jake> Not the whole time, tonight was the first, and by the looks of it you don’t have much room to talk! So if you excuse me! I promised Crystal a good time and you. Well your ruining it for me.

Just as Jeff is about to hit Jake the woman he was kissing stops him and Jakes eyes get bigger, he looks at the woman that Jeff was making out with, and she makes eye contact with him she hides behind Jeff. Jake smiles grabs Crystal and walks away. Jake tells Crystal to keep the pictures and file for her divorce he also tells her to go to a family members house tonight and fix things the next morning. He grabs his coat and takes out his wedding ring box and hands it to Crystal.

<Crystal> What’s this for?

<Jake> A memento of tonight. Its so that you never forget me.
Jake drops Crystal off at her mom’s house and drives back to Veronica’s for a final brief.

<Veronica> Good time?

<Jake> You can say that.

Jake gets his cut of the money and writes something in a little piece of paper and gives it to Veronica. He smiles and walks away. The woman Jeff was kissing and fucking on the side besides Crystal for a year. Was Jakes future wife. Crystal divorced her husband and became one of Jake’s regulars and as for Jake well.
Veronica opened the piece of paper read it and laughed. The paper read “FUCK RETIREMENT ILL SEE YOU TOMORROW”
© Copyright 2010 Jake Paredes (jake2769 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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