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Haven't you ever wondered what really happened to Chuck Greene's wife? |
Dead Rising 2, and all related material, is a registered trademark of Capcom and Blue Castle Games. This story is in no way trying to breach that copyright. It is strictly a fan-story -Set two years after the horrific events in Willamette, Colorado. Zombies have just started to spread to the countries Carlito has planned. The government has been able to keep the zombie virus from reaching the public. The last thing that the government needs is worldwide mass panic. However, zombies are popping up everywhere and at this rate... nobody is safe.- 6:00am "Did I lock the front door?" Chuck found himself wondering as he laid in bed, next to his wife, Heather. As he slept, that question kept recurring in his head. He usually remembers whether or not he locked the front door but today, his mind was drawing a blank. As he pondered this the front door creaked open, an uninvited guest was limping it's way inside. Chuck lifted himself out of bed and sat on the side looking down, he had to drive Katey to school soon. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays Chuck drove Katey to school. He didn't really mind driving her to school, but waking up at six in the morning on a Friday was annoying. Chuck headed towards the bedroom bathroom as the zombie made it's way upstairs. The zombie saw it's meal sleeping on the king sized bed not to far ahead of him. It wasn't to long ago that this zombie was a "meal" for another hungry zombie. Now this zombie craved human flesh, just like the hundreds of other zombie's shambling outside. The zombie limped up to Heather bent over and bit into her neck. Heather opened her eyes, a look of horror dawning her face. She was to shocked to scream but when the pain on the side of her neck doubled, her voice finally came out of her mouth. Chuck rushed out of the bathroom and looked towards Heather. He was shocked to see a zombie standing over her looking towards him. The zombie had a piece of Heathers neck in it's mouth, it was still dripping blood on it's chin. The zombie reached it's arms forwards and limped towards Chuck. Chuck ran around the zombie, dodging it as it tried to hit Chuck with it's arm. He got to the other side of the bed and reached into the drawer. Chuck always told Heather having a gun in the house would come in handy, today he was going to prove it. He pulled the loaded pistol out of the drawer, switched the safety off and pointed it towards the zombie. Just as the zombie turned around and lifted it's arms Chuck shot it in the chest. The zombie didn't react to this at all. Chuck shot it again and still, nothing. "Die already!" Screamed Chuck as he pointed the gun towards it's head and fired. This shot did the trick, the zombie fell backwards onto the floor and laid there, unmoving. It took Chuck a second to grasp what just happened; but then he saw Heather lying in bed, her hand covered in blood as she covered her neck. Chuck rushed to the other side of the bed and knelt down in front of Heather. "Chuck." She said, "You need to find some help... for me." Chuck put his hand over Heathers mouth. "Shhh, don't talk sweetie. Save your energy." Chuck was so scared, his words were practically stuck in his throat. Chuck got up and walked towards the dresser. "Don't worry, Heather." Chuck spoke as he changed from pajamas to his motocross uniform. "I'm going to find help, I'm going to find someone to help. Please... don't die." Chuck walked past Katey's room and saw the door was open and Katey was awake. "Daddy." Katey spoke, "Is Mommy alright? I heard her scream." Chuck walked towards Katey and knelt down in front of her, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Mommy got hurt but don't worry sweetie, Daddy's going to find her some medicine." Katey looked towards the door. "Should I stay with Mommy while your out, Daddy?" Chuck got up, still looking down at Katey. "No sweetheart, stay in here until I get back and lock your door. Don't open it for anyone except me and Mommy. We'll say it's us O.K? If you don't hear our voice then don't open the door. Got it?" Katey put up a thumbs up and smiled, Chuck grinned. "That's my girl." He said as he left Katey's room, closing the door behind him. Chuck reached the front door and noticed it was wide open. "I knew it." Chuck said to himself. He reached into his front pocket and felt the pistol sticking out. Chuck reached out to the coat hanger by the front door. He always kept his motorcycle keys here, although he barely ever rides it anymore considering that he's retired. Chuck walked outside the door and noticed only a few of these things, whatever they are, walking around. They didn't seem to notice Chuck so he took this as an opportunity to get to his bike. He jumped onto his bike, started the ignition, backed up his bike onto the street and was about to drive away when, he heard a scream from a house across the street. Chuck was going to ignore this scream and drive off. However, his conscience got the best of him. So he drove his motorcycle to his neighbors house narrowly avoiding hitting one of these things standing on the street. In front of the house three of these things pounded on the front door. A man, most likely the owner of the house, stood on top of the awning over his front porch. "Please don't let those things get into my house!" He screamed. Chuck pulled out his pistol from his front pocket and shot three shots into one of the things. The thing didn't flinch. "Aim for the head!" The man yelled to Chuck. "They go down for good if you shoot them in the head!" The three zombies turned towards Chuck and started reaching out for him. Chuck lifted the pistol higher than he was aiming before, this time aiming for head shots. He shot the first zombie between the eyes it flew backwards and sat on the ground, head bent down. Chuck shot the other two zombies almost simultaneously both fell down on their sides. Chuck was about to put his gun away when a zombie grabbed him from behind. Chuck turned around just to be pushed backwards onto the ground with the zombie on top of him. This was the thing Chuck avoiding hitting on his motorcycle and it looks like he is going to pay for that with his life. The zombie growled and lifted it's head to bite Chuck when, all of a sudden, the man from before ran up next to the zombie carrying a knife. He lifted the knife and stabbed it into the side of the zombies head, killing it. As the man pulled the knife out of the zombies head it fell down limp onto Chuck, like a heavy weight. The man helped Chuck push the zombie off Chuck and helped pick Chuck off of the ground. "That was close." The man said to Chuck. "It's extremely lucky that zombie didn't bite you. I'm Zach, in case your wondering." Chuck looked at Zach with a confused look, "I'm Chuck. What did you call that thing?" He asked, checking how many rounds he had left in the pistol, only six shots left. Zach first looked at him with a look of disbelief as if he were saying, how can you not know what these things are? Then Zach's looks changed to understanding when he thought about it for a minute. "Right I forgot." He began, "My uncle said that civilians aren't supposed to know about the zombies. Well I'll tell you everything he told me, let's go inside where it's safer." Chuck shook his head. "Sorry man, I need to go to the Pharmacy and find some help for my wife. One of those 'zombie's' bit her." Zach looked away after Chuck told him about his wife, worrying him. "Is something wrong." Chuck asked Zach. Zach grabbed Chuck's arm and led him into his house. "This will only take a second." Zach told him. Inside Zach sat Chuck down and started talking. "O.K. So I'm sure you know of what happened in Santa Cabeza right?" Chuck looked up at Zach before saying, "Yeah, something about a drug trade going on there, right?" Zach grinned at this, "That's what the government wanted the public to think." Zach said, "However, the true story is that the government was working there to try to mass produce cattle. One of their experiments got out one day, and infected an entire village of people, turning them into zombies. After that, zombie's have been popping up all over the country. The government has been keeping it a secret but now that it's happening here in Las Vegas and everyone knows about it... I don't know what the government is going to do." Chuck got up from the couch, "Listen buddy, that's a very happy story and all but why don't you fill me in about it later? My wife is losing a lot of blood from that zombie biting her, so the more time I waste, the less time she has." Chuck started walking towards the door but Zach grabbed his arm again. "Chuck." he started, "Your wife isn't going to make it. She's going to turn into a zombie..." Chuck looked at him with disbelief, "What did you say!?" He yelled at Zach. "The zombie infection spreads through zombie bites or scratches. Medicine won't do anything to help her. Neither will anybody in the city for that matter." Zach said this last part in a low voice. Chuck looked down at the floor, letting his words sink in. "How long does she have, Zach?" He asked, almost whispering. "The process varies but if you wanted my guess I'd say, only an hour or two at the most." Zach let go of Chuck, and Chuck turned around towards the front door. "Is there anything I can do to help her? Anything at all?" Chuck asked with his back turned. "My uncle told me of a drug that stops the virus from spreading throughout the persons body." Chuck froze in place when Zach said this. "It's called Zombrex. However, I doubt many stores, if any, actually carry the drug. My uncle told me that the government only made a few cases of the stuff, in case something like this happened again. Maybe, if your lucky, the Pharmacy might have a case or two." Chuck walked to the door, "Then I guess that's where I'm going." Chuck told Zach as he left the house. Chuck just got onto his bike when he heard Steve scream, "Good luck Chuck! Try to stay alive out there." Chuck grinned at this and drove his motorcycle down the street towards the city. Driving down the main street Chuck saw many disturbing things. At first he saw two people kissing on a bench on the side of the road. Or at least, he thought they were kissing, the man was actually a zombie and he was eating the girls face off. Next Chuck saw, at an intersection, a man being eaten alive on the street. This man was trapped under a car that must have ran over him seconds before. His screams could be heard from blocks away. Lastly Chuck saw a little zombie girl. She must have been no older than eight and she had cute little pigtails in her hair. Anyway, this little zombie girl had no legs and was crawling on the sidewalk, her stubs, where her legs used to be, leaving a trail of blood behind her. Also, Chuck was quite disturbed by the fact that zombies would walk in front of his motorcycle just for him to run them over. Their blood was getting all over his clothing and motorcycle but he didn't care. Chuck only had one goal in mind, to save his wife. Chuck reached the Pharmacy and parked his motorcycle in front of the door. Walking in Chuck notices that the store looks like it's been looted. Their are boxes and things on the floor and broken bottles everywhere. Chuck hears someone talking to themselves near the front of the store. Using the aisle for cover Chuck slowly approaches the front desk. In front their are two women tied up and a guy in front of them leaning into a big cardboard box. The guy pulls himself out of the box and Chuck see's he is covered in blood, his clothes are ripped, and he looks extremely pale. "Where is the Zombrex, damn it!" The man screamed at the two women, making them flinch. Zombrex? Chuck thought to himself, this guy must be infected. "I swear if you two ladies are holding out on me I'll kill you both!" The man continued. Chuck walked slowly behind this guy, this guy seems a little crazy right now and it's probably best to avoid getting on his bad side. Chuck was almost five steps away from this guy when the man screamed, "That's it, I'm done playing around!" The man pulled out a pocket knife from his back pocket and walked slowly towards the ladies. "Oh shit..." Chuck said, a little louder than he intended to. The man turned around and pointed the knife at Chuck. "Who the hell are you!?" he shrieked, walking slowly towards Chuck. Chuck tried to remain calm, "Listen man, I'm not here to bother you I'm just looking for some Zombrex." After saying the word "Zombrex" the man panicked and rushed back towards the cardboard box. "You, you want my Zombrex? You can't have my Zombrex! I worked hard day and night at that damn office for a fucking promotion! And on the big day when my boss was finally going to pick who would be CEO.... Those zombies show up and ruin everything! They kill everyone in the office, they bite the president of my office, they bite me! Well I've been preparing for this day. My friend told me about Zombrex...Told me how rare it is to find some. Well now I have a whole box of the stuff.... your not taking any of my medicine away...YOUR NOT TAKING MY ZOMBREX AWAY!" The man pointed the knife at Chuck and sprinted at him. Chuck ran away from the man and went around the aisle next to that aisle. Maybe he can get the jump on this guy, Chuck thought. He ran down this aisle but when he reached the end of it the guy jumped out and swung at Chuck. The knife narrowly avoided hitting Chuck. That's it no more mister nice guy, Chuck thought to himself, pulling the pistol out of his front pocket. But just as he was about to aim at this crazy guy, the knife came down again. Chuck moved his hand back, avoiding getting stabbed, but dropped the gun on the floor. The man stepped on the gun and kicked it backwards away from them. The man grabbed Chuck by the neck and pushed him against the aisle, strangling him. While Chuck was losing oxygen he noticed that this guy was loosely gripping his pocketknife. If I could just get him to let go of me and the knife then I can get out of this alive, Chuck thought. With his last bit of strength Chuck managed to kick his knee outwards into the man's gut, knocking the wind out of him. The man let go of Chuck and dropped his knife in the process, which Chuck swiftly picked up. The man got up and saw that Chuck had his pocket knife. But he knew if he could just get that pistol from before than he could still win this. The man turned around and sprinted towards the gun lying at the end of the aisle. Chuck realized what the man was running to and sprinted along behind him. The man reached out and picked up the pistol, his victory was close at hand. But, as he turned around to shot at Chuck, Chuck stabbed the knife at him, hitting him in the chest very close to his heart. It took a moment to register what happened but after that moment passed the man looked down and saw his own pocket knife sticking out of his chest. The man dropped the gun to the floor and started backing away from Chuck. He ran to the box of Zombrex in the other aisle. Chuck picked up the gun and walked towards the man who was rummaging through the box. When he came out of the box he was holding several smaller, white boxes labeled, "Zombrex". The man started laughing, "So you think you can just take away my Zombrex? Kill me and just walk away with my loot? If I can't have this Zombrex, NOBODY CAN!" After screaming this the man opened one of the boxes he was holding, pulled out a syringe and injected himself with it. "Hey, wait!" Chuck screamed, but this man injected himself with at least five syringes of Zombrex before stopping. When he stopped he looked at Chuck with dazed eyes. He grinned before turning his head to the side and puking on the floor. He started laughing before puking again, this vomit was mostly blood. He turned back at Chuck still grinning but with vomit covering his mouth and now with a bloody nose. "Mr.Rose..." He spoke to Chuck. "Did I...get that... promotion?" After saying this he feel to his side and laid there, dead. Chuck put the gun back into his pocket and walked up to the box. Inside there was about thirty smaller boxes of Zombrex. After confirming there was still Zombrex left in that box he rushed behind the counter and untied the two women. "Thank you so much." The first one, a pretty blonde, told him. "Yeah, if you didn't show up when you did who knows what that creep would have done." The other girl, a cute young redhead, complained to him. Chuck went back over to the box and picked it up, carrying it over to the front with the two women following behind him. Once outside, Chuck put the box on his motorcycle but when he turned around to ask where the ladies were going, both of them ran down opposite sides of the street. Chuck looked at his watch and noticed he only had fifteen more minutes until his hour was up. He decided the women probably knew where they were going, at least, he hoped they did. Chuck got onto his motorcycle and quickly drove back into his neighborhood. Once there he noticed a lot more zombies rooming around. He also noticed Zach on his rooftop shooting zombies with a sniper rifle he must have found. "Chuck!" He screamed, "My uncle just told me, they plan to firebomb this whole city in twelve hours!" Chuck parked his motorcycle right before hearing this. You got to be kidding me, he asked himself. "Don't worry man!" Zach continued, "The military is picking up everyone here who isn't infected." Chuck ran into the house, locking the door behind him. Inside he heard a noise, 'bang, bang, bang' coming from upstairs. Chuck ran upstairs and saw his wife, Heather, banging on Katie's door. "Heather?" Chuck called to her. Heather turned her head towards Chuck. What Chuck saw would haunt his nightmares for years to come. Heathers face was ghostly pale, her eyes were blank and her mouth was covered in blood that dripped down her chin to the floor. Heather walked towards him but Chuck was to paralyzed by fear to move. He just kept staring into her blank eyes with her mouth agape. Heather grabbed Chucks arms and was about to bring him closer to bite him when Katie's door swung open. Katie ran out and saw her daddy about to be bitten. Katie did the only thing she could think of, she screamed. Heather heard Katie's scream and let go of Chuck. She turned around, lifted her arms up and walked toward Katie. Chuck was still frozen with fear even as Heather grabbed Katie and shoved her onto the floor. Katie screamed again and that seemed to break Chuck out of his trance, he drew his gun and ran towards them. Katie lifted her arms up, trying to stop her Mom from bitting her. "Mommy stop it!" She screamed, still not understanding that her Mom was no longer there, only an undead version of her. Heather bit into Katie's right arm which caused her to screech in pain. Heather opened her mouth, letting go of Katie's arm which Katie drew back to her chest, and was about to bite Katie again when Chuck grabbed her by the shoulders and threw her onto the floor. Chuck aimed his gun at Heathers head. "Katie, close your eyes." Chuck told Katie. He looked away and shot his gun, Heather's groans and moans stopped abruptly. Katie got up, winching as the pain from her arm flared up. "Daddy" she said, "why did Mommy just bite me? And why did you shoot her, Daddy?" Chuck just looked at Katie's arm, she might not know what's to become of her but Chuck knew exactly what will happen. Chuck started to walk to the stairs, Katie stood in place for a moment then went after Chuck. Chuck walked downstairs to the box of Zombrex he brought into the house. He reached inside the box and brought out a smaller, white, Zombrex box. He opened it, taking out the syringe in it and turned towards Katie. "Sweetie, Daddy needs to give you some medicine." Katie saw the syringe and backed away from Chuck. "No Daddy! I don't want to have a shot. I'm not even sick, I feel fine!" Chuck walked towards Katie, holding up the syringe. "Katie, Mommy got sick before because she didn't take her medicine. If you don't take this medicine then you will get sick like Mommy. Please Katie, do it for Daddy." Chuck grabbed Katie's arm, she didn't put up any resistance, and he injected the needle into her lower arm. Katie tightened her fists for a second and then it was over. "There, now you won't have to take anymore medicine." Chuck told her. At that moment Chuck heard a helicopter outside. Zach was cheering out loud and calling for Chuck to come outside... (Just like in Dead Rising, this story is going to have six endings. Ending A being the best ending and Ending F being the worst ending.) Ending A "Katie, wait here." Chuck told Katie. She nodded her head, as Chuck ran to the stairs. Chuck ran upstairs and went the opposite direction from his bedroom, down the hall towards the window overlooking the street. A helicopter flew in the air in front of Chuck, from where it was Chuck could almost reach out and grab onto the the bottom of the helicopter. There are three men dressed in full military outfits standing in the helicopter, each holding an assault rifle with laser scopes pointing down at the crowd of zombies on the street below. "Hey!" Zach called from his rooftop, "about time you guys showed up!" The military man on the far right of the three looked towards the pilot. The pilot raised his hand up and, speaking into his headset, told the three to open fire, leave no witnesses. The army men started shooting at Zach. He started sprinting towards the other end of his rooftop and jumped off of it. While in the air, a stray bullet hit Zach in the shoulder but aside from that he was fine. The three men turned around and saw Chuck staring at them in disbelief. They aimed their guns at him, laser scopes pointed at his head. Chuck knew he only had one shot at this. With lightning fast reflexes, which must have been because of all the adrenaline pumping through him, he aimed his pistol and shot at the helicopter. The bullet missed the army men but it caused them to flinch which Chuck used as an opportunity to run. He sprinted down the hall, while bullets flew all around him. Luckily he was able to reach the staircase without getting hit. He was practically leaping down the stairs as he ran down them to Katie, who sat on the couch holding her knees to her chest. "Daddy, whats happening? Are we going to be saved Daddy?" Katie asked in a very scared tone of voice. Chuck looked towards the front door, listening to the moans coming from outside. He knew that the door wasn't going to keep those zombies out forever."Katie..." Chuck started, "I just don't know anymore..." Ending B "Katie, wait here." Chuck told Katie. She nodded her head, as Chuck ran to the stairs. Chuck ran upstairs and went the opposite direction from his bedroom, down the hall towards the window overlooking the street. A helicopter flew in the air in front of Chuck, from where it was Chuck could almost reach out and grab onto the the bottom of the helicopter. There are three men dressed in full military outfits standing in the helicopter, each holding an assault rifle with laser scopes pointing down at the crowd of zombies on the street below. One of the military men looked to where Chuck was standing. He elbowed the guy standing next to him and all three of them looked at Chuck. "The boss said to clean up the place. Survivors and zombies." The man in the middle told the other two. After saying this, all three of them raised up their rifles and aimed them at Chuck. When Zach saw this he ran to the hole on his roof and climbed down into his bedroom. He knew what the military was planning on doing now and he didn't want to die. "Sorry Chuck." He said out loud, "if one of us can live, it might as well be me, right?" Chuck started sprinting down the hall as they open fired. Most of the bullets missed him but one hit him right into his leg as he reached the staircase. He screamed in pain and as he tried to walk down the stairs he tripped, because of his bad leg, and rolled down the stairs landing on his side. "Daddy!" Katie screamed, as she ran towards him. "Katie. Run!" Chuck called out to her. At that moment something landed on the top of the stairs and rolled down the stairs making a loud 'thump' on each step. It landed in front of Chuck and that's when he saw what it was, it was a grenade. "Go!" Chuck screamed at Katie. As she got up and ran to the front door the grenade exploded. Ending C "Katie, wait here." Chuck told Katie. She nodded her head, as Chuck ran to the stairs. Chuck ran upstairs and went the opposite direction from his bedroom, down the hall towards the window overlooking the street. A helicopter flew in the air in front of Chuck, from where it was Chuck could almost reach out and grab onto the the bottom of the helicopter. There are three men dressed in full military outfits standing in the helicopter, each holding an assault rifle with laser scopes pointing down at the crowd of zombies on the street below. The three men looked up at Chuck standing at the window. "A survivor!" the middle one yelled. "Fly in closer." The man on the left told the pilot. They flew in closer to the window, Chuck sighed a breath of relief knowing that soon this nightmare would be over. Once the side of the helicopter was within arms length the army man on the right of the three jumped into the window, right next to Chuck. "Have you been bitten?" he asked in a strong tone. "No" Chuck started, "but my daughter has, she's downstairs. I gave her Zombrex so she should be alright." After hearing this, the man looked away from Chuck as if his words worried him. "Get into the helicopter. I'll get your daughter." He told Chuck. Chuck listened and climbed into the helicopter and sat down on the floor. Once the man in the house saw that Chuck was secure he pointed his finger at the house where Zach was. "Go get him. I'll finish up here." He ordered. After hearing this order the helicopter flew across the street to Zach. He told them he wasn't infected and they helped him climb into the helicopter. Zach looked at Chuck and held out his hand which Chuck shook happily. "Good thing it's over, man." He told Chuck. Chuck grinned and was about to speak when he heard a gunshot come from his home. The helicopter flew back towards Chucks house and the man inside climbed in but Katie was not with him. "Where's my daughter?" Chuck asked. "She was bitten sir. Sorry I had to kill her." He replied. When Chuck heard this he got up on his feet and grabbed the man's shoulders. "What did you do?" He screamed at him. "We're here to save survivors not those who are infected." The man told him calmly. Chuck was beyond angry, he was infuriated. He lost his entire family to this zombie outbreak, he killed his wife and this man killed his daughter. Chuck pulled out his pistol from his pocket and was about to shot this guy when another of the military men saw Chuck carrying a gun and hit Chuck in the side of the head, knocking him out cold. Ending D "Come on Katie!" Chuck told Katie. She grabbed his hand and they walked up the stairs to the window at the end of the hallway that faced the street. A helicopter flew in the air in front of them, from where it was Chuck could almost reach out and grab onto the the bottom of the helicopter. There are three men dressed in full military outfits standing in the helicopter, each holding an assault rifle with laser scopes pointing down at the crowd of zombies on the street below. "Hey, over here!" Chuck called to the men. They looked up at Chuck and his daughter. The man on the left of the three pointed towards Chuck and Katie and the helicopter flew towards them. When the helicopter was at arms length from the window the military man in the middle of the group jumped into the window, in front of Chuck and Katie. He was about to ask if they had been bitten when he saw the bite mark on Katie's arm. He drew his rifle and aimed it at her head. Chuck put up his hands, "wait!" He yelled. "I got her Zombrex, she won't change-" before he was able to finish the man fired his gun. The bullet went right in between Katie's eyes and she went flying backwards landing a few feet away from where Chuck was standing. Chuck just stood there for a moment while he processed what just happened. "You...you killed my daughter!" He screamed at the man as he pulled out his pistol from his pocket. When seeing this, all three of the men open fired at Chuck. He fell to floor, which was now becoming soaked in his blood. The helicopter picked up Zach from the house across the street. As they flew into the city to see if their were any more survivors Zach looked at Chuck's body from inside the house. "I'm sorry, man." he said to the blood soaked body as the helicopter flew away from the neighborhood. Ending E Chuck was about to go upstairs when the front door burst open. Zombies started to walk in, walking towards Katie and Chuck. "Katie, lets go!" Chuck screamed. He and Katie ran up the stairs and down the hallway towards the window overlooking the street below. The helicopter was already at Zach's house and he was climbing in. "Hey!" Chuck screamed, "over here, quick!" The zombies reached the top of the stairs and were walking towards Chuck and Katie with their arms extended towards them. Katie screamed and Chuck pulled out his pistol from his pocket and fired three shots at the zombies. He hit the first two in the front of the crowd in the head, bringing them down. The last shot missed and hit a zombie in the shoulder which did nothing to stop it's advance. Chuck tried to shot more but realized he was out of bullets. He dropped the gun to the floor and turned around, hoping the helicopter was here. What he saw made him lose all hope. The helicopter was flying away from his house towards the city. They were leaving him and Katie to die. He passed one more look at the helicopter and saw Zach being held down by two of the three soldiers. What Chuck didn't know was that Zach was screaming for them to go back and save Chuck and his daughter, but they believed it was to late for them. Katie screamed and soon Chuck felt hands grabbing his bead and his shoulders. Multiple mouths were biting into his neck and shoulders. The pain was excruciating but Chuck knew there was nothing he could do. He just closed his eyes and let the zombies enjoy their feast. Ending F "Katie, wait here." Chuck told Katie. She nodded her head, as Chuck ran to the stairs. Chuck ran upstairs and went the opposite direction from his bedroom, down the hall towards the window overlooking the street. "Chuck look!" Zach screamed and pointed toward the helicopter that was flying at least 30 feet above their houses. "Hey!" Zach screamed at the helicopter, "hey! Down here!" The helicopter just kept flying straight towards the city. "Hey, wait!" Zach called out. He started running after the helicopter and when he was about to stop at the side of his house he tripped over a tile that was sticking out of the ground and fell off the roof of his house. He landed on his head, a sickening 'crack' was heard, and then his body just laid on the ground, not moving. The front door of Chuck's house burst open and Chuck heard Katie scream. Chuck ran to the top of the stairs and looked into the living room. A group of zombies were on their knees surrounding Katie and biting into her, ripping off pieces of her flesh and chewing it in their mouths. Other zombies were walking up the stairs toward Chuck. Chuck unloaded his gun and saw he only had one bullet left in it. He put the clip back into his gun and pointed the gun to the side of his head. "I'm sorry. Katie." He said aloud and then he fired the gun. (Let me know if you want more chapters. Also, sorry it took so long for me to finish this. Enjoy, and please give me your reviews so I can see where I made mistakes.) |