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One version of events of Pegasus and Bellerophon, and the steed's true creation. |
Now that the daily prompt is finished, I have slightly lengthened the story, partly with the advice from reviewers. *** Bellerophon was beginning to wonder if there was any truth to the man’s words at all. Polyeidos: some referred to him as the wisest in all the land, and then there were those who called him crazy. At the mention of the Chimera, with a slight pursing of the lips, the “wise” man had told him to journey to the temple of Athena, Goddess of wisdom, and there he would find what he sought. Now bored and understandably doubtful, the only benefit Bellerophon saw in staying in the temple grounds was the sight of the Goddess’ beautiful servants. He began to feel drowsy, and after an amount of resistance, succumbed to sleep. Gentle at first, the whispers strengthened, rousing Bellerophon from his sleep. Propping himself up with one hand, he was instantly blinded by an illuminated (or illuminating) female figure, and with his unused arm, had to shield his eyes from the direct source. It was as if the rest of the world had disappeared, simply he and the intense figure remained in a void. The whispers were becoming words, like a congealing fog. Athena gracefully extended her hand, presenting a dazzling object, before speaking “Hero, go to Pierian spring and beckon the divine steed Pegasus with this; he will assist you with your quest.” Her crystalline garment swayed as she laid the object on the ground and turned to walk away, dissipating into softer light. As the world faded back into existence, Bellerophon bent down and gasped when he realised it was a bridle made out of sparkling gold, only being roused from his trance by the faint twit-twoo of an owl. The morning sun was glinting happily from his pure-white coat when Pegasus cantered up the small mound, last obstacle to the spring. Bowing his neck, he sipped the deliciously quenching water and adjusted his wings into a more comfortable position and neighed with contentment. Savouring the previous mouthful and going down for another drink, his ears perked like radars at the distant sound of an approaching mortal, mixing with that of the spring. Pegasus was preparing himself for flight now, knowing he must flee the human. Unfolding his wings and only just commencing a gallop, he decelerated. He had sensed it before he had spied it. It was a bridle of the Gods, held by an unassuming man. The majestic horse cantered back round towards the man and slowed to meet him, watching as the man set down his possessions, a spear, bow and the bridle. Captured in his eyes was a look of wonder. Is this the legendary beast, Pegasus? Pegasus was in touching distance of the man now and went to inspect the artefact, feeling its power. It was what he had suspected. Bellerophon reached out and stroked the steed’s head, somehow knowing he wasn’t in danger, and asked aloud “My quest is to slay the Chimera and I have been guided here by Goddess Athena, with this bridle to request your help. Will you help me?” Pegasus was now more attuned to the man’s soul and sensed his goodness. He decided to comply. To show he understood and agreed, Pegasus snorted friendlily and held his head aloft, allowing the man to equip him with the heavenly bridle. After walking for miles and fitting the bridle, Bellerophon was thirsty. He knelt and cupped his hands, bringing gulps of crystal water to his mouth. Satisfied, he glanced at Pegasus and noticed he was staring skyward. The horse looked round and saw he was finished, so stomped his hoof across the ground and lifted a small tuft. Bellerophon took this as a signal to climb on. He mounted easily; though found it troublesome finding places for his appendages and weapons when Pegasus unfurled his wings. Now that the human was ready, Pegasus resumed his aborted take-off. Starting slowly, he sped up and tensed his wings, tilting them, and feeling the rush of the air beneath them. Bellerophon felt tiny shivers coursing through the steed’s body now, and fear rose within him. He is going to fly. Bellerophon found he was clinging to the horse’s body for dear life as he felt the incredible creature suddenly leap but didn’t fall back down again. Pegasus let his muscles relax and gave a little shake to tell the man to stop holding him so tightly. The man loosened, leaving the joy of flight unimpeded. He loved it more than anything, it was bordering on euphoria. Flying made him unique and special, close to the realm of the Gods, and it was a time for thinking and feeling the shining power of Apollo. Just looking at the land and seas as he glided past was wonderous. At the moment they were passing ancient valleys and peaks near the coast, which reminded him of the time he had tasted some snow from a particularly high mountain - something no horse had even dreamt of. He could sense the human’s mind too, overwhelmed by flight and decided to speak. He heard it, the voice of Pegasus, though it wasn’t vocal, it was within his mind. Somehow the creature had slipped it’s thoughts into his own, it was both mystifying and rather shocking. “Tell me, man, what is your name?” spoke the horse, inside the hero’s mind. “I am called Bellerophon, prince of the house of Aiolos. Are you truly Pegasus, horse of legend?” “That I am.” said Pegasus, proudly. “I thank my father Zeus every day, ruler of the Gods, and of lightning, for these gifts bestowed only to birds.” He could tell the human was now admiring his beautiful wings. Bellerophon indeed was, when he realised that he didn’t know where the steed was headed. “Are you aware of where the Chimera lurks?” “I am. She is akin to me; immortal. I feel pangs of remorse to have been asked with assisting her slayer, but do so I must; my duty is known to me.” “That beast is evil. Her cursed flames must be extinguished.” said the hero, resolute in his actions to come. “Do you not feel, horse, that good must defeat evil? I am honoured to have been tasked by my King to vanquish this tyrant.” Soaring, Pegasus contemplated, finding these meagre words held a deeper power and truth. Perhaps this is what my father wishes of me; to be unique; the pure light that overcomes the burning light… Pegasus propelled himself faster, this thought in mind. With white wings shimmering, the steed went on to commit countless valiant acts and inspire many mortals. |