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Test your general knowledge against the information found in PARADISE WORLD

Test your knowledge against the vast array of facts and information found in Dan Edmund's novel, Paradise World. Do you know more about music than the protagonist, David Eliot? How would you compare your knowledge of history, mythology, philosophy and literature to that of the brilliant but eccentric character, Professor Harry Marston? How about your knowledge of Christianity and the Bible, or other sacred texts found in other religions?  What about your scientific knowledge? Do you know the difference between DNA or RNA, or Alpha Centauri and Proxima Centauri. Or changing tact completely, what is your knowledge on studies of the paranormal? Does it rival that of the incidental but nonetheless important character of Jungian psychologist, Dr Roger Farthing? Do the quiz and find out, then please visit me and find out more about Paradise World at:


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1. Origin of the Word Paradise:
 According to Webster's Dictionary, the word "Paradise" originally comes from the word "Pairidaeza," meaning "Enclosure" or "Park." From which language does this word originally come from?
       Old Persian        
2. Utopia:
 The word Utopia was first coined by _
       Thomas More        
       Francis Bacon        
       HG Wells        
3. Literature:
 Who wrote the epic poem The Divine Comedy?
       Dante Alighieri        
       John Milton        
       Thomas Aquinas        
4. Eschatology:
  The Eschatological concept that there would be a final judgement for the world, and that there would be a resurrection of the dead was taught by _
       The ancient Persian religion of Zoroastrianism        
       First and second century Christianity        
       The Old Testament Book of Daniel        
       All of the above sources        
5. Ancient Non-Christian Writers Who Mentioned Jesus :
 Apart from the Bible, which ancient non-Christian writers had NOT mentioned Jesus Christ
       Pliny the Younger        
6. Christian Millennium:
 Millennium comes from the Latin word "mille." However, the concept of a Christian Millennium comes from which biblical book?
       Gospel of John        
7. The Greek Word Anastasis:
 The Greek word anastasis literally means to 'stand up' and is thus usually translated in the Bible as _
       Born again        
8. Love Feasts:
 Love Feasts were occasions where ancient Christians had fellowship and meals together. In which part of the Bible are they mentioned?
       Book of Revelation        
       The Gospel of John        
       The Epistle of Jude        
       All of the above        
9. The Philosophical Ontological Proof Argument for the Existence of God:
 René Descartes, Baruch Spinoza and Gottfried Leibniz were all philosophers who used the ontological proof arguments to argue for the existence of God. What is the ontological proof argument?
       That if we can conceive of the greatest possible Being, then it must exist        
       That the universe is so complex and ordered that there must be a supreme intelligence behind it        
       Everything that exists has a cause, and for the universe to exist, God must exist to be that cause        
       Because there seems to be at least some universal moral laws of right and wrong, there must be a God who imparted these laws into us        
10. Art:
 Albert Bierstadt is a famous painter of _
       Portraits of Famous People        
       Landscapes of the American West        
       German Landscapes        
       German Castles and Palaces        
11. Cascade Mountain Range:
 The Cascade Mountain Range is in _
       Western North America, including Oregon        
       The states of Kentucky and Tennessee        
12. Music - Andrés Segovia:
 Andrés Segovia was a famous _
       Classical Guitarist        
       Flamenco Guitarist        
13. The Manhattan School of Music:
 The Manhattan School of Music is nearest to which large American University?
       New York University        
14. Music Theory:
 In music theory a cadence is _
       A set of three notes played together        
       A set of three notes played one after the other        
       An ending to a musical section or piece        
       None of the above        
15. La Paloma:
 The well-known 19th century song La Paloma was composed by _
       Sebastián Yradier        
       Francisco Tárrega        
       Robert Schumann        
       Isaac Albeniz        
16. Epistemology:
 Which answer describes Epistemology the best?
       A philosohpical study of being and knowing, as for instance existence, time and space        
       The philosophical theory of knowledge        
       The investigation into what categories of things there are in the world and what relations these things have to one another        
17. Astronomy:
 According to modern astronomy, which statement is NOT correct?
       Proxima Centauri is the closest star to Earth and is oftentimes considered to be part of the Alpha Centauri star system        
       Alpha Draconis and not Polaris had at one time been Earth's 'Pole Star'        
       The Milky Way Galaxy has an estimate of at least 100 billion stars revolving around a black hole every 200 million years        
       Galaxies are the largest known astronomical arrangements        
18. Biology:
 Guavas are a type of _
19. Biology - DNA:
 Which statement is NOT correct about DNA?
       They contain genetic instructions used in the development of all known biological organisms        
       RNA is usually single-stranded, whilst DNA is usually double-stranded        
       The nucleus contains most of the DNA in a cell        
       Most of the DNA exists in the outer edges of a cell        
20. Quote from Shakespeare:
 The Quote "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" is from which Shakespearean play?
       The Tempest        
       The Merchant of Venice        
21. Lucid Dreams:
 What are lucid dreams?
       Conscious daydreams        
       They are discredited by all psychologists and thus do not exist        
       Dreams in which a person becomes fully conscious whilst within a dream        
       Dreams that have only ever been recorded by the ancient Egyptians        
22. Summerland:
 Summerland is a spiritual paradise, in many ways similar to Earth, according to many _
       Spiritualists based on seances and the phenomenon called automatic writing        
       Australian aboriginal legends        
       Ancient Baylonian legends        
       None of the above        
23. The Collective Unconscious:
 The concept of a 'Collective Unconscious' is that there exists an impersonal consciousneses of humanity which is based on what is termed archetypes. Who was the person who developed this philosophy?
       Sigmund Freud        
       Carl Jung        
       Immanuel Kant        
24. Project Bluebook:
  Project Bluebook was _
       A feasability study about future inter-planetary space travel for the end of the 21st century        
       A secret US study relating to psychic phenomenon and how it may be used for espionage        
       One of a series of secret systematic studies on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) conducted by the United States Air Force        
       Government project to development supercomputers and artificial intelligence        
25. The Light:
 People entering or being immersed in a mysterious Light are recorded in _
       Some Near-Death Experiences        
       In the Tibetan Book of the Dead        
       Several writings by medieval Christian mystics        
       All of the above sources        
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