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The birth of the rainbow as a gift to mankind. |
Tears of a Rainbow There was a time, thousands of years ago, when the Greek Gods ruled the Earth, and mortals went about their daily business as best they could. There were some people that believed the Gods would often come down among them and play, sometimes as themselves, other times in disguise. At times, when farms and fields were alive with surplus crops, or when illnesses were miraculously healed, it was said that the Gods were pleased and had blessed their people. There would also be times when the Gods were displeased or would fight among themselves and things would escalate to a point where the mortals would suffer for it through plagues, horrific storms and shortfalls in crops. The one thing that caused the Gods to really fight was when a woman declined an advance by one God for fear of another God’s retribution. Times like these caused great trouble and peril for mortals, and it was at a time like this that our story begins between two very powerful brothers. Zeus, supreme ruler over all, mortal and immortal, was Lord of the sky and ruler of rain, thunder and lightning. He would often sit upon his throne on Olympus, thunderbolt in hand, and look down at the world to see what he could change. Poseidon, Lord of the sea was ruler of storms and earthquakes. With his trident, the sea God could create new islands as easily as he could destroy them. They were fighting over a mortal lover, Ruth, a fair haired beauty that they both wanted to possess. The fight had escalated to the point where both Gods had drawn their weapons on each other, producing a hurricane storm of immense proportions down on Earth. Pounding rain, hail the size of limes, howling winds, booming thunder, roaring surf, black skies and lightning threatened to set all of Earth on fire. Leto, Goddess of motherhood and mother of Zeus’ twins Artemis and Apollo, the gentlest of all Olympians, saw the fear in man caused by the battle. Her soul cried out in anguish and pain and she pleaded with the Gods to stop. She watched as man cowered in fear and it pulled on her heart so much that she began to cry, her tears became a gentle rain falling to Earth. She implored them to listen as she explained that to fight over a woman, that either could have at their whim, was senseless, especially when innocent humans were paying the price with the loss of their lives. When the Gods stopped, Leto called to Helios, and sent him to hook up his chariot and bring out the sun once more. The tears that Leto had shed now created a mist and as Helios raced across the sky, the light reflected off her tears, creating a rainbow. The people, once afraid for their lives and the survival of the Earth, now stood in awe. It was then that Leto explained the gift she hoped would bring them joy. ‘Behold, the colors of the rainbow: Like a phoenix, rising from the ashes, I give you the color red. Just like this magnificent creature, which has the courage to survive and conquer its fears, conquer your own fears and enjoy life to the fullest. Reminiscent of a burning campfire, warming you through with its vibrant flame, I give you the color orange. Ease your mind, warm your heart and let the enthusiasm for life dance away your fears. As the sun gently rises to start your day with hope and inspiration, I give you the color yellow. Let the promise of a new beginning fill your heart with joy and drive away all of your darkness. Resembling the rolling hills, open fields and deep forests all flowing together in harmony, showing both strength and adaptability at the hand of Gaia, Mother Earth, I give you the color green. Let the balance of nature and the calming power of the flowing breeze through swaying grasslands strengthen your heart and sooth your nerves. Like the bird of happiness, soaring through the brilliant sky, trusting the wind and its delicate wings to carry it through the peaceful breeze, I give you the color blue. Let the tranquility of a cool spring breeze wash over you, giving you the faith and confidence that is shared between nature and man. Like the color of the midnight sky that you look up at after a hard day’s labor, I give you the color indigo. Let the calming richness of the night sky guide you internally, allowing for quiet inner thoughts and visions of inner growth and greater perception. Finally, like the fields of wildflowers dancing gently to their own enchanted tune, dreamily reflecting the serenity found with a peaceful heart, I give you the color violet. May your spirit be lifted like the floral fragrance rising in the air, enveloping you in a calmness of both mind and body. I give you this rainbow as a sign of my love for you. May it calm you and bring you joy after every storm you may encounter.’ The mortals were very thankful for this gift and, to this day, rainbows are cherished among us. Many poems and songs are written about them. Through the ages, parents have taught their children of the rainbow’s magic as well as stories of happiness and pots of gold. The rainbow is truly a gift that will always stand the test of time. |