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This is a brief history of the psychic being |
Psychics: A History Background: Genesis 6:1-4 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. And the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. ***The sons of God are thought to be angels. In this passage, angels, masculine figures, are living among humans as though that was God’s purpose for them. The angels multiply and produce children that are “more than” human, in some aspects. This wickedness angers God, and eventually He destroys the world with the Flood and saves Noah with the ark. For a while, the world is full of godliness again, but world falls to evil again. The tower of Babel is an example of this. In particular, and this is not from the Bible, the sons of God return to Earth. This time, their children are not destroyed but become mighty and unique men and women among humans. Their children are a genetic mixture of their angelic fathers and mortal mothers. God is angered by His angels’ actions and casts them out of Heaven. He also curses their children. He takes away their wings so that they can no longer reach the heavens and are forced to remain on the earth. He gives them the ability to “see” the events to come. These events will happen no matter what because they have already happened and are happening at the same time. (Think of a time line. Every point exists at the same time. Depending on your viewpoint, some events have already happened or will happen.) This is their curse because the children are forced to watch the future happen before its time and then again when humans actually experience it. They are forced to be helpless. The children have also found ways to skirt this curse. Most visions are not bogged down with detail. Take this for example: one of the children in a modern setting—chemistry class, working on a lab. The day before, he had seen a beaker shattering on the floor. He had seen who knocked the beaker off but not whose beaker it was. So, during the experiment, he is monitoring the klutzy girl. When she sets her beaker on the edge of the lab table, he quickly walks across the room and replaces the beaker with a new beaker filled with water. When the girl turns to reach for a paper towel, her elbow connects with the beaker. At first, she is frightened that it was their experiment, but when she sees the guy holding their beaker, she jumps to the conclusion that he had been trying to steal it. The girl ends up mad at the guy, but her experiment was not ruined. It is ways like these that the children can help through their visions. Often called soothsayers or prophets, these children did not try to hide their ability to foresee events. Because their visions always happen, they are extraordinarily valuable, to kings and other such figure heads in particular. They also used their abilities in order to make a profit. However, they cannot control when they have their visions nor about what subjects their vision are. The children are completely submissive to their cursed ability. To be more accurate, the children should be called psychics or, even better, prognosticators. Vision Breakdown: When a psychic has a vision, it appears that they have frozen for a second then shudder awake again. In actuality, it is a very physical process. One who has the ability to have visions can tell when they are about to have a vision because their body gives them several clues. It begins with a small ache between the shoulder blades, where their wings would have once been, and the ache grows to an intense pain, which causes them to contract their muscles simultaneously. When their muscles contract, it gives them a frozen look. The moment their muscles bunch beneath the surface of their skin, their supernatural abilities commandeer their body, giving them a glimpse of the future. Their visions can last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes—but the psychic only experiences the vision in a mere two seconds. Because of the way time works, the physical processes described earlier open a small window to the psychics in which they can potentially glimpse everything that is to come, but their half-mortal minds can only comprehend a small section of the timeline during the two seconds. When the window closes, the psychic is left with the memory of the event to come, seeing it in their mind’s eye like a daydream. Basic Q&A: Do psychics have a soul? Yes, they do. They also have a fair chance to accept the gift of salvation that the Lord has offered all living on Earth. If they choose to ignore that window, then they will be damned with the rest of the mortals, destined to burn eternally in Hell. Are psychics immortal? Not completely. They may have a rather abnormal lifespan, but eventually the mortal half of them can survive no longer. Psychics generally live for seven hundred years. Physically, they grow and mature slower than humans, and, once they reach their twenties, they stop growing older and maturing. This is because angels are soldiers and the prime age for warriors is late teens-early twenties. In essence, they are half-immortal, half-mortal. Can psychics be killed? Yes, but like a mythical creature, it takes certain ways to achieve this. Since the Word is like a double-edged sword unto our hearts, it takes a double-edged sword to kill a psychic. The catch is: the sword must be thrust through a psychic’s heart while they are having a vision. Hitmen generally have difficulty because the psychics only give them a two second chance to pierce their hearts. If someone were to try to stab a psychic with a double-edged sword while they are not having a vision, it would be like being sliced with a sword or being shot with a bullet. It would physically damage the psychic but would not be fatal. Also, if you were to try to shoot a psychic, or any other method of killing a mortal, it would only slow them down a little. When psychics are in danger, their instincts kick in and they become inhuman, impervious to bullets. What do you mean by inhuman? When a psychic uses their inhuman instincts, they are demonstrating their supernatural heritage. They cannot be damaged by bullets or fire or poison. They do not need to breathe or eat or drink. What is this special way of communication? For Ian’s family it’s rings—color changing rings. Most call them mood rings, but they are actually a secret way to communicate basic info about visions. In a clan, as “initiation,” each member is given a mood ring. The first color that the mood ring turns is their signal color forever. Whenever someone in the clan has a vision about another member, the ring turns to the second member’s signal color. The other colors that the ring turns give the underlying feeling or theme of the vision. Some psychics use other forms of communication, like form-changing tattoos. It really just depends on the clan. What are the colors and what do they mean? (The following colors usually represent the nature of the vision. Generally, the colors are pretty straightforward. Also, any color blends mean the mixed colors. The intensity of a color is also linked to how strong the emotion or theme is in each vision.) Red—love, suffering, anger Pink—surprise Orange—frustration, curiosity Yellow—happiness, goodness Green—envy, meanness Blue—peace, royalty Purple—selfishness, arrogance, competition Indigo—success, gain Brown—mysterious, uncertain Black—evil, fate/destiny, cruelty Flesh tone—birth, death White—destruction |