Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1712981-Comet-and-OrganizationXIII-CH-5
by Comet
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1712981
chapter 5 enjoy!
Namine was waking me up again, but this time she had a gift in her hands that said, “to number XVI, from Namine” I looked at it and said, “I swear to God Almighty if it’s socks, I’ll shove them in a place they don’t belong in” she said “just open it” It was an iPod touch… “Ok why did you give this to me?” was my first question, which got no answer. I said, “you want something don’t you?” she looked at me “a date with Roxas” I looked at her after she told me that, I said “the psychopath, out of everyone here you choose the psychopath? The hell is wrong with your head?” she said “well it’s a personal reason, fair enough mister ‘I-keep-enough-guns-to-supply-a-small-army’ or should I tell you?” I said “no it’s fine misses ‘I’ll-paint-everyone-I-see’ I’m still trying to burn the image of your and Larxene’s portrait out of my mind, you bisexual sicko, how could you even imagine it? Let alone paint that!” I’m not even going to say what she painted so that your eyes and brain don’t suffer permanent damage. I looked around “where’s Amber” because she was nowhere to be seen. I was told she was in the bathroom, so I went in and saw her in the shower, Amber asked mockingly “should I turn around or are you still looking at my tail feathers?” I retorted, “Perverted Blaziken.” We both got ready and Puppy was still chewing on a T-bone that Namine brought her so Puppy wouldn’t bark and wake me up. I had an assault rifle in my hands. I pointed it at the back of Roxas’ head and told him if he wanted to live he would take Namine to the movies at 8:30pm to see a new movie called ‘cat lovers’, he agreed but asked why I took interest in Namine’s love life. I said “well she bribed me with an iPod touch” Larxene said “the boy don’t come cheap huh?” Xemnas with a serious face said “you know I’m paying him 5000 dollars a week right?” Larxene looked at me and said, “Wow he really is expensive” Xemnas told her that I earned it by being absolutely loyal to the cause. Axel said, “No, he’s just loyal to however pays him the most, or gives him the most comfortable life.” Xemnas said, “Regardless of whatever it is, I’m just glad we found him.” I put the assault rifle on my back when Roxas said he’d take Namine out. Mission one complete right? So that means I have to see Saix for another job. It was simple, destroy an old building in the middle of town for a newer building to take its place, I was given C4 and a demolition permit. It was relatively simple; all I had to do was place C4 charges where the big red ‘X’ was on each wall. The explosion was huge but didn’t hurt anyone; I guess the Organization was really changed, to make the world better while trying to complete what was left of their ‘nobody’ selves. I went back and heard Larxene yell “you perv! Stay out of MY ROOM!” I saw Demyx, breathing heavily saying, “I was just bring her back her laundry” I told him to let me do it from now on so she didn’t try to kill him, he took my advice and went back to his room, to play his sitar again. I went to my room to put a lot of games and music videos on my iPod that I was given by Namine, and put music on the one IPod I bought my self. I took of my cloak and shirt, so I could play video games in my jeans, and I didn’t bother to take my boots off either cause I was tired. I also started listening to the music on my iPod; the iPod touch, that I received that day from Namine, was on its charger, so that if I had to go on a long trip tomorrow and my DS (black like everything else I got from the Organization) died I had my touch to play Doodle Jump on. I was playing Halo 3 Slayer online with some old friends from high school when she came in yelling “Roxas is probably the biggest pervert in the Organization!” I was sarcastically saying, “then don’t go on my computer or he might have some serious competition.” She yelled, “He was touching me the whole time! I bet you don’t touch your Blaziken!” me sarcastically again said “no never, not even when I really want to” I said this with my hand on Amber’s thigh, because I was trying to piss Namine off. She laughed eventually “and then he told me I was ‘his’ like I’m a dam video game!” pretending to pay attention I said “I hear ya” I had just got running riot (which is hard when you’re the only one not using a rocket launcher) she decided now would be a good time to stand in front of my TV. I looked at her when she asked me “what do I have to do strip to get your attention when I talk to you?” I told her she could keep her clothes on and I didn’t want to see her naked. She pulled my earphone out because she wanted my attention I got second place for that game because my friend used a Gatling gun on me for his last kill. I looked at Namine and handed her a Desert Eagle .357 handgun with ten rounds in each clip, I gave her enough rounds to make Roxas Swiss chess. I told her to use it if he got to close and she left. I was in the zone when I heard six gunshots; Namine had shot Roxas one time with six shots, man her aim sucked. Saix yelled at me for giving Namine a little piece of mind, until he found out Roxas was trying to break into her room with a crowbar, I told him that she used six of ten shots until Roxas was either shot or he ran away. I was no longer in trouble for giving her the gun, or the sixteen magazines with ten shots in them. It had been a long day and I was probably going to get fired tomorrow for giving Namine the gun. I lay down on my bed and Amber said, “touch my thigh again and I’ll sky uppercut you, understand.” I noticed her blush, so I asked, “Why, you seemed to not mind before.” She really wanted to punch me now, but I think she got over it when I told her to sleep tight and I’d see her in the morning. I didn’t really believe myself when I said that, considering how angry I made Saix tonight when he heard I gave Namine a gun. I just closed my eyes and hoped this would all blow over in the morning…
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