Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1710803-If-You-Look
Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1710803
An archaeological dig discovers more than they thought was possible. ((Unfinished))
To My dearest Love.
I know it's been some time since I've written, you'd be amazed at the things I"m finding here. Unfortunately the government still won't let me tell you, or anyone else what it is. However I will say that if we continue down the path we are on right now, it may be sooner than they think that they will have to tell someone.

I've been on so many archaeological sites, yet I've never seen anything like what is here. I so wish I could tell you where I was, or have you brought here, but it's still classified as top secret, so secret that even my mail is being read before being sent out. I wish you well, and hope to see you soon.
I have always loved you.
Asa Pryska

"Doctor Pryska, we found another one!" The dark skinned man came into the tent. "Hurry we must go now."

"Mail this out for me, okay." Asa walked out of the tent and down into a large hole, which had a slightly smaller hole in it. The first hole looked like it was dug by the archeologists. However the second hole looked more like it was carved from rock, many years before.

"Where is the new piece?" Asa asked the workers as she walked down the long flight of awkward steps.

"Over here Mrs. Pryska." The worker picked up a large stone and placed it on a table.

"Hmmmmm." Asa brushed off the sand on the stone, then blew it out of the engravings.

"Is it the one you've been looking for?"

"Nope, but it's interesting."

"What does it say?"

"It says that if you dare disturb this stone you will die a thousands deaths." Asa looked up at the man who had removed the stone and saw that he wasn't completely scared, but he was questioning himself. "I'm joking, Mike, it actually doesn't say anything, it's some kind of symbol, like the others. The one that says something, is the one we are looking for. Put this one with the rest of the symbol ones."

"Yes Ma'am" Mike picked up the rather large stone and moved it to the next chamber over where they had been placing the stones as they found them.

"Now, where did you find that one?" Asa walked over with Mike as he pointed out the area that the stone was found. "I want 3 more workers over here clearing out the sand in this area." As soon as she spoke 3 other workers came over and started to carefully remove the sand that was packed into the area. "I'm going to go to the other site, I"ll be back as soon as I can."

Asa travelled over to the other site by helicopter. The helicopter landed, blowing the sands all over.

"Mrs. Pryska, we haven't got anything really new for you. But I think you'll be happy with some of the writing that we've uncovered in the room."

"I"m sure I will."

Asa followed the man down into the hole which looked exactly like the last one she was in.

"Here you are Asa." The man looked over at her, then back down at the writing. "It's very interesting. Very interesting in deed."

"Yes professor the whole thing is interesting. But what is it that you have here?"

"Awww... My dear Asa, I have exactly what we've been looking for." He smiled as he turned to her. "Actually not what we've been looking for, but it's close. It tells where you can find it."

Asa looked over the writing. "Another site? That's impossible. It just can't be."

"What's so hard to believe?"

"The fact that it's nowhere near this one for one."

"Ahhh... But it makes perfect sense for another site to be hidden away from the other two. Think about it hun. If they had put all three sites in a distance that made sense, then if they were ever invaded, all three sites would be lost."

"But if this is true, we will never be able to get anywhere near the other site."

"Yes, I know. Not without some help."

"Do you know of anyone who would help us?"

"I just might." The professor sat down on a large rock. "I just might."

Somewhere in Washington

"What?!?" The general got up from his seat and slammed the door shut, then made his way back to the seat. "You expect me to do what for you? No I don't think I can say that exactly. No, I don't know about your dig."

The general looked around his office, and out the window. 6

"I'll tell you what, I'll ask someone I can trust, and get back to you."


Back in Egypt

"So professor, did you find someone who can help us?"

"I hope so, he's having to talk to someone else, he says he knows nothing about it."

"Even if he did, he couldn't tell you over the phone. What's the odds that this entire project will be taken over by them, and they are just going to kick us to the curb?"

"Not much, they don't know enough to unlock the secrets. Besides, if it is where we believe, they've already had their chance to unlock them."

"True, but they didn't know about the two sites we have." Asa walked out of her tent and overlooked the site. "It's been 6 months since I've been home, and I haven't gotten a letter back from my fiance for the last 3."

"It's worth it Asa, you knew what you were getting into when you started working with me seven years ago."

"Yeah, I know. But I still wish there was something more I could do now. I hate waiting."

"Well, for now, I think we'll both just have to wait, and hope that we get an answer we like back."

Their answer came as a helicopter came in to pick up Dr. Pryska to take her to the new site.

The New Site

The helicopter landed directly in the center of the large base.

"Dr. Asa Pryska, I assume?" The army officer opened the copter door. "We are in the middle of a sandstorm, as you can tell, here." he handed her some goggles and a breathing mask.

Asa put them on and the officer took her into the base.

"You're relieved sir." The five star general stood in the doorway and welcomed Asa into the base. "We apologize for not allowing more than one of you to come, but it is a secure facility, and you are the only one we could get the clearance on."

Asa nodded and walked into the base. As she got in, she removed the mask and the goggles and looked up at the general. "So... Area 51. I always believed it was a myth, til we found what we found. Didn't expect this to be a site though."

"Well Miss Pryska, I'm unsure if you'd necessarily call this a site. But it's definately something." The general smiled at her and escorted her down the hallway to a very secure door. After putting his fingers on the pad, then a small prick to his finger, then a retina scan. "Hate to do this too often, but we do what we can to keep things safe."

The door opened. "Welcome to Area 51 Ma'am." A well armed guard in the elevator smiled. "Going down General?"

"Yes we are." The General motioned for Asa to go right in, then followed.

"Bottom floor coming up."

As the doors shut, Asa could feel her heart beating harder.

The elevator doors opened up, and Asa took a step out. All of her thoughts were dwelling around what she expected to see, but she wasn't expecting what she saw.

"Where are we?" Asa turned and looked at the General.

"This is the clean room, we must ask that you step into the room on the right, take off all of your clothes, shower, and put on the clothing supplied in the closet of the room. When you are finished we will take you out. Just make sure you leave EVERYTHING that you own in that room." The general walked over to the wall and pushed a few buttons, which it then spit out a card. "And this is the only key to the door. So you know your stuff is safe."

Asa took the card from the general and shrugged as she walked into the room. Unsure of what to think at this point.

After taking the shower, she got dressed and inserted the key into the door. Suddenly the entire room moved, seemingly spinning around, then the door opened.

"Dr. Pryska I presume." The womans voice came out of nowhere as the doors opened. "Please step forward." As she did the doors behind her shut. "Welcome to Area 51, well, you're actually about a mile from area 51 now. But we still consider ourselves as part of it. Sorry about the clean room policy, but if you carry any metallic objects in here, I'm afraid of what might happen. Please join me."

Asa looked around the large white room, then saw a shift in the wall revealing a stair case. "Please enter the staircase, and come on up here, and we'll show you what you came to see."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Dr. Pryska. I've read several of your theories on ancient relics, as well as many of your books on ancient languages. You know your stuff." The tall brunette woman met Asa at the top of the stairs. "My name is Julie, and I'll be your guide. Please follow me."

"It's nice to meet you Julie. May I ask how long you have been here?"

"I'd say about five years. I studied with an old mentor of yours, and then the army took me in. They put me through many high security classes, and then stuck me here. Kind of a dead end job, and not to terribly exciting once you've seen everything. But, with your newest developments, I have high hopes of seeing something spectacular."

"Well, so far I haven't seen anything to unusual." Asa smiled at Julie and then laughed. "Okay,so I lied, I've seen things that I never thought would ever exist, but, I'm looking forward to seeing what you have here."

"And I'm looking forward to showing you." As Julie spoke the words they walked into a large tunnel. "This is the first thing they found back in the 60's, a tunnel that wasn't made naturally. It leads into a large chamber." Julie continued her walk. "The first time they took me down here, they wanted to see what I'd do when I got to the end,so they didn't prep me for it. And honestly, I wouldn't do that to you, except I really haven't found anyway of preping anyone for it."

They reached the end of the tunnel and Asa's mouth nearly dropped to the floor at the sight of the large metalic sphere floating in mid air before her. "What keeps it floating there?"

"Well, several have their theories, but honestly, we still aren't sure. However, I think that it works on some sort of magnetism."

Asa looked down the side of the cliff they were standing on. "How do we get down?"

"Well, as I was told, take a blind step forward. A leap of faith if you will." Julie smiled as she walked forward, not even flinching at the thought of falling into the cavern. Asa watched as Julie seemed to float in mid air as well. Asa reached down with her hand feeling for whatever it was that Julie must have been standing on, but felt nothing there.

"Trust me, Dr. Pryska. Just walk on out here." Asa reached out her hand to Asa. "It's as easy as one foot in front of the other."

Asa closed her eyes and took a step into the cavern, then another. Feeling as if she was still on the cavern floor she opened her eyes to see the long drop under her. She felt her heart nearly stop, then suddenly quicken it's pace.

"It's like walking on air. So far we don't have a real explanation for this either. But I will say that it's one AWESOME feeling, isn't it?" Julie smiled as she started walking towards the large metallic sphere.

"Is this a perfect sphere?" Asa asked nervously as she walked towards it. Checking her balance every step she took.

"Well, as many times as they have brought machinery out here to find out, you'd think they'd know. But every single time, their machines shut off, almost as if they'd been drained of all their energy. We can't even bring extension cords in here. It starts to drain the entire base of energy."

"So, it's a conductor of some sort?"

"Not really." Julie walked around it, then upon getting to the other side put her hand up to it. After a few seconds of feeling aound she pushed her hand into it. "Follow me." Julie soon disappeared into the sphere.

Asa couldn't believe her eyes as she walked into the sphere. Julie didnt say a word while letting Asa take in everything she was seeing. All around her Asa could see every single star that was above the earth, and below her was the earth, and she stood directly above Area 51.

"This is some sort of navagation?" Asa asked as she moved about the room.

"That's one theory, but since we can't seem to get it to react to anything we can't be sure what it is." Julie stood perfectly still.

As Asa walked she noticed the map moving, and the earth rotating slightly. "Does it ever let you go somewhere that you are not?"

"So far, no. But we were hoping that maybe you could figure out how to solve that. Every time I've been in here, it's in the exact same position as everyother time. However..." Julie stopped speaking and reached up and touched a star, then drug her finger across the sky and a line followed her finger. "You can play connect the stars. And we've already tried making all the constelations, but nothing ever happens."

Asa sat down for a second searching through her mind of all the images she had seen at the two sites they were at. Then two images came to mind. She looked up at the stars and mapped them out in her head, then started comparing the pictures in her mind to the stars in the sky. After several minutes of just sitting there Asa got up and started connecting stars very quickly, one after another, as Julie stood still and watched. Asa's last connection between her last star and her first finally came, and as it did the world under them turned and they ended up on top of the first site they had found, and the entire sky shifted with it.

Julie at first looked ill from the sudden movement, and even Asa was feeling it, but the excitement in both of them overpowered the ill feeling.

"What is that you drew?" Julie looked up at the sky which was different for the first time.

"It's the first image we found at the site that we are now standing above. A picture of an ancient mythological beast. And if that worked for this site... "

Asa looked up at the stars again and started doing a mental search of the stars, little by little they started to piece together. After another several minutes Asa got up and began to draw out the picture. Once again as she finished the connections the map shifted, only slightly this time to the second site.

"This is starting to make some sense. However, I'm going to have to go back to the first site to figure out anything else. But I know what I'm looking for now."

"What's that?"

"A map of site to site points. And I think I have the answer, I just have to fit all the pieces in place." Asa smiled as she waved her hand across the sky and watched as the lines connected. "This is an amazing piece of technology, I can't wait to see what it really does."

Julie asked many questions, but Asa couldn't really answer any of them. Not because she didn't know the answers, nor was it to keep it from Julie, but it was more because Asa couldn't find the words to tell her the answers.

"I'll tell you what Julie, if you can get permission to, you are welcome to come with me to the other sites, and see the answers for yourself. However, I can't guarentee that the answers will be the ones you want, but hopefully I can find the answers."

Julie nodded and took Asa back to Area 51. After a long meeting in another room with the general Julie came out with a large smile on her face. "The General has given me permission to go with you. Just let me run to the barracks and grab my stuff, then we'll be on our way."

Asa couldn't help but feel giddy about having a new friend on the project, one who may give her more insight on things then she was expecting.

Once Julie grabbed her belongings Julie and Asa both took off for the other two sites.

Back at Site A

"Professor.... Professor!" The man came running out of the large hole.

"What is it?"

"We found a new room, you've got to come see it for yourself. It's amazing!"

"I'll be right there, Dr. Pryska should be flying in, in any moment. We'll come together."

"Yes sir." The man stated as he turned and ran back into the hole.

The helicopter came to a rest on the platform outside of the site.

"Dr. Pryska, it's good to have you back. Looks like we have a new discovery."

"What is it?" Asa spoke as she climbed out of the helicopter.

"A new room, other than that, I haven't gone down to look at it yet."

Asa moved over and grabbed the bags that Julie was handing down to her.

"Who is your new friend?"

"This is Julie. Julie this is my professor and mentor Dr...."

Asa was interrupted by Julie, "Dr. Harvey S. Lowry, it's a pleasure to meet you. I've read all of your books, and am a huge fan."

Asa smiled as she pointed towards the site. "We should go see what they've found."

Julie nodded and they all walked together down into the hole.

"We found evidence that suggested that there was something here about eight years ago. That's when I searched out Asa, I needed someone that I could trust, and she was an old student of mine. Since Asa has joined the project we've actualy found out a lot more than we thought we would. But before we go much further Asa, what did you find out in Area 51?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you Professor. It's amazing what they have there. I'm just hoping that I can figure out how to work it."

"Work what?"

"They have a sphere that has the star systems in it, as well as a map of the earth. Julie here showed me into it, and it would seem that the symbols we found coordinate with the stars, and it moves the spherical room into a position over the matching symbol. Which means that all of those stones we found with symbols on them are each a new site."

"But there are over 30 stones so far."

"30 stones?.... what stones?" Julie questioned.

"Well they are right through here." Asa moved towards the room with the stones in it. "See, each stone has it's own image on it. The first one we found was at the entrance of this place, it's the one I drew out to bring us to this location. Same with the second one. And then the same to bring the map back to Area 51. There was a symbol on the wall in the area you were keeping the sphere."

"So, each of these images takes you to a different point on the map in the sphere? Which makes it a moving map? I was kind of hoping for something a bit more special."

"I think it is more special than that, but I was hoping that together we could figure out how."

Asa turned and walked out of the room. "So, where is this new room?" As Asa spoke the man who had earlier ran out to get the professor came back out of a small tunnel.

"This way, and welcome back Dr. Pryska."

As they entered the room Asa felt herself getting very excited, but held it in. The room was huge, and unusually clean, as if not a spec of dust had rested on even the floor. The floor had a tiled floor, but most of the tiles were missing, and the ones that weren't missing were sporadic at best. Asa walked over to the closest tile and looked at it. "Isn't this a lot like the symbols on the stones we found?" Asa bent over and took a closer look. "In fact..." Asa stood up and walked past everyone. Julie just watched her leave, but Professor Lowry went after her.

"Asa? What are you doing?"

"You'll see in a second professor." Asa walked into the room with the stones, picked one up and walked out.

"Yeah, it's a stone. It's not going to fit in there right."

Asa smiled and lifted the heavy stone over her head, then slammed it on the ground.

"ASA! What in the world are you doing?"

Asa looked at the stone, then picked up a sledge hammer, swung it behind her, and then hit the stone as hard as she could, and the stone busted. The professor gasped then looked at it, noticing only the top of it busted. Asa wiped the top of it off and looked up at the professor with a large smile. Then peeled a metal plate out of the stone.

"Not stones, stacks of metal tiles. Just covered in thousands of years worth of dirt and grime." Asa put her fingers in her mouth and whistled, several men entered the room. "I want you guy's to break up the tiles out of all of the stones. Then start bringing them into the new room."
© Copyright 2010 J.W. Knight (xanamiar at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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