Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1710559-Memorable-Chapter-3
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1710559
Join Alexandra on her long journey to remembering her past.
I don’t know why I called him Nicki. Yes, my worst regret has to do with me attending a school dance with some boy, not with Nickolas. He had nothing to do with the memory. I honestly did not want to tell him the truth. He seemed so happy that I was “back.” I didn’t want to hurt him. I do like to keep people around me happy, even if my own happiness was at stake.
“Do you remember when we skipped school for the first time? We skipped English because we both had an essay due…of course neither of us actually read the book that we needed to. We hung out by a tree and continued to jump from the branches; trying to outdo the other. I’ll admit you won, but you had risked your life. You jumped across the little stream that ran near the tree. Once you landed you tumbled and hit your head on a sharp rock. You weren’t getting up so I jumped down and ran over to you. I thought you were dead, so I had confessed my love for you; praying that it would bring you back. You were alive and you heard my entire rant about my love for you. You laughed until you had tears streaming down your cheeks mixed with the blood. After I brought you home and after getting chastised by your parents for allowing you to ditch, I refused to talk to you for days because of how embarrassed I was to see you.” Nickolas blushes when he came back to reality
“Of course I remember, Nickolas.” I smile at him as he places his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. “It a wonderful burden that has been released from the shoulders to have you back, Al.” We reach the building and walk back into the room where Rileigh had threatened me. She’s a very ignorant girl, to be threatening me! Matt was still sitting at the walnut desk with his pen in hand wand writing in his notebook.
“Hey, Old Man, I found her wondering around by the market. Marianne had been talking to her.”
Matt says nothing and nods his head. I wonder where this attitude has come from. He was friendly when I had first arrived.
“Hey Old Man. What’s wrong?” Nickolas asks.
His head jerks up. “I’m fine. I’m just trying to concentrate on every last detail of Miss. Ai’s experience. Before he turns back to his work, he gives me a glare. Rileigh walks into the room again. She noticed how close Nickolas and I were and she got an extremely pissed off expression plastered onto her pretty little face. She wedges herself between him and I; hugging him tightly. I didn’t care what she did with him. I didn’t own his gorgeous body. Nickolas’s facial expression was obviously not happy with how close Rileigh was to him. I sat down in the same chair as before and began to rub my temples.
“Nicki, I thought you were ever going to come back after what I said about her.”
Nickolas pushes her away from him. Rileigh’s eyes were beginning to tear up. I had to look away before the bottled up emotions came out and I start to cry myself. Feeling like you aren’t wanted is not something I’d wish on anyone, even someone I hated. After my parents died, I ignored everyone and everything. My friends quit trying to get me to smile after a few days. I’m happy that they didn’t give up too easily. There was someone in those memories, that I couldn’t quite see their face. Their whole form was just a blur, but I can remember how my body reacted to them. I was always smiling with them and they kept me sane. At least until my parents died.
“Okay, enough bickering children! Everyone get out!”
I begin to get out of my chair, when Matt motions for me to stay. “Not you, Alex.”
Nickolas stops walking instantly. “She’s not staying here alone; Old Man. Anything you tell her also needs to be heard by you. I have that right and you know it.” He says seriously.
“Nickolas, I know you have that right. I need to hear it from her perspective and only hers. I don’t need you interfering with my research.”
“Anywhere Nicki goes, I go.” Rileigh chimes in.
“Rileigh, stop calling me that!” Nick shouts at her. “She can call you, Nicki, but I can’t. She retaliates.
“Enough!” Matt yells over their shouts. He thrusts his hand out. Nick and Rileigh are thrown out of the room and the door slams shut and locks behind them. My body tenses but I keep myself from showing him that he frightened me a little.
“I’m sorry you had to see me like that Alex. I’m telekinetic. I can move objects with my mind. Now, may I please continue with my research? I know the topic of your parents is sore, but the answers you provide are mandatory.” I nod. “Wow, Marianne did her job. Alright Alex, question number one: what were your parents’ professions?”
“My mother stayed home all day in order to keep me under watch and my father was a cop.” Matt nods as he writes the new information down in his notebook. “Your parents names were Daniel and Elizabeth, correct?”
“Yes, you are correct Matt.” He continued asking his questions and I continued to answer them. At the end of our interview, he closes his notebook and looks at me. “I’m sorry for my attitude earlier, Alex. All of the noise was really stressing me out.”
“I understand. Anybody would have reacted the same way if they were in your situation…and had the same power as you.” We laugh at the pun.
“Ah, my dear, that is where you are wrong. I am what many others call double-powered. Along with my telekinesis, I can read minds. Not to the same extent as Marianne, though. This reminds me, I have a favor to ask of you.”
“Okay, this will be your last for the night. I have a headache pounding inside my head, Matt.”
“Stop lying to Nickolas.” I stare at him with absolute shock plastered on my face. I’m not easily caught off-guard, but his statement worked. “What you’re doing to him could hurt him mentally. That is not what we as a society would want of a young teenage boy to have with such power.”
“I guess I should have known that someone would have found out eventually. I cannot abide by your condition. It will hurt him far worse, if I tell him now. I’m sorry to disappoint you.” I stand up from my chair and walk toward the door. Before I touch the doorknob, Matt’s hand grabs my arm and pulls me back. I feel a small shock travel through my entire core. “You will tell him, or something very bad is going to happen.” I pull my arm out of his grasp and open the door. “I will tell him when he is ready.” I walk down the hallway as quietly as possible so I don’t wake others that may be sleeping in the rooms littering the hallway. I open the door to the room I was in earlier to find out that there was a name plaque on the wall. Wonderful, so they already knew that I was going to come back. I see a form in the darkness and I let all hell break loose. I run toward the shadow with such force that I’d landed on top of it. I punch it in the face and hear a low growl.
“Will you stop with all of your violence?!” I jump off of him and turn on the lights. “If you wouldn’t sneak into my room at ungodly hours I wouldn’t have to resort to my violence.”
He gets off the bed and closes and locks the door. He grabs both of my wrists, turning them over. “What the hell are you doing? I’ve done nothing and Matt hasn’t done anything to me either.” I pull my arms out of his grasp and bring them close to my chest.
“I’m only taking precautions, Al.”
“Fine, but you could have at least asked rather than taking action first.”
Nickolas rolls his eyes. “Please, Al, be careful around the Old Man. He’s very dangerous.”
It’s my turn to roll my eyes. “What is he really capable of? I know he can read minds and move object with his mind. What harm can actually come from that?”
Nickolas shakes his head. “I really don’t believe—“
“Tell me!” I shout at him, interrupting him mid-sentence. “Just because I’m technically the new student, does NOT mean that you can’t tell me anything!” He covers my mouth to quiet me. “Fine, I’ll tell you. You need to keep this a secret. Only Marianne, Rileigh, and I know about his dark side.”
© Copyright 2010 vampirecries (brattneyg at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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