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The continuing tale of tiny Rick |
"Ow, I can feel my skin burning, hurry up little man," Said Kate, breaking his thoughts. Rick took the couple steps to stand right next to her waist. She was huge even as she was laying down, the top of her back was higher then his head. He wondered what she wanted him to do. Did she really want him to just climb up and crawl on her? That felt a little weird to him. She did put the bottle of lotion on her but though, how did she expect him to reach it without climbing on her back. He figured that settled it, at worse she would just swat him off right. Rick reached out and touched her skin at her waist. He immediately felt his hand get hot and quickly pulled it away from her skin. She was blazing hot. From laying out in the sun, naturally. He could feel the waves of heat coming off her body now. Was it just normal body heat, the heat from the sun or a combination of both? He was not sure. He noticed that all the heat was warming him up and making him sweat. He kicked off his shoes and took off his shirt and set it on top of them. He then pressed his whole body against her side. It was still quite hot, but not as hot as when he touched it before. As his body warmed up, they must have gotten closer in temperatures. Her skin was fairly tight at her waist and he could not get a good handhold anywhere. He did notice that his hands and arms stuck to her skin just a bit. Maybe just enough, he thought. He gave a high jump with his legs and climbed up on to her side. He scrambled like crazy, half sticking to her skin most of the time until he climbed up into the small of her back. He lay there for a moment to catch his breath. "Ow, some time today," Came Kate's voice. Rick got up on to his feet and looked over her mostly bare back. He balanced on his feet for a couple seconds and shifted his weight from foot to foot. It felt so odd to be standing on another person, not to mention a woman. He hoped he was not hurting her with his footsteps or weight. She was not moving or otherwise reacting to him standing on the small of her back. He turned around and looked at the open bottle of sun tan lotion. The bottle was as big as he was, and was resting in between her but cheeks. He looked down at her but, noting that it was not quite as tight as the rest of her body. He took a step onto her pink bikini bottom, and quickly drew his foot back. The heat on her skin was hot, but bearable. The heat on the fabric of her bikini bottom felt like it was close to being on fire. So he just reached over to the bottle and grabbed a large glob of lotion with both hands. He pressed the glob to his chest and turned around and headed towards her shoulders. As he walked across her back, the feeling of weirdness returned. Her back was large enough to be a outdoor deck to him, but it was a living person under neath his feet. He did notice that his feet did not sink into her skin all that much. He wondered if it was because her skin was tight and tone or that he did not weight much. He did wonder how much he even did weight now. He got to her shoulders and dropped the glob of lotion on her skin. He then used his feet to spread it across her skin, and that worked quite well for him. He made a couple trips back to the bottle and dropped some more lotion on her back. He found it easy to cover his feet with the lotion and just walk it onto her skin. He was even able to slide around at bit, though her back was hardly flat enough for that. He had to get down on his hands and knees to get the edges of her back. As her back was not quite flat, he did not want to risk slipping off. Even though it was only no more then about eight feet to the ground. The heat was incredible, the sunlight reflecting off her back mostly he figured. He had done some roof work before and it was never quite this hot, even on a sunny summer day. He figured her body heat must be helping to make it even hotter. He was not sure how long it took, but he eventually got the lotion spread around from the base of her neck, to the small of her back. "All right, all done," Said Rick with a sigh of relief. Kate did not respond or move at all. She had not so much as moved in a while, he thought. He walked over to her side and slid down her skin to the ground. He then walked around her body and looked at her face. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing lightly, she was asleep he figured. He was covered in sweat from head to toe. Plenty of it was his, but he was sure he got plenty from her giant back too. He went over and picked up her shirt, but figured he should wait until he cooled off a bit before putting it on. He did not need more dirt laundry after all. He then thought and remembered the load of laundry in the washer. He slipped his shoes on and made his way over and into the house and then into the laundry room. Megan was already there, lazily leaning on the washer, her face just inches from the dial. "Oh, is the laundry done yet?" Rick asked, raising his voice very loudly, to be heard over the washing machine. "Almost, your right on time," Said Megan, slowly standing up a bit and stretching. With a loud 'clunk' the washer came to a stop and Megan opened the lid. Rick just stood there, unsure of how he could help. "Can you toss two dryer sheets in the dryer," asked Megan as she grabbed a couple of wet bras out of the washer and held them up. "Sure, " Replied Rick as he looked around for dryer sheets. He saw the box of dryer sheets on top of a basket of folded clothing, mostly towels. It was not the basket he jumped on before, thought as that one was over by the washing machine. The plastic checked web basket was easy enough for him to climb up and soon enough he made it to top of the pile of towels. He then opened the box flap and pulled out two dryer sheets that were a good five feet long to him. He looked over at the dryer then. The dryer loaded from the front and had a door that opened and laid down flat. In fact, the door of the dryer was touching the edge of the basket he was on. He simply walked over and climbed a bit and go up onto the dryer door. Then he walked over to the dryer bin and tossed in the two dryer sheets, watching them float away. "Done," Said Rick, looking up at Megan. The door of the dryer had him just above her knee in height, so he was not looking up at her as much as he was from the floor. "Ok," Said Megan flatly, looking at all the wet underwear "What are you doing?" Asked Rick, wondering what she was doing. "Just sorting, we don't machine dry all our delicates," she said. He watched as she placed three black bras on a wooden hanger. "Here," said Megan as she set two handfuls of wet clothing on the dryer door. "Sort through this, anything plain and white goes in the dryer. And all your clothing goes in the dryer. Anything else set aside and I'll look it over." As she went back to sorting her pile on the washer. "Ok," said Rick, looking at the pile of wet women's bras and panties. He spotted a couple of his red shirts right away, and picked them up and tossed them in the dryer bin. He then grabbed a pair of white panties with little red hearts on them. The panties were big enough to be a tent for him and they were wet. The wet fabric felt cool against his hot skin, and he was just able to move the white panties over and drop them into the dryer bin. He then spotted a pair of his blue boxer shorts, in the cup of a huge white bra. As the bra was plain and white, he figured he could just toss it all in the dryer. He grabbed the wet bra strap and gave a tug. The white bra did not move at all. He planted his feet good and grabbed the strap with both hands and gave a good tug. Again the bra did not move at all. Not only was the bra wet, but it was also huge, the cups were larger then he was tall. It then struck him that this was one of Sarah's bras, of course. He got curious and wondered how big she was. He ran his hand along the strap and looked for a label, but all he found was a small stub where it was cut off from. Rick left Sarah giant bra lay there, and started looking through the piles for his clothing, and white panties that he could manage to pick up. "Hey, Megan," Said Rick, looking up at her, "I've been wanting to ask you about this whole small thing," "Sure, ask away," Replied Megan, not looking down, still sorting clothing. "Well, how did you do it again?" He said, dropping a wet white panties in the dryer. "Magic," she said, her voice flat. "Yea, you said that before, but how? Like....um," Rick drifted off not sure what to ask. "Well, magic is in my family" Said Megan, as she placed the whole pile of wet clothing on the dryer door and sat herself down on top of the basket of folded towels. "Both my grandmother and mothers were witches, sort of. Not like you think of witches though. So, I'm sort of one too." "So you can do magic and spells and such. Magic is real?" Said Rick as he tossed several of his socks into the dryer bin. "Of course magic is real, just look at you. But I can't do all that much, really. A couple charms and wards and such. The whole little guy spell is really the only thing that I can do that works out very well and all." Said Megan as she tossed two of Sarah's bras in the dryer. "You made this whole shrinking guy spell?" Asked Rick "Well, not exactly, but sort of a bit. I did not make it from scratch. I have lots of books and spells from my grandma. Really all I did was tweak the shapechange spell," She said. "You tweaked a spell?" he asked, tossing some of his socks in the dryer. "Yes. Well, you know there are spells that let casters change shape, to become something like a cat or a bird?" She said, setting two lacy black bras to the side. "Sure," he said, nodding. The spells were common enough in fantasy fiction. "Well, to take the form of like a mouse, you first have to shrink your body to the size of a mouse and then change your shape into a mouse." She said "Right," He said following along. "Well, all my spell does is make the target smaller, but does not change thier shape, so they stay human. Just smaller." She continued. "And you cast this on me?" He asked, dropping a pair of white panties in the dryer. "Well, not exactly. The house is covered by a small size field, I guess you'd call it. I just made you attuned to it. Remember the words from the first day?" She said. "Yea. So the...small field covers the house and outside," Said Rick tossing two of his shirts in the dryer bin. "Yes, the whole property. I put six place stones around to anchor the field, Megan said as she reached into her pocket and held out a small flat stone in her finger tips. "A place stone?" asked Rick as he walked over and picked up the foot or so around to him flat, smooth rock out of Megan's huge fingertips. "Yes, like this one. Except the ones for the spell have runes on them....funny looking colored lines of chalk and paint," Said Megan. "And they are outside? Six rocks?" he asked, setting the stone back onto her fingertips. "Yes. One in front and back of the property and two on each side. If you go outside and look you will see small sticks with red ribbons tied to them. That is where the stones are buried." She said, slipping the stone back into her pocket. "Ok." Said Rick with a nod, "But the big question is:Why?" "Why." Said Megan softly, with a bit of a smile on her lips and turning her head to look out the window. "Yea, why? Why shrink a guy like me?" Rick asked. "It's fun, " She said with a big smile looking down at him, "And just....fun. "Fun?" asked Rick, spreading his arms wide. "It's like....." started Megan, leaning back and looking up, "..like having all the good part of a guy. The companionship and the feeling of a guy around the house, but with none of the bad stuff. Like how much space a guy takes up and strong guy smells. You know." "Ok" Said Rick, tossing a white pair of panties in the dryer bin. "Why do you ask, don't you like living here?" said Megan, suddenly defensive. "Oh,um, no, it's great. Can't beat the free rent. And it does not matter that I'm small here. I just sleep here." he said and followed with a little laugh. "Good," Megan said, just before her phone rang. She stood up and answered the phone, half walking across the laundry room, chatting away in seconds. Rick just shook his head and kept sorting through the clothing. He soon enough came to one of Sarah's giant wet white bras. He moved around it at first, but then thought he should not let the bra win so easily. He wigged under the bra cup and gave a good heave with his back, lifting the cup off the dryer door. He then gritted his teeth and slowly made his way across the door to the dryer bin, half carrying and half dragging the giant bra. After a couple minutes he moved the bra over to the edge of the door and dropped it off his shoulders and into the dryer bin. He was all ready to congratulate himself on defeating the bra, when the falling bra strap snagged his leg. Rick tumbled into the dryer bin with the bra. He found a soft enough landing on the wet clothing in the bottom of the bin, just as the giant bra cup fell on top of him. He lay face up, on the wet clothing, in the dark, covered by a giant white bra cup. He tried to lift the bra cup off of him, but he was too weak, he had used all his strength just to get the bra in the bin. He finally had to settle for shifting the much lighter panties he was laying on and creating a tunnel that he crawled through to get out from under the bra. He guessed he call it a draw for him vs. the bra. "Are you alright?" Asked Megan as her face appeared just outside the dryer opening and looked down at him. "I'm OK," Answered Rick, looking up and spreading his arms wide. "Heads up!" Cried Megan as she dropped one end of a bright red bra into the dryer bin and held onto the other end. "What," Rick started to say softly as she wiggled the red bra a bit. He guessed that she wanted him to grab on. Why did she not just reach down and grab him with her hand? He just shook his head and grabbed on to the wet red bra. Slowly Megan lifted him out of the dryer bin, rocking the red bra back and forth. She lifted the bra up high, so tiny hanging Rick was level with her face. She just looked at him with a smile and bright eyes. Rick just held on to the red bra tight, dangling twenty feet off the ground or so. After a long couple of seconds, she set Rick and the bra down on the dryer door. Rick then let go of the bra and took a step back away from her. For the next couple minutes, either of them spoke and they just sorted through the clothing. A couple minutes later they were done. Rick jumped off the dryer door and climbed down the basket to the floor. Megan closed the door and turned on the dryer. "Oh, hey, " Said Megan, looking down at him and breaking the silence, "That was Ann on the phone before. She is on her way over to work on our garden. I was wondering if you'd like to help?" "Sure." Said Rick, a bit too quickly. "Who is 'Ann'?" Asked Rick "She is kinda like our mom, but she is not any of our moms. She is just a nice lady, who just had her last kid grow up and move out. So she kinda adopted all us girls as, well, as our mom. She helps us out with stuff, like the garden or cooking recipes." Said Megan in her flat voice. "Oh...um...wait, does she know about the whole little me thing?" Rick asked. "Oh, yes, she knows all about it," Megan said, "she should be here in about an hour or so" Even as Megan finished saying that she quickly walked out of the laundry room, leaving rick just standing there alone. Rick wandered back out to the kitchen and back outside. He walked to the front of the house, looking at the big world. He could feel the heat from one of the nearby rocks in front of the house. So he walked over to the rock and laid out in the sun and took a little nap. The hour passed quickly, and soon enough he heard Megan calling his name. Rick hopped off his sunning rock and stretched. Then he made his way towards Megan's voice. He found Megan, with another older woman, over by the side of the house. Megan was watching the ground and saw him approach. "And there he is," Said Megan, pointing down at him. Rick walked over to stand in front of the two women, just a bit in front of their feet. The two women leaned towards each other and talked softly to each other. He tried to raise his ear towards them, even standing up on his toes, but their voices where just too soft and too far away. Then suddenly the women moved away from each other and looked down. "Rick, this is Ann. And Ann this is Rick, " Said Megan happily, "And I'll just let the two of you get to work," and with that Megan quickly turned and went inside the house. "Hello, " Said Rick giving at little wave. "Hello, ready to get started?" Said Ann as she turned to the side. A brown plastic tray was there, next to the house, filled with various items along with a small shovel and some small bags. She leaned over to gather the items. Rick took a moment to look her over. She was forty-five or so, no doubt with short blonde hair. She was mostly slender, but he could see parts of her where she was not so slender. She was a bit on the short side, with short arms and legs. Though to him she was still easily fifty feet tall. She had a deep, dark, natural tan and most of her skin was quite spotted. Her breasts were not all that big, maybe only B cups, but they filled out her torso well. She wore a simple white tank top with no bra, black shorts and dark red sandals. He could not miss her brightly painted bright pink finger and toe nails. Overall, she looked quite good for a woman almost twice his age. Ann gathered up the items into her arms, and then glanced over at Rick. Rick just stood there and watched her, half in her shadow. "Here, you want to help me carry something?" She asked with the bit of a sing-song voice, even as she squatted down and held out a small white plastic bag with a green 'plant food' label. "Sure, " Said Rick as he took the bag, that was a good four feet long to him. The bag was filled with some type of powder, that he felt through the bag, and was a bit heavy, but not so heavy that he could not carry it. He shifted the bag in is arms and let out a little grunt. "You got it?" She asked, looking down at him. "Yup" he said, from behind the bag. "OK," Said Ann as she turned and walked towards the back yard. Rick followed behind, almost running to keep up with her much longer stride. He found the garden, behind the garage and the chain link fence. The garden looked a bit more like a forest to tiny Rick. He dropped his white bag in the grass, next to where she set down the tray. Ann, squatted down and then go onto her knees. "Lets get to work," Ann said, looking over at Rick. "OK, what do you want me to do? I don't know anything about gardening," He said "No problem. Just come over here," she said, as she placed her pointer finger against a plant in the garden. "Alright," said Rick as he made is way over to the plant and stood by her finger. "Now, you see that little brown leaf?" She asked. "Yes," Replied Rick, easily seeing the brown leaf, about a foot long to him, next to her large pink finger nail. "Just grab it and rip it out of there," She said. "I can do that," he said, walking over and grabbing the brown leaf with both hands and breaking it off the plant. "Good work, Your so perfect for this with them little hands," she said as she giggled a bit, "Now just move up and down the rows and pull any brown leaves you find. And make a little pile of them over here" Rick nodded and moved over to the next plant. He grabbed two brown leaves there and pulled them off the stalk. He then walked over and started a pile of brown leaves. For the next couple of minutes he moved back and forth with the brown leaves. She moved over and started to look for something inside the brown tray. He reached down and pulled off a brown leaf, and then turned around. And stopped in his tracks. Ann was on her elbows and knees, leaning over the garden. He could not quite see what she was doing, but was not really looking at her hands. His eyes were drawn down her white tank top. As she leaned forward, her white top fell away from her breasts completely. Rick, in front of her and on the ground, got a great view of her bare breasts, hanging down in front of him. Rick stood there and looked at Ann's large spotted and tanned breasts. He thought they were just B cup in size, but that would be if he was not a tiny six inches tall. At his current size, her otherwise small breasts, were huge. He watched as she moved and made her free hanging breasts move from side to side. She kept doing whatever she was doing, and he stood there and just looked at her breasts. After several minutes, he felt he should stop looking, but did want to turn away. She sure had not noticed that he was looking. Again, his small size made him a great voyer. He mustered up some will power and looked away. Then he walked over and added his brown leaf to the pile. Without turning around he went over to the next plant and pulled off a brown leaf. He then looked up, and saw Ann's huge breasts just hanging there, waiting for him. He quickly fell into the pattern of doing a bit of work, and then rewarding himself with a look at her breasts. He kept to the pattern, doing a bit of work and then looking at her breasts. She worked along in the garden as well, not taking any notice of what he was doing. He got quite dirty as he worked, not to mention being covered with sweat. He noticed that she was sweating too. After about an hour, he found no more small brown leaves to pull off. He walked over and stood next to the brown tray and leaned against it to rest a bit. She moved some dirt around and then moved back and sat up on the grass. "You get all the leaves?" Ann asked, looking down and seeing him by the tray. "Yup," Said Rick, looking up at her face and avoiding looking at her breasts. "You did good work," she said, looking down at the pile of brown leaves. "Thanks, " He said. For the next couple hours they worked on the garden. Ann stayed sitting for the rest of the time, so Rick did not get another look at her bare breasts. It did not matter much, as his brain was still filled with the sight of her breasts. She was so much older then him, yet he could not stop thinking about her breasts. Finally, the work was done, even as the sun rested lower in the sky. Ann thanked him for his help and left quickly, saying she had to run and get something done. Rick was left standing by the garden, covered with dirt and sweat. He sure needed to clean up. He walked back into the house and into the kitchen. He suddenly remembered his laundry. It must be dry by now, it had been hours. He made his way into the laundry room, where he found Megan. She was busy ironing a shirt, but looked down and saw him. "Oh, your laundry is over there," Said Megan, pointing with her finger. Rick turned to look and found two small laundry baskets filled with his clean, folded clothing. "Thanks. Say, I'm gonna need to take another shower," Said Rick. "I see," Said Megan leaning forward a bit to look down at him, "I'll have your bath ready in a couple minutes." "I'd much rather take a shower," he said with a frown. "Yea, I have not quite worked out how to to that. So, for now, you will just have to take baths," Megan said, as she left the room. "Ok," said Rick, to the empty laundry room. He then picked up his baskets of clean clothing and walked out of the laundry room. He made his way through the house and into Megan's room, where he set down his baskets. He then took a couple minutes to sort through his clean clothing. A couple minutes later Megan knocked on the open door and told him the bath was ready. He turned to look and she was already gone from his sight. He gathered up a clean pair of shorts and a t-shirt and headed down to the bathroom. The bathroom was empty. So he simply climbed up the plastic ladder to the tub wall, got undressed and climbed into the warm water of the tub. He started to wash himself off with the bit of soap, then turned to look at the open door. He wondered if anyone would come in. He was not even sure who was still home. Maybe he could ask for the door to be closed, but it's not like he cared if they looked at him naked all that much. He watched the open door for a couple minutes, and on one came in. So he simply finished washing himself in the bath. Then he climbed up the plastic ladder, got dressed, and walked back down the hall to Megan's room. Rick then recalled he had some school work to do, that he was putting off. With a sigh, he sat down at his tiny desk and got out his school work. A good hour or so passed as he got his work done and cleared off his tiny desk. As he was filling his folder, he heard the large footsteps of someone approaching to open door of the room. He did not think of it much, as he figured it was just Megan coming into her room. After a minute though, no one came into the room. He did however, sense the presence of someone just outside the door, out of sight. He thought it was funny that a sixty foot tall woman was hiding? It was just so odd, she was the size of a barn. And in the quiet of the room, he could even hear her breathing. And it was quite loud, when you consider that her lungs alone were bigger then his whole body. Rick got up and walked out the doorway and into the hallway and looked up. There stood Sarah. She was barefoot, wore bright red shorts and a white t-shirt with teddy bears all over it. As he looked up at her she let loose a little smile. "Hey?" Said Rick, giving her a little wave. "Hey," Said Sarah, softly. "You, need something?" He asked, spreading his arms wide. "Um, no," She answered quickly, taking a deep breath. "Then why are you just standing there?" He asked. "Oh, um, are you busy? 'Cause I got some movies. If, you know, you'd like to...um, watch them, them...with me," Sarah said, her voice trailing off at the end as she looked away. "Sure," Said Rick a bit happily, "I'm not doing anything right now." "Really?" Sarah said with a little chirp to her voice and a smile. "Yea, come on," he said, taking a step forward. That step put him quite close to her two giant feet. She had quite a wide stance, and he could have easily walked between her legs, but that did not feel right. So he took the couple steps to walk all the way around her and then walk down the hallway. He kept one eye behind him, on Sarah, and noted that she took small half steps so that she would stay just behind him. He guess she felt comfortable following in his footsteps, as small as they maybe to her. He walked into the living room and stopped in front of the sofa. She walked around the room and picked up a plastic bag. "I got Wild Road," she said, holding up a DVD case. "Never heard of it," Said Rick. "It's new," she replied, looking down at the case, "A couple must fight off a biker gang while they drive cross country, or something," she said reading the case. "All right, put it in," he said. "OK," She said as she moved over to the DVD player. Rick turned and looked at the sofa. He saw that each end of the sofa had some type of brown yarn cover. The pattern was checker board like, with nice square holes. He was not sure if he saw it there before, or was it new. In any case it made a good ladder and he quickly climbed up onto the sofa seat cushion. He looked over the massive sofa, and wondered where he should sit. The sofa was just not made for some one of his small six inch size. So he settled for sitting in the far left corner. Sarah walked over and sat down on the right side of the sofa. The whole sofa shook a bit as she sat down, but as he was in the corner he did not move all that much. It did make Rick wonder for a second how much she weighed. And how much would that be to him at his small size. "Ready?" Sarah asked as she picked up the remote and hit the play button. "Yup," answered Rick "Here goes," she said as she set the remote down on the end table. Slowly the disk started to play, going through coming attractions, and then the opening credits. He sat back, a bit uncomfortably, and watched the screen. The biker gang trashes a dinner, then the focus went to the couple driving. Then, in the rear view mirror, you see the first biker approaching in the road dust. Right at this point the sofa shook and rocked him back and forth. He turned to look and saw that Sarah was now laying out on the sofa. She took up two of the seat cushions laying down, and her feet spread over onto the third. The cushion where he was sitting. This put the large soles of her giant feet only about a yard away from him. He turned his attention back to the movie, as the biker guys were going after the woman. That was when the strong scent of something fruity filled the air. He sniffed a bit and and thought it over, it smelled like oranges. He wondered if maybe there were orange peals or something stuck in the sofa. Then a slight scrapping sound came from his right, as she rubbed her feet together a bit. As she did so, the orange smell got stronger. He turned to look at her feet and was sure they where the source of the orange smell. He was not too surprised, after all most women put all sorts of smelly stuff on their bodies. He was not quite ready for the strength of the orange scent though. After all, both her feet were covered in the orange scented lotion or whatever it was. And both of her feet where bigger then he was. He had a hard time getting comfortable. The sofa cushion was flat and solid, it gave him no where to rest his head. He could sure use a tiny pillow or something. The sofa was just not made for someone his size. He tried to find a position that made him comfortable, but he just ended up flopping about every couple of minutes. Mostly he tried to just sit up, but even that was uncomfortable. He just kept his eyes mostly on the movie, as the plot progressed. The couple was no on the run from the biker gang and there was plenty of action. He got caught up in the drama and the action, engrossed in the movie. Before he knew it, the couple had killed off the last biker and drove off into the sunset as the credits rolled. He took a long blink as the credits rolled and noticed that it had gotten quite dark. Time flew while you watched a movie, no doubt. suddenly there was a loud click and the lamp next to Sarah was turned on, filling the room with light. "Not bad, hum?" She asked as she stood up and stretched, looking at him over her shoulder. "No, it was not that bad at all, " he answered honestly. "Do you want to watch another movie?" Sarah asked. "Um, sure, maybe just one more," Rick nodded, knowing he would need to get up early Monday morning, "What else you got?" "Red Hearts, a romantic comedy," she said, reaching over and holding up a DVD case. "Oh, a romantic comedy," he said. "Oh, don't worry this is the unrated version with 'cruel and sexual humor throughout'," she said reading off the DVD case. "Oh, " said Rick, "Well, that sounds good then." "Yep," Sarah said as she moved over to the DVD player. Rick meanwhile felt the tingle to pee and climbed down the side of the sofa. As he got to the floor, Sarah walked over. "Would you like some popcorn?" she asked, bending over a bit. "Sure," He replied. She turned and headed towards the kitchen. He just nodded and headed towards the bathroom. The rest of the house was dark, he wondered if anyone else was even home. When he got to the bathroom, he found that there was now a nightlight in the wall socket. It filled the bathroom with a soft red light. He had no trouble climbing the red latter to the toilet seat and relieving himself in the bowl. By the time Rick made it back to the living room, Sarah was already laying back on the sofa, just as she was before. The TV screen flashed a large 'pause' word. She watched as he slowly climbed up the side of the sofa on the yarn throw "I have the popcorn here," she said as he got to the top of the seat cushion and pointed to the large yellow bowl of popcorn in front of her. "Oh, great, " said Rick, just a bit out of breath. "I could not find any small bowls, so we will just have to share," she said as she reached over and hit the play button on the remote. Rick eyed the huge bowl of popcorn in front of her. It was so odd to see a bowl so big, it was easily the size of a kiddie pool to him. He smiled as he thought he could swim in the popcorn. The thought of the popcorn made him hungry and he looked at the bowl, just forty feet away, on the other side of the sofa. Slowly he walked towards the bowl. First he walked past her feet, each bigger and more massive then he was. Then past her massive legs. Right about at her waist, his path got a bit narrow, as she took up most of the cushion. Still there was enough space for him to walk carefully. He walked up and past her breasts, and suddenly recalled last night. When he had climbed up on the sofa, and walked this very walk, that ended with him falling asleep on her massive breasts. He thought it odd that she had not even mentioned it, but then he had not mentioned it either. He kept walking, right up to the edge of the popcorn bowl. The yellow bowl was about four feet high to him, but the popcorn filled the bowl over the top, so he did not have any trouble reaching up for a couple of pieces. Each piece of popcorn was bigger then his fist. He gathered up five pieces of popcorn and placed them in his arms. He glanced up a Sarah, but her eyes and attention were fixed on the TV screen. He simply took his pieces of popcorn and trekked back over to the other side of the sofa. Rick dropped his popcorn on the sofa cushion and tried to make himself comfortable. But, he just did not fit on the huge sofa. He thought that he should have headed down to Megan's room and grabbed a pillow or such, but just did not fell like it. So again he tried sitting and laying in different ways to be comfortable. And every so often he took a bite of popcorn. The movie played on. It was funny enough, with plenty of crude and sexual humor. He kept dozing off for most of the movie, only slightly getting woken up by Sarah's giant laughs. And then the move was over. Rick glanced up at the clock and saw it was close to midnight. "Well, what did you think?" Asked Sarah, as she sat up on the sofa. "Oh, it was not bad at all," Said Rick, a bit groggy. "You look tired," she said, looking down at him. "I feel tired too," he said with a little smile. "Go, ahead to bed. I'll clean up," she said looking at the pieces of popcorn on his side of the sofa. Of the five peaces, he had eaten only one, but took bites at least out of the rest. "Oh, thanks, " Rick said, the though he should stay and help, but he was just too tired. He walked over to the yarn throw and slowly started to climb down. He looked back up, and watched as Sarah reached for his pieces of popcorn. They were not even as big as her fingernails. One by one she picked up each piece of popcorn and ate them. Rick just blinked and climbed down to the floor. He took the long walk down the hall, feeling his way on the wall in the dark, and into Megan's room. The room was dark, and he could not even tell if Megan was in the bed or not. But it did not matter much, as he stumbled over to his tiny bed in the corner and fell right asleep. |