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It tells the story of Bellatrix Lestrange, the character from the Harry Potter series. |
The Story of Bellatrix Lestrange A Torturous Crime Bellatrix moved viciously hunting down her prey. The stalk, the cunning guile used to trap her victims all took pinpoint precision. Her Lord needed blood. Worthy sacrifices tasted oh so sweet for the glory of the coming kingdom. Anything that stood in the way of her Lord’s movement seemed folly to Bellatrix and ignorant of the cause that they were fighting for. The world as she saw it was falling away into weakness. Witches and wizards were losing their power, their identity in this world. The muggle’s controlled the systems at the top. And as far as Bellatrix could see they were futile weak insignificant creatures that were running the world into the ground. What the world needed was power. For someone to stand up and take control. What the world needed was nobility and pride to be restored and with this pride the whole world would bow down in fear to the noble masters of witchcraft and wizardry once more. Now they finally had their leader. In her mind there was no other man, nor had there ever been a man greater to lead them out of the shadows and onto the battlefields of war for power and control of the world. By the time the victims realised she was there it was all too late, and much too easy. Surely aurors of this calibre could have showed more of a fight? She thought to herself. If this is the stiffest opposition they will face for worldwide domination then, she may as well plan which continent she wants to rule now. There was little time to daydream though, she quickly remembered. So much work to be done, more plans for her master to execute. Or rather more torture and executions to carry out in order for her masters plans to unfold. She took one last look at the aurors who both had looks of sheer shock and horror frozen on their faces as they lay stiff and paralyzed eerily on the floor. They would soon regain consciousness but they would never quite be the same again. The night was purely exhilarating for Bellatrix, as she felt a sudden warm rush of blood ooze right through her body while all of her senses tingled simultaneously. She could not stand and soak in her own glory however; she knew those do-gooders would come after her. It was time to run for now, even though the very idea of running away made her cringe. Bellatrix knew that it was in the best interest of her master’s plans to run, at least for now. The journey in the sky seemed longer than usual and somewhat anti-climactic. She wanted fresh blood to hunt and she wanted it fast. Yet where could she go from here? Surely the finest aurors would be sent out to track her and the others down. The wise option would be to hide away and lay low for a while. The others pleaded with her to hide in safety. But her thirst for blood and power was insatiable. She knew where they had to go now to hunt the next targets on the list. Flying through the clouds the exhilarating feeling of a hunt was like a drug to her. There was no easy escape from this addiction. She kept flying weaving through the clouds now; pretending that they were spells that were being used against her in a powerful battle. As they continued to fly closer to their destination something simply did not quite feel right within her. The cool breeze seemed to stop flowing and the natural shadows created by the moonlight seemed to be all of a sudden consumed by a strange darkness. As she looked up behind her she saw the shadow of a foe moving swiftly between the clouds. “Quick attack them!!” She yelled to her fellow death eaters. Her allies moved swiftly to attack, but as soon as they charged, the aurors circled in close. Sparks soon flew (literally as the most powerful spells were now being screamed in mid-air). As her comrades began to fall, a sense of hope and excitement that she had just felt were now fading away. Soon enough she was the only one standing and with one swift move, those traitors to their own blood as she saw them, enchained her and dragged her away. Escape From Azkhaban Bellatrix stared up at the ceiling bound completely in chains. She could feel the presence of dementors trying to eat at her every thought. They could try for as long as they wished she thought to herself, but she would never give in. She knew who she was and what she stood for. Victory for the Dark Lord at all costs. Every passing thought that swept through her mind could not sway that strong determined willpower. Days passed, which in turn became weeks. Weeks became months then finally months became years. Deep down she found a sense of comfort in her spirit however; and no matter how dreary and morbid life became in prison she knew that her Lord would someday set her free. Together in their cells Bellatrix and her fellow death eaters schemed up a devious plan to escape the cold dreary dungeons. They would simply cause a riot within the jail which would distract all of the guards. They would then attack the guards and the walls, and make an escape to the outside of Azkhaban. There waiting would be their one and only Lord, having already defeated the guards on the outside, Bellatrix was sure of this. It did not take long for them to cause a riot and the guards were a lot weaker than what she expected. Typical of anything of the inept management of the wizarding hierarchy she thought to herself. Guard the most lethal witches and wizards with the most inept guards one could possibly imagine. The moments rushed while Bellatrix went on her killing spree against the guards. She kept thinking of the ensuing moments where she could be close again to her mighty Lord. No one had ever made her feel more powerful as he could. And she felt quite powerful on her own. She felt like she could float high above the clouds without a broomstick by simply being in his presence. She loved his masculine musky aroma, his brashness and arrogance towards life and others. She had never felt that way around any man before; certainly not from being with her fellow death eater husband Rudolphus. Flying Towards Freedom Flying close to him again felt much better than she could have even anticipated. Rudolphus tried to fly closer to her but he only got in the way of the magnetism that she was feeling towards her master. She could sense that Rudulphus was angry; even though he had never said anything to her, she knew deep down that Rudolphus was jealous of her deep love for Voldermort. She always denied it of course. But really her husband was so weak and inferior in every way compared to the power and charms of Lord Voldermort. Nothing could compare. Even most times when they made love she imagined and wished with much might that it was her master holding and touching her with that firm gruffness that he displayed towards others. They got back to a safe spot in an empty meadow with the deep green grass glistening sweetly in the moonlight. As she lay awake looking at the stars for the first time in many years, she began thinking about the times spent with the one she loved; his fierce determination, his overwhelming and consuming arrogance. All these things sent shivers right through her body, oh what she would do for just one night, let alone a lifetime with her Lord. Fighting For the One that She Loved The very next day they continued flying along on their journey. Aurors from all over the country side were trying to capture them. However Bellatrix and her fellow death eaters were merciless; striking down each one before they could even get close most of the time. Yet at the very same time as this outward physical battle continued on, a bottomless ocean of emotions were drowning her on the inside. All of these feelings that she had kept to herself were now flooding out of her. Where do I go now from here she thought to herself? I must confront him. I have to confront him before these emotions consume me and begin to affect my sanity. The internal monologue carried on. “Bella, where are you going?” Rudolphus cried out to her as they flew through the clouds. Bellatrix could not look at him directly in the eyes. She could sense the mistrust; smell the fear that was within him. He always gave her the same look of despair. They both knew deep down that their marriage was a sham. Yet he seemed to want to cling on to some sort of hope. She found it so pathetic, so contrived that he could not accept where her heart truly lay. “You know where I am going, Rudy.” Bellatrix replied. “I’m going to be by the Lord’s side in case we run into a battle.” “He needs me right now for extra protection.” Rudolphus simply muttered something under his breath. He knew that it was folly to try and argue with her. Not now as there was enough embarrassment as it was. Every death eater in the land knew what was going on. It was clear even to them. He wondered whether they laughed and even made jokes at his expense when he was not around. It was bad enough that Bella was a better magician than he was. Now she was just simply playing him for a fool. For how many years he wondered? Was there ever real love there between them? He was sure that he had felt it at times, but now he could not be so sure of those feelings. Still he knew that there was absolutely nothing that he could do about the way that he felt. The Dark Lord had all power and Rudulphus had no other option but to serve dutifully and passively under his authority. Bellatrix never quite knew how to approach the one that she truly loved. With all her might she had to resist every urge to just jump into his arms. With every fleeting second in his presence she felt the butterfly’s swarming and moving so fast in her stomach, like a rush of cool breeze in the night. “What do you want Bella” he snarled. The harshness of his tone only made her more enticed by his charm. “I was just flying close to protect you in case any aurors attack us again my Lord.” Voldermort just grumbled begrudgingly as he glided so gracefully in the air. Defying his age with such poise that she had never before witnessed by any witch or wizard in the air. Even the finest quidditch players could not move as elegantly as her Lord. Time to Trim the Branches When they finally arrived at their destination they all breathed a sigh of relief that they could finally have a rest from flying. Before Bellatrix could even sit down to take a rest, her master promptly called her aside. “Bellatrix” her dark lord called out. Bellatrix got excited from hearing him call her name. It made her feel special, appreciated and valued even if what he valued her for were for the most horrendous of reasons. “I must have an urgent talk with you Bella about one of our biggest threats to glory”; said the Dark Lord. “You see Bella; the Black family is much like a very tall oak tree that has grown untouched for many years” he continued. “But the tree has now grown wild and certain branches are affecting the overall health of the tree.” “We must trim some of these branches.” “It is your job Bella; you must be the one to prune all of the branches.” “Do you understand what I am trying to tell you?” Her Dark Lord concluded. She understood him clearly. Everything was as clear as a snowflake with a ray of sun shining through it. In order to serve and to please her master Bellatrix knew that she had to kill all of her family that were ‘blood traitors’; Sirius, Andromeda and Nymphadora; Andromeda’s wretched half-blood daughter who was hunting down Bellatrix and her fellow death eaters at this very moment. Bella buzzed at the thought of how pleased her Dark Lord would be of her. How much praise and attention would he give her if she carried out such a task? Surely he would know how truly devoted she was to him and his cause if she would be willing to take her own blood. It was all for a just cause of course. Sirius, Andromeda and the half-blood child Nymphadora were all blood traitors in her eyes; turning against the cause of creating a free powerful wizarding world that the Black family had supported for generations. Bellatrix knew where she needed to go for help, there was only one other witch or wizard who she knew she could duel powerfully alongside. All those years of growing up, practising and finally fighting together brought a power that was almost unmathched when they fought side by side. “Cissy” Bellatrix called across to her sister while the Death Eaters were all gathered, resting around the campfire. “What is it Bella?” Narcissa Malfoy replied. Bellatrix called her aside so that they could talk privately. “Do you remember when we used to play make believe duels in the yard as young children with Andromeda and cousin Sirius?” Bellatrix asked. “Yes of course I do, we were always such a close family weren’t we.” Bella paused before replying. “Yes we were always a close family Cissy and that is because the Black family has maintained a strong family ethos over time.” “We have always supported the dark arts and have supported any movements to liberate the wizarding world.” “I know all of this Bella.” “Why are you trying to preach our family values to me?” Replied Narcissa, a little frustrated and confused. “Well when we were young Sirius and Andromeda were always so different to us.” “We would pretend to go on ravenous killing sprees hunting down filthy mudbloods and muggles but they never had that same Black family thirst.” “They would pretend to do spells to fight against ‘darker witches and wizards such as us now’.” “And when the time came much later on in life to choose sides they were quick to deny all family honor and tradition.” “They have done nothing but pour shame on our family.” Narcissa was now simply nodding politely, still trying to figure out just where Bella was going with her rant. “They must be stopped; and not a moment too soon.” Bellatrix continued. “They are so committed to fighting against us and the Dark Lord that the only way forward for us and our family is to kill them.” “We have to make killing them a priority even over killing the other aurors and do good-ers in the order of the phoenix.” “Will you help me restore pride and honor back to our family Cissy?” Narcissa had always been slightly intimidated by Bellatrix’s ferocity and coldness. It was true, in their childhood they had dreamed of and had played out killing mudbloods and muggles, but even then Bellatrix would always take things to the extreme and never seemed to quite know just when to stop. Although in this instance Narcissa had been backed into a corner and Bellatrix was more than her sister, she was her best friend and only true confidant left in her life. “I will do whatever it takes Bella” Narcissa replied with a sense of pride and false sternness. A Ministerial Battle Weeks had now passed at the Death Eater camp base and Bellatrix could no longer stand to sit and wait for the action to unfold. She could sense that victory was not that far away for them, and she wanted to be right in the thick of things. Without any warning or pretence Bellatrix stormed away from the group, walking towards where their Dark Lord was camped. “Bellatrix: where are you going?” Rudolphus cried out to her. “The Dark Lord needs my help”, Bellatrix snarled back. “There are so many blood traitors to kill Rudy.” “What do you expect me to do sit down and wait for the new order to fall into place like you lot?” “There is no need to use that sarcastic tone with me Bella.” Rudolphus replied, sternly. “I do not have time for this Rudy.” Bellatrix replied. “I have work to do.” “There is always something Bella.” “Remember you are married to me not to him.” “It is me that you should serve alongside not the Dark Lord.” Said Rudulphus. “Don’t be so selfish” Bellatrix screamed back. “I must do what is right for everyone at stake not just what you want all of the time.” “Maybe if you understood that then I might show more affection and respect to you.” This was a blatant lie. She knew that wasn’t true at all. It didn’t matter what Rudolphus did, he would never hold a candle to the Dark Lord in Bella’s eyes. The Dark Lord came walking out of his tent area alongside Bellatrix soon after. He carefully gazed over his followers before selecting a few of his most powerful and darkest witches and wizards to take with him and Bellatrix to the ensuing battle. Bellatrix was as excited as any other time to follow her leader and to hunt down any do-gooders that stood in her way. The plan was to attack the stronghold of the wizarding world; the department of ministries, and lure the order of the phoenix as well as the Dark Lord’s nemesis Harry Potter to the battle. As the plan unfolded and the battle at the department of ministries began to rage, it did not take Bellatrix long to single out one of her very own blood; Just as she had promised her Lord. Sirius looked up at Bellatrix, ready to attack fiercely with all of his might. Bellatrix simply smiled at her cousin confidently. She could see the look of fear in his eyes. Bellatrix had seen it hundreds of times just before a kill. Every strike every spell that he sent at her was futile; almost amateur-like. She would have thought that a pureblood that shared her same family line would be stronger than this. With stunning speed and accuracy Bellatrix sent down one swift spell. Sirius immediately crashed to the floor. Lying still and helpless, Bellatrix walked over to him wand outstretched. “Any famous last words” she queried. “Evil will never tri…”. “Avada Kedavra” Bellatrix screamed out, before Sirius could finish his famous last words. Bellatrix had heard enough. What chance did ‘good’ have if they all fought as meekly as poor Sirius. The thought in itself amused her. Of the finest twelve death eaters that Voldermort had selected for the battle eleven of them were captured that night. Only Bellatrix and Voldermort could escape together. Bellatrix thought she could have only dreamed of such an outcome for the night. Surely the killing of her cousin, such a strong asset to her Dark Lord’s nemesis and the fact that she was his only servant to escape being caught, would win some respect and admiration from the one she truly loved. She gazed over to him numerous times as they flew away to safety. He had so much fierce determination and concentration in his face. But maybe, just maybe Bellatrix thought to herself: I have won over at least some of his affection tonight. Another thought came across Bella’s mind as they flew far away to safety. Now the war that they were fighting would surely now become public knowledge. No longer could they hide away quite as comfortably in open fields. They would now have to seek refuge in the most uncomfortable of places, and constantly be vigilant about their every step. Yet it would all be worthwhile for Bellatrix. Anything was worth serving her Lord. A Shady Visitor Many months had now passed since that fateful battle and hiding away was now becoming increasingly frustrating for the Dark Lord and his follows. At the bottom of a dark dreary dungeon some place hidden far beneath the ground in the isolated countryside; sat the remaining Death Eaters and what was left of the Dark Lord’s army. There was not much to do there except wait around a campfire and plot evil and destructive schemes for the not too distant future. Striding into the room, through the dark corridors alongside the Dark Lord was the shiftiest Death Eater of them all. The only double agent left in the ranks. Bellatrix did not trust him however, especially with that snide look on his face. Why was he able to stroll alongside the Dark Lord when he had appeared to switch allegiances not so long ago? Anger, hatred and jealousy were all travelling through her veins heating her blood at a very quick rate. As soon as Severus Snape approached Bellatrix to greet her, she could not withhold all of these emotions that were bubbling to the surface. “Where were you when our Dark Lord needed us the most?” “You blood traitor” Bellatrix accused him. “I already told you Bella I had to pretend in order to gain our enemies trust.” “There is nothing more than I have ever wanted than to serve our Dark Lord and see pure wizardry rise back up from the shadows.” “But can’t you see that gaining Dumbledore’s trust is the only way forward for us.” “With Dumbledore dead the do-gooders will be all but futile.” “That wretched Potter kid cannot save them. I will kill that little punk myself.” Said Snape with deep hatred in his voice. “Bellatrix!” Voldermort yelled out. “Yes my Lord.” Bellatrix replied quite timidly. “How dare you question my greatest servant.” “If you wish to stay within my inner sanctum you will have to treat all my followers with much more respect.” “Is that understood Bella?” said Voldermort. “Yes my Lord.” Bellatrix could barely look up at him as she caught a subtle smirk of Snape through the corner of her eye. Longing to be Loved by Darkness That very night as she lay down to rest the Fear inside of Bellatrix grew. Will she ever get to be with the one that she loved? Bellatrix could see so much strength in those cold eyes of her Dark Lord. She could see a chilling comfort somewhere amongst the darkness of his soul. All Bellatrix could do was dream about the times when the world would be taken over by pure wizarding force. She could reign beside him. Surely once his master goal was accomplished he would see that together in their sheer depravity they were the perfect soul mates. Every part of her screamed out to be understood. For acceptance; just to be noticed by him. Yet nothing she did could ever gain enough of her Lord’s attention. I must work harder. She thought to herself. I must destroy everything and anything that is in the ways of the darkest of plans. But even then she wondered; would he notice me? All I ever do is scheme and kill, yet not even that seems to receive an inkling of his time. She knew that he was far removed from a caring soul. Though she still wanted so dearly just an affirmation of her worth in her Dark Lord’s eyes and a somewhat caring expression of appreciation for the contribution she was making for their future kingdom. A Battle Approaching A climax was now building and every witch and wizard whether good or evil could feel it. Would good triumph over evil? Or would terror and domination for the wizarding world reign supreme? The whole future of the world and its existence was now at stake. And no matter what anybody said to each other, each side was so evenly matched. Bellatrix did not like to sit idly and wait for a finale to unfold. Hiding in a basement far away seemed like an insult to her, and to everything that she stood for. Every part of her wanted to attack at full force. So much hatred was passing right through her at every moment; so much anger and frustration that the kingdom of darkness had not yet been restored. “Cissy?” Bellatrix yelled out to her sister Narcissa. “Yes Bella.” Narcissa replied. “Come and battle with me.” Said Bellatrix. “There is a hoard of those putrid do-gooders flying towards our base. “There are about a dozen of them but I am sure we can hold our own.” “Don’t you think that it is best to wait for backup then Bella.” Narcissa replied. “Cissy as a team we are unstoppable.” “They are amateurs and they don’t stand a chance against us.” Said Bellatrix. “I know Bella but I can’t risk it I have a family to think of remember.” “I need to stay alive to support them.” Said Narcissa hoping in vain that Bellatrix would understand how she felt. “What about supporting the cause of our Lord?” Bellatrix quickly fired back angrily. “What about serving him at all costs like we swore we would when we took the Death Eater oath.” “You’re becoming like them Cissy, a useless blood traitor;” Said Bellatrix, with fierce anger rushing through her blood. Though she loved her sister dearly Bellatrix could not hold back the rage and the passion that was flowing and pouring through her. Narcissa replied with a calming firmness in her voice that had been practiced and refined over many years of being a mother. “Bella it is for the best interests of our Lord and the cause that we are fighting for if I stay alive to support my family and the work that they are doing.” Bellatrix angrily stormed out of the room brushing past chairs and slamming the door as she left. Bellatrix knew that her sister was different. All that Narcissa ever wanted was the simple life; family, security; and a small close tightknit community of fellow deatheaters. All Narcissa wanted was safety and wellbeing of her family and to be secured. In Bellatrix’s eyes Narcissa lacked the courage and the commitment to take the next step and lay her life and her family’s lives on the line in order to serve the greater cause. Bellatrix was so frustrated that a witch of Narcissa’s potential who she had grown to be quite adept fighting alongside was not willing to fight the big battles and put her life on the line. The Final Battle At last the day of reckoning had now finally arrived. The Death Eaters would finally be lords over the Earth and rule as one under their leader. For most of them it was about power and victory for a greater cause. For others it was about safety and security for themselves and for their families who had forever been shunned and viewed as untrustworthy within ‘civilised society’. They would now finally be able to begin afresh; starting again with a clean slate. For Bellatrix it was about impressing her master and doing her utmost to please him so much that hopefully someday she could rule beside him. Bellatrix had a fire in her eyes like no other time before. This was the crucial moment. The scene she had been dreaming about for half of her life. If she made an impression here surely it would make a startling impression on her Lord. The scene had been set at Hogwarts, where the division between purebloods and blood traitors began many centuries ago; between Slytherin and Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Visiting the old school grounds was haunting. She could easily recall more innocent times and how Hogwarts had been a second home to her, like it is for most students. Blasts were going off everywhere. Do-gooders versus Death Eaters; who would reign supreme? She could taste dust in the air. The sweet fragments of destruction comforted her inner being. At once she embarked on a killing spree, running to and fro murdering any mudblood, half-blood or blood traitor in sight. The rush was pure exhilaration. On a level she had never experienced before. With a blink of an eye she killed a young witch. Another blink a naively brave young wizard falls to his peril. She kept looking in the corner of her eye to see whether her Lord would notice her. Bellatrix never caught his sight. This only made her more determined, as she strode through the hallways and passages destroying all young witches and wizards in sight. Surely there is someone here who can challenge me she thought to herself. At that very moment a small plump figure waddled over towards her. Molly Weasley was such a contrast in looks to Bellatrix. Wheras Bellatrix was tall and very thin being extremely attractive for her age. Molly was short, rotund and certainly displayed the effects of having seven children. Bellatrix mocked Molly as she came towards her. “What spells have you been conjuring up behind the kitchen all these years.” “I will have you know Bellatrix that I was top of my grade for defence against the dark arts for four years running.” Molly Weasley replied. Bellatrix simply laughed in her face. “Crucio.” She screamed out. Although it was quickly blocked by Molly. “Impressive Molly.” “But can you attack.” “Avada Kevada.” Bellatrix yelled out before Molly had a chance to reply. Again it was quickly thwarted. Suddenly Molly’s eyes lit up as they exchanged curses and blocks across the room. This was the most intense battle Bellatrix had fought in a long time and most unexpected from someone of Molly Weasley’s status. However Bellatrix could feel the adrenalin pump through her veins the whole time. This victory would surely please her master she thought to herself. Yet the longer the battle ensued the more Bellatrix seemed to be losing control. She had never faced this type of desperation before. It was as if Molly was fighting for a greater cause than Bellatrix could possibly comprehend. Bellatrix held on for as long as she could, using every ounce of energy and even more that she did not know she had. But eventually as the last killing curse came screaming out of Molly Weasley’s lungs, Bellatrix no longer had the strength to block or weave out of the way. Death had now met her. And along with meeting death; Bellatrix now had to say goodbye to a hopeful future of evil tyranny. She had to say goodbye to a future that she dreamt of serving alongside her Dark Lord whom she truly loved and adored like nothing or no one else. In an instant all of these thoughts and dreams were destroyed. Death had now met Bellatrix and the cold dark emotions that were deep in her spirit now matched her decaying lifeless body. Bellatrix’s spirit would now rest peacefully, forevermore. |