Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1705200-The-Power-of-Music
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1705200
A heartbroken Jessica struggles to recover from her husband's betrayal.
When Stephen left for another woman, Jessica’s idyllic world came crumbling down. Her festering heart refused to heal. Though, she longed for a man to hold and love her, she couldn’t bring herself to trust anyone. The bank job occupied her days, and her seven year old daughter Jane filled the evenings. It were the nights that Jessica dreaded.

That night, like the many nights before, sleep continued to elude her. Rising from the bed, she switched on the lights and walked to the violin standing in the corner. She had inherited it from her mother who had recently died. Jessica hadn’t yet played it, but for some strange reason it had been beckoning her for the past several days. When she placed it on her arm, an eerie sensation tingled her skin, and a sweet warmth surfaced from her core.

When she caressed the strings with the bow, melodious tunes brought a cheer to the dreary bedroom. Suddenly, thick smoke billowed from the F-holes of the violin. Jessica gave a start and flung the instrument away. It landed with a thud in the far corner of the room. Surprisingly, it didn’t break and multi-colored vapors continued to churn out of it. To her utter horror, the smoke began to coalesce into a human form.

Jessica opened her mouth to scream, but frozen with fear, her voice deserted her. She could only gape at the huge, bare-chested man shaping before her. To her immense bewilderment, the giant kneeled and bowed.

His booming voice carried a soothing quality that calmed her frayed nerves. “Fear not, Mistress. I’m Andros, the Son of Music and your slave.”

Jessica found her voice at last. “What do you mean?”

“I reside inside this ancient violin which has been with your family for centuries. So far, only your music had the power to evoke me. Name your wish, Mistress so that I may fulfill it and return to my abode.”

Jessica’s hungry eyes swept over the barreled pectorals of the giant, a loin cloth being the only fabric on his bronzed body. Long arms, thick as tree trunks, hung out from his square shoulders. The somber expression on his sculpted face reminded her of the heroes of Greek tragedy. She had only one wish. “Come nearer.”

In spite of his massive frame, his gait had the menacing grace of a tiger. She observed with pleasure the cylindrical contour protruding beneath the loincloth. Her hand reached forward and released the girdle. The cloth puddle around his feet and a marvelous specimen of manhood sprung before her eyes.

She grasped the throbbing organ in her hands. The wild fragrance emanating from it inebriated her mind. Sighing, she tipped her head and began to suck it. Her puckered lips moved across the length of the muscular shaft and delight pulsed her body when he groaned like an animal in need.

Releasing him, she rose and shed her teddy. “Make love to me.”

Without a word, he wrapped her in his powerful arms and she melted in his manly embrace, pressing her soft curves against his muscular frame. His ardent kisses burned her skin while his large hands fondled her breasts and squeezed her hips. She felt his arousal against her belly, squeezed between their locked bodies. Her hands entangled in his thick hair and drew him closer.

Andros carried Jessica in his arms and flung her on the bed. She could feel the tension coiled inside his body when he crawled next to her. When he yanked her legs apart, she realized that it was no longer her command that he followed. He would ravage her for his own need, and she was eager to yield. When his hardness sank into her heat, she screamed with joy and locked her long legs around his hips. He plundered her mercilessly, enrapturing her body like blissful rain after a drought. Her body tightened as she scaled the first peak of the night.



Jane's voice stirred Jessica out of her sleep. Surprised to find herself naked, she realized that she hadn't slept so well for a long time. "Give me a minute, baby."

Ruefully, she recalled the events of the previous night. What a delicious dream, she thought.

Getting up, she saw the violin on the floor. Intrigued, she touched her inner thighs and felt the coat of dried semen. She stood before the mirror and cursed her fuzzy hair. Quickly, she pulled on a sweater and opened the door.

“You, okay, Mom?”

“Yes, darling. Sorry, I overslept. ”

Jessica made herself a large jug of coffee which she hoped would clear her confused mind. Sipping from the mug, she listened to Jane who chattered continuously through breakfast. After the school bus left, Jessica rushed back to her bedroom, picked up the violin and played it with trembling hands.

Her lips curled into a naughty smile, seeing the smoke rise from the F-holes. She reached for her phone and called her assistant. “Amanda, I am not feeling too well. Shall take the day off.”

“Take care, Jessica. I will handle everything,” Amanda replied.

Jessica had already hung up. She was engrossed in kissing a naked Andros.

Word Count: 865
© Copyright 2010 Prof Moriarty (profmoriarty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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