Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1704683-Tales-of-the-eternally-damnedchap1-8
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1704683
Warning: Not Damned=not safe. But Not Alive= not happy
Chapter 1

    Fang sat. Waiting. Four walls of concrete surrounded her. The glittered remains of the window still lie on the floor from when she tried to make her previous escape. She had managed to climb up the walls and break the window 50 feet above her. Unfortunatly her clumsiness cost her. A meer slip of the fingeres had sent her tumbling down onto the hard concrete floor. A fatal blow to a human was only a shattered arm for Fang. A wizard had put cement onto where the window once was and a shackle on her ankle. Fang held her still aching arm. Coldness erupted goose bumps across her body. She shivered in her Vans sneakers. She looked around the room in dismay. Only her instincs told her the round about time. Scince there was no clock. No scource of daylight.  No happiness. And no chance of freedom.

    She had done nothing wrong of course. She was the one being wronged, nobody else. but there would still be punishment to follow. A punishment not even the worst of crimes would deserve: Eternal Damnation.

    Fang rubbed her sore neck where a scar still imprinted. Another body part tainted scince being kidnapped. Her mind was clouded like a stormy sky; almost overflowing with worry.She wondered what would become of her. She wondered where Slash was. And she wondered if her choices were truly for the best. She stopped that thought immeadiatly.  The thought of her little sister sister six feet under burned in her stomach. Rising into a sting behind her eyes.

    "Gwenivecia Kathrine Fang," A large rough-looking man emerged from the darkness. "Yes Arther?" Fang had grown accoustumed to her prison gaurd. For it was not his fault that she was this way. He was damned too, anyway. He was only a poor warewolf preselected by the nation to be damned and controlled. Like everybody she knew these days. "You have been summoned."


Chapter 2

    Arther escorted Fang out of the prison house and into another large buiding next door. "Main Building" was engraved above the door in stone. Arther nudged Fang throught the front door trying to be gentle but still sending her to the floor. She cought herself with her uninjured right arm. As she rose she saw that there were many distressed looking faces, much like her own, about her age crowding around her. "So this is some kind of Damned get-together," She searched for a comforting face in all this madness. A blur of black clothing caught her eye. When they came into foucus she recignized the most comforting face she could see right now.

    "Slash!" Fang ran and practically jumped into his muscular, pale arms. Everett Byron Slasher was her closest friend (and only friend now) scince as long as she could remember. He was also the most attractive being she had ever laid her eyes opon. He was pale and bright  like the moon and a square jaw and sharp features. But he had a softness to his face. His deep amber eyes that were now tinted with red were so deep and insightful, Fang wanted nothing more than fall into their warmth. And A chipped front tooth somehow made him look more perfect than imperfect. "Its good to see you, Gwen" He said. Fang smiled. She loved his nickname for her. He was the only one who ever had called her Gwen. Parents and teachers had always called her her fullname, Gwenivecia, and her peers had called her by her last name, Fang.

    "How are you surviving?"Fang asked "Havent seen you in-" She thought for a minuate."A week," He said automatically. Something else about Slash: he was as sharp as a tack. A little something to complete the perfect package. "Has it been already? It's seemed like ages," Fang said. Suddenly as if the room was tuned to mute there was complete silence. Movement stopped. The room seemed to just stop alltogether. It reminded Fang of...

Well death.

She smiled at the irony.

"Roofie,"Slash wispered in her ear.


"Rufius Darren Von Stratten. Warewolf and Fighting coach. Called 'Roofie' because he was known to put you to sleep in seconds,"He was talking about the 7 foot tall and bulging with mucle man who was the cause of the quiet room.

"Wow. How do you know all that?"

"I do my research,"

"How did you research?"

    Rufius turned out to be similar to Arther. Both bulky, mean looking and warewolves.  But there was one key difference. Arther had a slightly dumb look on his face like a dim lightbulb, looking like normal but a little vacant. The man standing in front of her very eyes had a commanding look on his face. Like he controlled evreything and everyone. And it wouldn't put it past Fang if he did. At least in this room.

    "Good Evening, children. Or should I say young adults," He looked around the room. "No," He decided "children. My name is Rufius Darren Von Stratten." "Slash was right. but how would he figure it out?" Fang wondered. He began to pace as a line of  "children" as they parted in front of him. "You should all know why your here. You all have a special... what is it? Race? Abilities? I'll call it... talent. You all have a special talent." Fang touched her pointy white Fangs. She knew what he was talking about, but she wouldn't call it talent. "So you will learn to live in this 'specially talented community'. but you can't just walk into this community! You must be tested if you fit. First test survival. My favorite part.

    "The test in survival is more of a challange. You will be put into teams. Object: to find these-" He held up multiple shperes in light shades of different colores. "Bath beads?" A  tough looking girl with more peircings than bones asked. "No Ms. Zaps." he took a dramatic pause 'This is your cure." Professer Stratten answered."What is this gonna' make us human again or somethin'?" Ms. Zaps asked again. Excitement filled the room as murmers and wispers about there possible freedom. He let out a cold laugh "Goodness no! This nation would hate to lose you." By the look on his face, his sentence was not sincere. "Alive anyway." "Then what's it for?" Ms. Zaps asked,  irritation coating her voice. professer. Von Stratten's smile faltered. "I sugest you use a different tone of voice with me, Harland," He strolled through the specially talented aand stood face to face with her. "First of all: I go by Harley. Second: I'm not afraid of you so I can use whatever tone I want." She said with razor sharpness, voice steady and calm  without even the slightest quiver. Rufius twirled a lock of her purple hair. She slapped it away. "You have nerve, kid. And, lucky for you, I like that." He walked back to the front of the room and continued his lecture. "There will be 4 of these in this secret place. And there are teams of 6; not all of your team members will make it. Plus the other teams are competeing. But i must include, for the greedier portion of you more of these "bath beads"= more power. Basically rules are get these or die. Any questions?"

    A strikingly beautiful girl with shiny black waves asked "What if you do not want to play this game?" "Great question, Ms. Spikes" Rufius said "Now lets get you into teams!" The girl's (Evangilina Spikes, Slash informed her) eyes widened as if she wasnt used to the rejection. which she probably wasn't. "The biggest(or only) dissapointment in her life was probably becoming damned" Fang thought.

    Professer Von stratten clasped his hairy knuckes together and revealed a yellow-fanged row of teath."Lets get started."


Chapter 3

    As the professer hearded them from one room to the next, showing them everything from training center to weapon room, Fang couldnt help but to drift away into thought. She had never had problems paying attention at school but this was different. This was sick. They were asking for her to give so much to them when they had taken so much from her- her sister, her Life! All because a vampire got hungry and bit her neck! Fang stopped to take a few calming breaths. She couldnt believe how some chose to be here- the Avians, Who partaked in a fraud scientific experiment, and the Shape Shifters, who were taught how to shift.  Were there lives really so bland that they had to damn them selves for entetainment? It was the same circumstances, just that they had a choice. It seemed unfair to all the people(such as vampires like Fang-who were bitten, all the werewolves-scratched, witches-born into it, and mermaids- cursed) who didn't have a choice. The thought that she couldn't do anything thing about it, the slightest chance of freedom, was sickening. She couldnt help clenching her fists and walking throught the corridors.


Chapter 4

    Many of the other different speices of "the specially talented" began to assemble in a large room made out of stone and laced with spider webs  called "The Orientation Room" reminding Fang of one movie she watched with Addolynn called "The Haunted Mansion". Fang would give anything to go back to that time period. A loud slam rang from behind them as the heavy oak door was shut and locked behind them. The only other doors were about 13 feet tall and 5 feet off the ground. There were 6 and were inscribed with crests and names- the merveilleux, the impalers, the plenilune, the liege, the recherche, and the decathect.     

    Professer Von stratten marched to the front of the room. Directly in between the two middle doors. "How could there be a community challenge with out teams?" he asked. "Thats right, there couldn't be. These teams have been predecided based on your race. There will be 6 teams, and 6 members on a team, one of each race- vampire, warewolf, shapeshifter, avian, merman or mermaid, and wizard.

    "You will find out your teams next week." He said. A worried looking anorexic-looking girl raised her hand and asked "Wait. but if there are 6 teams with 6 on them thats 36 people. There is at least 60 perople in here," Rufius grinned like he was awaiting this question. "There must be some kind of mistake," He smiled.  As soon as Professer Von Stratten finished his last words he transformed into a wolf and bolted into the unknown. "He's lying!" Fang spun around to face Slash. He swallowed "I know." But what all did he know?


Chapter 5

    Relief washed over Fang when she relised she did not have to go back to her prison cell. She was also excited about changing her dirty clothes. Arther escorted her to one of the bunk houses across the street with a handful of other girls. "A large hand," Fang thought. I was about the size of a cabin at some sleepaway camp. It was a log cabin inhabited with beds and cots. She sat down on a wiry bed with 2 springs poking out of the material.

    "Um. yeahhh... I believe that bed is mine," A snotty-sounding girls voice rang from behind her. Fang turned around only to make out the girls shadow. She was a string-bean and Fang knew she could snap her in half, but she resisted because she promised herself would not fight unless she had to. "Why?" She politley asked. " 'cause i'm better than you so i deserve the bed. Got it?" The girl spat. Fang held her tounge and kept her tempure "Got it," She fake smiled and walked away mumbling "Bitch."

    Fang sighed and sat down on an itchy cot that was even more uncomfortable than in her prison cell. But she didn't mind, for at least she got freedom. Well more than before, at least. "Hi," A different voive chimed from the cot next to Fang's. Fang turned her head to look at this girl but could not see her due to lack of light. "Do you want a pillow? There blow-up ones there kinda uncomfortable but its better the cot, huh. I have a sweater too, If you want it. There also not the best. A little itchy but warm, way warm. I got some snacks too apples and-" "Stop!" Fang was getting a headache "First i need a name." "Oh I'm, i'm... Robin. Yes, Robin," The girl babbled."Okay...Robin. Second where did you get all this stuff?" Fang asked. She looked down as if she was ashamed of her self and wispered "I stole it," Robin wimpered.

"So your a klepto?"

"No! I just thought I really needed this stuff. And I took it from the people who took everything from me soo I just thought-"

"Whoa," Fang was awed. "You took it from those monsters and got away with it! Thats amazing!"Robin blushed. "I'm good at stealing," She confessed "but i would never steal from you! Or anyone I cared about! It's just that-"

"Wait whats your last name?"Fang inturrupted."Banks. Why?" Robin wondered.

"Robin Banks. and your really good at stealing," Fang giggled for the first time in a while.


"Nevermind. Anyway It's fine. I completly understand. Plus I'm a good judge of character and you look fine to me,"

"Thanks," Robin blushed again. "So what race are you?" Fang wondered.

"Oh... uh. Um a shape-shifter,"

"Cool! Turn into something,"

"Umm. Okay, but close your eyes. I'm very self concious,"Robin informed her. Fang closed her eyes.

"Okay open them,"

    Fang opened her eyes to see a single sock where Robin once was. "Impresseive," She said skeptically. "Close them again," Robin's voice seemed to come from under a bed. Fang did and Robin "transformed" back to her normal self.

    "Ok? Well Im going to sleep but one more thing. If you need this stuff enough to steal from the most powerful people ever why would you give it to me?"

" 'cause I want you to like me,"

"Why me?"

    "Because you seem... like a good ally," Robin's words were not false, Fang knew, but they also wern't the reason that she was helping Fang. But Fang was too tired to argue and lose a good ally who could snatch good supplies if needed. So Fang curled up in her cot and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the blow-up pillow.


  Fang was awoken to a jolting shrill that paralized her whole body, a paw claw sank into the back to the neck. She gasped unable to create any noise. She felt hersef slipping into darkness . Fang was awoken by being thrown onto concrete. Blood filled her mouth and her knees and hands felt raw. Still being half-asleep, she rested her cheek onto the cool concrete.A pair of black, shiny shoes appeared before her. The heels were so sharp they could slit someones throught.

Fang figured that was the point.

    "Stand," The owner of the heels comanded. Fang rose and met the cold, purple eyes of the woman. She had purple hair all the way down to mid-back in a braid. Stress and sleep depravation sagged at her eyelids and streaked her hair with grey and silver. Yet she was still very beautiful. "Follow me, Gwenivecia," The woman commanded with a thick british accent, which happened to be commanding at the same time.

    The woman opened a metal door and led her into it. Stalls and shower booths were lined up on the silver-tiled walls. The woman thrust a thin white robe, shampoo and soap at Fang. "When you are finished, press this button," The woman motioned to a red button next to the door frame. Fang nodded and took a much-needed shower. Fang wrapped herself in the bath robe and pressed the red button.

    The woman reapered and led fang to another room called "Clothing center".  Bundles of clothing in limited colors and styles were folded on tables. "Pick your clothing," The woman instructed. Fang grabbed a black pile and black sneakers.

Fang was finally led into a third room after she had changed- the room Fang was in yesterday when Professer Von Stratten explained the game- "The Orientation room" The woman told her to go in the door marked Mervelluix.


    As Fang entered the room she saw what she didn't expect. She expected stone walls, dungon-like auras or long eerie corridors: like evrey other room she has come incounter with scince The Changing. But what she saw was... darkness, which caused her to jump when she bumped into someone else. "Hey watch it," The person she ran into snapped. Just then a beam of orange light exploded from her fingertips and illuminated the whole room. Fang's eyes adjusted to the darkness as she saw 5 others crowded around her.

    "Who the hell are you? Gothica?" The girl with the light, probably a witch, snapped. Fang stood tall and crossed her arms. "Gwenivecia Kathrine Fang, actually." y hello,Fang. My name is Lucius Dyneem Lake," A boy strolled out of the darkness and kissed Fang on the hand. "En'chante." Fang cringed. The kiss had left a trail of slime on the back of the hand. "You must be the mermaid," Fang wiped the goo onto her black skinny jeans. "Merman actually," He tried not to yell, as if he was sensitive to the subject. "Well anyway, to all of you, you can call me Luke," He put his hands on his hips.

    "I'll call you ugly," The witch-girl said shining the light on him. As he came into veiw, Fang had to agree. Her eyes started at the face: Greasy, dirty blonde-green hair, a scaly pimpily face with puffy slits for eyes which were a dark green and resembled snake eyes, thin chapped lips and a row of yellow, plaque filled fangs that were sharp and filled with venom. Her eyes worked their way down ward past his skinny neck with gills on both sides, to his unhealthy-looking-skinny body. His ribs were bulging, his stomach was concave, and his whole body was either webbed, slimy, greasy, scaly or all of the above. But what Fang found intresting was no matter how repulsive he was, Luke was still an egotistical little bastard. Fang wondered how that was.

    "Oh yeah," Luke sneered at the remark. "Well I bet your not to gorgeous either." But he ate his words as soon as she had shone the light on her own face. Luke was wrong, she was gorgeous. "and by the look on her face," Fang thought "She knows it too." She had a slightly tanned, flawless skin, big amber eyes, red-tinted lips, strait movie- star white teeth, and long amber orange hair that was smooth, silky, and well groomed. "Eat your words yet?" She asked. "And what is your name?" Fang asked, her feeble attempt to momentarily stop the fighting. She perked up, just as Luke did- concited in the limelight, but at least she had the looks to back it up. "Will Karoline Wikin. Will stands for-" "William?" Luke grinned. "Willimena you swap-donkey!" She retorted. "Merman!" Luke corrected angrily.

    A giant, tan, clawed hand landed on both Will and Lukes shoulders.They snapped their heads back in surprise and Will shone her light on the giant from which the large hands must have come from. "Name is Sahar Wolfe," She said. "Are you sure its not 'needs a breath mint'?" Will said waving a hand in front of her face, the light momentarily going out. "Or 'needs a hair brush'" Luke chimed in. Sahar's beastly hands flew to her mouth and tangled mass of dark hair.

    Sahar tried to step away from Will and Luke but instead fell in an ear shattering BAM! "Have a nice trip?" Luke asked "See you next fall," Will added. "Tripped over something," Sahar moaned, And so did something else- from the ground. It groaned again. Fang bent down and toched it "Will, bring your light over here," She ordered. Will did what she was told. When the light hit the scource of the groaning they found it was a person. "An attractive person," Fang thought. But not in the way fang found Slash attractive. She found him attractive in the bad-boy-dark-but-sensitive sort of way. This guy on the ground was attractive in a boy-next-door-hollister-model type of way. He had shaggy, blonde hair and navy blue eyes. Perfect white teeth with a cute little chip on the front left one. His body was toned and tan. All of this caused Fang to blush when he held on to her to help him up. And Fang never blushed. Ever.Will must have found him hot too because immeadiatly as she saw his face she pushed Fang out of the way and held him in her arms.

    "I... I was trying to fly when.... i must have fell. I havent really got the hang of it yet," He explained. "Shhhh. Shhh. I'ts okay sweetie. You don't have to explain anything,"Will cooed. "Sweetie? You give him the welcome wagon and you practically spit on me!" Luke yelled. "That spitting part can be arranged," Will glared at him. "Do you know where my girlfriend is?" He asked. "Girlfriend!" She yelled and dropped him to the stone floor. "oof!" Sahar lifted him with one hand. "Thanks," He thanked nervously "I'm Theodore Remmus Byrd but just call me Byrd." "Can i call you Theo?" Will flirted. "No," he replied "My girlfriend calls me Theo." Will growled. Fang smirked "he was doing that on purpose," "Wait. There are 6 teammates to a team. There are only five of us," Fang pointed out.

    A loud shrill rang from the team. "Ahhhhhhhh! Spider! SPIDER!" They laughed when they realised it was coming from Luke. "Nice girlish scream, Kelp-brain," Will remarked."Looks like we found our 6th teammate," Bryd said. The others faces were puzzled but the confusion was explained when the 4 inch taranchula morphed into a 5 foot tall boy. "Hi I'm Kelan Stoufer-change Almes and I'm an achoholic," He smiled. "Hi Kelan," Bryd, Sahar and Fang replied all getting the joke. This boy was extremly odd looking, Fang observed. Not odd in the sense of ugly, but odd in the sense of so extremely different. Now different was a lose term around here sense they all were extremly different but this boy was so... avrage? But in a way that was not avrage. His hair and skin were the avrage color- mid tan mid pale, his hair was just a regular blonde-brown, and he wasn't attractive nor ugly. He was the type of person that must have been always overlooked, Invisable. "Perfect qualities of a shape-shifter," Fang thought.

"Well it looks like were a team," Byrd smiled.


    The purple-haired woman (Professer Cambridge, the woman informed) lead her back to the bunk house. "Who was your team?" Robin Chattered to Fang when she sat on her cot. "5 other people," Fang didn't feel like explaining. "Oh cool. On my team there's this really pretty blonde girl, an ugly green scaly girl, this warewolf who's kinda' cute but he's so full of himself, this punk lookin' purple-haired chick, and this really sexy vampire guy," Robin explained. "Nice," Fang replied rubbing her temples. "There names were Skye Skylar, Mordag Gill, Deveroix Blade, Harland Zaps and Everet Slash. If I do recall right," She rambled on. But one of those names alerted Fang. "Slash is on your team?!" Fang sat up and looked at Robin. "O.M.G did you see him too! So hot, right?" She obsessed. "Yeah. He used to be my best friend. Still is really. We, uh, died together," Fang said. The statement was not one you heard every day. "Oh how romantic," Robin clasped her hands together and smiled. "I guess," I said.

    "Gwenivecia, come with me," Professer Cambridge announced as she entered the bunk. Fang followed her out the log building and into the car waiting out front. They traveled along the winding gravel pathways to a castle-like building far from the group of prison houses, Main building, and bunk houses. She walked into the lobby and was shocked by what she saw. It wasn't depressing, scary, creepy, morbid or even dirty. It was actually quite beautiful.

    High glass ceilings were supported by golden beams and tinted red, keeping the sun from coming in and casting a red glow on the rest of the room. Half circular marble steps wrapped around the entrance. Groupings of four black leather chairs surrounded circular marble tables. Archives in the white stone walls were stocked with beverages and mints. A large crystal chandaleir hung from the middle of the ceiling. A curved opening to the left of the back wall led into another room where the large marble front desk inhabited. Five workers were shuffling around in front and behind it.

    One of the workers immeadiatly rushed up to Professer Cambridge and Fang. "Good evening Mrs. Cambridge," The woman was small and thin with long brown hair tucked in a braid. Her glasses and headset seemed a few sizes too large for her. She and everyone else were wearing pantsuits. "Good evening Carol. Tell the leader he has a visitor," The Professer instructed. "Yes ma'am." Oddly to Fang, Carol laid on the ground. She suddenly flushed to a sickly pale-white and flattened to the size of a piece of paper. No. She was a piece of paper.  "Shape-shifter," Fang wispered i awe. "Very observent, Gwenivecia," Professer Cambridge said sarcastically as she picked Carol up, folded her into a paper air plane, and sent her out the window.

    "Gweniveicia Kathrine Fang, The leader is ready for you," A man called from he front desk. "Follow me," He said. Fang did as she was told. She was unsure of how to get anywhere but this room, for there were no doors or elavators. He took her to an archive on the far right wall. "Stand inside and face the wall," He said. She ueasily did so. The man's hands glowed a bluish color, like Willamina's did, as he touched her back and shoved her threw the stone wall.

    Instead of making contact with the stone she was pushed through into to a long hallway with a prickling sensation that made her feel as if her body had fallen asleep. This, too was pretty in an eerie way. It had a stone floor and ceiling but instead of walls to either side of her it was lava. The orange and red glow of the boiling hot lava pulsed next to her. She could feel the radiating heat."Magic," Fang thought "It's an illusion," She thought of touching it but decided against it. No use in harming another arm. Fang continued to walk forward in the seemingly endless hallway until she came to another marble desk in front of her. To the left was a wine cellar filled with bottles of blood and to the right was multiple shelves filled with paper work. Behind the desk was  a large black leather chair facing the wall.

    "Vhy, hullo, Gwenivecia. Haven't seen you in ages," A thick transylvainian accent poured from behind the chair. "You've seen me before?" Fang struggled to keep a calm voice. "Yes. I 'ave. I vas dere vhen you vere born," He said. Fang licked her lips.

"Um. Mr-"


"Mr. Leader. Why am I here?"

"Vould you like a drink, Mrs. Fang?"

Fang's body finally cought up to her. She realised she hadn't had anything scince the blood she sucked out of the raw meat in the prison cell. "Yes please," She decided. "B positive?" He asked. "Uh sure," She guessed. She hadn't had anything but type O blood.

"And your arm?" He asked.

"My what?"

"Your arm is shattered. Broken in tree places. You took quite a fall,"

A dumb look appeared on Fangs face. "How could he have known?" "I vill send you to the infermory immeadiatly,"He promised.

"Yes sir,"

"Do you know vhy your here, Gwenivecia?"

"Uh, I am a vampire,"

He chuckled "Vell, ov course you are. So am I. But do you know vour purpose?" I shrugged "No, sir." "Vour team," He explained "Needs you," Fang shook her head not understanding.

"You still ave eons to learn. But dere is something inside ov you. Something dat makes you great,"He continued "Some say it is the Fang family blood, but I dissagree. Vour Mother ad da same blood. But she is a dissgrace." An anger boiled inside of Fang. "I suggest you withdraw the comment about my mother," She barred her fangs. "Az you vish. I do not vish to offend vour vamily," He chuckled to himself. "Dat vould be hypocritical ov me." "What do you mean?" Fang said. Anger being replaced with wonder. "Nothing. Ve are getting off de subject. As I vas saying. Vour team needs you. You are dere leader." He finished.

"Leader? But-" Fang had so many questions to ask but The Leader was gone. The elegant room she was in was gone. And she was in an all white room called "The Infermory."


Fang returned to her bunkhouse with a cast over her left arm. "Ahhh what happened," Robin came screaming at her. "Nothing!" Fang snapped, only able to cover one ear. "I fell and broke my arm," she explained when she calmed down. "Training's tomorrow," Robin informed her. "Really," Fang sighed, only half-listening.

"Yup. At 6,"

"6," Fang settled into her uncomfortable cot. When the words registered in her mind, she bolted upright.

"6! In the morning?"

"Yup," Robin grinned from ear to ear like she had just won a prize.

"What time is it now?"


"In the morning?"

"The A.M,"

Fang groaned. "I need to get some sleep," She tried her best to make herself comfortable in the cot, resting her broken arm on the blow up pillow. "I need to get some sleep," She repeated. But she couldn't.


Robin was gone when Fang woke up. It was exactly 5:59 A.M. and Robin had said training would start at 6. Knowing her she probably left for an early start. Fang was not surprised when Professer Cambridge came one minuate later to summon her to the training room located in the main building. The training room was more of a training area. It was an entire wing and was equipped with many rooms. The first room she was led to was room 54 and was the 4th room to the left. It looked like a board room- it had a round oak table in the center with 7 chairs surrounding it. It was labled "Meeting room:Mervelluix."

    Fang was the first to arrive and the was followed by Theo, then Sahar, then Kelan, then Luke and finally Will. They each took a seat on the wooden chairs and waited for further instructions. Finally a bright eyed Professer with strawberry-blonde hair tucked into a neat bun dropped into the classroom-literally. With her brown-speckled wings out streched she had flown in from the red-tinted glass windows above. "Hello team Mervelliux," She beamed "I am Professer Deardrah. Each of you will play an important role on this team in hopes to lead it to victory. This is the first place you'll come every day for training to get your schudle for the day and discuss plans or any other things of importance. Any questions?"  Theo raised his hand. "How long do we get to train?" He asked. "3 weeks," She answered. "What classes we be taking?" Sahar asked. "Well a variety. The arts of survival, disguise, fighting, stratigy, traps, harnessing your unique power, and history," She answered. Will groaned "We're damned and we still have to take history?!" "And you'll fail this time, too" Luke told her. "Don't worry. This history is different than the one your used to," Professer Deardrah promised. "And if you get talented enough," She continued, suddenly growing sinister. "You could even change the course of history." Her words lingered there in the air or a while. The creepily wide smile pushed fear into all of our souls.

    "Ohhhkayy..." Will said slowly, trying to break the akwardness. "So! Here are your schudles," The professer continued her happy tune like those past 10 excrutiatingly akward seconds never even occured. We were each passed a minella folder in which are schudles lay. Fang slid her thumb through the flap to open it. Theo nudged her. Fang giggled when she looked up and saw Sahar tearing the folder to pieces with her vicious teeth to get the treasures inside.

Fang read her schudle:

6:00-6:15= Daily meeting- The Meeting Room: Mervelliux, Room 54 (Professer Deardrah)

6:20-7:20= Stratagy tactics and survival- Room 67 (Professer Stilts)

7:25-8:25= The art of trapping and disguise- Out side compartment 4 (Professer Gardaans)

8:30-9:30= The History Of the Specially Talented- Room 52 (Professer Fredricks)

9:35-10:35= Group Therapy- Out side compartment 6 (Professer Deardrah)

10:40-11:40= Lunch

11:45-1:25= Harnessing your Unique Power- Room 98 (The Leader)

1:30- 3:30= Fighting and weaponry (Professer Von Stratten)

3:35- 4:00= Daily Meeting- The Meeting Room: Mervelliux, Room 54 (Professer Deardrah)

4:00- 5:00= Break

5:05- 7:05= Dinner


"It is precicley 6:19 so I suggest you hurry to your classes," Professer Deardrah announced. So Fang picked up her folder and left.


In Fang's first class they did nothing but talk about plants that were safe to eat. In her second, she learned how to catch a squirrel. In History Fang discovered that The Leader was a vampire, but he rarley never showed his face. But in group therapy she learned a little too much...

Professer Deardrah was also the Professer in group therapy. She started off with introducing everyone (which was pointless) then asking about how they got here- a topic very sensitive to Fang.

    "Theodore, why don't you start, Honey," The professer had said. "It's not that exciting of a story-" Theo had started. "Ooh. A rich boy with a problem," Luke interrupted. "Don't interrupt him!" Will snapped, slapping Luke in the face. Theo, Sahar, Kelan, and Fang burst into laughter. "Children," Deardrah had warned. "Continue," Will said to Theo, batting her eyelashes. "Okay so I was sitting with my girlfriend-" Fang heard a small growl come from the back of Will's throat. "And she gets bored easily so, well, lets just say she's always looking for an adventure. Her parents are very close with these local scientists. They were obviously one of you-" Theo pointed to Deardrah "I know that now. But then I just thought it was a group of people coming out with the next new thing. So the scientists- they had proposed an idea to her parents, and they informed us, about this crazy idea of being able to fly. 'The new generation' they said. Skye- that's her name, couldn't refuse and I went with her. Now here I am-" Theo extended his white wings "The new generation."

    "That sounds like one thing you couldn't buy your way out of," Luke said. "Thank you for sharing, Theodore," Professer Deardrah had said "Luke, you seem to have a lot of comments. Why don't you go next?" "Fine," He crossed his green-scaled arms "I will. My sister worked at an old folks home, there was this old lady, she didn't like me so the bitch put a curse on me. And my sister. The end." "Good," Said Deardrah "Kelan." "My parents died in a fire so I was an orphan, who knew the ancient art of shifting. People came for me and here I am," He pointed to himself. "Okay. Well, that's all the time we have today. It is time for your next class,"


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