Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1704018-Silvermist
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1704018
Something for my english class. It was hard to put the sea and dancing toghther.

         The sea is always changing, and you never touch the same waters twice. Perhaps that is what calls me to the ocean. The change lures me in. I love the adventure of not knowing what is ahead. I crave the challenge.  That craving is what brings me to the tale of the Silvermist.
         I was sixteen when I met Captain Gabriel. He was the infamous captain of the Silvermist, the fastest ship to sail the seven seas. He was known for his pirating ways, and I was in love with the man. I thought myself childish for it, but the thought of adventure with him pulled me into his snare. How was I to know that he would actually be in my presence one day? It seemed impossible, yet he walked into my life that day.
         I worked at a tavern in a port city that all types of characters came to visit. It was there that I first laid eyes on Captain Gabriel. He was gorgeous! His skin was tanned from his days at sea, and his hair was sandy blond. Yet the most beautiful of all was his emerald eyes. My love grew tenfold at the sight of him. Then, he rested his eyes upon me and gave me a dazzling smile that could make an old woman blush. I felt my heart flutter and my knees shake.
         He began to approach me, and I pushed my black hair out of my luminous, purple eyes. I felt my face burn red over my slightly tanned skin. I knew that if he came any closer that I would faint. Somehow, I had to remain calm.
         “Are you the tavern wench?” he asked me bluntly.
         “My father owns this tavern,” I answered sharply. I could not let my guard down.
         “Ah. Then give me the best ale you have,” he demanded.
         “Just one moment,” I nodded and turned away.
         I quickly retrieved a tankard of ale for him and returned with it. He was setting with some of his crew, and I quickly put the ale down and turned to leave. I did not have a chance to take a step, before he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.
         “What’s your name lass?” he asked me.
         “Arwen,” I choke out.
         “That’s a pretty name, lassie. How good’s your cookin’?” he questioned me.
         “It’s well enough. Why do you ask?” I responded.
         “We need a new cook, and I thought you’d be good for the job,” he answered me.
         “You’ll need to ask my father,” I managed to say.
         “That I’ll do. Go get your papa for me,” he said.
         I nodded and left to find my father. I could not believe that this was happening. I would finally get my adventure, and it would be with Captain Gabriel! This offer would only come once in a life time. My father had to allow me to go.
         I found him in the back and drug him to the captain. They motioned for me to leave, and I did as they bid. My stomach fluttered as I waited for the outcome of their discussion. I would die if my father said no.
         They finished talking and motioned for me to come over. I quickly walked over and waited for the verdict. I held my breath as my father looked at me with a stern face.
         “Well lassie, the final choice is yours,” Gabriel announced.
         I took a deep breath and held it. Was I ready for something like this? “I want to go,” I finally decide.  I would never get the chance again.
         My father stepped towards me with open arms. I slipped into his embrace and took a deep breath.
         “I will never forget you,” I whispered into his chest.
         “You are always welcome back home, daughter,” he whispered back into my hair.
         The next day, I boarded the Silvermist with my few belongings. I looked back at my home and wondered if I would ever see it again. Perhaps one day I would lay eyes upon my home, but I might not make it to that part of my adventure.
         I was led to the kitchen and was put to work immediately. This was not where I wanted to be. I longed to be at the helm. I wished to actually see the sea. I wanted to smell only the salty air as it whispered across my skin. Hopefully, I would not have to stay below deck all the time.
         I passed the next two weeks below deck. Not once had I set eyes upon the open seas. I began to grow ill from the constant stale air. I was just about to give up, when Captain Gabriel came below and appeared before me.
         “Come with me,” he commanded.
         I could only nod and follow him. We reached the top deck, and the fresh air flooded my nostrils. I instantly felt relief. I no longer felt as sick as I had before. Gabriel led me to the helm.
         “How would you like to steer?” he asked me.
         “That would be wonderful!” I exclaimed.
         He positioned me, and then he stood behind me with his hands resting on mine. This was a dream come true. I was finally experiencing what I had hoped for, but it did not last long. Cannon fire interrupted my fantasy world and set the in panic mode.
         Everyone was scrambling to their battle stations. I was frozen is shock. I had not considered that something of this nature could come to pass. Gabriel barked out orders, but it was too late. A cannon ball flew through the air and hit the main mast and broke it in two. Then, another volley of cannon fire smashed into the hull of the ship. The Silvermist began to sink.
         The life boats were destroyed, and we had no way to get off the ship safely. I knew that it was the end for us all. There was no hope of survival. Gabriel wrapped his arms around me tightly.
         “Pray,” was the only word he uttered.
         I closed my eyes and let my tears flow free. I would not return home. This would be the end of my adventure. The ship cracked to pieces and slowly sank into the cold waters below. Soon the waters consumed us, and darkness over took me.

         Light flooded through my eyelids to my sore eyes. I blinked them open and gasped at what I saw. I was either hallucinating, or the sea imps were real. The beautiful men and women surrounded Gabriel and me. They were barely dressed and appeared to be glowing faintly.
         Gabriel began to stir next to me and sat up slowly. I edged closer to him, and he laced his fingers through mine. We were both in shock. We should have been dead, yet here we were surrounded by mythical creatures of the sea.
         “Where are we?” he asked.
         “I have no idea,” I replied.
         The closest of the imps approached slowly. Its hand was outstretched in a peaceful gesture. I felt oddly drawn to him, and I felt as if he was the leader.
         “Where are we?” I asked him.
         “You are in Atlantis,” he answered me.
         “How did we get here? And can you help us get back home?” I questioned him.
“We brought you here to save you, and yes, we can take you home,” he answered.
         “Take us back now,” Gabriel demanded.
         “All in time, friend,” the imp replied.


         The next two days passed quickly, but I leaned so much. The imps showed us all of Atlantis and its creatures. The landscape and architecture was gorgeous. We even learned some of their language. However, the dream had to end.
         On the second day, we were told that it was time to leave and return to our own world. We were led to the cave where we had awaked on our arrival to Atlantis. The imps were all in a circle around a large, flat boulder. Gabriel and I were led to the boulder and told to stand on it. We did as we were told and linked our fingers together.
         The imps began to chant in Atlantean. I was afraid of what the outcome may be, but I had to trust them. Then, they started to dance in circles around us, and their chant turned into a song. The wind picked up and began to circle the boulder. I closed my eyes tightly and prayed fir safety. I felt myself begin to float. Then, everything disappeared, even the wind.

         I felt sand beneath me, and I smelled the salty air of the sea. Slowly, I opened my eyes and gasped. We were at the port were my home was. The imps had danced me home. Gabriel stood up beside me and helped me to my feet. He then led me to my father’s tavern.
         My father spotted us as soon as we entered. He rushed over and scooped me up into his tight embrace. I was home, and I was safe. I never thought that I would make it this far. Gabriel cleared his throat, and we looked at him.
         “Listen,” he said.
         We stood in silence, and I heard the song of the sea imps. Their melodious voices echoed in the calm ocean breeze. I smiled at Gabriel as he took my hand. They were still singing for us.
         Even after four years, if I’m real quiet I can still hear their song. The very sound of it reminds me of just how lucky Gabriel and I were. And for all I know, they may be dancing still.

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