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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #1702244
A story i've been working on a little bit, reviews please ^^
The night was still. The red moon shone brightly overhead in the starry sky, a light breeze blowing softly. The small town of Lonn was quiet too, the streets empty, save for a few patrolling guards charged with keeping the peace. On the ouskirts of the city were two people, laying down in the grass, watching the town intently. They were almost completely invisible, both wearing dark black cloaks and hoods.
"This is taking to long! When are they gonna make their move?" the smallest one whispered.
"Quiet! Just wait!" was the response she got.
"Hmmmm... ahhhhh... they must really like to keep us waiting Rain!" the smaller female whispered, hardly a minute later.
The taller female, Rain sighed out in annoyance. "Well Keyla, if your that bored why dont you start the attack yourself? See how far it gets you."
Keyla smiled to herself. "Maybe I will. You could have a nap while I take care of everything."
Rain remained silent, her eyes not leaving the town. There couldnt be any mistakes tonight. Keyla also fell silent, she knew what was going through her friends mind.
Then it began. Suddenly every light in the town went out, leaving Lonn in total darkness. Then as if appearing out of nowhere, the Storm fleet filled the sky. Fast moving and silent, the pinnacle of air technology, thier airships were the most advanced in the world, and the most feared. Sixteen airships, all coloured blood-red, thier wings in the shape of lightning, thier bodies slightly round in shape, each armed with deadly weapons. Pods were being shot from each ship down into the city, each pod containing five soldiers from the Storm Fleet. The mission had begun.
"Time to go Keyla!" Rain said as she stood up quickly.
Keyla stood too ad stretched slightly. "About time, been laying here forever! Where's the best way in for us?"
Rain pointed towards the outskirts of the town. The west side, its the closest entrance to the target. We have to be fast and silent Keyla, understand?"
Keyla nodded. "Lead the way!"
The noise of battle intensified as the two got closer to the town, civilians could be seen fleeing amongst the fighting, the gaurdsmen of Lonn trying their best to shield them and get them to safety whilst fighting back against the mighty Storm Fleet. The storm fleet itself however was winning, but they too were trying to avoid killing any innocents, that was not thier mission.
Rain and Keyla slipped into the outskirts of the city as planned, even here there was fighting going on! The pair kept to the shadows, trying to avoid it all and remain unseen, making thier way towards the centre of the town. The soldiers fighting in the streets didnt even notice them, then they mad it to the centre, the area where the fighting was its most intense.
"Wow... are you sure this is all worth it?" Keyla asked as she watched soldiers on both sides falling, the air filled with screams.
Rain merely shrugged. "Hard to say isn't it? You know command though, they don't see any of this... all they care about is the end result."
Keyla nodded sadly. "Yeah... which building is it?"
Rain pointed towards her left, towards a bar. "There. It's an odd place to keep it, but thats where it is."
"Hey! You there!"
Five guards were running towards Rain and Keyla, they had been spotted! Rain let out a sound of annoyance and pulled out her weapon from underneath her cloak, a small sky blue sword.
"Leave this to me Keyla, get moving, i'll meet you at the target building" Rain said calmly. Keyla nodded and quickly shot off towards the bar, two of the guards moving off from the group charging at Rain, hoping to cut her off. This tactic however didn't work at all as Rain suddenly jumped fourty feet into the air and landed right infront of them, taking both of them down easily with a quick stab to the heart of the first, then leg sweeping the second and finishing him off on the ground.
Rain looked up to see the three guards hesitating, after seeing what she had just done, then she stood slowly and flung her cloak to one side. She was dressed simply, plain black trousers and boots, her sword sheath ties around her waist to rest on her lower back, a navy blue t-shirt with the right sleeve missing, showing the tatoo of her rank on her arm, a blood red crystal. Her hair was tied back and went down to the middle of her back, and was coloured light blue, the same as her eyes. Her appearence however didn't matter to the soldiers, thier eyes were focused on what was around her neck. It was a red crystal shard, glowing slightly. Rain took up her battle stance, making the guards take a few steps back.
"she's a crystal warrior"
"how are we suppossed to fight her"
"there's no way to beat her" the soldiers started muttering amongst themselves. They didn't get a chance to mutter for long though, Rain swiped her sword horizontally through the air and sent a bright blue beam of light towards them, knocking them to the ground unconcious. She didn't even give them a second glance as she ran quickly towards the bar, sheathing her sword as she ran. Taking another big leap over a group of fighting enemies, she landed neatly in front of the entrance of the bar. Stepping through the door, she was met with another guard, hoping to take her by suprise. It backfired however, just before Rain could attack he fell forward unconcious into her arms. Dropping him uncaringly onto the floor, she gave a rare smile at Keyla, who was standing there.
Keyla laughed a little. "haha, anytime" she said, throwing off her black cloak too. She was dressed the same as Rain, the only differences being her rank tatoo, which was two upwards pointing arrows, with the faint outline of a crystal inbetween, showing that she was a rank lower than Rain, her hair which was shoulder length and light brown, her eyes light green and her silver gun at her side. "mmmm, way to stuffy in that thing!"
"You find the cellar? Rain asked.
Keyla nodded. "Yep, right behind the bar. Weird though, you'd think something as important as this should have been defended much better than this."
Rain walked behind the bar and then down the steep steps leading to the cellar, entering it she was a little suprised to see nobody was there.
"See what I mean?" Keyla said, entering behind her.
Rain looked around then walked to the back wall. "Maybe it's because they don't know what their guarding. They don't know why their really dying out there right now. Lets get this over with Keyla, and get out of here as fast as we can" she said, lightly tapping the wall with her fist, making it dissapear. Keyla nodded and followed Rain into the passageway that the wall had been hiding.
The passageway was long and narrow, lit at intervals with lanterns. Rain and Keyla watched the shadows carefully, just because no guards were down here didn't mean nothing else would be. The pair walked on in silence for just over a minute, then the passage opened out into a wide chamber. Strange markings and writings covered the walls, the floors sloping down steeply towards the centre of the room, where a statue of a dragon stood.
"Stay here" she said to Keyla as she started walking towards the statue.
Keyla pouted a little at Rain. "awwww, you get all the fun, while I have to wait around."
Rain smiled a little to herself, Keyla was one of the few people who could actually make her smile. She walked carefully down to the dragin statue, when she reached it, it was twice her height and she noticed it's eyes were glowing a light yellow colour. Rain put her hand lightly against the statue. She felt a power pulse back through her hand. This is what they came for.
Rain unsheathed her sword and stabbed it into the chest of the dragon statue. The statue started to crumble right away, then it suddenly dissapeared into the air, leaving behind what was inside.
A crystal. About half the size of Rain, it was hovering in the air, lightly coloured yellow, which explained the statue's glowing eyes.
Rain flipped out a small communicator from her pocket. "Command, this is Rain, target is secure, prepare for extraction."
"Roger that Rain, we're ready to recieve it" was the response.
"Got it, e.t.a, four minutes, Rain out, Keyla, keep an eye out, I need to focus on the extraction."
Rain wrapped her hand lightly around the crystal shard tied around her neck. It started to glow softly then a magic field filled with strange, magical symbols surrounded the yellow crystal, beams of what looked like red lightning, shooting out into the crystal. The yellow crystals glow started to shine brighter, as if it was trying to resist then suddenly the whole room started shaking!
Keyla ran down to where Rain was and pulled out her silver gun, looking around the room, her soldier senses warning her that something was coming.
"You need help?" Rain asked, her energies focused on extracting the crystal, the red lightning beams getting bigger.
Keyla shook her head, noticing a large shadow approaching. "No I got this Rain. You keep the extraction going."
What was making the shadow swaggered into view. It was a large dragon, though it seemed like it was made entirely of yellow crystal shards and was twenty feet tall. The dragon let out an unusual roar, metallic sounding and eerie in the chamber.
Keyla ran towards it and dived towards the side then shot at it. Her gun didn't just fire ordinary bullets though. Depending on the situation, it could fire three elemental shots, fire, lighting and ice. Keyla shot three ice shots at the crystal dragon and they just bounced off him. The dragon roared again and fired a yellow beam at her. Keyla dodged it, the beam leaving a smoking hole where she had been a split second before. Not wasting any time, Keyla shot lightning at it, again having the same result.
"Come on fire, do me proud!" whispered Keyla to her gun as she shot out fire at the dragon. The fire also had no affect on the dragon, it merely shot its own attack back at her, forcing her to dodge again. Keyla notices then the dragons gaze was focused on Rain, who was almost done with the extraction. The red lightning beams were shooting up now into the ceiling and were taking on a yellow glow of thier own. Keyla knew she had to distract the dragon at least until Rain was finished. Aiming her gun, she shot a single ice shard right into its eye!
"Hey! Ugly dragon thing! Come get me!" Keyla shouted, shooting ice at the dragon again and hitting it in the eye. The shots weren't even hurting the dragon, but it was enough to draw its attention away from Rain, who now had a bright red glow around her too as she was almost done.
The dragon started shooting its beam at Keyla again. Keyla dodged again, then was forced to move quickly again as another beam was suddenly shot at her. The dragon seemed to be learning her movements! Keyla didn't even have anytime to shoot back at it, all her concentration was focused on dodging it's attacks! Her luck however was short lived, Keyla dodged for what must have been the twentieth time as another beam was shot at her, however this time she wasn't the target. A small pillar behind her was! The pillar was completely destroyed from the impact, sending out a small shockwave and bits of rubble everywhere! Keyla was hit by the flying rubble and the shockwave, her gun flying away from her! Keyla looked up weakly, trying not to faint, she could feel a small trickle of blood running down her face from the wound she could feel on her head. The dragon opened its mouth to shoot at her, Keyla was a target that was impossible to miss!
Suddenly the dragon let out a loud roar, making the very walls shake from the force! Keyla looked up through blurry eyes to see Rain standing in front of her, her sword drawn.
"Sorry I took so long Keyla. I'll deal with this one." Rain said, her eyes not leaving the dragon for even a second. Not wasting any more time, Rain jumped into the air high and swung her sword, a red beam of magic hitting the crystal dragon right across its face! The dragon staggered backwards slightly, but like Keyla's attacks, Rain's didn't appear to be doing any damage! The dragon shot at her its energy beam attack. Rain swiped at it with her sword and it reflected back, hitting the dragon! The dragon screeched out in pain, its crystal like scales completely shattering and falling to the ground with a loud sound like glass breaking. Landing where the dragon was standing just a few moments ago, Rain landed and sheathed her sword. She moved quickly over to Keyla, who had just pushed herself up into a sitting position.
Rain knelt besides her and checked the wound on her head. "It doesnt look too bad, we'll get you patched up back on the ship."
Keyla nodded, still feeling dazed. "H..how did the extraction go?" she asked in a weak sounding voice.
Rain pointed her thumb over her shoulder to where the crystal was, though now it was just an empty space. "Completed it, command gave the order to withdraw too, so we'd better get moving. Can you walk?"
Keyla pushed herself shakilly to her feet. Rain noticed how shaky she was, so she put Keyla's arm around her shoulder.
"All we need to do is get outside, command tried to warp us to the ship from here, but there was some sort of interference." Rain said as they started to walk back the way they came, Rain's eyes on the shadows again. Once they reached outside the air was oddly still. The sounds of battle that had filled the air had dissapeared, only the bodies of those fallen on both sides remained in the street. Looking up, Rain could see the Storm Fleet withdrawing, lights shooting up into each ship, warping the soldiers back from the ground.
Rain took out her communicator again. "Command, this is rain, we're outside, requesting a warp now"
"Roger Rain, good work down there, sending a warp now"
Rain put it away as she and Keyla were surrounded by a bright light then saw the small town dissapear in front of their eyes, to be replaced by the teleportation chamber inside the command ship of the Storm fleet.

Two Days Earlier...
The weather was calm and sunny, a light warm breeze was blowing. Birds could be heard singing thier songs in the trees surrounding the beautiful lake, its waters rippling slightly in the wind. Rain was sitting on the lakes bank, staring out over the waters, enjoying the peace she found here. Here her mind was clear, this was the one place she felt relaxed.
"I thought I'd find you here."
Rain turned her head slightly to see Ryo Silver standing there with a small smile on his face. Ryo was dressed in his usual attire, navy blue three quarter trousers, white sneakers, his white shirt with the pattern of a big red dragon across the front. His light blond hair was long, down to the middle of his back and was blowing slightly in the breeze, his eyes sky blue. Like Rain, his right sleeve was missing, to show his rank tattoo, a blood red crystal, like the shard he had tied around his neck.
"You were looking for me?" Rain asked, turning her head back towards the lake.
Ryo nodded and sat beside her. "Yeah, the council asked me to tell you that they want to speak to you tomorrow."
"Don't you mean sentence me?" Rain replied, looking away.
"Look, what happened wasn't your fault Rain. The council knows that, they just want to talk."
Rain kept silent, her face turned away.
Ryo sighed and stood up. "You know, you have good friends here who want to help you. If you'd just let them that is. You don't have to go through this alone."
Rain looked at him. "I'm not getting anyone else involved. It was my fault and I'll accept whatever punishment they give me."
Ryo put his hand on Rain's shoulder. "Rain...it wasn't your fault..."
Rain shrugged her shoulder and Ryo took his hand off. "I want to be left alone." Rain said as she turned her head back to the lake.
Ryo nodded a little. "Ok..but you know where we are if you need us" he said as he walked away. Rain kept her eyes on the lake, tears running down her face silently.
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