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Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1702189
James' Guardian Angel was supposed to be taking care of him. Where was Ortlad?
Featured in the WDC Newsletter: Spiritual: Celebrating Spring, Editor's Picks, by Prosperous Snow celebrating Author Icon, March 7, 2023

After months of dwelling with his own thoughts, and ruminating on the negative and fearful things in his life, James finally decided to have a conversation with Ortlad. After all, his Guardian Angel was supposed to be taking care of him.

"Ortlad, are you there? I need to talk to you. Do--do you ever listen to me? I have so many problems in my life."

“Yes, James. I'm here. I'm always here. Sometimes you listen to me, and it was about time you called me! Listen James, everyone has problems.”

“My life is so complicated, Ortlad, but what would an Angel know about complications?”

"We know all about human anxieties, my friend. Our Boss has taught us well. Now listen. I'd like you to risk other thoughts. Think bigger than yourself."

“Even my dreams are cut in half; they are empty. I see no future. What have I got?”

“My child, you have your life, your body, possibilities, challenges, free will, and the future. Oh, so much. Listen to me, James!”                               

“I have nothing. My wife left me, my children are gone and don't like me at all. I barely have money, my job is lousy, and I live from paycheck to paycheck. I can't go to places I like; enjoy my life. I drink and I don't want to stop. I am sad, and frustrated. I am not loved. I am not needed. What's the point? What's the purpose?”

“You have everything, James! You have the universal cosmic spark of life inside you; a beautiful unknown idea of love and trust, a body that works like a perfect machine, and the possibility of everything--even the littlest of wishes. All is yours. You just need to go out there and make them happen. Look at yourself. You are strong, intelligent, and creative.”

“I have these sad thoughts, this void in my stomach, in my mind, and in my guts. I keep going back to these waves--these thoughts, these images of blackness, sadness. I am nothing, Ortlad.”

“James, I would like to talk to you about options. Look around yourself. Observe more, don't centralize in yourself. This is the most common thought of humanity: selfishness. You can do almost anything in your life if you decentralize, think of others, participate, and live. Reason is not automatic you know, one must want to start thinking about changes.”

“I only have darkness. I don’t like who I am--what I am!”

“If you only pay attention to the dark you’ll never find the light. Focus on the beautiful, the positive, and the nice. Too much thinking and analyzing just makes any problem worse. Your thoughts are only what you decide to believe in, and continually reinforce in your mind. React!“

“What must I do? I know that this lingering takes me backwards … I am not a crab. I must move forward.”

“If your thoughts begin to change, you will feel better. Change your thoughts! If you act despite your feelings, trust me, your beliefs and emotions will follow behind. Oh listen to me, my son, listen. Happiness is a result of a decision to be happy no matter what. Your emotions and feelings are created by your thoughts. Unhappiness cannot exist on its own. It occurs because of negative thoughts, which can be changed. So, change!”

“My life is boring and it’s the same, every single day of my life!”

“You are a thought-producing human being, and full of wisdom. When you realize this, you can begin to slow your thoughts down, and allow your anxieties and fears to rest. Your past thoughts are about events that are no longer real. The bad experience that happened yesterday is over. It is gone, and exists solely in your mind. Today is a new day, a better day, and worrying about the past just dooms us in the present. It’s how you process it now that makes a difference.”

“I am not strong. I weaken everyday. I am poor, unloved, miserable and lonely.”

“Your negative thoughts are only thoughts. They are not real. They do not tell you the truth. The truth is all over and around you. Our tendency is to think too much and to paralyze ourselves with our ruminations. We have a choice: realize what we're doing to ourselves; react, and do something positive. Get up!”

"I need to react, I know, but what can I do with all this despair and hopelessness flowing inside of me?"

"Combat pessimistic thinking, focus on solutions for your life rather than in problems, and sadness. You have me. I've been with you ever since you came."

“I must change… I know I must … I must change ...”

“Don’t look for obstacles. Look for magic!”

“In my worst of moments, when I was walking, desperate, and sad in that far away beach … with those … those negative thoughts in my mind … I thought I saw you there with me, my Guardian Angel. I was once told by my aunt that we can actually feel and see our Guardian Angel near us, protecting us, supporting us when we are in serious trouble. She said that if we concentrate, look closely, we can actually see our Guardian Angel’s footprints along our trail, our path--our way, with us!  We can really see the footprints if we connect heart fully, yet … that day, when I looked, I only saw my footprints on the sand. I was all alone.”

“Ah my beautiful living spirit. You couldn’t feel me because you were deep in your own thoughts! This is what humans do all the time and they forget to ... listen! Do you remember a story called 'Footprints in the Sand'? Well, my sweet one, the Footprints you saw on the sand that day weren’t yours … they were mine. I was helping you become stronger. In the most troublesome of moments of your life I was, and will always be there--with you, and within you, supporting your body, mind and soul.”

We are never alone.

Count: 999
© Copyright 2010 ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams (chrisdaltro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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