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Rated: E · Essay · Animal · #1700097
This Essay Is About My Cat Dusty


  I was About 4 or 5 years old when my Grandma told me that we were going to get a cat.  I remeber driving to a far outside of the small town that we lived in called Hensall. My uncle was with us, he and my grandmagot out of the car and went to speak to the man about the kittens. I dont think grandma wanted to come home with three but we did. When we got home Grandma and my uncle brought the 2 orange kittns in they named them same and mcguffy,They were brothers. I waited in the car untill grandma came back out because she didnt want me carrying the third one by myself. The third one was black, And had golden brown spots on her Grandma said what are you naming her?  I quickly responded Dusty!  I loved the kittens very much but out of all of them dusty was my favorite, she followed me every  where.  I remember a few times when i tryed to give her a bath. I would put her in my shirt and snea up stairs into the bathroom and put her in the water she didnt seem to like it very much and neither did grandma but at least she was clean. Time Passed and they got a little older. One day grandma told me that mcguffy wasnt doing to good and she had to take him over to the vets to be checked out. The vet told grandma that he had kidney stones and a bout a few months after that he passed away. Grandma didnt show it but i know she was very upset by it. The day came when my Grandma and i had to move because it was getting to hard for grandma to go up and down the stairs so we packed everything up and we moved to another little town called Grand Bend. On the day that we moved i brought the cats in and the dog and we were unloading things and i said Grandma wheres dusty? She said she hadnt seen her. Grandma and i rushed back over to hensall only to find Dusty in the house up in the bedroom. I grabbed her and we came back i was scared i was never going to see her again. We got settled into our new house and enjoyed the seasons time bassed yet again and sadly our dog died he was about 16 years old. We ended up getting a new dog after a while we named him charlie brown and he was with us for about 7 or 8 years before he passed away.Then one day Grandma told me that sam was unable to stand up any more and that she knew it was his time to go. We had another cat nipper but she was about 17 years old and she passed a few days after sam. My cat Dusty is about 18 years old and has recently gotton worse after struggling with a tumor on her sthomach i ask grandma if she will go get dusty put down but she says that dusty will go when shes ready I have been watching her wither away to almost nothing her back end is some what paralyzed and she doesnt eat much she keeps her self clean but grandma and i dont think she has much longer it will be hard when she goes. before she got sick i remember i would get very upset and when ever i would cry she would jump up on my bed and lick my face and dry away my tears with her little paw it was very cute almost like she was telling me everything would be ok. Her and my grandma have a very special bond grandma hardly ever leaves her side she will sometimes stay up allnight just to make sure dusty is ok as much as grandma and I want dusty to stay we both know that it would be better if she just passed away so she could feel no more pain we love dusty and when that time comes we wil be happy for her.

                                                            The End
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