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Chapter 4 Continues ... |
Chapter 4 I opened the envelope of the first letter I had received earlier that morning. “CZ DN IJO YZVY” It did not make not since. ‘It’s just a bunch of letters. This is some sick joke.’ I grabbed the other envelope of the desk and ripped it open. It looked the same, “WZ XVMZAPGG” ‘What’s with the weird letters? Who send them?’ I heard the Kings of Leon song blearing from my phone. I dashed to the bed and grabbed it before it could stop ringing. ”Hello?” “Hey you its Karen. We’re pulling up to your house. Are you ready?” ”Yeah, I’ll be out in just a minute.” “Okay, don’t take too long. I’m looking fabulous tonight and I need a guy to make out with, desperately.” I could hear them laughing as she ended the call. I stuffed the notes in my book bag and grabbed the black clutch of the bed. As I yanked the door open Jessica halted herself in her steps as she passed my door and turned to me. I closed the door behind me and headed down the hall when Jessica’s voice cut through me. “Where are you going?” I turned and gave her a snarling look. I could feel the words boiling up in me. Then I realized it would make me just as much a bitch as her. I turned and walked towards the stairs. “I asked you a question.” “I’m going to a party if you must know.” “I hope you’re not talking about Adam Spencer’s annual. Especially not dressed like that.” My jaw hardened and it took everything in me not to just tell her to go to hell. Instead I gave her the cold shoulder and walked of down the stairs and out the front door. Cat’s Infiniti G37 Convertible was standing in front of the tall straight pine trees that salute the walkway leading to the driveway of the estate. They seemed happy and cheerful about the night ahead. I was instantly overwhelmed by a hug from Mich. She pulled me into the back seat of the convertible and the door closed behind us. The girls roared with laughter as the tires screamed on the red bricks that lined the driveway. The drive was windy but thankfully over quickly. As we pulled up to the estate there was a long line of cars waiting to enter the gates. We were sum what down the line of cars. The massive house was lit with lights in every corner and nick. Suddenly a silver BMW spud by us and made a sharp turn through the gates. “Was that a blond head I saw? Please tell me that was not a blond head in a BMW!” The others didn’t say anything. “I swear I’m going to comate murder. Who the hell does she think she is? Can’t believe her. What is she doing here?” “Well technically it’s an open party to everyone. So she can be here and should be. This is more for their crowd then for us. We’re the lucky ones to even be aloud in.” Cat swallowed at her sudden dry trout. I only glared at her. “You know she’s right.” Mich whispered in my ear in the dark as we entered the big iron gates that read ‘Spencer Estates’. “Yes, but she wasn’t planning on coming until she saw me leave the house.” “Well she can dress fast, let’s give her that.” I only nodded. ‘I’m in no mood to be reminded about how fantastic she is.’ Cat parked the convertible in front of the mansion and flung the door open. The concierge handed her a ticket and we all head to the house. Once inside it was hard to believe that all the elegance that the outside portrait was left at the door. The sound of a frat house was filling the front entrance. The entry was lavish and looked like it belonged in a Vogue magazine. The two joining living rooms was no deferent. The only exception to its everyday use seems to be the overflowing of people. Some I could swear was old students of Garth Fox having graduated from high school in the previous century. Jessica was standing in the middle of the room with a glass of sparkling liquid in a champagne flute. ‘She needs to understand the extend of this. She never would have cam if she didn’t see me in the hallway on my way out. This is crap, she can’t just take over my life as she pleases. She will back-off. I’ll make her.’ Cat stuffed a flute of the sparkling stuff in my hand and smiled at me lightly. Putting the flute to my mouth I downed the entire content of it. The bubbles burned all the way down my throat into my stomach. “That is not water, May! It’s champagne. The real deal.” “Good. I was hoping it would be something of that sort.” I handed the glass back to her as I walked over to Jessica hesitantly. Ticking her on the shoulder I said: “Do you have a minute?” She turned to me slowly. “Sure May, I have a minute to talk. But I only had a second to listen, and you wasted it asking that bullshit question.” They all laughed and turned their backs on me. “Do you have to be such a bitch?” She turned slightly in my direction and let out a wild burst of ecstatic laughter. Then turned and walked away leaving me standing there with almost every eye in the room on me. I turned back and walked over to the girls. “What were you thinking. She’s the queen of these parties. You might be able to undermine her at home and even school but not here. This is her territory.” I took the flute out of Cat’s hand and held it to my mouth. “What about my territory?” Then downed the whole glass. “Okay, I think you’ve had enough for tonight.” “No not quit.” I turned to the passing waiter, to switch the empty glass in my hand for a full one, when I looked up into Jakes blue eyes just an arm length away from us. He didn’t look happy about seeing me here. He turned and walked away from us. I took the glass of the tray and held it out to the other girls. “Here’s to I night, day and life time I’d like to forget.” I drank the champagne quickly. The bubbles didn’t burn as much anymore and even the taste seemed to get better with each glass. “May, look!” Cat suddenly took me by the arm and spun me around. It was Vick Van Couver. He was walking through he double doors. ‘With …‘ I closed my eyes and opened them again. The picture still looked the same. Vick in a suit jacket, a white t-shirt and dark blue jeans with Raleigh hanging on his arm. ‘What the hell? This was supposed to be our date. That sack of lying shit.’ I could feel my head spinning. I wasn’t sure if my feet were still on the ground or not. Everything felt so feather light. My stomach was protesting its own content. “I think I’m going to be sick.” Was all I could get out before I ran. I wanted to ask for the direction to a bathroom but couldn’t open my mouth. I felt really sick. Cat crabbed my arm and filled me down the hall. We couldn’t have got to the bathroom any sooner. I was on my knees in front of the toilet. Everything seemed so strange. Like I was looking at a digitalized film. Everyone seemed to be in multi colors and I couldn’t hear a thing. The room started spinning and then it went black. I could feel a breeze cooling my cheeks. I still felt sick but at least I wasn’t as dizzy anymore. I saw a light underneath me. I looked now and saw the hole again. It was narrow and dark. Right now it felt like I was climbing deeper into the hole step by step, slow but too fast. As I looked down there with only a few steps left and then a big fall into the darkness, it feels like my throat want to close up. Suddenly someone’s hand was on my back. It felt icy cold. I felt them yanking me of the steps and into the darkness. A scream escaped my throat. “May!” Jakes arms wrapped me up in them. His chest was huge and warm. I just rested my head against it trying to catch my breath. “Are you okay?” I heard Mich’s voice come through the haze. I didn’t say anything just leaned into Jake. He stroked my hair softly. ‘He can be as mad as hell, but if something happens his always there for me. If that isn’t love then I don’t know what is.’ “Can I have a moment alone with May? Please.” They all looked at me cautiously. I sat up a little, looked at them and nodded. The door clicked as they closed it. I looked into Jakes eyes. They were radiant and rich in color. This is probably the most intense I’ve ever seen them before. He rubbed my arms gently. “You’re so cold. We have to get you up from the floor.” He pulled me to my feet. I felt so numb; my fingers didn’t even feel like my own. The bathroom was huge. It had a two-seater chair in the middle of the room. Jake put me on the chair and sat down beside me. “Am I crazy Jake?” Wrinkles formed between his eyes. “What? Why would you think that?” “Lucile and Peter is sending me away to an institute in California. It’s a place for insane people or mentally disturbed as she called it. I’m leaving tomorrow.” His face looked intense. He didn’t say anything just stared out in front of him. ”Jake? Did you hear what I said?” I shook him by his shoulders. He looked at me. “Don’t you even care?” “Off course I care. Do you trust me May?” “Yes. With my life.” “I’m glad to hear that because it might come down to that.” “What? Why would you say that?” “Listen to me. And listen carefully. You have to leave, tonight. Just take a bus to New York and take the train, anywhere. Just get away from here as fast as you can. Here take this. It’s all the money I have with me. Don’t make a withdraw on your account anywhere. Do you understand me? They’ll track you down and then things will be a whole lot worse than it is right now.” I only nodded as he put the money in my hands and held them together. He took the ring he was wearing of his finger and placed it on the index finger of my left hand. It was gold, with a risen triangle that had a diamond in every corner. Strange engravings covered the edge of the triangle with vine leaves on the side of the ring flowing up to the triangle. “I can’t take this, your grandfather gave this to you before he died.” “I know he did, but I’d like you to have it now. This will protect you from anything.” “Who do I have to be protected from? Who are these people you’re talking about? And what does it have to do with California?” He put his hand over my mouth staring at the bathroom door. Someone was pulling at the door handle. He yanked me up from the couch, pulled me under he’s arm and headed for the door. As he pulled it open my breath caught in my throat. The person standing on the other side of the door was not who I had expected. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t know someone was in here. Is everything okay with you guys?” “Yes thank you Adam. I think I’m going to take May home. She’s not feeling too well. So excuse us please.” We exited the bathroom and head down the hall. The look that Adam Spencer gave me as we walked past him was not one of understanding. “If anyone asks, you’re not feeling well and would like to go home alone to rest.” “And is that a lie?” “Yes. You’re leaving now.” |