Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1699322-Sweet-Surrender-chapter-prelude
Rated: XGC · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1699322
A compelling love story of forbidden attachments, betrayal, and heartache.
"Micheal, where are you? I have been waiting here at our secret spot for what seems like forever." Purlene slowly paced in a circle around the large willow tree that has been outside of her family's home for three generations. The tree had been situated right by the blue shed that belonged to Purlene's family. The loud chirping of the cicadas could be heard over the thunder that was rolling over the sky. The air was crisp and sharp, and the oncoming scent of rain flooded Purlene's senses. " My love, where can you be? I have already searched around the neighborhood for you, but no one has seen you. The clouds are getting darker by the minute, and we are supposed to be here at this spot, the way we have always done it."

Purlene had left school right before her last class began, the signs couldn't be ignored any longer. The first sign started with the palpitations, when the first wave of thunder clapped in the sky. Purlene could feel the ravenous hankering for Micheal swelling on the inside of her belly, and she knew that she had to leave immediately. She knew what was happening to her, it was the covenant that Micheal and Purlene had made to one another when they were just twelve years old. They had cut the palm of their hands, and with joined hands, they vowed that they would always love one another, and that not even death could sever the love that they had for one another.

Purlene took her memories back to that day, and asked herself, " Was it a mistake? The choice that we made that day seems to follow us like a curse, even now, five years later. Do you remember my love? It had rained lightly on that day, and as the years moved forward with time, the pact had begun to fulfill itself more and more, as if it were a living and breathing entity with a mind of its own. Our destiny had been marked by the rain gods on that day. Over the years, our bodies started changing, and our hormones commenced to raging within us. I don't know how we made it through those years, but we did."

Micheal looked at his watch, and fantasized about what he would say to get out of Mrs. Harper's math class. It had only been five minutes into the start of his last class, when he looked out the window that had been right next to his desk, and got a glimpse of the lightning bolt that jolted the sky. A surge of carnality swept over his being, and visions of Purlene dancing under the old hollow tree, in the nude, had started to grapple his mind. Micheal could feel the power that the impending storm was having over him, and as he nervously began looking around the room, he thought, "Purlene, as soon as I find a way to get out of here, I'll be there. I love you with everything that is inside of me, but I hate when this happens, I hate not having any control over this thing that seems to be controlling me."

Beads of sweat began to form at Micheal's brow, and Tessa, one of his classmates, cut a sharp look at Micheal and smiled. Tessa had been liking Micheal for a few years, but he wouldn't give her the time nor the day. Tessa had an uncanny discernment about Micheal, she knew what was going on with him at all times. He was like her very own test subject. Although Tessa looked like the average nerd, with big round glasses, and black shoulder length hair propped up in a ponytail, she understood allot of things outside of just "school" and "books". Tessa knew too much when it came to Micheal, and Purlene knew it. Tessa knew that Micheal had been in love with Purlene, his first cousin. In fact, everyone that knew them understood that the two of them were closer than the average cousins.

However, Tessa could feel the bond that Micheal and Purlene shared, and it aroused her. Tessa also knew how strong their relationship had been, but she didn't care, because it made the chase all the better. Tessa thought that she had one thing over on Purlene, and that was the fact that she had light skin, where Purlene had been dark as the night, with black, thick locks of wavy hair, that extended down towards the middle of her back. Purlene had been like a black goddess, standing at 5'6 inches, with a curvaceous form, and full lips. Tessa had been quite voluptuous herself, but the glasses took away from her soft sex appeal.

Micheal slowly raised his hand, after channeling his inner gods. "Mrs. Harper, may I please be excused?" Mrs. Harper turned from the chalkboard as the chalk rested on the last mathematical equation, she scanned the room with piercing eyes, until she zoomed in on Micheal's elevated hand. " What is it now Mr. Purts?" Mrs. Harper stared menacingly at Micheal. She had known that this moment was going to come. Mrs. Harper had often times complained to Principal J. Wilson, that every time a storm was approaching, during the hour that Micheal was in her class, he would always find a way to get out of class. " I think that there might be something psychologically wrong with that boy?" She exclaimed to Mr. Wilson, with legs crossed, arms folded, and a grimaced face displaying an up turned nose.

Mr. Wilson had only chuckled sheepishly, while listening attentively to Mrs. Harper. He knew all too well what was going on, from the rumors that had been travelling around the school about Purlene and Micheal. He actually got a kick out of the whole thing. Micheal couldn't sit still, as the lights began to flicker in the classroom. " I...um...I'm not feeling too well Mrs.Harper....I ....think..I may be coming down with something...." The whole classroom began to chuckle, because they knew that Micheal never got sick, except whenever Purlene stayed out of school from sickness, then Micheal would be in class suffering from the same physical ailment that she had. Ms. Purts, Micheal's mom, had called them sympathy pains. There had been such a tremendously pained look that shot across Micheal's face, that Mrs. Harper immediately reached for a pink permission slip, excusing Micheal from class. " Oh..yes, she gave in too easily this time, does it show that bad, the sexual hunger that is tearing at my insides. I can't focus, nor can I concentrate, when your essence begins to invade my senses. This is all just so maddening, once again, some magical force has consumed me, and has taken over my thoughts and right now the only thing I know to do is surrender to the call."

As Mrs. Harper stood over her desk, signing the small slip of paper, that to Micheal was like a large lottery ticket, he slid out from his desk and suddenly, Tessa cleared her throat to speak, while grabbing hold of Micheal's arm as he walked down toward Mrs. Harper's desk. "Where is Purlene at Micheal ?" Tessa asked in a cautiously low voice. Micheal just glanced at her and snatched his arm back, if looks could kill, then Tessa would already be dead and buried. Mrs. Harper handed Micheal the note that would make his torment disappear. " I hope that you will have a speedy recovery Micheal, we're having a test tomorrow over chapter six in the textbooks." Mrs. Harper held onto the note a little tighter, just until Micheal let her know that she had made herself clear. " I will..Mrs. Harper.... and..thank you." Micheal snatched his little lifeline from Mrs. Harper's hand and flew out the door.

Micheal flew through the hallways and out the main doors, when he he realized that he had left his textbook on the desk. "Oh crap, I can't go back now, awww....man..!" Principal Wilson had been looking outside of his window, laughing boisterously. Micheal looked in the direction of Principal Wilson's window, and shook his fist at him before speeding off. Micheal had begun to chant softly, " Purlene, I'm almost there. I'll be there in a long second." A crackle of thunder penetrated the sky, and the wind was picking up. The trees appeared to be swaying and dancing, calling out to him. Micheal could hear the chanting in the distance, " She's waiting....she's waiting....she's waiting for you. " Micheal moved faster as the wind seemed to be pushing him, encouraging him, engulfing him, and puppying him along. "Faster, faster, faster," The winds chanted, while encompassing his steps. Micheal's feet gained velocity, as he turned corner after corner. The school had only been six blocks from the family house.

"Micheal, where are you? My body is yearning for the pleasures of your mouth. The sweet, sweet, delights of your tenderness is wrestling in my thoughts and in my soul. As I lie here in wait for you, totally uninhibited, and totally in the nude, I must confess to myself and to the gods that I am utterly and completely enslaved by your love. I know that you are close by, because the wind is growing stronger, a testament that our union is drawing near. St. Mich, here's how my love for you goes; I am enamored by your love, all day and every day, and I feel as if our souls have been mated together for all eternity.

I believe that even all of our classmates are beginning to catch on to us, the way that we manage to disappear from school whenever a storm is approaching. The feverish love that compels us during this time is maddening. How can I safely describe it, without losing my mind? A tempest stirring in the center of my belly, that causes my body to quiver as wild and tempestuous thoughts of you seize my consciousness. I love you with every fiber of my being."

Purlene had a satin, baby blue blanket, laid out underneath the monstrous tree. Even knowing the possible dangers of camping out underneath a tree during a storm, had no effect on Micheal and Purlene's plans, it only intensified the rendezvous even more. The love demon that has been straddling the backs of these two lovers over the years, would protect them. It needed them, it needed to feed off of their passion for one another and their pain. It grew stronger every time that this forbidden love was allowed to flourish. Purlene noticed that the animals were now scurrying about, looking for shelter from the impending storm. A tall figure moved through the shadow of the storm. Purlene stood waiting, and knew that her idol had finally come.

© Copyright 2010 Jericho Rivers (taboo_writer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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