Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1698477-Beheaded
Rated: GC · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1698477
Story is based on lyrics of the song "Beheaded" by The Offspring.

Dexter drove in his Camero for a good 3 hours heading towards his dreadful parents’ house. He wore his sunglasses and had bleached hair. When he got to his neighborhood, a young teenage girl he knew waved at him.
“Hi Dexter!”
A smile grew on his face, but it wouldn’t last long. He pulled into his driveway, and parked the car. He slammed the car door and looked at the house. All the windows were shut. The doors were most likely locked. He walked up the sidewalk and knocked on the door. No answer. He rung the doorbell that never worked when he used to live in the house. Surprisingly, the door opened. It was his mother. She was very old looking - gray hair, wrinkly skin, and a hunched back. She had a very raspy and ugly sounding voice that highly irritated Dexter.
“Who the hell are you? A solicitor? I don’t feel like buying anything today. Thank you, bye.”
She was about to slam the door.
“Wait! Mom, its me Dexter.”
“Ohhh yeah, where the hell have you been?”
“College, mom.”
“Oh right, right. Come on in.”
Dexter proceeded to follow her in. The house looked exactly the same. His father was on the couch watching TV, and never getting up.
“Hey John,” yelled his mother in that raspy horrible voice.
“Dexter’s back from college.”
“Who the hell is Dexter?”
“Your son.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot. Dinner’s going to be ready soon.”
His mother turned to him.
“Care to have some dinner?”
“No it’s alright. I am going out to eat. I’ll be back later tonight.”
Dexter immediately exited that awful house. He was very irritated and needed to see his friends. His friends were going to meet him at the Chinese restaurant in the mall.
When he arrived to Panda Express, he saw Richard the manager.
“Dexter! You’re back. It’s been a long time buddy.”
“Yeah, good to see you to.”
A voice shouted from behind Dexter.
“Dexter, you son of a bitch!”
It was Noodles, along with Ron and Greg. Dexter sat down with them.
“Its good to see you, man.” Said Ron.
“Yeah, man. How’s that girl you’ve been seeing?” Asked Greg.
“Jennifer. She’s been all right. I’m going to see her tomorrow night.”
Richard walked over to their table and handed them a flyer.
“I thought you guys might be interested. There is a battle of the bands coming up. You guys should play.”
Dexter and the others once had a rock band called the Offspring. They hadn’t played in a long time. The four of them looked at each other when all of a sudden a loud voice was heard.
“We’re going to beat your ass, Offspring!”
Dexter and his band mates got up out of their seats to see who it was. It was their old high school enemies, Green Day.
“Green Day. Haha,” laughed Dexter. “I remember you guys. You and your soft ballads.”
“Shut up, man.” Laughed Billy Joe. “That was some good stuff. What are you guys playing?”
“Well, we got this one song…” Dexter got interrupted.
“We don’t care. We’re gonna win anyway. Come on guys, lets get the hell outta here.”
The three members of Green Day left. Richard looked at Dexter.
“Looks like you got some competition there, Dex.”
“Yeah.” Dexter turned to the others. “Don’t worry guys, we’ll beat them”
“Are we going to practice tomorrow?” Asked Noodles.
“Yeah, sure. When is the show?”
“Two days.”
“That’s not a lot of time. We can do it guys.”

The next morning, the loud sounds of hard rock reverberated throughout the neighborhood. The band was practicing in Dexter’s basement. His parents freaked out. His mother kicked the basement door down.
“What the hell is all this ruckus going on?”
“Mom, we are practicing. We have a big show in two days.”
“Not here you aren’t. Y’all get on home now. Get outta here.”
They all left and Dexter grew very angry.
That night at the dinner table, Dexter and his dad got to speak to each other.
“What did you take up in college, boy?” he asked.
“Chemistry? You gotta be shittin’ me. You have to be one boring sunnuvabitch to take up that crap.”
Dexter thought about the crap that was hitting him in the face. He thought to himself, ‘Why is this happening? I can’t just let this happen. I am not a weakling. I am a man now.’ And with those thoughts, he got up out of his chair in a quiet manor. Out of the door and into the night, a cool breeze couldn’t keep his cool. He opened the garage door and saw a lot of tools. So many to choose from…
In a moment, he stopped. ‘What am I doing?’ he asked to himself in his head. ‘This is so wrong. I could have so many things going on for me right now. I could have a perfect life.’
He turned to walk back into the house until he heard that raspy voice behind.
“What are you doing in here?”
It was his mother. That bitch of a mother.
“Ummm… nothing…” he said in a confused look.
“You want to kill me? Well let me tell you something sonny. I never wanted you. You were an accident.”
Dexter could feel himself grow weak from what she had just said. An adrenaline rush went through him like a power surge causing him to quickly grab the axe that was hanging on the wall. He swung the axe directly at his mother and her head quickly plopped right off. The jugular spurted out blood all over Dexter’s clothes and her body fell with a thud. There was no time for her screams because she was immediately dead.
The axe dropped out of his hands. It was so very heavy. He had realized what he had done and grabbed her decapitated head and a nearby butcher’s knife just in case. There was a paper bag nearby the recycling bin in the garage and he dropped her head in there.
He walked back into the kitchen and his father saw him.
“Hey ya silly bore. Where ya goin’?”
“My room.” Dexter replied hesitantly.
Dexter went upstairs and into his room. He took her head out of the bag and put it under his bed. There was a knock. Dexter pulled out the butcher knife.
“Hey silly bore, ya in there?”
Dexter pulled the knob, and opened the door, but hiding behind it. His dad came walking in, looking around. Dexter jumped up from behind him and shoved the butcher knife through the back of his throat. The gargles of blood could be heard as Dexter pried the knife out of his neck. He slashed the neck once more and his head was off. A pool of blood was all over the floor and on Dexter’s knees. His pants were soaked.
The doorbell rang. ‘Who could it be?’ he thought. ‘Jennifer! She must not know about this!’
Dexter ran downstairs and quickly into the garage to grab the axe. The odor in the garage was coming from his mother’s corpse. He grabbed the axe and opened the front door.
“Hey Dexter…” Her eyes opened wide with terror.
He swung the axe and she was decapitated. The blood spurted out like a garden hose. There was a bloody mess all over his clothes now. He quickly dragged her body inside along with her head. He took her corpse and put her in a big hefty bag. He carried her corpse in the bag outside. It started to rain. He opened the trunk of his Camero and placed the body bag in. He shut the trunk and went back inside. Her head was still on the floor with a face of pure terror on it. Shutting the decapitated head’s mouth, he gave her one last kiss.
Back outside he got into his Camero and drove around. He could hear the voices of his mom and dad talking to him in his head. He pulled into the city dump, got out, opened the trunk, and took out the body bag and left it to rot. After that he went into the Camero and drove around some more. He passed by the Battle of the Bands venue. A poster outside read: BATTLE OF THE BANDS TOMORROW!
Dexter pulled in the empty parking lot and parked the Camero. He popped open the trunk again. In a secret compartment in the trunk, he kept an M-16. He was a fan of guns and the military – he had once went to boot camp, and used to go hunting with his friend’s dad. The M-16 had never been used. He had ammunition and everything, but never put it to use. He loaded the M-16, and took a walk towards the back entrance.
There was a dark hallway he creeped in. There were faint voices at the end of the hall. He recognized the voices now. It was Billy Joe. He finally saw them in view as he hid in the corner. Billy Joe and his band were talking to Frank the manager of the venue.
“Okay, Frank. If we win, you’ll have all the money in the world. You’ll be richer than god.”
“You got a deal.”
Frank shook his hand. Dexter moved out of the corner, pulled out the M-16, and started firing. The sounds reverberated all through the empty, dark rooms of the venue. Bullets riddled into Frank chest. His torso fell apart. The 3 members of the band started to run and Dexter continued firing shots into them. They all fell, but Billy Joe was still convulsing. Dexter walked over to him as his body on the floor was shaking in shock. He put his foot over his neck and fire the M-16 above Billy Joe’s neck. His neck and head separated from the pressure.

Bamboo poles surrounded his room. Heads were on each one. Dexter made his own homemade guillotine and in it was Richard tied up. Dexter let the blade drop and Richard’s head plopped into the wicker basket below.
Dexter gave the band a call afterwards so that they could all meet. He wanted to kill them all. He met Noodles, Ron, and Greg at the old Panda Express. There was a sign in the front that read: MISSING. And below the words was a picture of Richard.
“Hey Dexter. Where have you been lately, man?” Asked Noodles.
“Yo, did you hear Green Day didn’t show up at that Battle of the Bands?” Asked Ron.
“A lot of crazy shit has been happening lately.” Said Greg.
“I have to tell you guys something but not here.”
“Where are we going, Dex?” Asked Noodles.
“Come with me in the Camero.”
They all went outside the mall and into Dexter’s Camero. He started the car and drove until it was dark. Gray clouds were coming out indicating that rain would be coming soon. No one spoke to each other until Noodles started to speak up.
“So where are we going and what were you going to tell us?”
The Camero pulled in behind the abandoned trailer park. The four of them got out of the car. Dexter opened the trunk and loaded the M-16.
“What are you doing, man?” asked Ron.
Dexter fired the M-16 at Ron. Bullets were lodged in his throat. He fell to the ground, his body convulsing with his arms around his neck, gargling blood. Greg kicked Dexter below the knees causing him to fall over and the M-16 landing on the ground and firing. The bullets fired into the convulsing body of Ron. He died instantly. Dexter tried to get back up, but Greg kicked him in the face. Noodles started to kick him too until Dexter grabbed both their legs and made them trip. Greg fell back on his head really hard. The blow to his head was so hard that his brain could have very well been damaged. He was knocked unconscious. Dexter ran. Noodles got up and started to follow him.
He eventually got into the Camero, and drove off. Noodles saw someone driving out of the trailer park and stopped the driver. He opened the door and threw the driver out.
Noodles followed Dexter for miles and miles. Dexter crossed a small bridge that was above a small mountain range and stopped his Camero at the end of the bridge. Noodles slowly drove on the bridge and in the middle of the bridge stopped and got out of the car.
He yelled over to Dexter.
Dexter stared at him with a blank face. A rumbling sound could be felt underneath where Noodles was standing. After the rumbling, an explosion went off in the middle of the bridge not only causing the bridge to break, but taking Noodles and the car he was in down to a dark grave. Dexter had planted TNT there earlier.
No one to this day knows Dexter’s whereabouts or why he did what he did. Police had been searching for many years. No one has spotted him.
© Copyright 2010 Dave Smith (beattothemax at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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