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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1697658
Roommates is a hot new romance/ mystery novel that is sure to set the sheets on fire.
Chapter Eleven,
As Savannah drove to her house she tried to get into a better frame of mind. She knew Jackson would be able to tell that something was wrong. But she kept going over things in her mind.
What did Greg mean when he said he had been waiting for the right moment to see her alone? she thought. And how did Greg and Susan know each other? she asked herself. She didn't like the feeling she was getting. Before she knew it, Savannah was sitting in her driveway. She looked at herself in the mirror.
"He's going to know. Oh well, I've had a bad day." Savannah got out of the car and went to the door. It was locked. That was unusual. Jackson's rental car was in the driveway and he knew she was coming over.
"Oh no, something's wrong." She had a hard time getting the key in the door. Her hands were shaking. She unlocked the door and ran in looking in the rooms as she went. Her heart was racing. She looked in his room first, then in her room. Nothing. She heard a noise in the bathroom. She pushed open the door.
"Oh !" she said. Jackson was just getting out of the shower.
"I'm sorry," she said. Jackson couldn't do anything but stand there. His towel was hanging on the back of the door. Savannah realized she should close the door. As she pulled the door closed behind her she thought she saw a smile on Jackson's face. But that's not all she had seen. She had always wondered what he looked like in the nude. Now she knew.
How am I going to look him in the eyes? She went to her room and tried to tidy up. But the room was clean, just as she had left it. There was a knock at her door.
"Savannah? Are you there?" he asked. At that moment she wished she wasn't.
"Yes. I'll be right out," she told him. She knew she had to come out sooner or later. She opened the door. Jackson was standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"Oh !" she said surprised that he wasn't dressed. She couldn't help but to notice the water droplets on his well built chest and how some of them were still running down his finely toned abs.
"I'm sorry I barged in on you. I thought something was wrong," she finally said, looking at the floor so she didn‘t look guilty.
"Wrong?" he asked.
"The door was locked and with everything going on I just thought.…You know, maybe something had happened to you," she said, stumbling over her words. Jackson smiled and hugged her.
"Thank you for worrying about me," he said. Savannah was as stiff as a board.
"What's wrong?” he asked.
"You're still wet," she told him trying not to keep looking at his body. He smiled and excused himself. The truth was, that was the closest she had been to a half naked man in a long time. While he was in his room getting dressed he realized he still had her nightgown in his room.
"Oh crap," he said. He shoved it under his pillow. Jackson walked to the kitchen where he found Savannah with a glass of wine tipped up.
"Hey, you better pace yourself." She turned around to see him close to her. He had pulled on some jeans and a royal blue button down shirt. The shirt was open and he had only buttoned up the lower three buttons on the jeans. He had left the top one undone. She could see the golden hair that trailed down his navel to the opening of the jeans where it disappeared.
Get a hold of yourself, Savannah.
"Savannah are you all right?" Jackson asked. She could feel all of the day’s events catching up with her, maybe she drank the wine too fast.
"I'll be ok, just one more glass of wine." He watched her pour a large amount this time.
"Hey, take it easy. When was the last time you ate? " he asked
"I'm not sure. Everything just seems to run together."
"I'm going to take you to eat, then you can come back here and have all the wine you want," he told her. He finished dressing and took her to a little café. They sat in a booth and he ordered her a burger and fries.
“Savannah you're getting thin and you don't look like you've had much sleep," he told her.
"Thanks, Jackson, you don't look too great yourself."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I was just worried about you, is all."
"I know. I'm just tired I guess." By this time the waitress had brought her food. She ate everything on her plate.
"Okay, I'm ready for that wine now," she told him. Jackson paid the bill and put her in the car and went back to her house. Savannah went in and grabbed the bottle.
"Now where was I?" She couldn't take it anymore. She put her head down and started to cry. She turned her back to him so he wouldn't see.
"Savannah, what's wrong?"
"I'll be fine in a bit." He put his hand on her shoulder and turned her around. She kept her head down. He placed his finger under her chin and lifted her face up.
"Hey, why are you crying?" he asked, when he saw the tears. She finally told him, thanks to the liquid courage she had from the wine, what had happened with Greg at work. Jackson wanted to find him and kill him. He didn't deserve a woman like Savannah. Who did this guy think he was?
"Do you want me to go find him and beat him up for you Savannah?" he asked. She couldn't help but laugh a little.
"I would do it if you wanted me to," he told her. She smiled.
"I know you would Jackson."
"Did he hurt you?"
"No, But I think I hurt him. Remember I told you my older brothers taught me how to defend myself. Well, they always said if all else fails, kick him……you know where," she told him as she wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Ouch," Jackson said at the thought of the pain. Savannah laughed a little more.
"I'm sorry that happened to you, Savannah." He lifted his hand to wipe a tear she had missed. The touch of his hand was almost too much for her. She longed to know how he made love. She was sure he was a gentle and passionate lover. He reached up again and pushed back a strand of hair that had fallen over her eye. She closed her eyes and moaned. He couldn't stand it he placed his hand on her cheek. She leaned into him. She needed a man like Jackson. She wanted him so much, but she knew she would never have him. Jackson placed his other hand on the back of her neck. She felt him shaking as he pulled her closer to him.
She didn't want to be the other woman, but she was so tired of fighting what she felt inside. Savannah opened her eyes just as he leaned in to kiss her. She didn't resist him. She put her hands on his chest and it felt great, just as she had imagined it. Jackson wrapped his strong arms around her and pulled her so close to him she could feel his excitement. He pushed her against the counter gently and picked her up and sat her on the edge of it. She wrapped her legs around him. He lifted her off and carried her through the den, only stopping the kiss long enough to look where he was for a moment. He stopped just before he reached his bedroom door. He let her stand up. He looked into her eyes as if he were asking if it were okay. She leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips.
"It's been a while since I've done this," she told him, afraid. She could feel her heart racing. With shaking hands he slowly unbuttoned her shirt. Then he spread it open. She looked down at the floor. She wasn't used to being looked at. Jackson lifted her face up to meet his eyes.
"You’re beautiful," he told her. She had never held a high opinion of herself. He couldn't get enough of her. He was trying to put everything in his memory. He leaned in and kissed her neck. This had an affect on her she couldn’t explain. He slowly moved his hands down her stomach until he reached the waistband of her skirt, the whole time kissing his way down her front between her breasts. He slid his hands down her legs. He knelt down in front of her. Savannah leaned back against the wall. He slowly and with shaking hands reached under her skirt and pulled down her panties. She stepped out of them with his help. He thought if his world ended right now he would die a happy man. He leaned his head against her stomach and kissed her. He kissed her through the skirt. He moved down with every kiss. Savannah thought she was going to die if he didn't make love to her. She needed him so much and he needed her, too. He pushed her skirt up and kissed her again. He kissed one thigh then the other. He kiss her between the legs. She was bare and as smooth as silk. He continued kissing and separating her silky womanhood with his tongue. She lifted her leg and placed it over his shoulder so he had better access to her. She could feel his tongue working in small circles then licking her back and forth, back and forth. As if she were an ice cream come. He sucked on her gently. That almost pushed her over the edge. But Jackson stopped and stood up. He kissed her. He took her mouth with his. He caught her tongue and sucked on it.
She caught his lower lip between her teeth. She released it and ran the tip of her tongue along the edge of it. This drove him crazy. He reached down and pulled her leg up to his hip. With the other hand he reached between her legs and spread her apart. He pushed a finger inside of her. He had large hands. He removed the finger and replaced it with two fingers. Her head went back and she started to shake; and just as she thought she couldn’t take it any more, he pulled his fingers out of her. He stopped kissing her and went down on his knees again. He never took his eyes off of hers. She was shocked by what he did next. He slipped his fingers in his own mouth as if he were licking his fingers from something sweet.
“I’ve always wanted to taste you,” he told her, still looking her in the eyes. Oh, how he had longed for this. He had imagined this a million times in his mind. He placed her leg back over his shoulder and started kissing her between her legs again. He stopped and told her not to come. She didn’t think she was going to be able to hold back if he kept up what he had been doing. He went back to kissing her. He reached around her and placed both of his hands on her butt. He stopped and looked up at her.
“Help me love you, Savannah,” he told her. She wasn’t sure what he wanted her to do.
“Put your hands down here and pull your lips apart so I can have you in my mouth,” he said in an aggressive voice. She did as he told her. He leaned in and took her in his mouth. It felt like he was French kissing her on her sweet spot.
“Oh god,” was all she could say. She could feel her leg shaking. She reached down and grabbed the back of his head pulling his hair. Savannah shuddered as she reached a sudden climax. She bucked against him but he held on to her butt with both hands. He continued licking and sucking every drop she had to give him until she was done. Jackson stood up and kissed her again.
“I love the way you taste,” he told her. Then he kissed her neck.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.
“Because once I start to make love to you I can’t stop, Savannah,” he told her. She hadn't been so sure of anything in her life.
"Yes Jackson."
"Mummm" he moaned.
"Say my name again, Savannah," he pleaded with her.
"Oh Jackson, I need you to make love to me." He reached up and pulled her hair until her head went back. Then he kissed her neck like a hungry animal that hadn’t been fed in awhile. He couldn’t get enough of her. Her skin tasted like heaven to him and he didn’t ever want to forget it. Then he took her hand and placed it on the front of his jeans.
"See what you’ve done to me." She unbuttoned his pants. He let out a low, deep throaty grown. Savannah reached inside of his jeans and loved him with her hand. He was full on hard. He was thick and long. He pushed his jeans down over his hips. They fell to the floor. His hard shaft sprang out. He reached down and lifted her up against the wall. He cupped her butt in his hands and she wrapped her legs around him. She could feel his hard shaft against her.
"Yes, Jackson," she said as if telling him it was okay. He shifted her so the head of his erection was between her legs. Then he eased her down onto it. She gasped with the shock of his hardness. He buried his face in her neck. She felt so good to him warm, wet, and tight. He began slowly rocking against her. She moved her hips to catch each thrust he gave. She wanted all of him. His legs felt as if they were going to give way. They felt like jelly. But he couldn't stop. Soon he was rocking her faster. She kept up with his thrusts.
"Oh, Savannah. I've needed you for so long," he told her. Just then she felt him exploding inside of her.
"Oh, Jackson. I know you don’t love me, but just love me for now," she told him. He felt his heart constrict with love for her. When it was over he held her there for a moment. He could still fell her warmth around his hardness. He settled her back down on the floor. She didn't want it to end. She wanted him to stay inside of her forever. He stood up and looked into her eyes. He wanted to tell her that he did love her and he had been in love with her. But he was afraid she would pull back into her self. He kissed her with such passion and force. He broke off the kiss suddenly.
"Now I want to make love to you. I want you under me." He took her hand and led her into his room. He closed the door and locked it. He faced Savannah in the middle of the room. She didn't have anything to lose. She knew he could never be hers but she was going to enjoy him while she had him, if only once. She reached up and unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off of his shoulders. He let her look at him as long as she wanted. She couldn't get enough of him. His body was beautiful to her. He reached for her and brought her to him for a kiss. He removed her shirt and reached around her and unsnapped her bra. When it fell free, he took her arms and spread them out. He wanted to look at her. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. Savannah stood in the center of the room. She closed her eyes. She was nervous about what he thought of her. Jackson put his hand on her face.
“Open your eyes. I want you to see the man that’s going to make love to you. I want you to watch as I please you,” he told her. She opened her eyes.
“Take off your skirt while I watch,” he told her sitting on the edge of the bed. Savannah slowly pushed her skirt down till it fell to the floor. She was every thing he had dreamed of. He went to her in the center of the room. He walked around her. He stopped behind her. He reached around her and cupped her breast with both hands. She leaned back against him. She could feel his hardness pressing against her butt. He squeezed her breast. He kissed her neck and pinched her nipples. Savannah let out a cry. He pinched them again. He let go of one breast and slip his hand down her stomach. He pulled her hard against him. He pushed his hand further down until it was between her legs.
He placed his feet between hers and forced her to spread her legs apart. He rubbed her between her legs, slow at first. Savannah leaned her head back on his strong shoulder. He let go of her breast and turned her face so he could have her mouth. He kisses her as he kept rubbing her. Savannah let out a moan. She could feel another climax building up. She tried to break the kiss, but he held her face and started rubbing her faster and harder. He pushed two of his big fingers inside of her. She climaxed on them. He could feel her coming. He could feel her squeeze his fingers. He kept pushing then in and out of her, the whole time kissing her. She squealed as she kissed him. She had never had anyone keep her mouth while she was coming. He slowed the pumping of his fingers until she was only moaning softly in his mouth.
He removed his hand and reached for her breast again. He pinched her nipple. This time a little harder. He let her go and walked around in front of her. She looked down at his erection. She couldn’t help herself. She reached out and took him in her hand. She stroked him back and forth, back and forth. She placed her other hand on his balls and gently squeezed. He shut his eyes and moaned. She leaned in and kissed his chest. She kissed her way down his chest until she was on her knees in front of him. He still had his eyes shut.
“Open your eyes and watch as I love you with my mouth,” she told him. Jackson felt himself become even harder. He looked down at her. She never took her eyes off of him. She took him into her mouth. She licked and kissed and sucked him until he didn’t think he could stand any more. She ran her tongue along the length of his shaft, all the while looking up at him.
“Help me love you,” she told him. Jackson reached down and placed his fingers in her hair. He pulled her head back.
“Open your mouth,” he told her. He eased the head of his penis in and out of her mouth. But only the head. He pushed in a little further with his next stroke. He stopped and held her there.
“Suck me,” he told her looking into her eyes. She began sucking him. In and out of her mouth. He pulled her hair so only the tip was in her mouth. She kept sucking him. He didn’t think he could hold off much longer. He reached down and pulled her up for a kiss.
“Why did you stop me? You didn’t like it?“ she asked.
“I had to stop you. I was about to come.” He pulled her to him and kissed her hard then let her go. He took her hand and led her to his bed. He kissed her softly. He moved down to her neck. He wrapped his arm around her and eased her back on the bed.
“Keep your eyes open, Savannah. Watch me make love to you,” he told her. She wanted him more than she had ever wanted anything before. He kissed her belly, then her breast. Then he kissed her again. He was ready to make love to her and she was ready to accept him. He lowered himself over top of her. She could fell his penis hard about to enter her. But he stopped and turned her over on to her stomach. He placed one knee in between her legs. He pushed her hair off of her shoulder and kissed her neck. She could feel his lips lightly touching her shin. He placed soft kisses all over her back. He pushed his other leg between hers. He squeezed her hip and pulled her up to meet him.
With one swift motion he took her from behind. Once he was deep inside of her he stopped. He just wanted to feel her around him, to be inside of her. He reached around to her front and placed his fingers between her legs. He wanted to satisfy her as many times as possible. That was all that mattered to him. Pleasing her. Her body reacted to his fingers. She started to move her butt against him. He could feel her getting tight. She squeezed his hardness with her womanhood. She used her muscles to milk him. While she was enjoying his hard shaft he licked his finger and placed it on her anus. She flinched and tried to pull away. He grabbed her hip and pulled her back against him hard. Pushing deep inside of her.
“Just relax. I’m not going to hurt you. I‘m going to please you in every way I can,” he told her. She trusted him. She went back to enjoying herself. Grinding her hips against him. He placed his hand back between her legs, rubbing her. After she relaxed, he massaged her anus with the tip of his finger again. She was so tight. She was so wet. He let her grind against him as long as she wanted. He wasn’t going to come again for a while. It turned him on to know he could keep himself hard so she could have her way with him. She pushed back against him. She threw her head back. Jackson knew she was getting close. He rubbed her between her legs harder. She grinded against him until he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Come on my cock, Savannah.” She was all too happy to do as he told her. She climaxed again bucking wildly against him. He took her by the hips and pushed in and out of her hard and fast until her cries subsided.. Once she was done, he turned her over and kissed her. He pushed inside of her hard. She let out a cry. He didn’t move for a moment. He could feel her soft and tight around his shaft. He could feel her tighten up. He wanted the feeling to last forever. He wanted her to be his. He was gentle at first but their hips began rocking more steadily together. He buried his face in her neck and said words he would never say out loud.
"I love you,” he told her through gritted teeth.

© Copyright 2010 Belinda212 (belinda212 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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