Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1697012-Moment-of-Ever
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Nature · #1697012
A picture taken at the right time, in the wrong moment. Cramp entrance 8/6
A scenery of green is interrupted by a single figure standing on a rocky beach. Standing by the lakeside he stares out over the naked scenery. He steps closer to the water holding his hands in the form of a frame. It is warm in the sun, as the wind keeps everything in heavy motion, and today Sebastian will capture its magic. The spot will be perfect for a new camping spot for the course, and he intended to get the pictures today, with sun, wind, and the predicted rain showing it in all its glory.

Taking a sudden step back, as a wave informs him that he has stepped a little to close to the water, he releases a excited rush of withheld air and walks back to his car. He removes the camera and the tripod from his passenger seat with care, and carries them over to his makeshift roof made of a tarp and some rope. Carefully finding the spot for the best pictures, while still staying under the tarp, proves to be a complete nerve wracking experience, but in the end he manages to talk himself into staying at a spot. He needs to do this while the sun is still here. Peeking his head out he, looks over the ridges behind him, and sees how clouds indeed flows closer over head.
Sebastian takes a breath and gets in position behind his camera.


A series of pictures are taken. The sun can be seen bathing the hillside in its light. The background shows the higher mountaintops rise behind them, all covered in trees of green. The lake sparkles in the glow, and you could almost feel the refreshment of dipping into it. He starts to wish he could have taken this with the canoes lined up on the beach as well, but that might just have to wait for next year.


Sun plays a game of charades along the sun streaked hillside, with the flowing use of the dotting clouds. Sebastian starts to wonder if that might have been a fish peeking, or even jumping, the waters surface. To bad the wife got dibs on the digital camera, even if he liked this one better. He would have loved to see that fish in one of the pictures, and wating till he got home would make him squirm in anticipation.


Watching the valley go a bit darker as clouds have moved in, fills the picture with a sense of calm serenity. The hillside does not sparkle in green any longer and the lake starts to look like a calm mirror. This view can most certainly calm any tight strung set of nerves any day, Sebastian muses. "At least I can suggest that for the brochure." he thinks with a smile, taking a sip of coffee. Deciding to take a break he stretches his back and stifles a yawn. He just needs these last sets of pictures with rain in them, and then its the long drive home for good times with the wife. She might even get to pick the movie this time, as he's sure to be too tired to argue the case. At least he might get rights to use her lap as the wonderful pillow that it is, but he doubted it, as she was all too comfortable with it the other way around. His thoughts are then to be interrupted, as a soft peck can be heard on the tarp overhead. Looking up he hears more drops land on it, and he gets in position behind his camera once more.


The rain starts to whip the lake into a slow frenzy of small water fountains. The serenity is shaken apart, as it's replaced with its own tranquillity. Nothing can be heard, except for the slow rumble that is water making contact after their long descent. The intensity rises and the valley grows darker, while it is all round drenched in the life giving rain. A thunder can be heard somewhere rolling in. Sebastian never noticed any flash of lightning. Lightning flashes this time, and is closely followed by thunder, but Sebastian wonders if he might have caught the flash over the valley in that last picture. Looking through the lens on the darker scene in front of him, flashes of lightning and the rolling thunder starts to fill in the rain's droll drumming with a show. He could see it flash across the sky, or striking behind the hills, but he doubted he got them in frame at the right time. His heart drums along inside his chest, as the adrenalin starts to rush in. If he could only get one in the frame.


He got it! He is sure of it. The lightning struck something far out into the lake, and the lake vibrated with its impact. Its electrified current could be seen flowing all around its surface in light blue on the black water. And as it sort of hit shore, Sebastian felt a small jolt through his body. The seriousness of what he was doing started to dawn on him. He stands here like some idiot in the middle of a dark and terrifying thunderstorm. Wind howling and tearing at his tarp. Rain pounding everything in its path with a mourderous beating. And lightning striking an arm throw away. Unfastening his camera and hanging it over his neck, he gets ready to pack the rest up and leave. A warm feeling, as his hair starts rising as if reacting to static, was the only warning he got, before the tree he had tied the tarp to, exploded in a flash of white electric current.

Sebastian was thrown of his feet by a wave of power. Pain shoots through him, warm searing heat and a crushing pressure in his chest. Coughing he spits out some bark and blood, before rolling over on his side. His feet are numb and his head pounds stronger then any bully he can remember ever did to it. Not really thinking he staggers up on his knee and tries to focus his eyes. He needs to find shelter. The car! He looks about him with blurry vision. His ears are ringing and muffling every sound at the same time. The redness, that might be his car, can be seen through the blur. He starts to rise in slow motion and staggers toward it. His left foot refuses to be cooperative, and he falls over on his side, the camera making another dent, and a shot of pain, in his skull. Blinking again, and feeling a warmth trickle down over his left eyebrow, he starts to see more red. Not bothering to wipe the blood away, he starts to crawl to his car, his heart still trying to beat its way out of his chest. A thunder makes it through his muffled ears, and he screams this time, before he flings his body to the ground. Panting hard now he realizes it did not hit this time, and he crawls with adrenaline shot haste over to the car and sits leaned up against it, while drawing for breath. Taking a great steadying breath he gets up, wrenches the door up, and throws himself in the back seat.
Letting go of one last exhausted exhale, he passes out.

Waking in a jolt, he hears the distant roar of some last thunder. The pains return in measure, and he keels over with nausia and almost passes out again. Remembering something, something very good, he slowly lifts his arm, and starts to fiddle in a compartment between the driver and passenger seats. There he finds his mobile phone, and lets out a pained laugh as its still working. He dials the numbers for emergency, and is given a time before an ambulance would be at his location. With a low thank you, the phone drops from his grip and he thinks with a morbid laugh. "This is definitely deserving some rest in her lap."
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