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Rick, moves into a house and is in for a big change in his life. |
Rick drove his car down the small side street, slowly to look at the addresses. He looked on the mail boxes and read the numbers and every couple of houses looked down at the newspaper. 1212 Maple was what he was looking for, 'Male only roommate wanted, to share house with five others'. That was him, a male with no place to live. Just three hours early he had broken up with his girlfreind of two years. And as he was living at her place, he had to go. She left to her parents for the weekend, telling him to be gone by the time she got back. So that left him here on Friday night, looking for a place to live. He was a part time student, though at 28 he was lazily getting his education. He did not have a lot of cash for rent, but he hoped he could find something that would work. Rick saw 1212 Maple, a dark green house, and parked his car in the first open spot on the street. He checked himself in the mirror, his boyish good looking an mop of dark hair looking back at him. He wore only a white tank top and red running shorts, but it did show off his well toned body well. He wasted no time and ran up and knocked on the front door. He only had to wait a minute until a short blonde answered the door. She was skinny, had a nice tan, was maybe a couple years younger then him and showed plenty of skin in her tiny shorts and tight gray t-shirt, but was far from what Rick considered attractive. She had the cheerleader look to her, he thought, at least the background b string cheerleaders. "Yea?" said the blonde at the door, looking him up and down. "I'm here from your ad, in the paper, male roommate wanted." Rick said. "Oh," she said, her face suddenly brightening as she opened the door, "Come in." Rick moved in side the nicely decorated living room. Everywhere he looked he saw soft, warm colors and lots of fabric hanging around, was that lace, he was not sure. Plenty of unlit candles filled the room, along with pictures of unicorns and Teddy bears. He got the feeling that no guys lived here, just from the decor. He thought that a bit odd, as he thought only guys would put out a 'male only' add. The only other person in the room was another young blonde woman on the sofa. To say this blonde was chubby would be an understatement, she was huge. She wore long black shorts and had on a white t-shirt, Rick could not help but glance at her huge breasts. She sat, cross legged on the sofa, watching him while eating a bowl full of chips. "I'm Megan," said the one behind him as she closed the door and walked back over, "And this is Sarah," she continued, pointing to the woman on the sofa. Sarah waved and mumbled a hello that was lost in a mouthful of chips. "So, I'm here about the room?" Rick said, a bit on edge, as he need a place to stay. "Oh, yes, " Replied Megan, "I think your just what we were looking for, what do you think Sarah?" "Yes," Sarah said softly, using her hand to wipe bits of chips off her face. "OK, great! Um, how much will my share of the rent be?" he asked carefully. "Oh, well, no money. For you it will be free." Megan said matter-of-factually. "Free? Are you kidding? " Rick asked skeptically. "Well, free with just one condition," stated Megan holding up her pointer finger. "What condition?" Rick asked, wondering if it would be worth living rent free. "Well, it's hard to explain....I should just show you." said Megan as she moved around the room and picked up small things such as green leaf, a black rock and a stick. She pulled a small piece of pink paper and wrote down a couple words and handed the paper to him. Rick looked down at the pink paper and the odd words, they sure were not English words. "Oh, and I'll need a......" Started Megan, before she just took a step forward and plucked a small hair off his head. Rick let out a tiny yelp and just looked at her, this woman was weird. "OK, just say all the words there," she said pointing to the pink piece of paper. Rick frowned and slowly said the odd words "Kless lo prnarm essto gan wooz," he said out-loud. Suddenly his vision blurred and he had the odd sensation of falling downward. When his vision had finally cleared, he blinked and looked around. Everything was wrong. Everything was so high up, so huge. Just in front of him were a pair of skinny, tanned legs. He followed the legs upward to see Megan, now sixty feet tall, looking down at him. Then it hit him, he had shrunk! Rick stood there, shocked that he had been shrunk. He looked around the now giant room in wonder. And then his eyes fell on the two women. Megan was just a couple feet in front of him, at least what would have once been the length of his foot. Her face was lost high above his head, partly blocked by her breasts, but to him she was mostly two huge skinny tanned legs. He looked over at the other woman, Sarah, on the sofa. She had been huge before, and now at his tiny size she was as big as a planet. Again his eyes were drawn to her huge breasts and he realized that he was smaller then one of her breasts. "What, what just happened?" Rick finally managed to say. "You shrunk," Answered Megan, leaning forward and looking down at Rick. "Wait...what....how?" Rick stammered out. "Magic." Megen stated flatly. Sarah just smiled when that was said. "Oh...right....why?" he asked, looking up at her. "Like I said...this is the one condition for you to live here," she replied flatly. "Oh...right....rent free?" he asked "Yup, nothing. Just as long as your on the property you will be this small. Six inches here, but you will be your normal size elsewhere." She replied with a bit more normal voice. "So, I'm small while I'm here, but rent free. Utilities?" Rick asked "Your way to small to really use an utilities," she replied in her flat tone again. "Right." Rick nodded, as that was the first thing that made sense. "So, what do you think?" Megan asked. "Yes." Rick answered quickly, even as he thought he should think about this a bit more. Somehow it just felt right though, and he did need a place to live. And what did it matter if he was small at home, where he would mostly just be asleep anyway. "Great!" said Megan, with glee in her voice as she turned and looked a Sarah, "When can you move in?" turning back to look down at Rick. "Well, right now. I'll have my stuff here first thing tomorrow," he answered, already thinking ahead. "Alright, the will work. I should be able to get everyone here in the after noon so you can meet all five of your new roommates. Alright and we can work out the other stuff then too. See you then." Said Megan. Then she walked over to the front door and opened it and quickly left the room. Rick just shook his head and looked out the open door way, then turned to look up a Sarah, who had not moved an inch on the sofa. Sarah just smiled and gave a little wave with her fingers. Rick waved back to her and turned and walked out the doorway onto the porch. And stopped when he got to the huge steps. The steps that he just about leaped up before, were much bigger now. Right, he thought, she said on the property. Still the steps were not that big an obstacle and he was able to hop down them one at a time and walk across the lawn. Then as soon as he passed the curb on the street, he was his normal six foot height. He glanced back at the house and shock his head and then got in his car and drove off. Rick spent the rest of Friday packing up his stuff. And as his luck would have it, nearly everyone was busy come Saturday morning and could not help him move. He did get his friend Chuck to drop off his pick-up truck, but the only one who was able to help him move was Amy. He had known Amy for years, a friend of an old girlfreind of his long forgotten. He had never had anything with her other then friendship though. Amy was attractive enough with her dark Italian skin, long black hair, plentiful curves and plenty , but in the end she just was not his type. And as far as he knew, she felt the same way. And he could not move everything by himself. It was just past nine in the morning when they pulled up in the pick-up truck full of his stuff and parked across the street from the house. Both rick and Amy were dressed alike, in both jean shorts and white tank tops "That's it?" said Amy, getting out of the pick-up and looking at the house. "Yup, my new home. Lets move my trunk first," Said Rick as he got out and moved to the back of the pick up and lowered the tail gate. Amy moved back to join him and then they lifted the trunk up and out of the trunk bed. "I'll walk backwards," Rick offered as they moved the trunk across the street and aiming to walk up the driveway. Of course, as soon as stepped over the curb, he shrank down to six inches. This caused him to drop the chest and fall down on the drive way. With Rick suddenly gone, Amy dropped her side of the chest too and fell backwards onto her but. "Rick?" Amy sat there and looked up the driveway. Where could he have gone so fast, she thought. Then from just in front of here she thought she heard a tiny voice swear, but there was no one there that she could see. Slowly she got up onto her feet and walked around the chest, where she saw a tiny man getting up off the ground. The man could not have been more then six inches tall and he had on the same jean shorts and white tank top as........ "Rick?" Asked Amy pushing her hair out of her face and looking down. "Yea, it's me," Replied Rick looking up at Amy, "I, um, forgot about this part" "Part? Rick, what is going on?" Said Amy. "Yea, I get to stay here rent free and all...but while I'm here I'm shrunken," explained Rick "Oh my gosh, Rick that is so weird..this is so weird," Said Amy, tilting her head to the side, "But you know what? You sure are all cute tiny like this." "Yea, I know, " Rick replied automatically, then stopped himself, listing to her words in his head, "Wait! What?" Amy looked down at Rick with a big smile on her face. Rick took a small step back and looked up at Amy. She was something like sixty feet tall to him now, even just her knee was over his head. She squatted down and reached out and grabbed the little man with her right hand. Rick did not even have time to react as her hand grabbed him. The sensation of a huge woman's hand covering more then half his body was strange. He felt an overwhelming feeling of helplessness, as she easily picked him up off the ground. "Wow, you are so light!" Said Amy as she giggled and picked up little Rick and moved him up and down. Rick gripped her fingers tight with both hands, filled with a fear of falling. "Yea, Amy I'm...small and light. No big deal. How about you put me down now, " Said Rick, trying to sound calm and in control that he did not feel at all. He glanced at the street, that was only a couple of feet away, where he would be normal sized. "Oh yes you are!" Purred Amy, "Small and little...like a baby!" Amy kept smiling. "What?" Rick mumbled. Amy was not listening to him, as she lifted up her shirt and then lifted up her bra. Rick went wide eyed seeing her giant, exposed breast. It was so, so big to him. Bigger then his whole body, but for all the horror, he had to admit he was excited Amy moved little Rick up and over and pressed his little body against her breast, placing his small head on her now hard nipple. "Now little Baby Rick drink up from Mommy Amy's big breast!" Said Amy. In just that instant revulsion filled Rick and he squirmed in her grip. What she had just said was so gross, he could just not accept it. He had to get away. She was crazy. With a good twist, he got out of her grip and fell the couple feet to the round. He quickly rolled to his feet and ran around her down the driveway and into the street. Where he was suddenly his normal six foot size. He stopped running and turned around, looking down at her, even as she turned to look at him. Then Amy slid her bra and shirt back into place and stood up. Rick just stood there in the street, watching her. "I...I should go," said Amy, only half looking over her shoulder at him, before she turned and ran down the sidewalk and out of sight. Rick did not say anything, and just watched her leave. What had just happened was so surreal. He was having a hard time accepting it. Then the front door opened and both Megan and Sarah came outside and onto the front lawn. "Your here," Said Megan, quickly walking over to Rick, "Here, let me back your pick-up truck in, and you get up on the lawn, " she continued in her flat tone. Rick only glanced at her and reached into his pocket and giver her the keys. Then walked onto the front lawn, and stood there, now just six inches tall. He was not watching much around him, but did look around to make sure Amy was not in the area. He wondered if they had seen him and Amy in the driveway. It took Megan three tries to back the truck straight up the drive, but finally she got it. And just as she turned off the engine, huge hands grabbed little Rick. His first thought was of giant Amy and her grabbing him. He started to struggle and looked behind him, to see the happy and sweet face of Sarah. It was Sarah who had picked him up and was holding him. And her grip was nice and gentile, he hardly knew her, but he just got the overpowering feeling she would not harm him. Sarah carefully walked over to the pick-up truck and set little Rick down in the back. Rick found himself by all his giant stuff, and that was an odd feeling, as he looked a his pair of white sneakers that where bigger then he was at the moment. Megan walked over and set down all sorts of small items in the pick-up bed, right by Rick, including a green leaf, a black rock and a crystal ball. Then she pulled out two small sheets of pink paper, one of witch she gave to Sarah. Sarah unfolded the paper and held it down low so Rick could read it. "OK, Rick, say all the words with me," Megan said, holding a long brown stick. Rick did not bother to reply, he just read out loud the long string of words written on the pink paper. He did note that Megan's voice was so loud that it totally drowned his out as they said the words together though. Then they said the last word and it was quiet. "It worked!" Said Sarah happily, the first time she had spoken. Rick just blinked and looked around. He was shocked to see all his stuff in the bed of the pick-up truck was now just right for his size. "You shrank all my stuff!" said Rick in amazement, looking at all his now tiny stuff. "Yup, " Replayed Megan, "And made the spell permanent and added some tweaks," "Tweaks? " Asked Rick. "Yup, like anything small you take with you outside the property becomes big and anything you bring in becomes small, " Megan said in her flat tone. "Guess that makes sense," Said Rick, "Well lets get this stuff unloaded." He then grabbed his stuffed gym back and Sarah picked him up and placed him on the ground. By the time he got inside the house and set the bag down by the door, Megan and Sarah had unloaded everything else from the pick-up truck. It was very easy for them, as all his stuff was was quite small to them. They made a small pile of his stuff by the door. "Where is my room?" Asked Rick. "Well, you don't need a whole room you know. You don't take up that much space. Faye has the basement bedroom, Sarah and I have the two bed rooms on the ground floor and Jill and Kate are upstairs. But for now, while you adjust, we will just have you stay in my room." Said Megan. They quickly moved Rick's little pile of stuff into one of the bedrooms at the end of the hall. The color of the room was all in reds and blacks and full of lots of odd stuff. "All right, I'll unpack later. I need to get the truck back and take care of some stuff," said Rick. "OK," Said Megan, "I'm trying to get everyone here at about three, so you can meet everyone." "I will be back by then, " Said Rick with a nod. Megan pulled the pick-up truck back into the street, and then Rick headed off. Rick made it back to the house just before two in the afternoon and parked across the street. He did not even notice much when he shrank down and walked up the driveway. Rick slowly made his way up the big stone steps in front of the house and walked through the wide open front door. Sarah was siting, cross-legged on the sofa, much as she was yesterday. Rick gave her a wave and she looked down at him with a big smile. "Hey, you need help with anything?" Said Sarah with a bit of excitement. "Er, no, not really. I was just gonna unpack some stuff and all." Rick replied. "Oh," Said Sarah softly as she looked back to the TV. Rick then walked down the hallway to Megan's room and the pile of his stuff in the corner. He glanced around the room and saw Megan was not around and then got to work. He when through his boxes and bags and started to sort everything out. He found he had quite a few piles of dirty laundry. Then he saw the wooden furniture that was just his size, a bed, table, chairs,a wardrobe, a dresser, a desk and a nightstand. As he looked them over, he wondered if they were real shrunken furniture or doll furniture, thought it really did not matter. He sorted through his clean clothing and filled the wardrobe and dresser. Then, looking at the two pieces of furniture, he figured they would be better placed by the wall. So with a grunt he lifted the dresser a bit and moved it a couple feet closer to the wall, before setting it down again. He wiped the sweat off his brow and had the thought that if he removed the drawers of clothing it would be lighter, but that felt like too much work. Rick then turned his head and looked up and was shocked to see Megan standing there, looking down and watching him. He wondered how she could of came in the room with out him noticing. She was after all a hard to miss sixty foot tall giant. Megan quickly fell down to her knees and then just as quickly fell down to sit on the floor. Rick clutched the dresser tight and almost leaped behind it. She had moved her massive bulk so fast, it only took her like two seconds to sit down. Somehow he felt that a giant person would move slower. He was just not prepared for the fast moving form of a giant woman. "Putting things away?" Megan asked as she leaned forward a bit. "Yea," Rick managed to say, still holding the dresser tightly. "Here, let me give you a hand moving that, " she said, reaching for the dresser. Rick felt a bit of shock, seeing her giant hand come towards him. He wanted to say something like 'no, that is alright I got it', but somehow the words never made it out of his throat. Her giant fingers started to wrap around the dresser and Rick let go and leaped backwards. He then stood there and watched as she picked up the, well toy dresser to her, and moved it over next to the wall. She had moved in a second what would have taken him several minutes at least to move. And she had done it effortlessly. The dresser that was heavy to him, weighed nothing to her. He was a big, strong guy and he did not like this new feeling he got, the feeling of weakness. "Is that good? Is that where you wanted it?" Megan asked. "Yes, that's good," Replied Rick, not even looking, his eyes fixed on her massive hand and arm. Megan just nodded and moved the wardrobe over against the wall too, while Rick just stood there and watched. He could not help but feel weak watching her move the furniture. Maybe he did not think this whole thing through, was being small and weak worth no rent? "Well, it's three and everyone is here in the living room and ready to meet you, " Said Megan taking a deep breath. "Oh?" Said Rick, as the feeling of weakness passed from him. He thought the whole being so small and weak would bother him more, but it not feel so bad now. So what if he could not move around furniture easily at home. That did not really matter. And anyway, he could have moved the furniture, it would have just taken a lot more effort on his part. "Yup, Come on," Said Megan, quickly getting to her feet and walking out of the room in less then five seconds. Rick just stood there, buffed a bit by the air she stirred by moving. Rick slowly made his way out of Megan's room and into the hallway. What was only four steps for Megan was twenty for Rick, and that was only from the room to the hallway. He then had to walk all the way down the hallway to the living room. As he walked along, he wondered why Megan did not just pick him up? He knew that Sarah would have. She was so helpful getting him into his truck earlier. Yet Megan had just walked off, and left him to make the trek to the living room. Still, soon enough he made it to the living room, where he saw Megan and Sarah and three other women he did not know. "And there he is ladies!" announced Megan who was keeping an eye on the hallway. The conversations in the living room stopped and five pairs of giant eyes turned on tiny six inch man. Rick felt a shiver run down his spine and felt very small, in a room full of mostly unknown giant women. "OK, lets get this over with," Said Megan moving to the center of the room, between Rick and the other five women. She then turned back to look down at Rick and patted her thigh. "Come here.....here" Said Megan, pointing to a spot next to her. Rick simply nodded and moved forward, to stand next to Megan's massive foot and leg. "OK, Well...you know Sarah," Indicated Megan waving her hand at Sarah, who was still sitting on the sofa. Rick just nodded again. "Next to Sarah is Fey," Said Megan, pointing to the other woman on the sofa. Fey was a slim woman with a mess of long black hair. Her skin was almost pure white, Rick wondered if her skin had ever even seen the light of the sun. She wore tight black leggings and a tight red top that showed off her well formed breasts. Her breasts where bigger then Megans', but not as big a Sarahs', of course. Her shoes were ugly black flip-flops, and she had plenty of shiny metal percings on her face. She was not the kind of woman that Rick liked at all, in fact he could not even recall dating a woman without a tan...ever. "Then next is Kate," Said Megan, pointing to the woman in the chair. Kate was quite attractive and another slim blonde, much like Megan. But Kate was everything that Megan was not. Kate had a fit and tone body and very nice skin, but otherwise they made a sort of odd pair of twins. Rick let out a little smile, thinking finally a good looking roommate. She was dressed in light tan shorts and a roomy white t-shirt with some sort of high heeled shoes on her feet. The only thing that turned Rick off about her, where the tiny wire rimmed glasses she wore and more then that the closed book she held in her left hand. He just did not like smart, brainy chicks. "And last but not least, Jill," Said Megan, pointing to the woman standing by the window. Jill was quite attractive as well, with dark Mediterranean skin and lots of nice round curves. Rick was sure attracted to her fit body and her fit curves. Her long black hair was pulled back in a pony tail and she wore just a red pair of shorts and a blue T-shirt. Her feet were bare and shoeless. She had nice full breasts, easily the biggest of the room mates, after Sarah, of course. And while Rick was attracted to Jill easy enough, her round features and especially round face were just a little too cute for him. As a rule he just did not like cute women and liked more mature looking ones. "And, Everyone, This is Rick," Said Megan, pointing down at Rick, "Our new room mate." "OK, well, we should go over the House Rules. Lets see, no guests past midnight and....well most of the rules just don't apply to you Rick. You won't make too much noise or take other peoples stuff after all. And even if you eat someones food it won't be enough to notice. One special rule for you though, you should try and let someone know your around so you don't accidentally get caught under foot or such. And of course, if you need help reaching something or getting something just ask." Said Megan as she moved about the floor. "OK," Said Rick. "We got the little doors up over the doggie holes as you can see," Continued Megan walking over to the front door and pointing. Where the dog flap would have been, was a wooden panel with a small seven inch door in it. "Oh,um, wow, nice," Said Rick, thinking it was a bit strange. It did make sense he guessed as he could not open the regular house door at his six inch size. "And here are your keys, " said Megan as she walked over to rick and squatted down. She then set her hand on the floor face up. In the large palm of her hand was a tiny key ring. Rick walked over and picked up the key ring with the four keys off the palm of her hand. The keys were normal sized to tiny Rick and he could fit them in his pocket, but in Megan's hand they looked like a tiny speck. "I think that is everything, " said Megan, standing up, "lets just get to know each other a bit." For almost the next two hours Rick got to know his roommates a bit. Much like him they were all students somewhere and living here to save money. Kate and Jill said they had boyfriends, Megan, Fey and Sarah all said they were single. Rick had a hard time remembering any thing else they told him. He told them a little about himself, his break up with his former girlfreind and needing a place to stay. He wanted to ask about the whole small thing, but never got a good opening. It was just before eight at night when people mentioned plans for the Saturday night. Rick, remembered that he had plans too. He had a date with Lisa, who he had only met a couple hours before. He felt kind proud he still could easily pick up a woman. Everyone scattered and started getting ready to go out. Rick walked down the hall to Megan's room and looked for something to wear. He picked out some nice clothing, then sniffed himself a bit. He could smell a bit of odor, but figured he could take a shower anyway. In just a pair of well worn boxer shorts he walked down the hall towards the bathroom. As he walked down the huge eighty foot high walled hallway, he suddenly remembered his current six inch height. Just how was he supposed to take a shower anyway? The bathroom door was open and he walked up and stood in the open doorway. Kate was standing at the sink applying make-up in the mirror, still dressed as she was before. The tub's shower curtain was closed and he could hear the rumble of the running water. Rick just stood there and shook his head. Six inches or not, he was still sharing a house with five women. Rick stood in the open bathroom doorway. Kate had not so much as looked down, fully concentrating on putting on her make-up. Rick wondered if he should try to get her attention, maybe he could wash off in the sink. The thought of that just felt too weird to him, and he did not even know Kate. He looked over towards the tub and wondered who was taking a shower. Maybe he could just jump in for a couple seconds. Again, though, that felt weird. So he just turned and walked back down the hall to Megan's room and got dressed. He then added a little extra body spray, and old trick of his, but it worked. Rick then headed out of the house, using his little keys for the first time. Then quickly walked across the yard and into the street. The now normal sized Rick then got into his car and drove off to meet Lisa for their date. It was well after midnight when Rick came back home and found a spot on the street to park his car. His date had gone well enough for a first date and he had a great time. Lisa was just his kind of woman, she had a super hot body and no brain. He did not get anything other then a couple of kisses tonight, though, but it was their first date after all. He walked down the dark street towards the house, slowly, his foot steps quite unsure. He had a bit too much to drink tonight and it was starting to catch up with him. As he walked over the curb he shrunk down to his six inch height, making the walk up the driveway quite far in distance. As he approached the house he stopped and looked at a giant bush, that he then urinated on. After all he still had not figured out how to use the toilet at his size, he would have to ask about that. Rick made his way up the giant stone steps slowly and then fumbled around with his key and unlocked the little door. The house was mostly dark, except for the several plug in night lights that lit up small sections of the floors. And he saw the TV was on, showing a blank screen with the words 'DVD' bouncing around. As he walked past the TV, he noticed that someone was sleeping on the sofa. He stopped to look and by the light from the television screen, he could see that it was Sarah. She was laying on her side, peacefully asleep. He wondered if she even went out tonight, or did she just sit home and watch DVD's until she fell asleep on the sofa. His eyes wandered over to Sarah's breasts . He watched her breasts slowly rise and fall as she breathed. He was still in awe of the size of her breasts, especially to him now. They where bigger then he was. His tiny bed, all the way down the hall in Megan's room suddenly felt very far away. Sarah's breasts, however, looked nice and soft and they were only a couple of steps away. Rick stumbled towards the sofa kicking off his shoes as he went. He tossed off the rest of his clothing, except his boxer shorts and grabbed the sofa cover and climbed up onto the cushion. Then he crawled along until he reached her breasts. Then he simply fell down onto her breast. He found it to be as warm and soft as he thought it would be. He thought that he might wiggle under her shirt too, but that was the last thought he had before he fell asleep. Rick woke up in the morning, laying on the sofa, alone. He was covered from the waist down by a huge red blanket. He sat up and blinked and looked around. The living room was empty, but he could hear noises from behind him in the kitchen. The back of the twenty foot high sofa blocked his view of the kitchen, of course. Suddenly he remembered last night and how he came home and climbed up onto the sofa. And onto Sarah's breasts. Sarah was not on the sofa now. What had happened? Did she wake-up and find him laying on her breast? He suddenly felt wrong taking advantage of her like that. He felt his bowels stir and thought about the giant toilet down the hall. He then stretched his arms and let out a long yawn. Suddenly, Megan's head and shoulders leaned over the back of the sofa and looked down at him. "Finally awake sleepy-head?" Megan asked with a smile. "Oh..um..yea," said Rick, "But I need to use the toilet." "Oh, no problem. I have it all set-up for you to use the toilet and take a bath." said Megan. Then Megan turned and walked away. Rick blinked for a second and then slid himself off the sofa. He landed on the floor with a soft thump and quickly walked down the hallway and into the bathroom. The room was empty of anyone, but the shower curtain was halfway closed. Rick's eyes were drawn to the bright red plastic ladders. There were three of them, all just the right size for him. One ladder lead up to the toilet seat, one ladder lead to the top of the tub wall and one ladder went down into the tub itself. Rick wasted no time climbing the ladder to the toilet and relieving himself. Then he climbed back down to the floor and up the ladder to the tub wall, where he found several tiny white towels. He took off his boxer shorts and then climbed down into the tub. He found the tub filled with a couple of inches of warm water, about knee high to tiny Rick. A small toy plastic table has suction cups holding it in place. On the table he saw a bowl of shampoo and a sliver of soap. He felt strange taking a bath, he could not remember the last time he had even done so. He splashed around in the water a bit and then grabbed the little sliver of soap. Suddenly rick heard the sound of footsteps. He turned to look to see who had entered the bathroom, but the shower curtain blocked his view. He heard the unmistakable sounds of someone moving around. He slowly took a couple steps forward and looked around the curtain. Fey stood in front of the toilet, facing away from it, slowly undoing the buttons on the green dress she wore. Rick stayed still and tried not to make any noise. Did she even know he was there? Did she look into the tub? Did she just not care? Or did she not even think to look? Suddenly with a quick movement Fey dropped the dress to the floor. She now stood in front of the toilet, naked except for a pair of white panties, she was not wearing a bra. Rick's eyes wandered up and down her smooth white skin and to her firm breasts. He noticed she had very tiny nipples. Fey then reached down and pushed her panties down and let them fall to her ankles. She now stood before him completely naked. Then she sat down on the toilet. Rick just stood there, naked as well, in the tub. He figured now would be a bad time to get her attention. He thought to himself that she had not even looked down once. He was so small to be beneath notice, but most people just did not look down much. She sat on the toilet for a couple minutes and then grabbed four tiny squares of toilet paper and used them. Then Fey stood up and quickly got dressed, flushed the toilet and left the bathroom. Rick just stood there and watched her. The sight of a naked sixty foot tall woman was quite amazing. Six inch Rick simply stood there in the bathtub. He could not believe what he just saw, a giant naked woman. He found it hard to focus clearly on the memory, she was covered in tattoos and piercings, but he could not remember where on her body. Her naked body was foremost in his mind, and this felt odd to Rick as she was not even close to attractive to him. She just was not the kind of woman that he liked, yet he was still thinking about her minutes after she had left the room. Was it just because of her size, he wondered. He had never seen a giant naked woman before, of course. He had only lived here a day, but he did not think that he would see any of his roommates naked. He had lived with a woman or two before and hardly saw anything more then an occasional bare foot. Fey had simply come in and used the toilet after all, she was not putting on a show for him. She did not even know he was there, right? It felt odd to Rick to be so over looked. Rick's stomach grumbled and he pushed all of the thoughts of giant naked Fey out of his mind. He quickly washed himself up and rinsed off, thinking that he did not like taking a bath. He then climbed up the red plastic ladder to the tub rim and used a tiny towel to dry off. Then he wrapped a towel around his waste and climbed down to the floor. It was a bit of a walk out of the bathroom and down the hall and into Megan's room, but at least Rick was nice and dry by that time. Rick went through his clothing and looked for something to wear. He noticed right away that he sure had a lot of dirty clothes, he might have to do laundry soon. He found a clean shirt and shorts and slipped on his sandals, even as his stomach grumbled again. He then made the long walk into the kitchen. Sarah sat at the kitchen table eating, while Megan was cooking at the stove. Both had on blue shorts, Sarah's long and baggy and Megan's short and tight. They had different tops to be sure, Sarah in a over-sized white tee shirt and Megan in a tight white tank top. Megan, watching the floor as well as the food, smiled as he walked into the kitchen. "Just in time," Megan said as she turned off the stove top. "Yea, I'm hungry too," Said Rick, looking up at the tabletop, some thirty feet above his head. He wondered if he would eat at the big table, or was there a tiny table around here? He did not see a little table his size around on the floor, and wondered how he could get up to the top of the table. He hoped that he was not going to eat on the floor....like a pet. "I got your place set up there," said Megan pointing at the table. Rick looked over, but could not see the table top from the floor. He did see the rope ladder leading up to the table top. He walked over to the ladder and looked up. He could climb it easy enough, though, it just felt like such a hassle. Rick put his left foot on the bottom rung, just as a huge creak filled the air as Sarah moved her chair back. Then Sarah's large soft hand grabbed him from behind and lifted him up and off the ground and on to the top of the table. Rick had to shake his head and blink at the sudden change of view. He wondered if he would ever get used to being picked up so easily. Sarah just smiled and sat herself back down. The table top had flowers in the middle as well as two place settings for Sarah and Megan, and a tiny toy table and chair for him. Rick walked over to his table and saw it had it's own tiny place setting. He then sat himself own on the tiny chair, thinking it was a bit odd that he was sitting on a chair at a table, on a table. A shadow fell over Rick as Megan moved a huge pan over his head. He watched as she used a plastic spoon to move a tiny bit of scrambled eggs to his plate. The bit of scrambled eggs covered half his plate, but was only a bit in the spoon. He then watched as she scooped out a huge pile of scrambled eggs onto Sarah's plate. A pile bigger then Rick's whole body. Megan then placed a bit of bacon, toast and juice on his plate. He was busy watching Sarah's plate pile up with more food then he could ever eat. Megan then served herself and sat down. Both Sarah and Megan then started to eat. Rick watched the two of them, eating bites of food that were about half his size. He felt very odd being on the table, just a couple feet from each of their plates. He almost felt like he was food, sitting on the table like he was, and that was an odd feeling. Still Rick picked up his tiny fork and ate his breakfast. He felt the need to finish and get off the table. Megan finished up her breakfast and left the kitchen. Sarah ate every bit of food on her plate and every other bit of food in sight. Rick finished his food, even as Sarah scrapped the last bit of eggs from the pan. Sarah then started moving about the kitchen and cleaning up. Rick got up and headed over to his plastic ladder. He only got to put his right off on one rung before Sarah's giant hand gently picked him up and set him on the floor. By the time Rick had even turned around, now on the floor, Sarah was gone. Her saw her across the kitchen washing something in the sink. It was odd how fast she could move, grab him and walk away. All without much sound or even saying anything to him. Rick walked down to Megan's bed room and found his cell phone. He made a couple quick calls to his friends. It did not take him long to discover that everyone he knew was busy this Sunday. He scrolled through his contacts, and his thumb hovered over Amy's name. He had not talked to her sense the other day, and he wondered if he should call. He thought it over and decided to wait and set his phone back down. He felt single for the first time. After all, a normal Sunday afternoon was a good time to hang out with a girlfreind. He thought of Lisa, of course, but they had only had their first date last night. It felt too needy to call her today. So that left him with nothing to do. Then Megan entered the bed room and picked up a couple of articles of her clothing. "Do you have any laundry to do?" she asked as she turned and looked down. "Yea, I do...." Replied Rick, scratching his head. "Well, bring it over to the laundry room. I'm doing a couple loads," Then she walked out of the bedroom. "OK," Rick half said, but she was already gone. So he gathered up all of his dirty clothing and found that he had five good sacks full. He then slowly made his way down the hallway and through the kitchen and into the laundry room. Megan stood in front of the washing machine looking down at the doorway. "Just in time," said Megan. And she reached down and picked him up, laundry and all. Rick was shocked, as she normally avoided picking him up. Did she run out of tiny plastic ladders? He somewhat expected to find a ladder next to the washing machine. Megan's hand was much smaller and slimmer then Sarah's. Megan's grip was also a bit tighter, and Rick felt the pressure of her grip. He was about to say something, as she gently set him down on the edge of the washer. Rick stood on the edge of the washing machine and looked down inside. Slowly the machine was filling with water, over piles of giant bras and panties. "Oh, um, when will you do a normal load?" asked Rick "It's a load of delicates," replied Megan. "But I have normal clothes, " He said. "Oh, well," She smiled, "your clothes are small and delicate. We can't wash them with our normal clothing. It's best to wash them with our under garments." "Ah," said Rick with a nod. He then dumped each of his sacks of dirty laundry into the bottom of the washing machine. Megan's cell phone rang and she answered it as she walked out of the laundry room. Rick looked down into the washing machine, at all of his tiny shorts, shirts and other clothing dwarfed by the piles of giant bras and panties. It was an odd sight to say the least, to see his white deer shirt laying on a giant pick bra. All his clothing looked like nothing next to the giant underwear. He found himself wondering what was whose. He could guess the giant black panties with white skulls was Feys', but the rest he was not so sure. He could pick out what must be Sarah's white bras though, as they were heavy and thick and were much bigger then the other bras. After a couple minutes the machine was full and it slowly started to wash the clothing. Rick stood on top of the washing machine, next to the open lid, and looked down at the clothing being washed. Giant women's underwear swamped his tiny bits of clothing as they all swirled around in the machine. After a minute Rick looked up and around the empty laundry room. The bright sunlight came in trough the windows, along with the heat. He could tell it was quite a nice, warm day outside. He thought that he had not even been in the back yard yet, so why not go have a look. Megan had run off when her phone rang, and now he was stuck on top of a thirty foot tall washing machine. He wondered if he should call for help. The laundry room was right next to the kitchen, and he knew Sarah was in there cleaning up. Still, he just did not feel like always asking for help. He was tiny, not helpless. He looked down and saw a laundry basket, full of folded up clean clothes. Rick simply smiled and jumped. The clothing made for a nice soft landing and he was able to climb out of the laundry basket easy enough. Rick made his way to the kitchen. Sarah was at the sink, washing dishes. He stopped to look up at her, thinking that he had not seen her much from behind before. And Sarah had a huge behind, far larger then he was. He suddenly got the fear of what it would be like to be sat on by her giant but and looked away. He moved across the kitchen to the side door and the tiny door inside it that was just the right size for him. He opened it and went outside. It was a blazing hot summer day and he felt the sun beating down above him. He then headed down the giant stone steps and into the driveway. Slowly he made is way into the backyard, noticing how big everything was to him. A bright shine caught he eye and he turned to look. Just a couple feet away from him, in the grass, lay Kate. Kate's sixty foot long body was spread out in front of six inch tall Rick like a massive landscape of woman parts. She was laying on her belly, in a bright pink string bikini, reading a book she held in front of her on the ground. Her sliver watch, gave off a big shine in the sunlight. He could see she had a nice tan already, and no tan lines. Her body was not that bad looking, but she had no real curves to her, her body was mostly flat and almost blocky. Her body was fit and tight, but just did not have that sexy quality that he liked in women. And to top it all off she was reading a book and that made her a smart chick. Rick stood there, not sure of what to do. He figured he would just make a little exit and not disturb her, so he turned around and headed away. "Rick?" said Kate's voice across the backyard. "Yea, it's me," said Rick half turning back to look at her and wave. "You have good timing, little man," Said Kate, "would you be a doll and come over here and give me a little hand?" "Sure," said Rick with a bit of a chirp. He walked over to stand just in front of her, the whole time thinking about what she had just said. Little man? A doll? Little hand? The words she said just made him feel weird. Maybe it was just the way she said it, though. "I can start to feel a little burn on my back, would you rub some sunscreen on it?" Said Kate. "No problem," Rick answered, quite automatically. This was not the first time he'd rubbed something on a woman's back after all. Though, all those other times he was not so small. Kate picked up the bottle of sunscreen and opened the cap. Then she twisted her torso around and set the bottle down on her but. Then she closed her book and lad all the way down and closed her eyes. Rick just stood there and watched, thinking how could he ever rub lotion on to her back. Maybe he could get her to walk over into the street for a couple minutes. "Ow, I can feel my skin burning, hurry up little man," Said Kate, breaking his thoughts. |